ToMidi2: a module for allowing multiple tracks with the same GM instrument.
Author: Donya Quick

The writeMidi2 function allows use of the CustomInstrument constructor
in a very specific way to permit two tracks that have the same instrument.
The expected format is:

CustomInstrument "GMInstrumentName UniqueIdentifier"

For example:

 import Euterpea
 import Euterpea.IO.MIDI.ToMidi2
 m = instrument (CustomInstrument "Flute A") (c 4 qn :+: d 4 qn) :=:
     instrument (CustomInstrument "Flute B") (c 5 qn) :=:
     instrument HonkyTonkPiano (rest hn :+: c 4 hn)
 main = writeMidi2 "test.mid" m

This will create a MIDI file with three tracks, two of which are assigned
the Flute instrument and the third with the HonkyTonkPiano instrument.

Note: this module does NOT allow specification of particular track numbers.
The order in which the tracks appear in the MIDI file is determined by the
structure of the particular Music value.

> module Euterpea.IO.MIDI.ToMidi2 (writeMidi2, resolveInstrumentName) where
> import Euterpea.IO.MIDI.ToMidi
> import Euterpea.IO.MIDI.GeneralMidi
> import Euterpea.IO.MIDI.MEvent
> import Euterpea.Music
> import Euterpea.IO.MIDI.ExportMidiFile
> import Data.List
> import Codec.Midi

> instNameOnly :: String -> String
> instNameOnly [] = []
> instNameOnly (x:xs) = if x==' ' then [] else x : instNameOnly xs

> resolveInstrumentName :: InstrumentName -> InstrumentName
> resolveInstrumentName x@(CustomInstrument s) =
>     let iName = instNameOnly s
>         allInsts = take 128 $ enumFrom AcousticGrandPiano
>         i = maybe (-1) id $ findIndex (==iName) $ map show $ allInsts
>     in  if i >= 0 then allInsts !! i else x
> resolveInstrumentName x = x

> resolveMEventInsts :: [(InstrumentName, [MEvent])] -> [(InstrumentName, [MEvent])]
> resolveMEventInsts = map f1 where
>     f1 (iname, mevs) = (resolveInstrumentName iname, map f2 mevs)
>     f2 mev = mev{eInst = resolveInstrumentName (eInst mev)}

> writeMidi2 :: ToMusic1 a => FilePath -> Music a -> IO ()
> writeMidi2 fn m = exportMidiFile fn $ toMidiUPM2 defUpm $ perform m

> toMidiUPM2 :: UserPatchMap -> [MEvent] -> Midi
> toMidiUPM2 upm pf =
>    let split     = resolveMEventInsts $ splitByInst pf
>        insts     = map fst split
>        rightMap  =  if (allValid upm insts) then upm
>                     else (makeGMMap insts)
>    in Midi  (if length split == 1  then SingleTrack
>                                    else MultiTrack)
>             (TicksPerBeat division)
>             (map (fromAbsTime . mevsToMessages rightMap) split)