HGL- A simple graphics library based on X11 or Win32

Portabilitynon-portable (requires concurrency)




Utility functions for a simple graphics library.



openWindow :: Title -> Size -> IO WindowSource

Create a window with the given title and size.

clearWindow :: Window -> IO ()Source

Erase all drawing in the window. (That is, set the Graphic held by the window to emptyGraphic.)

drawInWindow :: Window -> Graphic -> IO ()Source

Draw the given graphic on the window, on top of anything that is already there. (That is, combine the given Graphic and the one held by the window using overGraphic, store the result in the window, and display it.)

withWindow :: Title -> Size -> (Window -> IO a) -> IO aSource

Run an action inside a new window, ensuring that the window is destroyed on exit.

withWindow_ :: Title -> Size -> (Window -> IO a) -> IO ()Source

A variant of withWindow that ignores the result of the action.

runWindow :: Title -> Size -> (Window -> IO a) -> IO ()Source

A combination of runGraphics and withWindow_.

getWindowSize :: Window -> IO SizeSource

The current size of the window.

Specific events

Mouse events

getLBP :: Window -> IO PointSource

Wait for a press of the left mouse button, and return the position of the mouse cursor.

getRBP :: Window -> IO PointSource

Wait for a press of the right mouse button, and return the position of the mouse cursor.



:: Window 
-> Bool

if True, wait for the left button

-> Bool

if True, wait for a press; otherwise wait for a release.

-> IO Point 

Wait for a mouse button to be pressed or released, and return the position of the mouse cursor.

Keyboard events

getKey :: Window -> IO KeySource

Wait until a key is pressed and released.

getKeyEx :: Window -> Bool -> IO KeySource

Wait until a key is pressed (if the second argument is True) or released (otherwise).

wGetChar :: Window -> IO CharSource

Wait for a translated character (from a key press). Use in preference to getKey if the aim is to read text.


Combining Graphics

emptyGraphic :: GraphicSource

An empty drawing.

overGraphic :: Graphic -> Graphic -> GraphicSource

A composite drawing made by overlaying the first argument on the second.

overGraphics :: [Graphic] -> GraphicSource

Overlay a list of drawings.

Graphic modifiers

withFont :: Font -> Graphic -> GraphicSource

Set the default font for a drawing.

withTextColor :: RGB -> Graphic -> GraphicSource

Set the default color for drawing text.

withTextAlignment :: Alignment -> Graphic -> GraphicSource

Set the default alignment of text in a drawing.

withBkColor :: RGB -> Graphic -> GraphicSource

Set the default background color for drawing text with background mode Opaque. The background color is ignored when the mode is Transparent.

withBkMode :: BkMode -> Graphic -> GraphicSource

Set the default background mode for drawing text.

withPen :: Pen -> Graphic -> GraphicSource

Set the default pen for drawing lines.

withBrush :: Brush -> Graphic -> GraphicSource

Set the default brush for filling shapes.

withRGB :: RGB -> Graphic -> GraphicSource

A convenience function that sets the brush, pen and text colors to the same value.

Named colors

data Color Source

Named colors.



colorList :: [(Color, RGB)]Source

A mapping of Color names to RGB triples.

colorTable :: Array Color RGBSource

A mapping of Color names to RGB triples.

withColor :: Color -> Graphic -> GraphicSource

Set the default drawing color for a Graphic.


par :: IO a -> IO b -> IO (a, b)Source

Run two IO actions in parallel and terminate when both actions terminate.

par_ :: IO a -> IO b -> IO ()Source

Run two IO actions in parallel and terminate when both actions terminate, discarding the results of the actions.

parMany :: [IO ()] -> IO ()Source

Run several IO actions in parallel and terminate when all actions terminate, discarding the results of the actions.