-- Simple data type to keep track of character positions
-- within a text file or other text stream.
module Text.Packrat.Pos where

data Pos = Pos { posFile  :: !String
               , posLine  :: !Int
               , posCol   :: !Int

nextPos :: Pos -> Char -> Pos
nextPos (Pos file line col) c
    | c == '\n' = Pos file (line + 1) 1
    | c == '\t' = Pos file line ((div (col + 8 - 1) 8) * 8 + 1)
    | otherwise = Pos file line (col + 1)

instance Eq Pos where
    Pos f1 l1 c1 == Pos f2 l2 c2 =
         f1 == f2 && l1 == l2 && c1 == c2

instance Ord Pos where
    Pos _ l1 c1 <= Pos _ l2 c2 =
         (l1 < l2) || (l1 == l2 && c1 <= c2)

instance Show Pos where
    show (Pos file line col) = file ++ ":" ++ show line ++ ":" ++ show col

showPosRel :: Pos -> Pos -> String
showPosRel (Pos file line _) (Pos file' line' col')
    | file == file' =
        if (line == line')
        then "column " ++ show col'
        else "line " ++ show line' ++ ", column " ++ show col'
    | otherwise = show (Pos file' line' col')