Frames-0.5.0: Data frames For working with tabular data files

Safe HaskellNone



Functions useful for interactively exploring and experimenting with a data set.



pipePreview :: (Show b, MonadIO m, MonadMask m) => Producer a (SafeT m) () -> Int -> Pipe a b (SafeT m) () -> m () Source #

preview src n f prints out the first n results of piping src through f.

select :: fs rs => proxy fs -> Record rs -> Record fs Source #

Deprecated: Use Data.Vinyl.rcast with a type application.

select (Proxy::Proxy [A,B,C]) extracts columns A, B, and C, from a larger record. Note, this is just a way of pinning down the type of a usage of rcast.

lenses :: (fs rs, Functor f) => proxy fs -> (Record fs -> f (Record fs)) -> Record rs -> f (Record rs) Source #

Deprecated: Use Data.Vinyl.rsubset with a type application.

lenses (Proxy::Proxy [A,B,C]) provides a lens onto columns A, B, and C. This is just a way of pinning down the type of rsubset.

recToList :: forall a (rs :: [(Symbol, *)]). (RecMapMethod ((~) a) ElField rs, RecordToList rs) => Record rs -> [a] Source #

pr :: QuasiQuoter Source #

A proxy value quasiquoter; a way of passing types as values. [pr|T|] will splice an expression Proxy::Proxy T, while [pr|A,B,C|] will splice in a value of Proxy :: Proxy [A,B,C]. If we have a record type with Name and Age among other fields, we can write select [pr|Name,Age|]@ for a function that extracts those fields from a larger record.

pr1 :: QuasiQuoter Source #

Like pr, but takes a single type, which is used to produce a Proxy for a single-element list containing only that type. This is useful for passing a single type to a function that wants a list of types.