HaskRel- HaskRel, Haskell as a DBMS with support for the relational algebra

Copyright© Thor Michael Støre, 2015
LicenseGPL v2 without "any later version" clause
Maintainerthormichael át gmail døt com
Safe HaskellNone




Relational assignment and specalizations thereof. As with Database.HaskRel.Relational.Algebra this does not support relational expressions building on relvars, but defers that to Database.HaskRel.Relational.Expression.


The primitive assignment function

assign :: (Ord (HList a), Show (HList (RecordValuesR a)), RecordValues a, HRearrange3 (LabelsOf a) r a, HLabelSet (LabelsOf a), SameLength' r a, SameLength' r (LabelsOf a), SameLength' a r, SameLength' (LabelsOf a) r) => Relvar a -> Relation r -> IO () Source

Writes a relation value to a relvar file, replacing the existing value.

Specialized assignment functions

insert :: (Ord (HList a), Read (HList (RecordValuesR a)), Show (HList (RecordValuesR a)), RecordValues a, HRearrange3 (LabelsOf a) r a, HLabelSet (LabelsOf a), HMapAux HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR a) a, SameLength' r a, SameLength' r (LabelsOf a), SameLength' a r, SameLength' (LabelsOf a) r) => Relvar a -> Relation r -> IO () Source

Inserts a relation into a relvar. This differs from SQL's INSERT; the relvar is updated to the union of the relvar and the relation value given as arguments.

See insert.

dInsert :: (Ord (HList t), Read (HList (RecordValuesR t)), Show (HList (RecordValuesR r)), Typeable t, RecordValues r, RecordValues t, HRearrange3 (LabelsOf t) r t, HLabelSet (LabelsOf t), HMapAux HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR t) t, HFoldr (Mapcar HPresentRecAttr) [[String]] (RecordValuesR t) [[String]], SameLength' r t, SameLength' r (LabelsOf t), SameLength' t r, SameLength' (LabelsOf t) r) => Relvar t -> Relation r -> IO () Source

Disjoint insert. Closer to SQL INSERT, except that this will never insert a duplicate tuple.

See dInsert.

update :: (Ord (HList a), Read (HList (RecordValuesR a)), Show (HList (RecordValuesR a)), RecordValues a, HRearrange3 (LabelsOf a) (HAppendListR r r'2) a, HLabelSet (LabelsOf a), HLabelSet (LabelsOf (HAppendListR r r'2)), HDeleteLabels (LabelsOf r) a r'2, HMapAux HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR a) a, HAppendList r r'2, SameLength' a (HAppendListR r r'2), SameLength' (LabelsOf a) (HAppendListR r r'2), SameLength' (HAppendListR r r'2) a, SameLength' (HAppendListR r r'2) (LabelsOf a), HAllTaggedLV (HAppendListR r r'2)) => Relvar a -> (Record a -> Bool) -> (Record a -> Record r) -> IO () Source

Updates tuples of a relvar that match the given predicate. As SQL UPDATE.

>>> update sp (\ [pun|pno|] -> pno == "P2" || pno == "P3" ) (\ [pun|qty|] -> _qty ( qty - 25 ) .*. emptyRecord)
Updated 5 of 12 tuples in SuppliersPartsDB/SP.rv
*SuppliersPartsExample> rPrint$ sp
│ sno │ pno │ qty │
│ S1  │ P1  │ 300 │
│ S1  │ P2  │ 175 │
│ S1  │ P3  │ 375 │
│ S1  │ P4  │ 200 │

Note how the cardinality of the relvar will be equal or lower after an update:

>>> assign sp sp'
Value assigned to SuppliersPartsDB/SP.rv
>>> count sp
>>> update sp (\[pun|pno|] -> pno == "P1" || pno == "P2" || pno == "P3") (\_ -> _pno "P1" .*. _qty 50 .*. emptyRecord)
Updated 7 of 12 tuples in SuppliersPartsDB/SP.rv
>>> count sp

updateAll :: (Ord (HList a), Read (HList (RecordValuesR a)), Show (HList (RecordValuesR a)), RecordValues a, HRearrange3 (LabelsOf a) (HAppendListR r r'2) a, HLabelSet (LabelsOf a), HLabelSet (LabelsOf (HAppendListR r r'2)), HDeleteLabels (LabelsOf r) a r'2, HMapAux HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR a) a, HAppendList r r'2, SameLength' a (HAppendListR r r'2), SameLength' (LabelsOf a) (HAppendListR r r'2), SameLength' (HAppendListR r r'2) a, SameLength' (HAppendListR r r'2) (LabelsOf a), HAllTaggedLV (HAppendListR r r'2)) => Relvar a -> (Record a -> Record r) -> IO () Source

Updates tuples of a relvar that match the given predicate.

In SQL and Tutorial D both the predicate of UPDATE is an optional clause, but optional clauses isn't idiomatic Haskell, hence this separate updateAll function.

>>> updateAll sp (\ [pun|qty pno|] -> _qty ( qty - 25 ) .*. _pno ( pno ++ "X" ) .*. emptyRecord)
Updated 12 tuples in SuppliersPartsDB/SP.rv
*SuppliersPartsExample> pt sp
│ sno :: String │ pno :: String │ qty :: Integer │
│ S1            │ P1X           │ 275            │

delete :: (Ord (HList t), Read (HList (RecordValuesR t)), Show (HList (RecordValuesR t)), RecordValues t, HMapAux HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR t) t) => Relvar t -> Relation t -> IO () Source

Deletes a specified subset of a relvar. Note that this is not SQL DELETE, but instead a generalization thereof.

See delete.

iDelete :: (Ord (HList a), Ord (HList t), Read (HList (RecordValuesR t)), Show (HList (RecordValuesR t)), Typeable a, RecordValues a, RecordValues t, HRearrange3 (LabelsOf t) a t, HRearrange3 (LabelsOf a) t a, HLabelSet (LabelsOf t), HLabelSet (LabelsOf a), HMapAux HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR t) t, HFoldr (Mapcar HPresentRecAttr) [[String]] (RecordValuesR a) [[String]], SameLength' a t, SameLength' a (LabelsOf t), SameLength' t a, SameLength' t (LabelsOf a), SameLength' (LabelsOf t) a, SameLength' (LabelsOf a) t) => Relvar t -> Relation a -> IO () Source

Performs an inclusive delete against a relvar. Also not SQL DELETE. This will fail if the second argument is not a subset of the relation value identified by the relation variable reference.

See iDelete.

deleteP :: (Ord (HList t), Read (HList (RecordValuesR t)), Show (HList (RecordValuesR t)), RecordValues t, HMapAux HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR t) t) => Relvar t -> (RTuple t -> Bool) -> IO () Source

Delete by predicate, as SQL DELETE.

>>> let newProd = relation [rTuple (pno .=. "P7", pName .=. "Baloon", color .=. "Red", weight .=. (-5 :: Rational), city .=. "Berlin")]
>>> insert p newProd
Inserted 1 of 1 tuples into SuppliersPartsDB/P.rv
>>> deleteP p (\ [pun|pno|] -> pno == "P7" )
Deleted 1 tuples from SuppliersPartsDB/P.rv

Further specialized and simplified forms of update

updateA :: (Ord (HList r), Read (HList (RecordValuesR r)), Show (HList (RecordValuesR r)), HUpdateAtLabel2 k l v r r, RecordValues r, HasField k l (Record r) v, HMapAux HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR r) r, SameLength' * * r r) => Relvar r -> (Record r -> Bool) -> (Record r -> Tagged k l v) -> IO () Source

Updates all tuples of a relvar. The second argument is a function that results in an attribute, making for a simpler function than for update.

>>> updateA sp (\ [pun|pno|] -> pno == "P2" || pno == "P3" ) (\ [pun|qty|] -> _qty $ qty - 25)
Updated 5 of 12 tuples in SuppliersPartsDB/SP.rv

updateAllA :: (Ord (HList r), Read (HList (RecordValuesR r)), Show (HList (RecordValuesR r)), HUpdateAtLabel2 k l v r r, RecordValues r, HasField k l (Record r) v, HMapAux HList TaggedFn (RecordValuesR r) r, SameLength' * * r r) => Relvar r -> (Record r -> Tagged k l v) -> IO () Source

Updates all tuples of a relvar. The second argument is a function that results in an attribute, making for a simpler function than for updateAll.

>>> updateAllA sp (\ [pun|qty|] -> _qty $ qty - 50)
Updated 12 tuples in SuppliersPartsDB/SP.rv
>>> rPrint$ sp
│ sno :: String │ pno :: String │ qty :: Integer │
│ S1            │ P1            │ 250            │