{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- Copyright (c) 2009-2012   Stefan Wehr - http://www.stefanwehr.de
-- This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-- modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-- License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-- version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-- This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- Lesser General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-- License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA

{- |

This module defines the commandline options of the test driver provided by HTF.

module Test.Framework.CmdlineOptions (

    CmdlineOptions(..), defaultCmdlineOptions, parseTestArgs, helpString,

) where

import Test.Framework.TestReporter
import Test.Framework.TestTypes
import Test.Framework.History
import Test.Framework.Utils

#ifndef MIN_VERSION_base
#define MIN_VERSION_base(a,b,c) 1
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,6,0)
import Prelude hiding ( catch )
import Control.Exception

import Data.Char (toLower)
import Data.Maybe

import System.IO
import System.Environment hiding (getEnv)
import System.Directory
import System.Console.GetOpt
import qualified Text.Regex as R

#ifndef mingw32_HOST_OS
import System.Posix.Terminal
import System.Posix.IO (stdOutput)
import System.Posix.Env

import GHC.Conc ( numCapabilities )

import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Control.Monad

-- CmdlineOptions

-- | Commandline options for running tests.
data CmdlineOptions = CmdlineOptions {
      opts_quiet :: Bool                -- ^ Be quiet or not.
    , opts_filter :: TestFilter         -- ^ Run only tests matching this filter.
    , opts_help :: Bool                 -- ^ If 'True', display a help message and exit.
    , opts_negated :: [String]          -- ^ Regular expressions matching test names which should /not/ run.
    , opts_threads :: Maybe Int         -- ^ Use @Just i@ for parallel execution with @i@ threads, @Nothing@ for sequential execution.
    , opts_shuffle :: Bool              -- ^ If 'True', shuffle tests when running them in parallel. Default: 'False'
    , opts_machineOutput :: Bool        -- ^ Format output for machines (JSON format) or humans. See 'Test.Framework.JsonOutput' for a definition of the JSON format.
    , opts_machineOutputXml :: Maybe FilePath -- ^ Output file for junit-style XML output. See 'Test.Framework.XmlOutput' for a definition of the XML format.
    , opts_useColors :: Maybe Bool      -- ^ Use @Just b@ to enable/disable use of colors, @Nothing@ infers the use of colors.
    , opts_outputFile :: Maybe FilePath -- ^ The output file, defaults to stdout
    , opts_listTests :: Bool            -- ^ If 'True', lists all tests available and exits.
    , opts_split :: Bool                -- ^ If 'True', each message is sent to a new ouput file (derived by appending an index to 'opts_outputFile').
    , opts_historyFile :: Maybe FilePath -- ^ History file, default: @./.HTF/<ProgramName>.history@
    , opts_failFast :: Bool             -- ^ Fail and terminate test run as soon as the first test fails. Default: 'False'
    , opts_sortByPrevTime :: Bool       -- ^ Sort tests by their previous run times (ascending). Default: 'False'
    , opts_maxPrevTimeMs :: Maybe Milliseconds -- ^ Ignore tests with a runtime greater than given in a previous test run.
    , opts_maxCurTimeMs :: Maybe Milliseconds  -- ^ Abort tests that run more than the given milliseconds.
    , opts_prevFactor :: Maybe Double -- ^ Warn if a test runs more than N times slower than in a previous run.
    , opts_timeoutIsSuccess :: Bool -- ^ Do not regard test timeout as an error.
    , opts_repeat :: Int                 -- ^ Number of times to repeat tests selected on the command line before reporting them as a success.

{- |
The default 'CmdlineOptions'.
defaultCmdlineOptions :: CmdlineOptions
defaultCmdlineOptions = CmdlineOptions {
      opts_quiet = False
    , opts_filter = const True
    , opts_help = False
    , opts_negated = []
    , opts_threads = Nothing
    , opts_shuffle = False
    , opts_machineOutput = False
    , opts_machineOutputXml = Nothing
    , opts_useColors = Nothing
    , opts_outputFile = Nothing
    , opts_listTests = False
    , opts_split = False
    , opts_historyFile = Nothing
    , opts_failFast = False
    , opts_sortByPrevTime = False
    , opts_maxPrevTimeMs = Nothing
    , opts_maxCurTimeMs = Nothing
    , opts_prevFactor = Nothing
    , opts_timeoutIsSuccess = False
    , opts_repeat = 1

processorCount :: Int
processorCount = numCapabilities
processorCount = 1

optionDescriptions :: [OptDescr (CmdlineOptions -> Either String CmdlineOptions)]
optionDescriptions =
    [ Option ['q']     ["quiet"]
             (NoArg (\o -> Right $ o { opts_quiet = True }))
             "Only display errors."
    , Option ['n']     ["not"]
             (ReqArg (\s o -> Right $ o { opts_negated = s : (opts_negated o) }) "PATTERN")
             "Tests to exclude."
    , Option ['l']     ["list"]
             (NoArg (\o -> Right $ o { opts_listTests = True }))
             "List all matching tests."
    , Option ['j']     ["threads"]
             (OptArg (\ms o -> parseThreads ms >>= \i -> Right $ o { opts_threads = Just i }) "N")
             ("Run N tests in parallel, default N=" ++ show processorCount ++ ".")
    , Option []        ["shuffle"]
             (ReqArg (\s o -> parseBool s >>= \b -> Right $ o { opts_shuffle = b }) "BOOL")
             "Shuffle test order. Default: false"
    , Option ['o']     ["output-file"]
             (ReqArg (\s o -> Right $ o { opts_outputFile = Just s }) "FILE")
             "Name of output file."
    , Option []        ["json"]
             (NoArg (\o -> Right $ o { opts_machineOutput = True }))
             "Output results in machine-readable JSON format (incremental)."
    , Option []        ["xml"]
             (ReqArg (\s o -> Right $ o { opts_machineOutputXml = Just s }) "FILE")
             "Output results in junit-style XML format."
    , Option []        ["split"]
             (NoArg (\o -> Right $ o { opts_split = True }))
             "Splits results in separate files to avoid file locking (requires -o/--output-file)."
    , Option []        ["colors"]
             (ReqArg (\s o -> parseBool s >>= \b -> Right $ o { opts_useColors = Just b }) "BOOL")
             "Use colors or not."
    , Option []        ["history"]
             (ReqArg (\s o -> Right $ o { opts_historyFile = Just s }) "FILE")
             "Path to the history file. Default: ./.HTF/<ProgramName>.history"
    , Option []        ["fail-fast"]
             (NoArg (\o -> Right $ o { opts_failFast = True }))
             "Fail and abort test run as soon as the first test fails."
    , Option []        ["sort-by-prev-time"]
             (NoArg (\o -> Right $ o { opts_sortByPrevTime = True }))
             "Sort tests ascending by their execution of the previous test run (if available). Default: false"
    , Option []        ["max-prev-ms"]
             (ReqArg (\s o -> parseRead "--max-prev-ms" s >>= \(ms::Int) -> Right $ o { opts_maxPrevTimeMs = Just ms }) "MILLISECONDS")
             "Do not try to execute tests that had a execution time greater than MILLISECONDS in a previous test run."
    , Option []        ["max-cur-ms"]
             (ReqArg (\s o -> parseRead "--max-cur-ms" s >>= \(ms::Int) ->
                              Right $ o { opts_maxCurTimeMs = Just ms }) "MILLISECONDS")
             "Abort a test that runs more than MILLISECONDS."
    , Option []        ["prev-factor"]
             (ReqArg (\s o -> parseRead "--prev-factor" s >>= \(ms::Double) ->
                              Right $ o { opts_prevFactor = Just ms }) "DOUBLE")
             "Abort a test that runs more than DOUBLE times slower than in a previous run."
    , Option []        ["timeout-is-success"]
             (NoArg (\o -> Right $ o { opts_timeoutIsSuccess = True }))
             "Do not regard a test timeout as an error."
    , Option []        ["repeat"]
             (ReqArg (\s o -> parseRead "--repeat" s >>= \(i::Int) ->
                              Right $ o { opts_repeat = i}) "NUMBER")
             "Execute the tests selected on the command line NUMBER times."
    , Option ['h']     ["help"]
             (NoArg (\o -> Right $ o { opts_help = True }))
             "Display this message."
      parseThreads Nothing = Right processorCount
      parseThreads (Just s) =
          case readM s of
            Just i -> Right i
            Nothing -> Left ("invalid number of threads: " ++ s)
      parseBool s =
          Right $
          if map toLower s `elem` ["1", "true", "yes", "on"] then True else False
      parseRead opt s =
          case readM s of
            Just i -> Right i
            Nothing -> Left ("invalid value for option " ++ opt ++ ": " ++ s)

{- |

Parse commandline arguments into 'CmdlineOptions'. Here is a synopsis
of the format of the commandline arguments:

>   where PATTERN is a posix regular expression matching
>   the names of the tests to run.
>   -q          --quiet                     Only display errors.
>   -n PATTERN  --not=PATTERN               Tests to exclude.
>   -l          --list                      List all matching tests.
>   -j[N]       --threads[=N]               Run N tests in parallel, default N=1.
>               --shuffle=BOOL              Shuffle test order. Default: false
>   -o FILE     --output-file=FILE          Name of output file.
>               --json                      Output results in machine-readable JSON format (incremental).
>               --xml=FILE                  Output results in junit-style XML format.
>               --split                     Splits results in separate files to avoid file locking (requires -o/--output-file).
>               --colors=BOOL               Use colors or not.
>               --history=FILE              Path to the history file. Default: ./.HTF/<ProgramName>.history
>               --fail-fast                 Fail and abort test run as soon as the first test fails.
>               --sort-by-prev-time         Sort tests ascending by their execution of the previous test run (if available). Default: false
>               --max-prev-ms=MILLISECONDS  Do not try to execute tests that had a execution time greater than MILLISECONDS in a previous test run.
>               --max-cur-ms=MILLISECONDS   Abort a test that runs more than MILLISECONDS.
>               --prev-factor=DOUBLE        Abort a test that runs more than DOUBLE times slower than in a previous run.
>               --timeout-is-success        Do not regard a test timeout as an error.
>   -h          --help                      Display this message.


parseTestArgs :: [String] -> Either String CmdlineOptions
parseTestArgs args =
    case getOpt Permute optionDescriptions args of
      (optTrans, tests, []) ->
          do opts <- foldM (\o f -> f o) defaultCmdlineOptions optTrans
             when (opts_shuffle opts && opts_sortByPrevTime opts) $
                 Left ("Options --shuffle=true and --sort-by-prev-time are in conflict. " ++
                       "Can only use one of both.\n\n" ++
                       usageInfo usageHeader optionDescriptions)
             case (opts_outputFile opts, opts_split opts) of
               (Nothing, True) -> Left ("Option --split requires -o or --output-file\n\n" ++
                                        usageInfo usageHeader optionDescriptions)
               _ -> let posStrs = tests
                        negStrs = opts_negated opts
                        pos = map mkRegex posStrs
                        neg = map mkRegex negStrs
                        pred (FlatTest _ path _ _) =
                            let flat = flatName path
                            in if (any (\s -> s `matches` flat) neg)
                                  then False
                                  else null pos || any (\s -> s `matches` flat) pos
                    in Right (opts { opts_filter = pred })
      (_,_,errs) ->
          Left (concat errs ++ usageInfo usageHeader optionDescriptions)
      matches r s = isJust $ R.matchRegex r s
      mkRegex s = R.mkRegexWithOpts s True False

usageHeader :: String
usageHeader = ("USAGE: COMMAND [OPTION ...] PATTERN ...\n\n" ++
               "  where PATTERN is a posix regular expression matching\n" ++
               "  the names of the tests to run.\n")

-- | The string displayed for the @--help@ option.
helpString :: String
helpString = usageInfo usageHeader optionDescriptions

-- TestConfig

-- | Turn the 'CmdlineOptions' into a 'TestConfig'.
testConfigFromCmdlineOptions :: CmdlineOptions -> IO TestConfig
testConfigFromCmdlineOptions opts =
    do (output, colors) <-
           case (opts_outputFile opts, opts_split opts) of
             (Just fname, True) -> return (TestOutputSplitted fname, False)
             _ -> do (outputHandle, closeOutput, mOutputFd) <- openOutputFile
                     colors <- checkColors mOutputFd
                     return (TestOutputHandle outputHandle closeOutput, colors)
       let threads = opts_threads opts
           reporters = defaultTestReporters (isParallelFromBool $ isJust threads)
                                            (if opts_machineOutput opts then JsonOutput else NoJsonOutput)
                                            (if isJust (opts_machineOutputXml opts) then XmlOutput else NoXmlOutput)
       historyFile <- getHistoryFile
       history <- getHistory historyFile
       return $ TestConfig { tc_quiet = opts_quiet opts
                           , tc_threads = threads
                           , tc_shuffle = opts_shuffle opts
                           , tc_output = output
                           , tc_outputXml = opts_machineOutputXml opts
                           , tc_reporters = reporters
                           , tc_filter = opts_filter opts `mergeFilters` (historicFilter history)
                           , tc_useColors = colors
                           , tc_historyFile = historyFile
                           , tc_history = history
                           , tc_sortByPrevTime = opts_sortByPrevTime opts
                           , tc_failFast = opts_failFast opts
                           , tc_maxSingleTestTime = opts_maxCurTimeMs opts
                           , tc_prevFactor = opts_prevFactor opts
                           , tc_timeoutIsSuccess = opts_timeoutIsSuccess opts
                           , tc_repeat = opts_repeat opts
#ifdef mingw32_HOST_OS
      openOutputFile =
          case opts_outputFile opts of
            Nothing -> return (stdout, False, Nothing)
            Just fname ->
                do f <- openFile fname WriteMode
                   return (f, True, Nothing)
      checkColors mOutputFd =
          case opts_useColors opts of
            Just b -> return b
            Nothing -> return False
      openOutputFile =
          case opts_outputFile opts of
            Nothing -> return (stdout, False, Just stdOutput)
            Just fname ->
                do f <- openFile fname WriteMode
                   return (f, True, Nothing)
      checkColors mOutputFd =
          case opts_useColors opts of
            Just b -> return b
            Nothing ->
                do mterm <- getEnv "TERM"
                   case mterm of
                     Nothing -> return False
                     Just s | map toLower s == "dumb" -> return False
                     _ -> do mx <- getEnv "HTF_NO_COLORS"
                             case mx of
                               Just s | map toLower s `elem` ["", "1", "y", "yes", "true"] -> return False
                               _ -> case mOutputFd of
                                      Just fd -> queryTerminal fd
                                      _ -> return False
      getHistoryFile =
          case opts_historyFile opts of
            Just fp -> return fp
            Nothing ->
                do progName <- getProgName
                   let x = if progName == "<interactive>" then "interactive" else progName
                   curDir <- getCurrentDirectory
                   let dir = curDir </> ".HTF"
                   createDirectoryIfMissing False dir
                   return $ dir </> (x ++ ".history")
      getHistory fp =
          do b <- doesFileExist fp
             if not b
             then return emptyTestHistory
             else do bs <- BS.readFile fp
                     case deserializeTestHistory bs of
                       Right history -> return history
                       Left err ->
                           do hPutStrLn stderr ("Error deserializing content of HTF history file " ++ fp ++ ": " ++ err)
                              return emptyTestHistory
                  `catch` (\(e::IOException) ->
                               do hPutStrLn stderr ("Error reading HTF history file " ++ fp ++ ": " ++ show e)
                                  return emptyTestHistory)
      mergeFilters f1 f2 t =
          f1 t && f2 t
      historicFilter history t =
          case opts_maxPrevTimeMs opts of
            Nothing -> True
            Just ms ->
                case max (fmap htr_timeMs (findHistoricTestResult (historyKey t) history))
                         (fmap htr_timeMs (findHistoricSuccessfulTestResult (historyKey t) history))
                  Nothing -> True
                  Just t -> t <= ms