FiniteCategories- Finite categories and usual categorical constructions on them.
CopyrightGuillaume Sabbagh 2022
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Typeclasses for Category with special properties such as being cocomplete.

A Category might have coproducts meaning that any discreteDiagram on it has a colimit.

A Category might have coequalizers meaning that any parallelDiagram on it has a colimit.

If a Category have both coproducts and coequalizers, it is cocomplete meaning that it has all small colimits.

To compute colimits in a custom FiniteCategory, see colimits in Math.ConeCategory.


Colimit type

data Colimit i t Source #

For a Category parametrized over a type t, the apex of the colimit of a diagram indexed by a category parametrized over a type i will contain Coproduct constructions. A given distinguished element can be constructed from a Coprojection at a given index.

For example, in FinSet, let's consider a discrete diagram from DiscreteTwo to (FinSet Int) which selects {1,2} and {3,4}. The nadir of the colimit is obviously {(A,1),(A,2),(B,3),(B,4)}, note that it is not an object of (Finset Int) but an object of (FinSet (DiscreteTwoOb,Int)). The Colimit type allows to construct type (FinSet (Colimit DiscreteTwo Int)) in which we can consider the original objects with Coprojection and the new distinguished elements with Coproduct. Thus, the colimit will be {Coproduct A 1,Coproduct A 2,Coproduct B 3,Coproduct B 4}. We can construct coprojections in the same category, for example along A, which will map (Coprojection 1) to Coproduct A 1.


Coprojection t

A Coprojection is the parameter type of the original category to coproject them to the colimit.

CoproductElement i t

A CoproductElement is a couple containing an indexing object and an object of type t.


Instances details
(Eq a, Eq oIndex) => HasCoproducts (FinSet a) (Function a) (Set a) (FinSet (Colimit oIndex a)) (Function (Colimit oIndex a)) (Set (Colimit oIndex a)) oIndex Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Math.Categories.FinSet


coproduct :: Diagram (DiscreteCategory oIndex) (DiscreteMorphism oIndex) oIndex (FinSet a) (Function a) (Set a) -> Cocone (DiscreteCategory oIndex) (DiscreteMorphism oIndex) oIndex (FinSet (Colimit oIndex a)) (Function (Colimit oIndex a)) (Set (Colimit oIndex a)) Source #

(Eq a, Eq mIndex, Eq oIndex) => CocompleteCategory (FinSet a) (Function a) (Set a) (FinSet (Colimit oIndex a)) (Function (Colimit oIndex a)) (Set (Colimit oIndex a)) cIndex mIndex oIndex Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Math.Categories.FinSet


colimit :: Diagram cIndex mIndex oIndex (FinSet a) (Function a) (Set a) -> Cocone cIndex mIndex oIndex (FinSet (Colimit oIndex a)) (Function (Colimit oIndex a)) (Set (Colimit oIndex a)) Source #

coprojectBase :: Diagram cIndex mIndex oIndex (FinSet a) (Function a) (Set a) -> Diagram (FinSet a) (Function a) (Set a) (FinSet (Colimit oIndex a)) (Function (Colimit oIndex a)) (Set (Colimit oIndex a)) Source #

(PrettyPrint i, PrettyPrint t, Eq i) => PrettyPrint (Colimit i t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Math.CocompleteCategory

(Simplifiable t, Simplifiable i) => Simplifiable (Colimit i t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Math.CocompleteCategory


simplify :: Colimit i t -> Colimit i t #

Generic (Colimit i t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Math.CocompleteCategory

Associated Types

type Rep (Colimit i t) :: Type -> Type #


from :: Colimit i t -> Rep (Colimit i t) x #

to :: Rep (Colimit i t) x -> Colimit i t #

(Show i, Show t) => Show (Colimit i t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Math.CocompleteCategory


showsPrec :: Int -> Colimit i t -> ShowS #

show :: Colimit i t -> String #

showList :: [Colimit i t] -> ShowS #

(Eq i, Eq t) => Eq (Colimit i t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Math.CocompleteCategory


(==) :: Colimit i t -> Colimit i t -> Bool #

(/=) :: Colimit i t -> Colimit i t -> Bool #

(Eq n, Eq e, Eq oIndex) => HasCoproducts (FinGrph n e) (GraphHomomorphism n e) (Graph n e) (FinGrph (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (GraphHomomorphism (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (Graph (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) oIndex Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Math.Categories.FinGrph


coproduct :: Diagram (DiscreteCategory oIndex) (DiscreteMorphism oIndex) oIndex (FinGrph n e) (GraphHomomorphism n e) (Graph n e) -> Cocone (DiscreteCategory oIndex) (DiscreteMorphism oIndex) oIndex (FinGrph (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (GraphHomomorphism (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (Graph (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) Source #

(Eq e, Eq n, Eq mIndex, Eq oIndex) => CocompleteCategory (FinGrph n e) (GraphHomomorphism n e) (Graph n e) (FinGrph (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (GraphHomomorphism (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (Graph (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) cIndex mIndex oIndex Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Math.Categories.FinGrph


colimit :: Diagram cIndex mIndex oIndex (FinGrph n e) (GraphHomomorphism n e) (Graph n e) -> Cocone cIndex mIndex oIndex (FinGrph (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (GraphHomomorphism (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (Graph (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) Source #

coprojectBase :: Diagram cIndex mIndex oIndex (FinGrph n e) (GraphHomomorphism n e) (Graph n e) -> Diagram (FinGrph n e) (GraphHomomorphism n e) (Graph n e) (FinGrph (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (GraphHomomorphism (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (Graph (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) Source #

(Eq e, Eq n, Eq oIndex, Eq mIndex, Morphism mIndex oIndex, FiniteCategory cIndex mIndex oIndex) => CocompleteCategory (FinSketch n e) (SketchMorphism n e) (Sketch n e) (FinSketch (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (SketchMorphism (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (Sketch (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) cIndex mIndex oIndex Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Math.Categories.FinSketch


colimit :: Diagram cIndex mIndex oIndex (FinSketch n e) (SketchMorphism n e) (Sketch n e) -> Cocone cIndex mIndex oIndex (FinSketch (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (SketchMorphism (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (Sketch (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) Source #

coprojectBase :: Diagram cIndex mIndex oIndex (FinSketch n e) (SketchMorphism n e) (Sketch n e) -> Diagram (FinSketch n e) (SketchMorphism n e) (Sketch n e) (FinSketch (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (SketchMorphism (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (Sketch (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) Source #

(FiniteCategory c m o, Morphism m o, Eq c, Eq m, Eq o, FiniteCategory cIndex mIndex oIndex, Morphism mIndex oIndex, Eq oIndex, Eq mIndex) => CocompleteCategory (FinCat c m o) (FinFunctor c m o) c (FinCat (CompositionGraph (Colimit oIndex o) (Colimit oIndex m)) (CGMorphism (Colimit oIndex o) (Colimit oIndex m)) (Colimit oIndex o)) (FinFunctor (CompositionGraph (Colimit oIndex o) (Colimit oIndex m)) (CGMorphism (Colimit oIndex o) (Colimit oIndex m)) (Colimit oIndex o)) (CompositionGraph (Colimit oIndex o) (Colimit oIndex m)) cIndex mIndex oIndex Source #

Note that computing a ColimitCategory is MUCH slower than computing a LimitCategory as coequalizers of categories are trickier than equalizers of categories. We can only compute colimits of CompositionGraphs as coequalizing might create new formal morphisms when gluing two objects. Therefore colimit transforms all given categories into CompositionGraphs. If you already have a CompositionGraph, consider using colimitOfCompositionGraphs instead of colimit.

Instance details

Defined in Math.FiniteCategories.ColimitCategory


colimit :: Diagram cIndex mIndex oIndex (FinCat c m o) (FinFunctor c m o) c -> Cocone cIndex mIndex oIndex (FinCat (CompositionGraph (Colimit oIndex o) (Colimit oIndex m)) (CGMorphism (Colimit oIndex o) (Colimit oIndex m)) (Colimit oIndex o)) (FinFunctor (CompositionGraph (Colimit oIndex o) (Colimit oIndex m)) (CGMorphism (Colimit oIndex o) (Colimit oIndex m)) (Colimit oIndex o)) (CompositionGraph (Colimit oIndex o) (Colimit oIndex m)) Source #

coprojectBase :: Diagram cIndex mIndex oIndex (FinCat c m o) (FinFunctor c m o) c -> Diagram (FinCat c m o) (FinFunctor c m o) c (FinCat (CompositionGraph (Colimit oIndex o) (Colimit oIndex m)) (CGMorphism (Colimit oIndex o) (Colimit oIndex m)) (Colimit oIndex o)) (FinFunctor (CompositionGraph (Colimit oIndex o) (Colimit oIndex m)) (CGMorphism (Colimit oIndex o) (Colimit oIndex m)) (Colimit oIndex o)) (CompositionGraph (Colimit oIndex o) (Colimit oIndex m)) Source #

(Eq e, Eq n, Eq oIndex) => HasCoproducts (FinCat (CompositionGraph n e) (CGMorphism n e) n) (FinFunctor (CompositionGraph n e) (CGMorphism n e) n) (CompositionGraph n e) (FinCat (CompositionGraph (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (CGMorphism (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (Colimit oIndex n)) (FinFunctor (CompositionGraph (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (CGMorphism (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (Colimit oIndex n)) (CompositionGraph (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) oIndex Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Math.FiniteCategories.ColimitCategory


coproduct :: Diagram (DiscreteCategory oIndex) (DiscreteMorphism oIndex) oIndex (FinCat (CompositionGraph n e) (CGMorphism n e) n) (FinFunctor (CompositionGraph n e) (CGMorphism n e) n) (CompositionGraph n e) -> Cocone (DiscreteCategory oIndex) (DiscreteMorphism oIndex) oIndex (FinCat (CompositionGraph (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (CGMorphism (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (Colimit oIndex n)) (FinFunctor (CompositionGraph (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (CGMorphism (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (Colimit oIndex n)) (CompositionGraph (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) Source #

type Rep (Colimit i t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Math.CocompleteCategory

type Rep (Colimit i t) = D1 ('MetaData "Colimit" "Math.CocompleteCategory" "FiniteCategories-" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Coprojection" 'PrefixI 'False) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Nothing :: Maybe Symbol) 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 t)) :+: C1 ('MetaCons "CoproductElement" 'PrefixI 'False) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Nothing :: Maybe Symbol) 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 i) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Nothing :: Maybe Symbol) 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 t)))

uncoproject :: Colimit oIndex t -> t Source #

Remove the constructor Coprojection from an original object t, throws an error if a CoproductElement is given.

Helper typeclasses to define a CocompleteCategory

class (Category c m o, Morphism m o, Category cLim mLim oLim, Morphism mLim oLim) => HasCoproducts c m o cLim mLim oLim oIndex | c -> m, m -> o, cLim -> mLim, mLim -> oLim, c oIndex -> cLim where Source #

The typeclass of categories which have all coproducts.


coproduct :: Diagram (DiscreteCategory oIndex) (DiscreteMorphism oIndex) oIndex c m o -> Cocone (DiscreteCategory oIndex) (DiscreteMorphism oIndex) oIndex cLim mLim oLim Source #

Given a discreteDiagram selecting objects, return the coproduct of the selected objects as a Cocone.


Instances details
(Enum a, Ord a, Eq oIndex) => HasCoproducts (OrdinalCategory a) (IsSmallerThan a) a (OrdinalCategory a) (IsSmallerThan a) a oIndex Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Math.Categories.OrdinalCategory

(Ord a, Eq oIndex) => HasCoproducts (TotalOrder a) (IsSmallerThan a) a (TotalOrder a) (IsSmallerThan a) a oIndex Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Math.Categories.TotalOrder


coproduct :: Diagram (DiscreteCategory oIndex) (DiscreteMorphism oIndex) oIndex (TotalOrder a) (IsSmallerThan a) a -> Cocone (DiscreteCategory oIndex) (DiscreteMorphism oIndex) oIndex (TotalOrder a) (IsSmallerThan a) a Source #

(Eq a, Eq oIndex) => HasCoproducts (FinSet a) (Function a) (Set a) (FinSet (Colimit oIndex a)) (Function (Colimit oIndex a)) (Set (Colimit oIndex a)) oIndex Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Math.Categories.FinSet


coproduct :: Diagram (DiscreteCategory oIndex) (DiscreteMorphism oIndex) oIndex (FinSet a) (Function a) (Set a) -> Cocone (DiscreteCategory oIndex) (DiscreteMorphism oIndex) oIndex (FinSet (Colimit oIndex a)) (Function (Colimit oIndex a)) (Set (Colimit oIndex a)) Source #

(Eq n, Eq e, Eq oIndex) => HasCoproducts (FinGrph n e) (GraphHomomorphism n e) (Graph n e) (FinGrph (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (GraphHomomorphism (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (Graph (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) oIndex Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Math.Categories.FinGrph


coproduct :: Diagram (DiscreteCategory oIndex) (DiscreteMorphism oIndex) oIndex (FinGrph n e) (GraphHomomorphism n e) (Graph n e) -> Cocone (DiscreteCategory oIndex) (DiscreteMorphism oIndex) oIndex (FinGrph (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (GraphHomomorphism (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (Graph (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) Source #

(Eq e, Eq n, Eq oIndex) => HasCoproducts (FinCat (CompositionGraph n e) (CGMorphism n e) n) (FinFunctor (CompositionGraph n e) (CGMorphism n e) n) (CompositionGraph n e) (FinCat (CompositionGraph (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (CGMorphism (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (Colimit oIndex n)) (FinFunctor (CompositionGraph (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (CGMorphism (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (Colimit oIndex n)) (CompositionGraph (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) oIndex Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Math.FiniteCategories.ColimitCategory


coproduct :: Diagram (DiscreteCategory oIndex) (DiscreteMorphism oIndex) oIndex (FinCat (CompositionGraph n e) (CGMorphism n e) n) (FinFunctor (CompositionGraph n e) (CGMorphism n e) n) (CompositionGraph n e) -> Cocone (DiscreteCategory oIndex) (DiscreteMorphism oIndex) oIndex (FinCat (CompositionGraph (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (CGMorphism (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (Colimit oIndex n)) (FinFunctor (CompositionGraph (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (CGMorphism (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (Colimit oIndex n)) (CompositionGraph (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) Source #

class (Category c m o, Morphism m o) => HasCoequalizers c m o | c -> m, m -> o where Source #

The typeclass of categories which have all coequalizers.


coequalize :: Diagram Parallel ParallelAr ParallelOb c m o -> Cocone Parallel ParallelAr ParallelOb c m o Source #

Given a parallelDiagram selecting arrows, return the coequalizer of the selected arrows as a Cocone.


Instances details
(Enum a, Ord a) => HasCoequalizers (OrdinalCategory a) (IsSmallerThan a) a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Math.Categories.OrdinalCategory

Ord a => HasCoequalizers (TotalOrder a) (IsSmallerThan a) a Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Math.Categories.TotalOrder

Eq a => HasCoequalizers (FinSet a) (Function a) (Set a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Math.Categories.FinSet

(Eq e, Eq n) => HasCoequalizers (FinGrph n e) (GraphHomomorphism n e) (Graph n e) Source #

BEWARE, for the coequalizer to be correct, ALL arrow labels should be different (two arrows with different source and target might have the same source and target after the coequalization process).

Instance details

Defined in Math.Categories.FinGrph

(Eq e, Eq n) => HasCoequalizers (FinSketch n e) (SketchMorphism n e) (Sketch n e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Math.Categories.FinSketch

(Eq n, Eq e) => HasCoequalizers (FinCat (CompositionGraph n e) (CGMorphism n e) n) (FinFunctor (CompositionGraph n e) (CGMorphism n e) n) (CompositionGraph n e) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Math.FiniteCategories.ColimitCategory

colimitFromCoproductsAndCoequalizers :: (Category c m o, Morphism m o, Category cLim mLim oLim, Morphism mLim oLim, HasCoproducts c m o cLim mLim oLim oIndex, HasCoequalizers cLim mLim oLim, FiniteCategory cIndex mIndex oIndex, Morphism mIndex oIndex, Eq oIndex, Eq mIndex, Eq cIndex) => (m -> mLim) -> Diagram cIndex mIndex oIndex c m o -> Cocone cIndex mIndex oIndex cLim mLim oLim Source #

Computes efficiently colimits thanks to coproducts and coequalizers. Can be used to instantiate CocompleteCategory.

The first argument is a function to transform an object of the original category into a colimit object.

Most of the time, the original category takes one type parameter and the function uses Coprojection, when the category does not take any type parameter it is id.

For example, for FinSet, the function has to transform a function {1 -> 2} to the function {Coprojection 1 -> Coprojection 2}.

Cocomplete Category

class (Category c m o, Morphism m o, Category cLim mLim oLim, Morphism mLim oLim) => CocompleteCategory c m o cLim mLim oLim cIndex mIndex oIndex | c -> m, m -> o, cLim -> mLim, mLim -> oLim, c cIndex mIndex oIndex -> cLim where Source #

The typeclass of categories which have all colimits.


colimit :: (FiniteCategory cIndex mIndex oIndex, Morphism mIndex oIndex, Eq cIndex, Eq mIndex, Eq oIndex) => Diagram cIndex mIndex oIndex c m o -> Cocone cIndex mIndex oIndex cLim mLim oLim Source #

Return the colimit of a Diagram.

coprojectBase :: Diagram cIndex mIndex oIndex c m o -> Diagram c m o cLim mLim oLim Source #

A partial Diagram to coproject objects and morphisms of a base like a call of colimit would do.

(coconeBase (colimit diag)) should equal ((coprojectBase diag) <-@<- diag)


Instances details
(Enum a, Ord a, Eq mIndex, Eq oIndex) => CocompleteCategory (OrdinalCategory a) (IsSmallerThan a) a (OrdinalCategory a) (IsSmallerThan a) a cIndex mIndex oIndex Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Math.Categories.OrdinalCategory


colimit :: Diagram cIndex mIndex oIndex (OrdinalCategory a) (IsSmallerThan a) a -> Cocone cIndex mIndex oIndex (OrdinalCategory a) (IsSmallerThan a) a Source #

coprojectBase :: Diagram cIndex mIndex oIndex (OrdinalCategory a) (IsSmallerThan a) a -> Diagram (OrdinalCategory a) (IsSmallerThan a) a (OrdinalCategory a) (IsSmallerThan a) a Source #

(Ord a, Eq mIndex, Eq oIndex) => CocompleteCategory (TotalOrder a) (IsSmallerThan a) a (TotalOrder a) (IsSmallerThan a) a cIndex mIndex oIndex Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Math.Categories.TotalOrder


colimit :: Diagram cIndex mIndex oIndex (TotalOrder a) (IsSmallerThan a) a -> Cocone cIndex mIndex oIndex (TotalOrder a) (IsSmallerThan a) a Source #

coprojectBase :: Diagram cIndex mIndex oIndex (TotalOrder a) (IsSmallerThan a) a -> Diagram (TotalOrder a) (IsSmallerThan a) a (TotalOrder a) (IsSmallerThan a) a Source #

(Eq a, Eq mIndex, Eq oIndex) => CocompleteCategory (FinSet a) (Function a) (Set a) (FinSet (Colimit oIndex a)) (Function (Colimit oIndex a)) (Set (Colimit oIndex a)) cIndex mIndex oIndex Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Math.Categories.FinSet


colimit :: Diagram cIndex mIndex oIndex (FinSet a) (Function a) (Set a) -> Cocone cIndex mIndex oIndex (FinSet (Colimit oIndex a)) (Function (Colimit oIndex a)) (Set (Colimit oIndex a)) Source #

coprojectBase :: Diagram cIndex mIndex oIndex (FinSet a) (Function a) (Set a) -> Diagram (FinSet a) (Function a) (Set a) (FinSet (Colimit oIndex a)) (Function (Colimit oIndex a)) (Set (Colimit oIndex a)) Source #

(Eq e, Eq n, Eq mIndex, Eq oIndex) => CocompleteCategory (FinGrph n e) (GraphHomomorphism n e) (Graph n e) (FinGrph (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (GraphHomomorphism (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (Graph (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) cIndex mIndex oIndex Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Math.Categories.FinGrph


colimit :: Diagram cIndex mIndex oIndex (FinGrph n e) (GraphHomomorphism n e) (Graph n e) -> Cocone cIndex mIndex oIndex (FinGrph (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (GraphHomomorphism (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (Graph (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) Source #

coprojectBase :: Diagram cIndex mIndex oIndex (FinGrph n e) (GraphHomomorphism n e) (Graph n e) -> Diagram (FinGrph n e) (GraphHomomorphism n e) (Graph n e) (FinGrph (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (GraphHomomorphism (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (Graph (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) Source #

(Eq e, Eq n, Eq oIndex, Eq mIndex, Morphism mIndex oIndex, FiniteCategory cIndex mIndex oIndex) => CocompleteCategory (FinSketch n e) (SketchMorphism n e) (Sketch n e) (FinSketch (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (SketchMorphism (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (Sketch (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) cIndex mIndex oIndex Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Math.Categories.FinSketch


colimit :: Diagram cIndex mIndex oIndex (FinSketch n e) (SketchMorphism n e) (Sketch n e) -> Cocone cIndex mIndex oIndex (FinSketch (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (SketchMorphism (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (Sketch (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) Source #

coprojectBase :: Diagram cIndex mIndex oIndex (FinSketch n e) (SketchMorphism n e) (Sketch n e) -> Diagram (FinSketch n e) (SketchMorphism n e) (Sketch n e) (FinSketch (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (SketchMorphism (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) (Sketch (Colimit oIndex n) (Colimit oIndex e)) Source #

(FiniteCategory c m o, Morphism m o, Eq c, Eq m, Eq o, FiniteCategory cIndex mIndex oIndex, Morphism mIndex oIndex, Eq oIndex, Eq mIndex) => CocompleteCategory (FinCat c m o) (FinFunctor c m o) c (FinCat (CompositionGraph (Colimit oIndex o) (Colimit oIndex m)) (CGMorphism (Colimit oIndex o) (Colimit oIndex m)) (Colimit oIndex o)) (FinFunctor (CompositionGraph (Colimit oIndex o) (Colimit oIndex m)) (CGMorphism (Colimit oIndex o) (Colimit oIndex m)) (Colimit oIndex o)) (CompositionGraph (Colimit oIndex o) (Colimit oIndex m)) cIndex mIndex oIndex Source #

Note that computing a ColimitCategory is MUCH slower than computing a LimitCategory as coequalizers of categories are trickier than equalizers of categories. We can only compute colimits of CompositionGraphs as coequalizing might create new formal morphisms when gluing two objects. Therefore colimit transforms all given categories into CompositionGraphs. If you already have a CompositionGraph, consider using colimitOfCompositionGraphs instead of colimit.

Instance details

Defined in Math.FiniteCategories.ColimitCategory


colimit :: Diagram cIndex mIndex oIndex (FinCat c m o) (FinFunctor c m o) c -> Cocone cIndex mIndex oIndex (FinCat (CompositionGraph (Colimit oIndex o) (Colimit oIndex m)) (CGMorphism (Colimit oIndex o) (Colimit oIndex m)) (Colimit oIndex o)) (FinFunctor (CompositionGraph (Colimit oIndex o) (Colimit oIndex m)) (CGMorphism (Colimit oIndex o) (Colimit oIndex m)) (Colimit oIndex o)) (CompositionGraph (Colimit oIndex o) (Colimit oIndex m)) Source #

coprojectBase :: Diagram cIndex mIndex oIndex (FinCat c m o) (FinFunctor c m o) c -> Diagram (FinCat c m o) (FinFunctor c m o) c (FinCat (CompositionGraph (Colimit oIndex o) (Colimit oIndex m)) (CGMorphism (Colimit oIndex o) (Colimit oIndex m)) (Colimit oIndex o)) (FinFunctor (CompositionGraph (Colimit oIndex o) (Colimit oIndex m)) (CGMorphism (Colimit oIndex o) (Colimit oIndex m)) (Colimit oIndex o)) (CompositionGraph (Colimit oIndex o) (Colimit oIndex m)) Source #

uncoprojectBase :: CocompleteCategory c m o cLim mLim oLim cIndex mIndex oIndex => Diagram cIndex mIndex oIndex c m o -> Diagram cLim mLim oLim c m o Source #

A partial Diagram to uncoproject objects and morphisms of the base in a colimit cocone.

uncoprojectBase and coprojectBase returned Diagrams are inverses.