HMock- A flexible mock framework for testing effectful code.
Safe HaskellNone



This module provides a monad transformer, MockT, which can be used to test with mocks of Haskell mtl-style type classes. To use a mock, you define the expected actions and their results, and then run the code you are testing. The framework verifies that the behavior of the code matched your expectations.

For an introduction to the idea of mocks, see Mocks Aren't Stubs, by Martin Fowler.

WARNING: Hmock's API is likely to change soon. Please ensure you use an upper bound on the version number. The current API works fine for mocking with MTL-style classes. I want HMock to also work with effect systems, servant, haxl, and more. To accomplish this, I'll need to make breaking changes to the API.

Suppose you have a MonadFilesystem typeclass, which is instantiated by monads that implement filesystem operations:

class Monad m => MonadFilesystem m where
  readFile :: FilePath -> m String
  writeFile :: FilePath -> String -> m ()

You can use HMock to test code using MonadFilesystem like this:

copyFile :: MonadFilesystem m => FilePath -> FilePath -> m ()
copyFile a b = readFile a >>= writeFile b

makeMockable ''MonadFilesystem

spec = describe "copyFile" $
  it "reads a file and writes its contents to another file" $
    runMockT $ do
      expect $ ReadFile "foo.txt" |-> "contents"
      expect $ WriteFile "bar.txt" "contents" |-> ()
      copyFile "foo.txt" "bar.txt"

The Template Haskell splice, makeMockable, generates the boilerplate needed to use MonadFilesystem with HMock. You then use runMockT to begin a test with mocks, expect to set up your expected actions and responses, and finally execute your code.


Running mocks

data MockT m a Source #

Monad transformer for running mocks.


Instances details
MonadTrans MockT Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.HMock.Internal.MockT


lift :: Monad m => m a -> MockT m a #

ExpectContext MockT Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.HMock.Internal.MockT


fromExpectSet :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). MonadIO m => ExpectSet (Step m) -> MockT m () Source #

(MonadReader r m, MonadWriter w m, MonadState s m) => MonadRWS r w s (MockT m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.HMock.Internal.MockT

MonadBase b m => MonadBase b (MockT m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.HMock.Internal.MockT


liftBase :: b α -> MockT m α #

MonadWriter w m => MonadWriter w (MockT m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.HMock.Internal.MockT


writer :: (a, w) -> MockT m a #

tell :: w -> MockT m () #

listen :: MockT m a -> MockT m (a, w) #

pass :: MockT m (a, w -> w) -> MockT m a #

MonadState s m => MonadState s (MockT m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.HMock.Internal.MockT


get :: MockT m s #

put :: s -> MockT m () #

state :: (s -> (a, s)) -> MockT m a #

MonadReader r m => MonadReader r (MockT m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.HMock.Internal.MockT


ask :: MockT m r #

local :: (r -> r) -> MockT m a -> MockT m a #

reader :: (r -> a) -> MockT m a #

MonadError e m => MonadError e (MockT m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.HMock.Internal.MockT


throwError :: e -> MockT m a #

catchError :: MockT m a -> (e -> MockT m a) -> MockT m a #

Monad m => Monad (MockT m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.HMock.Internal.MockT


(>>=) :: MockT m a -> (a -> MockT m b) -> MockT m b #

(>>) :: MockT m a -> MockT m b -> MockT m b #

return :: a -> MockT m a #

Functor m => Functor (MockT m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.HMock.Internal.MockT


fmap :: (a -> b) -> MockT m a -> MockT m b #

(<$) :: a -> MockT m b -> MockT m a #

MonadFail m => MonadFail (MockT m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.HMock.Internal.MockT


fail :: String -> MockT m a #

Applicative m => Applicative (MockT m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.HMock.Internal.MockT


pure :: a -> MockT m a #

(<*>) :: MockT m (a -> b) -> MockT m a -> MockT m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> MockT m a -> MockT m b -> MockT m c #

(*>) :: MockT m a -> MockT m b -> MockT m b #

(<*) :: MockT m a -> MockT m b -> MockT m a #

MonadIO m => MonadIO (MockT m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.HMock.Internal.MockT


liftIO :: IO a -> MockT m a #

MonadThrow m => MonadThrow (MockT m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.HMock.Internal.MockT


throwM :: Exception e => e -> MockT m a #

MonadCatch m => MonadCatch (MockT m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.HMock.Internal.MockT


catch :: Exception e => MockT m a -> (e -> MockT m a) -> MockT m a #

MonadMask m => MonadMask (MockT m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.HMock.Internal.MockT


mask :: ((forall a. MockT m a -> MockT m a) -> MockT m b) -> MockT m b #

uninterruptibleMask :: ((forall a. MockT m a -> MockT m a) -> MockT m b) -> MockT m b #

generalBracket :: MockT m a -> (a -> ExitCase b -> MockT m c) -> (a -> MockT m b) -> MockT m (b, c) #

MonadCont m => MonadCont (MockT m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.HMock.Internal.MockT


callCC :: ((a -> MockT m b) -> MockT m a) -> MockT m a #

MonadUnliftIO m => MonadUnliftIO (MockT m) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.HMock.Internal.MockT


withRunInIO :: ((forall a. MockT m a -> IO a) -> IO b) -> MockT m b #

runMockT :: forall m a. MonadIO m => MockT m a -> m a Source #

Runs a test in the MockT monad, handling all of the mocks.

withMockT :: forall m b. MonadIO m => ((forall a. MockT m a -> m a) -> MockT m b) -> m b Source #

Runs a test in the MockT monad. The test can unlift other MockT pieces to the base monad while still acting on the same set of expectations. This can be useful for testing concurrency or similar mechanisms.

test = withMockT $ inMockT -> do
   expect $ ...

   liftIO $ forkIO $ inMockT firstThread
   liftIO $ forkIO $ inMockT secondThread

This is a low-level primitive. Consider using the unliftio package for higher level implementations of multithreading and other primitives.

describeExpectations :: MonadIO m => MockT m String Source #

Fetches a String that describes the current set of outstanding expectations. This is sometimes useful for debugging test code. The exact format is not specified.

verifyExpectations :: MonadIO m => MockT m () Source #

Verifies that all mock expectations are satisfied. You normally don't need to do this, because it happens automatically at the end of your test in runMockT. However, it's occasionally useful to check expectations in the middle of a test, such as before going on to the next stage.

Use of verifyExpectations might signify that you are doing too much in a single test. Consider splitting large tests into a separate test for each case.

byDefault :: forall cls name m r. (MonadIO m, MockableMethod cls name m r) => Rule cls name m r -> MockT m () Source #

Changes the default response for matching actions.

Without byDefault, actions with no explicit response will return the Default value for the type, or undefined if the return type isn't an instance of Default. byDefault replaces that with a new default response, also overriding any previous defaults. The rule passed in must have exactly one response.

Setting expectations

type MockableMethod (cls :: (Type -> Type) -> Constraint) (name :: Symbol) (m :: Type -> Type) (r :: Type) = (Mockable cls, Typeable m, KnownSymbol name, Typeable r) Source #

All constraints needed to mock a method with the given class, name, base monad, and return type.

class Expectable cls name m r e | e -> cls name m r where Source #

Something that can be expected. This type class covers a number of cases:

  • Expecting an exact Action.
  • Expecting anything that matches a Matcher.
  • Adding a return value (with |->) or response (with |=>).


toRule :: e -> Rule cls name m r Source #


Instances details
Expectable cls name m r (Matcher cls name m r) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.HMock.Internal.Expectable


toRule :: Matcher cls name m r -> Rule cls name m r Source #

Expectable cls name m r (Rule cls name m r) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.HMock.Internal.Expectable


toRule :: Rule cls name m r -> Rule cls name m r Source #

data Rule (cls :: (Type -> Type) -> Constraint) (name :: Symbol) (m :: Type -> Type) (r :: Type) Source #

A rule for matching a method and responding to it when it matches.

The method may be matched by providing either an Action to match exactly, or a Matcher. Exact matching is only available when all method arguments

A Rule may have zero or more responses, which are attached using |-> and |=>. If there are no responses for a Rule, then there must be a default response for that action, and it is used. If more than one response is added, the rule will perform the responses in order, repeating the last response if there are additional matches.


expect $
  GetLine_ anything
    |-> "hello"
    |=> (GetLine prompt) -> "The prompt was " ++ prompt
    |-> "quit"


Instances details
Expectable cls name m r (Rule cls name m r) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.HMock.Internal.Expectable


toRule :: Rule cls name m r -> Rule cls name m r Source #

(|=>) :: Expectable cls name m r expectable => expectable -> (Action cls name m r -> MockT m r) -> Rule cls name m r infixl 1 Source #

Attaches a response to an expectation. This is a very flexible response, which can look at arguments, do things in the base monad, set up more expectations, etc. The matching Action is passed to the response, and is guaranteed to be a match so it's fine to just pattern match on the correct method.

(|->) :: (Monad m, Expectable cls name m r expectable) => expectable -> r -> Rule cls name m r infixl 1 Source #

Attaches a return value to an expectation. This is more convenient than |=> in the common case where you just want to return a known result. e |-> r means the same thing as e |=> const (return r).

class ExpectContext (t :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type) Source #

Type class for contexts in which it makes sense to express an expectation. Notably, this includes MockT, which expects actions to be performed during a test.

Minimal complete definition



Instances details
ExpectContext MockT Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.HMock.Internal.MockT


fromExpectSet :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). MonadIO m => ExpectSet (Step m) -> MockT m () Source #

ExpectContext Expected Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.HMock.Internal.Expectable


fromExpectSet :: forall (m :: Type -> Type). MonadIO m => ExpectSet (Step m) -> Expected m () Source #

expect :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, MockableMethod cls name m r, Expectable cls name m r expectable, ExpectContext ctx) => expectable -> ctx m () Source #

Creates an expectation that an action is performed once per given response (or exactly once if there is no response).

runMockT $ do
  expect $
    ReadFile "foo.txt"
      |-> "lorem ipsum"
      |-> "oops, the file changed out from under me!"

In this example, readFile must be called exactly twice by the tested code, and will return "lorem ipsum" the first time, but something different the second time.

expectN Source #


:: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, MockableMethod cls name m r, Expectable cls name m r expectable, ExpectContext ctx) 
=> Multiplicity

The number of times the action should be performed.

-> expectable

The action and its response.

-> ctx m () 

Creates an expectation that an action is performed some number of times.

  runMockT $ do
    expect $ MakeList
    expectN (atLeast 2) $
      CheckList "Cindy Lou Who" |-> "nice"


expectAny :: (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, MockableMethod cls name m r, Expectable cls name m r expectable, ExpectContext ctx) => expectable -> ctx m () Source #

Specifies a response if a matching action is performed, but doesn't expect anything. This is equivalent to expectN anyMultiplicity, but shorter.

In this example, the later use of whenever overrides earlier uses, but only for calls that match its conditions.

  runMockT $ do
    whenever $ ReadFile_ anything |-> "tlhIngan maH!"
    whenever $ ReadFile "config.txt" |-> "lang: klingon"


inSequence :: (MonadIO m, ExpectContext ctx) => (forall ctx'. ExpectContext ctx' => [ctx' m ()]) -> ctx m () Source #

Creates a sequential expectation. Other actions can still happen during the sequence, but these specific expectations must be met in this order.

    [ expect $ MoveForward,
      expect $ TurnRight,
      expect $ MoveForward

Beware of using inSequence too often. It is appropriate when the property you are testing is that the order of effects is correct. If that's not the purpose of the test, consider adding several independent expectations, instead. This avoids over-asserting, and keeps your tests less brittle.

inAnyOrder :: (MonadIO m, ExpectContext ctx) => (forall ctx'. ExpectContext ctx' => [ctx' m ()]) -> ctx m () Source #

Combines multiple expectations, which can occur in any order. Most of the time, you can achieve the same thing by expecting each separately, but this can be combined in complex expectations to describe more complex ordering constraints.

    [ inAnyOrder
        [ expect $ AdjustMirrors,
          expect $ FastenSeatBelt
      expect $ StartCar

anyOf :: (MonadIO m, ExpectContext ctx) => (forall ctx'. ExpectContext ctx' => [ctx' m ()]) -> ctx m () Source #

Combines multiple expectations, requiring exactly one of them to occur.

    [ expect $ ApplyForJob,
      expect $ ApplyForUniversity

times :: (MonadIO m, ExpectContext ctx) => Multiplicity -> (forall ctx'. ExpectContext ctx' => ctx' m ()) -> ctx m () Source #

Creates a parent expectation that the child expectation will happen a certain number of times. Unlike expectN, the child expectation can be arbitrarily complex and span multiple actions. Also unlike expectN, each new execution will restart response sequences for rules with more than one response.

Different occurrences of the child can be interleaved. In case of ambiguity, progressing on an existing occurrence is preferred over starting a new occurrence.

consecutiveTimes :: (MonadIO m, ExpectContext ctx) => Multiplicity -> (forall ctx'. ExpectContext ctx' => ctx' m ()) -> ctx m () Source #

Creates a parent expectation that the child expectation will happen a certain number of times. Unlike expectN, the child expectation can be arbitrarily complex and span multiple actions. Also unlike expectN, each new execution will restart response sequences for rules with more than one response.

Different occurrences of the child must happen consecutively, with one finishing before the next begins.


data Predicate a Source #

A predicate, which tests values and either accepts or rejects them. This is similar to a -> Bool, but also has a Show instance to describe what it is checking.

Predicates are used to define which arguments a general matcher should accept.





Instances details
Show (Predicate a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.HMock.Internal.Predicates

anything :: Predicate a Source #

A Predicate that accepts anything at all.

>>> accept anything "foo"
>>> accept anything undefined

eq :: (Show a, Eq a) => a -> Predicate a Source #

A Predicate that accepts only the given value.

>>> accept (eq "foo") "foo"
>>> accept (eq "foo") "bar"

neq :: (Show a, Eq a) => a -> Predicate a Source #

A Predicate that accepts anything but the given value.

>>> accept (neq "foo") "foo"
>>> accept (neq "foo") "bar"

gt :: (Show a, Ord a) => a -> Predicate a Source #

A Predicate that accepts anything greater than the given value.

>>> accept (gt 5) 4
>>> accept (gt 5) 5
>>> accept (gt 5) 6

geq :: (Show a, Ord a) => a -> Predicate a Source #

A Predicate that accepts anything greater than or equal to the given value.

>>> accept (geq 5) 4
>>> accept (geq 5) 5
>>> accept (geq 5) 6

lt :: (Show a, Ord a) => a -> Predicate a Source #

A Predicate that accepts anything less than the given value.

>>> accept (lt 5) 4
>>> accept (lt 5) 5
>>> accept (lt 5) 6

leq :: (Show a, Ord a) => a -> Predicate a Source #

A Predicate that accepts anything less than or equal to the given value.

>>> accept (leq 5) 4
>>> accept (leq 5) 5
>>> accept (leq 5) 6

just :: Predicate a -> Predicate (Maybe a) Source #

A Predicate that accepts Maybe values of Just x, where x matches the given child Predicate.

>>> accept (just (eq "value")) Nothing
>>> accept (just (eq "value")) (Just "value")
>>> accept (just (eq "value")) (Just "wrong value")

left :: Predicate a -> Predicate (Either a b) Source #

A Predicate that accepts an Either value of Left x, where x matches the given child Predicate.

>>> accept (left (eq "value")) (Left "value")
>>> accept (left (eq "value")) (Right "value")
>>> accept (left (eq "value")) (Left "wrong value")

right :: Predicate b -> Predicate (Either a b) Source #

A Predicate that accepts an Either value of Right x, where x matches the given child Predicate.

>>> accept (right (eq "value")) (Right "value")
>>> accept (right (eq "value")) (Right "wrong value")
>>> accept (right (eq "value")) (Left "value")

zipP :: Predicate a -> Predicate b -> Predicate (a, b) Source #

A Predicate that accepts pairs whose elements satisfy the corresponding child Predicates.

>>> accept (zipP (eq "foo") (eq "bar")) ("foo", "bar")
>>> accept (zipP (eq "foo") (eq "bar")) ("bar", "foo")

zip3P :: Predicate a -> Predicate b -> Predicate c -> Predicate (a, b, c) Source #

A Predicate that accepts 3-tuples whose elements satisfy the corresponding child Predicates.

>>> accept (zip3P (eq "foo") (eq "bar") (eq "qux")) ("foo", "bar", "qux")
>>> accept (zip3P (eq "foo") (eq "bar") (eq "qux")) ("qux", "bar", "foo")

zip4P :: Predicate a -> Predicate b -> Predicate c -> Predicate d -> Predicate (a, b, c, d) Source #

A Predicate that accepts 3-tuples whose elements satisfy the corresponding child Predicates.

>>> accept (zip4P (eq 1) (eq 2) (eq 3) (eq 4)) (1, 2, 3, 4)
>>> accept (zip4P (eq 1) (eq 2) (eq 3) (eq 4)) (4, 3, 2, 1)

zip5P :: Predicate a -> Predicate b -> Predicate c -> Predicate d -> Predicate e -> Predicate (a, b, c, d, e) Source #

A Predicate that accepts 3-tuples whose elements satisfy the corresponding child Predicates.

>>> accept (zip5P (eq 1) (eq 2) (eq 3) (eq 4) (eq 5)) (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
>>> accept (zip5P (eq 1) (eq 2) (eq 3) (eq 4) (eq 5)) (5, 4, 3, 2, 1)

andP :: Predicate a -> Predicate a -> Predicate a Source #

A Predicate that accepts anything accepted by both of its children.

>>> accept (lt "foo" `andP` gt "bar") "eta"
>>> accept (lt "foo" `andP` gt "bar") "quz"
>>> accept (lt "foo" `andP` gt "bar") "alpha"

orP :: Predicate a -> Predicate a -> Predicate a Source #

A Predicate that accepts anything accepted by either of its children.

>>> accept (lt "bar" `orP` gt "foo") "eta"
>>> accept (lt "bar" `orP` gt "foo") "quz"
>>> accept (lt "bar" `orP` gt "foo") "alpha"

notP :: Predicate a -> Predicate a Source #

A Predicate that inverts another Predicate, accepting whatever its child rejects, and rejecting whatever its child accepts.

>>> accept (notP (eq "negative")) "positive"
>>> accept (notP (eq "negative")) "negative"

startsWith :: (Show t, IsSequence t, Eq (Element t)) => t -> Predicate t Source #

A Predicate that accepts sequences that start with the given prefix.

>>> accept (startsWith "fun") "fungible"
>>> accept (startsWith "gib") "fungible"

endsWith :: (Show t, IsSequence t, Eq (Element t)) => t -> Predicate t Source #

A Predicate that accepts sequences that end with the given suffix.

>>> accept (endsWith "ow") "crossbow"
>>> accept (endsWith "ow") "trebuchet"

hasSubstr :: (Show t, IsSequence t, Eq (Element t)) => t -> Predicate t Source #

A Predicate that accepts sequences that contain the given (consecutive) substring.

>>> accept (hasSubstr "i") "team"
>>> accept (hasSubstr "i") "partnership"

hasSubsequence :: (Show t, IsSequence t, Eq (Element t)) => t -> Predicate t Source #

A Predicate that accepts sequences that contain the given (not necessarily consecutive) subsequence.

>>> accept (hasSubsequence [1..5]) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
>>> accept (hasSubsequence [1..5]) [0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 3, 0, 4, 0, 5, 0]
>>> accept (hasSubsequence [1..5]) [2, 3, 5, 7, 11]

caseInsensitive :: (MonoFunctor t, MonoFunctor a, Element t ~ Char, Element a ~ Char) => (t -> Predicate a) -> t -> Predicate a Source #

Transforms a Predicate on Strings or string-like types to match without regard to case.

>>> accept (caseInsensitive startsWith "foo") "FOOTBALL!"
>>> accept (caseInsensitive endsWith "ball") "soccer"
>>> accept (caseInsensitive eq "time") "TIME"
>>> accept (caseInsensitive gt "NOTHING") "everything"

matchesRegex :: (RegexLike Regex a, Eq a) => String -> Predicate a Source #

A Predicate that accepts Strings or string-like values matching a regular expression. The expression must match the entire argument.

You should not use caseInsensitive matchesRegex, because regular expression syntax itself is still case-sensitive even when the text you are matching is not. Instead, use matchesCaseInsensitiveRegex.

>>> accept (matchesRegex "x{2,5}y?") "xxxy"
>>> accept (matchesRegex "x{2,5}y?") "xyy"
>>> accept (matchesRegex "x{2,5}y?") "wxxxyz"

matchesCaseInsensitiveRegex :: (RegexLike Regex a, Eq a) => String -> Predicate a Source #

A Predicate that accepts Strings or string-like values matching a regular expression in a case-insensitive way. The expression must match the entire argument.

You should use this instead of caseInsensitive matchesRegex, because regular expression syntax itself is still case-sensitive even when the text you are matching is not.

>>> accept (matchesCaseInsensitiveRegex "x{2,5}y?") "XXXY"
>>> accept (matchesCaseInsensitiveRegex "x{2,5}y?") "XYY"
>>> accept (matchesCaseInsensitiveRegex "x{2,5}y?") "WXXXYZ"

containsRegex :: (RegexLike Regex a, Eq a) => String -> Predicate a Source #

A Predicate that accepts Strings or string-like values containing a match for a regular expression. The expression need not match the entire argument.

You should not use caseInsensitive containsRegex, because regular expression syntax itself is still case-sensitive even when the text you are matching is not. Instead, use containsCaseInsensitiveRegex.

>>> accept (containsRegex "x{2,5}y?") "xxxy"
>>> accept (containsRegex "x{2,5}y?") "xyy"
>>> accept (containsRegex "x{2,5}y?") "wxxxyz"

containsCaseInsensitiveRegex :: (RegexLike Regex a, Eq a) => String -> Predicate a Source #

A Predicate that accepts Strings or string-like values containing a match for a regular expression in a case-insensitive way. The expression need match the entire argument.

You should use this instead of caseInsensitive containsRegex, because regular expression syntax itself is still case-sensitive even when the text you are matching is not.

>>> accept (containsCaseInsensitiveRegex "x{2,5}y?") "XXXY"
>>> accept (containsCaseInsensitiveRegex "x{2,5}y?") "XYY"
>>> accept (containsCaseInsensitiveRegex "x{2,5}y?") "WXXXYZ"

isEmpty :: MonoFoldable t => Predicate t Source #

A Predicate that accepts empty data structures.

>>> accept isEmpty []
>>> accept isEmpty [1, 2, 3]
>>> accept isEmpty ""
>>> accept isEmpty "gas tank"

nonEmpty :: MonoFoldable t => Predicate t Source #

A Predicate that accepts non-empty data structures.

>>> accept nonEmpty []
>>> accept nonEmpty [1, 2, 3]
>>> accept nonEmpty ""
>>> accept nonEmpty "gas tank"

sizeIs :: MonoFoldable t => Predicate Int -> Predicate t Source #

A Predicate that accepts data structures whose number of elements match the child Predicate.

>>> accept (sizeIs (lt 3)) ['a' .. 'f']
>>> accept (sizeIs (lt 3)) ['a' .. 'b']

elemsAre :: MonoFoldable t => [Predicate (Element t)] -> Predicate t Source #

A Predicate that accepts data structures whose contents each match the corresponding Predicate in the given list, in the same order.

>>> accept (elemsAre [lt 3, lt 4, lt 5]) [2, 3, 4]
>>> accept (elemsAre [lt 3, lt 4, lt 5]) [2, 3, 4, 5]
>>> accept (elemsAre [lt 3, lt 4, lt 5]) [2, 10, 4]

unorderedElemsAre :: MonoFoldable t => [Predicate (Element t)] -> Predicate t Source #

A Predicate that accepts data structures whose contents each match the corresponding Predicate in the given list, in any order.

>>> accept (unorderedElemsAre [eq 1, eq 2, eq 3]) [1, 2, 3]
>>> accept (unorderedElemsAre [eq 1, eq 2, eq 3]) [2, 3, 1]
>>> accept (unorderedElemsAre [eq 1, eq 2, eq 3]) [1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> accept (unorderedElemsAre [eq 1, eq 2, eq 3]) [1, 3]

each :: MonoFoldable t => Predicate (Element t) -> Predicate t Source #

A Predicate that accepts data structures whose elements each match the child Predicate.

>>> accept (each (gt 5)) [4, 5, 6]
>>> accept (each (gt 5)) [6, 7, 8]
>>> accept (each (gt 5)) []

contains :: MonoFoldable t => Predicate (Element t) -> Predicate t Source #

A Predicate that accepts data structures which contain at least one element matching the child Predicate.

>>> accept (contains (gt 5)) [3, 4, 5]
>>> accept (contains (gt 5)) [4, 5, 6]
>>> accept (contains (gt 5)) []

containsAll :: MonoFoldable t => [Predicate (Element t)] -> Predicate t Source #

A Predicate that accepts data structures which contain an element satisfying each of the child predicates. containsAll [p1, p2, ..., pn] is equivalent to contains p1 `andP` contains p2 `andP` ... `andP` contains pn.

>>> accept (containsAll [eq "foo", eq "bar"]) ["bar", "foo"]
>>> accept (containsAll [eq "foo", eq "bar"]) ["foo"]
>>> accept (containsAll [eq "foo", eq "bar"]) ["foo", "bar", "qux"]

containsOnly :: MonoFoldable t => [Predicate (Element t)] -> Predicate t Source #

A Predicate that accepts data structures whose elements all satisfy at least one of the child predicates. containsOnly [p1, p2, ..., pn] is equivalent to each (p1 `orP` p2 `orP` ... `orP` pn).

>>> accept (containsOnly [eq "foo", eq "bar"]) ["foo", "foo"]
>>> accept (containsOnly [eq "foo", eq "bar"]) ["foo", "bar"]
>>> accept (containsOnly [eq "foo", eq "bar"]) ["foo", "qux"]

containsKey :: (IsList t, Item t ~ (k, v)) => Predicate k -> Predicate t Source #

A Predicate that accepts map-like structures which contain a key matching the child Predicate.

>>> accept (containsKey (eq "foo")) [("foo", 1), ("bar", 2)]
>>> accept (containsKey (eq "foo")) [("bar", 1), ("qux", 2)]

containsEntry :: (IsList t, Item t ~ (k, v)) => Predicate k -> Predicate v -> Predicate t Source #

A Predicate that accepts map-like structures which contain a key/value pair matched by the given child Predicates (one for the key, and one for the value).

>>> accept (containsEntry (eq "foo") (gt 10)) [("foo", 12), ("bar", 5)]
>>> accept (containsEntry (eq "foo") (gt 10)) [("foo", 5), ("bar", 12)]
>>> accept (containsEntry (eq "foo") (gt 10)) [("bar", 12)]

keysAre :: (IsList t, Item t ~ (k, v)) => [Predicate k] -> Predicate t Source #

A Predicate that accepts map-like structures whose keys are exactly those matched by the given list of Predicates, in any order.

>>> accept (keysAre [eq "a", eq "b", eq "c"]) [("a", 1), ("b", 2), ("c", 3)]
>>> accept (keysAre [eq "a", eq "b", eq "c"]) [("c", 1), ("b", 2), ("a", 3)]
>>> accept (keysAre [eq "a", eq "b", eq "c"]) [("a", 1), ("c", 3)]
>>> accept (keysAre [eq "a", eq "b"]) [("a", 1), ("b", 2), ("c", 3)]

entriesAre :: (IsList t, Item t ~ (k, v)) => [(Predicate k, Predicate v)] -> Predicate t Source #

A Predicate that accepts map-like structures whose entries are exactly those matched by the given list of Predicate pairs, in any order.

>>> accept (entriesAre [(eq 1, eq 2), (eq 3, eq 4)]) [(1, 2), (3, 4)]
>>> accept (entriesAre [(eq 1, eq 2), (eq 3, eq 4)]) [(3, 4), (1, 2)]
>>> accept (entriesAre [(eq 1, eq 2), (eq 3, eq 4)]) [(1, 4), (3, 2)]
>>> accept (entriesAre [(eq 1, eq 2), (eq 3, eq 4)]) [(1, 2), (3, 4), (5, 6)]

approxEq :: (RealFloat a, Show a) => a -> Predicate a Source #

A Predicate that accepts values of RealFloat types that are close to the given number. The expected precision is scaled based on the target value, so that reasonable rounding error is accepted but grossly inaccurate results are not.

The following naive use of eq fails due to rounding:

>>> accept (eq 1.0) (sum (replicate 100 0.01))

The solution is to use approxEq, which accounts for rounding error. However, approxEq doesn't accept results that are far enough off that they likely arise from incorrect calculations instead of rounding error.

>>> accept (approxEq 1.0) (sum (replicate 100 0.01))
>>> accept (approxEq 1.0) (sum (replicate 100 0.009999))

finite :: RealFloat a => Predicate a Source #

A Predicate that accepts finite numbers of any RealFloat type.

>>> accept finite 1.0
>>> accept finite (0 / 0)
>>> accept finite (1 / 0)

infinite :: RealFloat a => Predicate a Source #

A Predicate that accepts infinite numbers of any RealFloat type.

>>> accept infinite 1.0
>>> accept infinite (0 / 0)
>>> accept infinite (1 / 0)

nAn :: RealFloat a => Predicate a Source #

A Predicate that accepts NaN values of any RealFloat type.

>>> accept nAn 1.0
>>> accept nAn (0 / 0)
>>> accept nAn (1 / 0)

is :: HasCallStack => (a -> Bool) -> Predicate a Source #

A conversion from a -> Bool to Predicate. This is a fallback that can be used to build a Predicate that checks anything at all. However, its description will be less helpful than standard Predicates.

>>> accept (is even) 3
>>> accept (is even) 4

qIs :: HasCallStack => ExpQ -> ExpQ Source #

A Template Haskell splice that acts like is, but receives a quoted expression at compile time and has a more helpful description for error messages.

>>> accept $(qIs [| even |]) 3
>>> accept $(qIs [| even |]) 4
>>> show $(qIs [| even |])

with :: HasCallStack => (a -> b) -> Predicate b -> Predicate a Source #

A combinator to lift a Predicate to work on a property or computed value of the original value.

>>> accept (with abs (gt 5)) (-6)
>>> accept (with abs (gt 5)) (-5)
>>> accept (with reverse (eq "olleh")) "hello"
>>> accept (with reverse (eq "olleh")) "goodbye"

qWith :: ExpQ -> ExpQ Source #

A Template Haskell splice that acts like is, but receives a quoted typed expression at compile time and has a more helpful description for error messages.

>>> accept ($(qWith [| abs |]) (gt 5)) (-6)
>>> accept ($(qWith [| abs |]) (gt 5)) (-5)
>>> accept ($(qWith [| reverse |]) (eq "olleh")) "hello"
>>> accept ($(qWith [| reverse |]) (eq "olleh")) "goodbye"
>>> show ($(qWith [| abs |]) (gt 5))
"abs: > 5"

qMatch :: PatQ -> ExpQ Source #

A Template Haskell splice that turns a quoted pattern into a predicate that accepts values that match the pattern.

>>> accept $(qMatch [p| Just (Left _) |]) Nothing
>>> accept $(qMatch [p| Just (Left _) |]) (Just (Left 5))
>>> accept $(qMatch [p| Just (Left _) |]) (Just (Right 5))
>>> show $(qMatch [p| Just (Left _) |])
"Just (Left _)"

typed :: forall a b. (Typeable a, Typeable b) => Predicate a -> Predicate b Source #

Converts a Predicate to a new type. Typically used with visible type application, as in the examples below.

>>> accept (typed @String anything) "foo"
>>> accept (typed @String (sizeIs (gt 5))) "foo"
>>> accept (typed @String anything) (42 :: Int)


data Multiplicity Source #

An acceptable range of number of times for something to happen.

A multiplicity can have a lower and an upper bound.


Instances details
Eq Multiplicity Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.HMock.Internal.Multiplicity

Num Multiplicity Source #

This is an incomplete instance, provided for convenience.

>>> meetsMultiplicity 5 4
>>> meetsMultiplicity 5 5
>>> between 4 6 - between 1 2
2 to 5 times
Instance details

Defined in Test.HMock.Internal.Multiplicity

Show Multiplicity Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Test.HMock.Internal.Multiplicity

meetsMultiplicity :: Multiplicity -> Int -> Bool Source #

Checks whether a certain number satisfies the Multiplicity.

once :: Multiplicity Source #

A Multiplicity that means exactly once.

>>> meetsMultiplicity once 0
>>> meetsMultiplicity once 1
>>> meetsMultiplicity once 2

anyMultiplicity :: Multiplicity Source #

A Multiplicity that means any number of times. >>> meetsMultiplicity anyMultiplicity 0 True >>> meetsMultiplicity anyMultiplicity 1 True >>> meetsMultiplicity anyMultiplicity 10 True

atLeast :: Multiplicity -> Multiplicity Source #

A Multiplicity that means at least this many times.

>>> meetsMultiplicity (atLeast 2) 1
>>> meetsMultiplicity (atLeast 2) 2
>>> meetsMultiplicity (atLeast 2) 3

atMost :: Multiplicity -> Multiplicity Source #

A Multiplicity that means at most this many times.

>>> meetsMultiplicity (atMost 2) 1
>>> meetsMultiplicity (atMost 2) 2
>>> meetsMultiplicity (atMost 2) 3

between :: Multiplicity -> Multiplicity -> Multiplicity Source #

A Multiplicity that means any number in this interval, endpoints included. For example, between 2 3 means 2 or 3 times, while between n n is equivalent to n.

>>> meetsMultiplicity (between 2 3) 1
>>> meetsMultiplicity (between 2 3) 2
>>> meetsMultiplicity (between 2 3) 3
>>> meetsMultiplicity (between 2 3) 4

Implementing mocks

class Typeable cls => MockableBase (cls :: (Type -> Type) -> Constraint) where Source #

A base class for Monad subclasses whose methods can be mocked. You usually want to generate this instance using makeMockable, makeMockableBase, deriveMockable, or deriveMockableBase. It's just boilerplate.

Associated Types

data Action cls :: Symbol -> (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type Source #

An action that is performed. This data type will have one constructor for each method.

data Matcher cls :: Symbol -> (Type -> Type) -> Type -> Type Source #

A specification for matching actions. The actual arguments should be replaced with predicates.


showAction :: Action cls name m a -> String Source #

Gets a text description of an Action, for use in error messages.

showMatcher :: Maybe (Action cls name m a) -> Matcher cls name m b -> String Source #

Gets a text description of a Matcher, for use in error messages.

matchAction :: Matcher cls name m a -> Action cls name m a -> MatchResult Source #

Attempts to match an Action with a Matcher.

class MockableBase cls => Mockable (cls :: (Type -> Type) -> Constraint) where Source #

A class for Monad subclasses whose methods can be mocked. This class augments MockableBase with a setup method that is run before HMock touches the Monad subclass for the first time. The default implementation does nothing, but you can derive your own instances that add setup behavior.

Minimal complete definition



setupMockable :: (MonadIO m, Typeable m) => proxy cls -> MockT m () Source #

data MatchResult where Source #

The result of matching a Matcher a with an Action b. Because the types should already guarantee that the methods match, all that's left is to match arguments.


NoMatch :: Int -> MatchResult

No match. The int is the number of arguments that don't match.

Match :: MatchResult

Match. Stores a witness to the equality of return types.

mockMethod :: forall cls name m r. (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, MockableMethod cls name m r, Default r) => Action cls name m r -> MockT m r Source #

Implements a method in a Mockable monad by delegating to the mock framework. If the method is called unexpectedly, an exception will be thrown. However, an expected invocation without a specified response will return the default value.

mockDefaultlessMethod :: forall cls name m r. (HasCallStack, MonadIO m, MockableMethod cls name m r) => Action cls name m r -> MockT m r Source #

Implements a method in a Mockable monad by delegating to the mock framework. If the method is called unexpectedly, an exception will be thrown. However, an expected invocation without a specified response will return undefined. This can be used in place of mockMethod when the return type has no default.