GenI-0.17.4: A natural language generator (specifically, an FB-LTAG surface realiser)




This module provides some very generic, non-GenI specific functions on strings, trees and other miscellaneous odds and ends. Whenever possible, one should try to replace these functions with versions that are available in the standard libraries, or the Haskell platform ones, or on hackage.



ePutStr :: String -> IO ()Source

putStr on stderr

Strict readFile

readFile' :: FilePath -> IO StringSource

Using readFile' can be a good idea if you're dealing with not-so-huge files (i.e. where you don't want lazy evaluation), because it ensures that the handles are closed. No more ``too many open files''




:: Integer 
-> IO a

action to run upon timing out

-> IO a

main action to run

-> IO a 

exitTimeout :: IO ()Source

Like exitFailure, except that we return with a code that we reserve for timing out


dropTillIncluding :: Char -> String -> StringSource

Drop all characters up to and including the one in question

toUpperHead :: String -> StringSource

Make the first character of a string upper case

toLowerHead :: String -> StringSource

Make the first character of a string lower case

toAlphaNum :: String -> [AlphaNum]Source

An alphanumeric sort is one where you treat the numbers in the string as actual numbers. An alphanumeric sort would put x2 before x100, because 2 < 10, wheraeas a naive sort would put it the other way around because the characters 1 < 2. To sort alphanumerically, just 'sortBy (comparing toAlphaNum)'


fst3 :: (a, b, c) -> aSource

snd3 :: (a, b, c) -> bSource

thd3 :: (a, b, c) -> cSource


equating :: Eq b => (a -> b) -> a -> a -> BoolSource

comparing :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> a -> a -> OrderingSource

map' :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]Source

A strict version of map

wordsBy :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [[a]]Source

A generic version of the Data.List.words TODO: replace by version from split

boundsCheck :: Int -> [a] -> BoolSource

Makes sure that index s is in the bounds of list l. Surely there must be some more intelligent way to deal with this.

isEmptyIntersect :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> BoolSource

True if the intersection of two lists is empty.

groupByFM :: Ord b => (a -> b) -> [a] -> Map b [a]Source

Serves the same function as groupBy. It groups together items by some property they have in common. The difference is that the property is used as a key to a Map that you can lookup.

multiGroupByFM :: Ord b => (a -> [b]) -> [a] -> Map b [a]Source

Same as groupByFM, except that we let an item appear in multiple groups. The fn extracts the property from the item, and returns multiple results in the form of a list

insertToListMap :: Ord b => b -> a -> Map b [a] -> Map b [a]Source

groupAndCount :: (Eq a, Ord a) => [a] -> [(a, Int)]Source

Convert a list of items into a list of tuples (a,b) where a is an item in the list and b is the number of times a in occurs in the list.

combinations :: [[a]] -> [[a]]Source

mapMaybeM :: Monad m => (a -> m (Maybe b)) -> [a] -> m [b]Source

repList :: (a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]Source

Return the list, modifying only the first matching item.


mapTree' :: (a -> b) -> Tree a -> Tree bSource

Strict version of mapTree (for non-strict, just use fmap)

filterTree :: (a -> Bool) -> Tree a -> [a]Source

Like filter, except on Trees. Filter might not be a good name, though, because we return a list of nodes, not a tree.

treeLeaves :: Tree a -> [a]Source

The leaf nodes of a Tree

preTerminals :: Tree a -> [(a, a)]Source

Return pairs of (parent, terminal)



:: (Tree a -> Tree a)

replacement function

-> (Tree a -> Bool)

filtering function

-> Tree a 
-> Maybe (Tree a) 

repNode fn filt t returns a version of t in which the first node which filt matches is transformed using fn.

repAllNode :: (Tree a -> Tree a) -> (Tree a -> Bool) -> Tree a -> Tree aSource

Like repNode except that it performs the operations on all nodes that match and doesn't care if any nodes match or not



:: (Tree a -> Tree a)

replacement function

-> (Tree a -> Bool)

filtering function

-> [Tree a]


-> ([Tree a], Bool) 

Like repNode but on a list of tree nodes



:: (a -> Bool)

which node?

-> a 
-> Tree a 
-> Tree a 

Replace a node in the tree in-place with another node; keep the children the same. If the node is not found in the tree, or if there are multiple instances of the node, this is treated as an error.


(!+!) :: Interval -> Interval -> IntervalSource

Add two intervals

ival :: Int -> IntervalSource

ival x builds a trivial interval from x to x

Bit vectors

showBitVector :: Int -> BitVector -> StringSource

displays a bit vector, using a minimum number of bits


geniBug :: String -> aSource

errors specifically in GenI, which is very likely NOT the user's fault.