HGamer3D-0.8.0: Toolset for the Haskell Game Programmer

Safe HaskellSafe




Utility to provide file location information to other parts of HGamer3D


Directories relative to the user-related application directory for HGamer3D

getAppDirectory :: FilePath -> IO FilePath Source #

path of subdirectory within platform specific application directories

getMediaDirectory :: IO FilePath Source #

path of HGamer3D Media Directory

getConfigDirectory :: IO FilePath Source #

path of HGamer3D configuration directory

General utilities for path handling and finding files

pathSeparator :: Char #

The character that separates directories. In the case where more than one character is possible, pathSeparator is the 'ideal' one.

Windows: pathSeparator == '\\'
Posix:   pathSeparator ==  '/'
isPathSeparator pathSeparator