HaVSA- <Project description>




data BSR a i o Source

Representation of a traditional version space, as described by Hirsh: Hirsh, H.: 1991, 'Theoretical Underpinnings of Version Spaces'. In: Proceedings of the Twelfth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. pp. 665670.




storage :: a
narrow :: BSR a i o -> i -> o -> BSR a i o
hypos :: BSR a i o -> [i -> o]

showBSR :: BSR a i o -> StringSource

Renders a BSR to a string to show whether the BSR is empty or not. Additional details place undesirable restrictions on the state storage.

union :: VersionSpace a b -> VersionSpace a b -> VersionSpace a bSource

Union two versionspaces, generating a third.

join :: (Eq b, Eq d) => VersionSpace a b -> VersionSpace c d -> VersionSpace (a, c) (b, d)Source

Join two versionspaces, generating a third.

tr :: Eq b => (i -> a) -> (o -> b) -> (b -> o) -> VersionSpace a b -> VersionSpace i oSource

Transform a version space to mutate the input and/or output types. Transforms require that three functions be specified:

i -> a
Transform the input of the resulting version space to the input of the initial versionspace.
o -> b
Transform the output of the initial versionspace into the output of the resulting versionspace.
b -> o
Transform the output of the resulting versionspace into the output of the initial versionspace. This is necessary to support training: the training examples will be in terms of the resulting versionspace, so the output must be transformed back into the terms of the initial versionspace.

data VersionSpace i o whereSource

Version Space algebraic operators:


Empty :: VersionSpace i o 
VS :: BSR a i o -> VersionSpace i o 
Join :: (Eq d, Eq b) => VersionSpace a b -> VersionSpace c d -> VersionSpace (a, c) (b, d) 
Union :: VersionSpace a b -> VersionSpace a b -> VersionSpace a b 
Tr :: Eq b => (i -> a) -> (o -> b) -> (b -> o) -> VersionSpace a b -> VersionSpace i o 

showVS :: VersionSpace i o -> StringSource

Serializes a versionspace to a human-readable string, for certain values of human.

train :: Eq o => VersionSpace i o -> i -> o -> VersionSpace i oSource

Train a version space, reducing the set of valid hypotheses. We handle the Empty VS cases prior to the corresponding non-empty cases because the Empties are simplifying cases, so logic can be short-circuited by collapsing parts of the hierarchy before recursing.

hypotheses :: VersionSpace i o -> [i -> o]Source

Retrieve the valid hypotheses for a version space.

runVS :: VersionSpace a b -> a -> [b]Source

Runs all valid hypotheses from the version space on the specified input.