- data State
- = Alabama
- | Alaska
- | Arizona
- | Arkansas
- | California
- | Colorodo
- | Connecticut
- | Delaware
- | Florida
- | Georgia
- | Hawaii
- | Idaho
- | Illinois
- | Indiana
- | Iowa
- | Kansas
- | Kentucky
- | Louisiana
- | Maine
- | Maryland
- | Massachusetts
- | Michigan
- | Minnesota
- | Mississippi
- | Missouri
- | Montana
- | Nebraska
- | Nevada
- | NewHampshire
- | NewJersey
- | NewMexico
- | NewYork
- | NorthCarolina
- | NorthDakota
- | Ohio
- | Oklahoma
- | Oregon
- | Pennsylvania
- | RhodeIsland
- | SouthCarolina
- | SouthDakota
- | Tennessee
- | Texas
- | Utah
- | Vermont
- | Virginia
- | Washington
- | WestVirginia
- | Wisconsin
- | Wyoming
- data StateAbbreviation
- type StateCode = StateAbbreviation
- data OtherUSEntity
- state_by_state_code :: StateAbbreviation -> State
- state_code_by_state :: State -> StateAbbreviation
The State
data type is a list of States in the United States.
data StateAbbreviation Source
State abbreviations:
type StateCode = StateAbbreviationSource
data OtherUSEntity Source
Other US Entities, such as protectorates, districts, and others: