HPDF-1.3: Generation of PDF documentsContentsIndex
Typesetting monads
Text display
Text construction operators
Paragraph construction operators
Functions useful to change the paragraph style
Settings (similar to TeX ones)
Line breaking settings
Vertical mode settings
Experimental typesetting. It is a work in progress
class Box a where
boxWidth :: a -> PDFFloat
boxHeight :: a -> PDFFloat
boxDescent :: a -> PDFFloat
boxAscent :: a -> PDFFloat
class DisplayableBox a where
strokeBox :: a -> PDFFloat -> PDFFloat -> Draw ()
data Letter s
= Letter BoxDimension !AnyBox !(Maybe s)
| Glue !PDFFloat !PDFFloat !PDFFloat !(Maybe s)
| FlaggedPenalty !PDFFloat !Int !s
| Penalty !Int
| AChar !s !Char !PDFFloat
| Kern !PDFFloat !(Maybe s)
type BoxDimension = (PDFFloat, PDFFloat, PDFFloat)
class ComparableStyle a => Style a where
sentenceStyle :: a -> Maybe (Rectangle -> Draw b -> Draw ())
wordStyle :: a -> Maybe (Rectangle -> StyleFunction -> Draw b -> Draw ())
textStyle :: a -> TextStyle
updateStyle :: a -> a
styleHeight :: a -> PDFFloat
styleDescent :: a -> PDFFloat
data TextStyle = TextStyle {
textFont :: !PDFFont
textStrokeColor :: !Color
textFillColor :: !Color
textMode :: !TextMode
penWidth :: !PDFFloat
scaleSpace :: !PDFFloat
scaleDilatation :: !PDFFloat
scaleCompression :: !PDFFloat
data StyleFunction
= DrawWord
| DrawGlue
class (ComparableStyle a, Style s) => ParagraphStyle a s | a -> s where
lineWidth :: a -> PDFFloat -> Int -> PDFFloat
linePosition :: a -> PDFFloat -> Int -> PDFFloat
interline :: a -> Maybe (Rectangle -> Draw ())
paragraphChange :: a -> Int -> [Letter s] -> (a, [Letter s])
paragraphStyle :: a -> Maybe (Rectangle -> Draw b -> Draw ())
class (Style s, Monad m) => MonadStyle s m | m -> s where
setStyle :: s -> m ()
currentStyle :: m s
addBox :: (Show a, DisplayableBox a, Box a) => a -> PDFFloat -> PDFFloat -> PDFFloat -> m ()
glue :: PDFFloat -> PDFFloat -> PDFFloat -> m ()
unstyledGlue :: PDFFloat -> PDFFloat -> PDFFloat -> m ()
class ComparableStyle a where
isSameStyleAs :: a -> a -> Bool
data Para s a
data TM ps s a
data VBox ps s
data VerState s = VerState {
baselineskip :: !(PDFFloat, PDFFloat, PDFFloat)
lineskip :: !(PDFFloat, PDFFloat, PDFFloat)
lineskiplimit :: !PDFFloat
currentParagraphStyle :: !s
data Container ps s
data Justification
= FullJustification
| Centered
| LeftJustification
| RightJustification
displayFormattedText :: ParagraphStyle ps s => Rectangle -> ps -> s -> TM ps s a -> Draw a
txt :: Style s => String -> Para s ()
kern :: Style s => PDFFloat -> Para s ()
addPenalty :: Int -> Para s ()
mkLetter :: (Show a, Box a, DisplayableBox a) => BoxDimension -> Maybe s -> a -> Letter s
mkDrawBox :: Draw () -> DrawBox
forceNewLine :: Style s => Para s ()
paragraph :: Style s => Para s a -> TM ps s a
endPara :: Style s => Para s ()
startPara :: Style s => Para s ()
getParaStyle :: TM ps s ps
setParaStyle :: ParagraphStyle ps s => ps -> TM ps s ()
mkContainer :: PDFFloat -> PDFFloat -> PDFFloat -> PDFFloat -> PDFFloat -> Container ps s
fillContainer :: (ParagraphStyle ps s, ComparableStyle ps) => VerState ps -> Container ps s -> [VBox ps s] -> (Draw (), Container ps s, [VBox ps s])
defaultVerState :: s -> VerState s
getBoxes :: ParagraphStyle ps s => ps -> s -> TM ps s a -> [VBox ps s]
containerX :: Container ps s -> PDFFloat
containerY :: Container ps s -> PDFFloat
containerWidth :: Container ps s -> PDFFloat
containerHeight :: Container ps s -> PDFFloat
containerContentHeight :: Container ps s -> PDFFloat
containerContentRightBorder :: Container ps s -> PDFFloat
containerContentLeftBorder :: Container ps s -> PDFFloat
containerCurrentHeight :: Container ps s -> PDFFloat
containerContentRectangle :: Container ps s -> Rectangle
setFirstPassTolerance :: PDFFloat -> TM ps s ()
setSecondPassTolerance :: PDFFloat -> TM ps s ()
setHyphenPenaltyValue :: Int -> TM ps s ()
setFitnessDemerit :: PDFFloat -> TM ps s ()
setHyphenDemerit :: PDFFloat -> TM ps s ()
setLinePenalty :: PDFFloat -> TM ps s ()
getFirstPassTolerance :: TM ps s PDFFloat
getSecondPassTolerance :: TM ps s PDFFloat
getHyphenPenaltyValue :: TM ps s Int
getFitnessDemerit :: TM ps s PDFFloat
getHyphenDemerit :: TM ps s PDFFloat
getLinePenalty :: TM ps s PDFFloat
setJustification :: Justification -> TM ps s ()
setBaseLineSkip :: PDFFloat -> PDFFloat -> PDFFloat -> TM ps s ()
setLineSkipLimit :: PDFFloat -> TM ps s ()
setLineSkip :: PDFFloat -> PDFFloat -> PDFFloat -> TM ps s ()
getBaseLineSkip :: TM ps s (PDFFloat, PDFFloat, PDFFloat)
getLineSkipLimit :: TM ps s PDFFloat
getLineSkip :: TM ps s (PDFFloat, PDFFloat, PDFFloat)
data StandardStyle = Font PDFFont Color Color
data StandardParagraphStyle = NormalParagraph
class Box a where
A box is an object with dimensions and used in the typesetting process
:: aBox
-> PDFFloatWidth of the box
Box width
boxHeight :: a -> PDFFloat
Box height
boxDescent :: a -> PDFFloat
Distance between box bottom and box baseline
boxAscent :: a -> PDFFloat
Distance between box top and box baseline
show/hide Instances
Box AnyBox
Box BoxDimension
Box DrawBox
Style s => Box (HBox s)
Box (VBox ps s)
class DisplayableBox a where
A box that can be displayed
:: aThe box
-> PDFFloatHorizontal position
-> PDFFloatVertical position (top of the box and NOT baseline)
-> Draw ()
Draw a box
show/hide Instances
data Letter s
A letter which can be anything. Sizes are widths and for glue the dilation and compression factors For the generic letter, height and descent are also provided
Letter BoxDimension !AnyBox !(Maybe s)Any box as a letter
Glue !PDFFloat !PDFFloat !PDFFloat !(Maybe s)A glue with style to know if it is part of the same sentence
FlaggedPenalty !PDFFloat !Int !sHyphen point
Penalty !IntPenalty
AChar !s !Char !PDFFloatA char
Kern !PDFFloat !(Maybe s)A kern : non dilatable and non breakable glue
show/hide Instances
PointedBox s (PDFFloat, PDFFloat, PDFFloat, Int, Letter s)
MaybeGlue (Letter s)
Show (Letter s)
MonadWriter [Letter s] Para
type BoxDimension = (PDFFloat, PDFFloat, PDFFloat)
Dimension of a box : width, height and descent
class ComparableStyle a => Style a where
Style of text (sentences and words). Minimum definition textStyle
:: aThe style
-> Maybe (Rectangle -> Draw b -> Draw ())Function receiving the bounding rectangle and the command for drawing the sentence
Modify the look of a sentence (sequence of words using the same style on a line)
:: aThe style
-> Maybe (Rectangle -> StyleFunction -> Draw b -> Draw ())Word styling function
textStyle :: a -> TextStyle
updateStyle :: a -> a
A style may contain data changed from word to word
styleHeight :: a -> PDFFloat

A style may change the height of words

 Default implementation
 styleHeight = getHeight . textFont . textStyle
styleDescent :: a -> PDFFloat

A style may change the descent of lines

 Default implementation
 styleDescent = getDescent . textFont . textStyle
show/hide Instances
data TextStyle
Text style used by PDF operators
textFont :: !PDFFont
textStrokeColor :: !Color
textFillColor :: !Color
textMode :: !TextMode
penWidth :: !PDFFloat
scaleSpace :: !PDFFloatScaling factor for normal space size (scale also the dilation and compression factors)
scaleDilatation :: !PDFFloatScale the dilation factor of glues
scaleCompression :: !PDFFloatScale the compression factor of glues
show/hide Instances
data StyleFunction
What kind of style drawing function is required for a word when word styling is enabled
DrawWordMust style a word
DrawGlueMust style a glue
show/hide Instances
class (ComparableStyle a, Style s) => ParagraphStyle a s | a -> s where
Paragraph style
:: aThe style
-> PDFFloatWidth of the text area used by the typesetting algorithm
-> IntLine number
-> PDFFloatLine width
Width of the line of the paragraph
:: aThe style
-> PDFFloatWidth of the text area used by the typesetting algorithm
-> IntLine number
-> PDFFloatHorizontal offset from the left edge of the text area
Horizontal shift of the line position relatively to the left egde of the paragraph bounding box
:: aThe style
-> Maybe (Rectangle -> Draw ())Function used to style interline glues
How to style the interline glues added in a paragraph by the line breaking algorithm
:: aThe style
-> IntLine offset different from 0 when a paragraph has been broken
-> [Letter s]List of letters in the paragraph
-> (a, [Letter s])Update style and list of letters
Change the content of a paragraph before the line breaking algorithm is run. It may also change the style
:: aThe style
-> Maybe (Rectangle -> Draw b -> Draw ())Function used to style a paragraph
Get the paragraph bounding box and the paragraph draw command to apply additional effects
show/hide Instances
class (Style s, Monad m) => MonadStyle s m | m -> s where
A MonadStyle where some typesetting operators can be used
setStyle :: s -> m ()
Set the current text style
currentStyle :: m s
Get the current text style
:: (Show a, DisplayableBox a, Box a)
=> a
-> PDFFloatWidth
-> PDFFloatHeight
-> PDFFloatDescent
-> m ()
Add a box using the current mode (horizontal or vertical. The current style is always applied to the added box)
:: PDFFloatSize of glue (width or height depending on the mode)
-> PDFFloatDilatation factor
-> PDFFloatCompression factor
-> m ()
Add a glue using the current style
:: PDFFloatSize of glue (width or height depending on the mode)
-> PDFFloatDilatation factor
-> PDFFloatCompression factor
-> m ()
Add a glue with no style (it is just a translation)
show/hide Instances
Style s => MonadStyle s (Para s)
Style s => MonadStyle s (TM ps s)
class ComparableStyle a where
Used to compare two style without taking into account the style state
isSameStyleAs :: a -> a -> Bool
show/hide Instances
Typesetting monads
data Para s a
show/hide Instances
data TM ps s a
show/hide Instances
Functor TM
Monad TM
Style s => MonadStyle s (TM ps s)
MonadWriter [VBox ps s] TM
MonadState (TMState ps s) TM
data VBox ps s
show/hide Instances
MonadWriter [VBox ps s] TM
Box (VBox ps s)
ParagraphStyle ps s => DisplayableBox (VBox ps s)
MaybeGlue (VBox ps s)
Show (VBox ps s)
data VerState s
baselineskip :: !(PDFFloat, PDFFloat, PDFFloat)Default value (12,0.17,0.0)
lineskip :: !(PDFFloat, PDFFloat, PDFFloat)Default value (3.0,0.33,0.0)
lineskiplimit :: !PDFFloatDefault value 2
currentParagraphStyle :: !s
data Container ps s
Container for vboxes (x,y,width,maxheight,height,currenty,current z, tolerance para) tolerance para means a paragraph is not started if too close from the bottom edge of the box
data Justification
show/hide Instances
Text display
:: ParagraphStyle ps s
=> RectangleText area
-> psdefault vertical style
-> sDefault horizontal style
-> TM ps s aTypesetting monad
-> Draw aDraw monad
Display a formatted text in a given bounding rectangle with a given default paragraph style, a given default text style. No clipping is taking place. Drawing stop when the last line is crossing the bounding rectangle in vertical direction
Text construction operators
txt :: Style s => String -> Para s ()
Add a text line
kern :: Style s => PDFFloat -> Para s ()
add a kern (space that can be dilated or compressed and on which no line breaking can occur)
addPenalty :: Int -> Para s ()
Add a penalty
:: (Show a, Box a, DisplayableBox a)
=> BoxDimensionDimension of the box
-> Maybe sText style of the box (can use t)
-> aBox
-> Letter s
Make a letter from any box
mkDrawBox :: Draw () -> DrawBox
Make a drawing box. A box object containing a Draw value
Paragraph construction operators
forceNewLine :: Style s => Para s ()
For a newline and end the current paragraph
paragraph :: Style s => Para s a -> TM ps s a
Add a new paragraph to the text
endPara :: Style s => Para s ()
startPara :: Style s => Para s ()
Functions useful to change the paragraph style
getParaStyle :: TM ps s ps
Get the current paragraph style
setParaStyle :: ParagraphStyle ps s => ps -> TM ps s ()
Change the current paragraph style
:: PDFFloatx
-> PDFFloaty
-> PDFFloatwidth
-> PDFFloatheight
-> PDFFloatPargraph tolerance
-> Container ps sNew container
Create a empty container to constraint the amount of line that can be displayed
:: (ParagraphStyle ps s, ComparableStyle ps)
=> VerState psVertical style for interline glues
-> Container ps sContainer
-> [VBox ps s]VBox to add
-> (Draw (), Container ps s, [VBox ps s])Component to draw, new container and remaining VBoxes due to overfull container
Fill a container with lines
defaultVerState :: s -> VerState s

Default vertical state

 Default values
 baselineskip = (12,0.17,0.0)
 lineskip = (3.0,0.33,0.0)
 lineskiplimit = 2
:: ParagraphStyle ps s
=> psdefault vertical style
-> sDefault horizontal style
-> TM ps s aTypesetting monad
-> [VBox ps s]List of boxes
Return the list of Vboxes for a text
containerX :: Container ps s -> PDFFloat
Container horizontal position
containerY :: Container ps s -> PDFFloat
Container vertical position
containerWidth :: Container ps s -> PDFFloat
Get the width of the container
containerHeight :: Container ps s -> PDFFloat
Get the height of the container
containerContentHeight :: Container ps s -> PDFFloat
Get the content height of the container with glue dilatation
containerContentRightBorder :: Container ps s -> PDFFloat
Get the maximum right border of the container content (maybe bigger than container width due to overfull lines)
containerContentLeftBorder :: Container ps s -> PDFFloat
Get the minimum left border of the container content
containerCurrentHeight :: Container ps s -> PDFFloat
Get the current height of the container without glue dilatation
containerContentRectangle :: Container ps s -> Rectangle
Return the rectangle containing the text after formatting and glue dilatation
Settings (similar to TeX ones)
Line breaking settings
setFirstPassTolerance :: PDFFloat -> TM ps s ()
setSecondPassTolerance :: PDFFloat -> TM ps s ()
setHyphenPenaltyValue :: Int -> TM ps s ()
setFitnessDemerit :: PDFFloat -> TM ps s ()
setHyphenDemerit :: PDFFloat -> TM ps s ()
setLinePenalty :: PDFFloat -> TM ps s ()
getFirstPassTolerance :: TM ps s PDFFloat
getSecondPassTolerance :: TM ps s PDFFloat
getHyphenPenaltyValue :: TM ps s Int
getFitnessDemerit :: TM ps s PDFFloat
getHyphenDemerit :: TM ps s PDFFloat
getLinePenalty :: TM ps s PDFFloat
:: JustificationCentered, left or fully justified
-> TM ps s ()
Vertical mode settings
setBaseLineSkip :: PDFFloat -> PDFFloat -> PDFFloat -> TM ps s ()
setLineSkipLimit :: PDFFloat -> TM ps s ()
setLineSkip :: PDFFloat -> PDFFloat -> PDFFloat -> TM ps s ()
getBaseLineSkip :: TM ps s (PDFFloat, PDFFloat, PDFFloat)
getLineSkipLimit :: TM ps s PDFFloat
getLineSkip :: TM ps s (PDFFloat, PDFFloat, PDFFloat)
data StandardStyle
Standard styles for sentences
Font PDFFont Color Color
show/hide Instances
data StandardParagraphStyle
Standard styles for paragraphs
show/hide Instances
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