Contract-0.1: Practical typed lazy contracts.

Safe HaskellNone



Practical typed lazy contracts. Author: Olaf Chitil. Version: July 2012.

Contracts describe properties of expressions (esp. functions) that are checked at run-time. Thus these properties are both documented and enforced. Contracts are more expressive than static types. If a contract is violated, then an informative exception is raised.

Example uses:

 head' = $attach head (pNotNil >-> true)
 nat :: (Integral a, Flat a) => Contract a
 nat = prop (>=0)
 fibs = $assert (list nat) (0 : 1 : zipWith (+) fibs (tail fibs))
 conjNF = $(p ’And) conjNF conjNF |> disj
 disj   = $(p ’Or)  disj disj |> lit
 lit    = $(p ’Not) atom |> atom
 atom   = $(p ’Atom) true
 clausalNF' = $attach clausalNF (conjNF & right >-> list (list lit))

See or Olaf Chitil: Practical Typed Lazy Contracts, ICFP 2012, ACM.

Any user module will need Template Haskell. They will also need DeriveDataTypeable, if they use the deriving combinators for algebraic data types: p, pNot or deriveContracts.



data Contract a Source

The contract type.

data ContractFailed Source

The exception raised when a contact fails.



data Partner Source

Different contract partners. For any violated contract a partner is blamed.




assert :: Q ExpSource

Connect a contract with an expression. The resulting expression is the same except that the contract is monitored for it at runtime. assert splices in code that adds the current location in the module file.

 $assert :: Contract a -> a -> a

attach :: Q ExpSource

Same as assert with arguments swapped. Useful for attaching contracts in simple variable definitions: fun' = $attach fun contract

 $attach :: a -> Contract a -> a

(&) :: Contract a -> Contract a -> Contract aSource

Conjunction of two contracts.

(|>) :: Contract a -> Contract a -> Contract aSource

Disjunction of contracts, given priority to first.

(>->) :: Contract a -> Contract b -> Contract (a -> b)Source

Function contract combinator, taking contracts for pre- and post-condition.

(>>->) :: Contract a -> (a -> Contract b) -> Contract (a -> b)Source

Dependent function contract combinator. The post-condition also takes the function argument. Warning: This combinator does not protect laziness!

true :: Contract aSource

Contract that always succeeds.

false :: Contract aSource

Contract that always fails, blaming the client.

class Show a => Flat a whereSource

Class of all flat types, for which contract prop works.

A type is flat if its only partial value is bottom / undefined. In other words: an expression of the type is either unevaluted or fully evaluated, never properly partially evaluated.


prop :: (a -> Bool) -> Contract aSource

p :: Name -> ExpQSource

Pattern contract for given constructor. The argument must be the name of a data constructor. E.g. $(p 'Left)

pNot :: Name -> ExpQSource

Negated pattern contract for a given constructor. The argument must be the name of a data constructor. E.g. $(pNot 'Left)

deriveContracts :: Name -> Q [Dec]Source

For a given algebraic data type declare pattern contracts for all constructors. The argument must be the name of an algebraic data type. E.g. $(deriveContracts ''Either)

dropContext :: Contract a -> Contract aSource

Drop context information in a contract to avoid unbound context growth. Can be wrapped around any context.

pNil :: Contract [a]Source

Contract for empty list.

pCons :: Contract a -> Contract [a] -> Contract [a]Source

Contract combinator for non-empty list. Cf. (:) :: a -> [a] -> [a]

(=:) :: Contract a -> Contract [a] -> Contract [a]Source

Alternative name for pCons.

pNotNil :: Contract [a]Source

Contract for non-empty list.

pNotCons :: Contract [a]Source

Contract for not non-empty list, i.e., empty list.

list :: Contract a -> Contract [a]Source

Contract combinator for list with elements meeting given contract.

io :: Contract a -> Contract (IO a)Source

Contract combinator for IO-monad with return value meeting given contract.

pTuple0 :: Contract ()Source

Contract for empty tuple.

pTuple2 :: Contract a -> Contract b -> Contract (a, b)Source

Contract combinator for tuple with values meeting given contracts.

pTuple3 :: Contract a -> Contract b -> Contract c -> Contract (a, b, c)Source

Contract combinator for 3-tuple with values meeting given contracts.

pTuple4 :: Contract a -> Contract b -> Contract c -> Contract d -> Contract (a, b, c, d)Source

Contract combinator for 4-tuple with values meeting given contracts.

pNothing :: Contract (Maybe a)Source

Contract for data constructor Nothing.

pJust :: Contract a -> Contract (Maybe a)Source

Contract combinator for data constructor Just with value meeting given contract.

pNotNothing :: Contract (Maybe a)Source

Contract for non-Nothing value.

pNotJust :: Contract (Maybe a)Source

Contract for non-Just value.

maybe :: Contract a -> Contract (Maybe a)Source

Contract combinator for type Maybe given contract for possible argument value.