Holumbus-Distribution-0.1.1: intra- and inter-program communication

MaintainerStefan Schmidt (stefanschmidt@web.de)




Version : 0.1

The main module for the implementation of the distributed data structures. It contains the DNode-datatype which is needed to register new local and remote resources. The main datatypes (Ids, Handlers, etc.) are also defined here.

The module should only be used from within this library. User applications should refer to Holumbus.Distribution.DNode.



data DistributedException Source

The exception type, used by distributed communication




distEx_msg :: String

the message of the exception

distEx_fct :: String

the function in which the exception was thrown

distEx_mod :: String

the module in which the exception was thrown

data DNodeConfig Source

The configuration of a DNode. You need it to create a DNode and you can use this data type it to alter its properties. This type is public to allow users to create their own configuration.


defaultDNodeConfig :: String -> DNodeConfigSource

A good default configuration. To create an unnamed node, just leave the string empty.

data DNodeId Source

The DNode identifier. Every DNode has an Id, this could be named or randomly created. The id could not be used to address a DNode directly over a Network connection because the physical references are missing. The DNodeId is meant to create a declarative reference which could be used to lookup purposes. Think of the DNodeId as a domain name, without a DNS-Server to resolve the physical address, it is worthless to establish a communication.

mkDNodeId :: String -> DNodeIdSource

Use this to make a new DNodeId from a String

mkDNodeAddress :: String -> HostName -> Int -> DNodeAddressSource

use this to make a new DNodeAddress

data DHandlerId Source

The Id of a handler, is needed to stop the handler from further execution.

data DResourceType Source

The ressouce type, it is used to separate between different kinds of resources. The resource type is generated by the programmer of a resource

type DResourceDispatcher = DNodeId -> Handle -> IO ()Source

The DResource callback functions

data DResourceEntry Source

The container for the DResources


Initializing and Deinitializing of the local node

initDNode :: DNodeConfig -> IO DNodeIdSource

Initializes the DNode of the program. You have to call this function once BEFORE you can use other functions.

deinitDNode :: IO ()Source

deinitializes a DNode

adding, deleting other nodes

addForeignDNode :: DNodeAddress -> IO ()Source

Add a foreign DNode to the list of known DNodes. Only DNodes in this list could be reached by the local node.

delForeignDNode :: DNodeId -> IO ()Source

removes a foreign DNode entry. You should clean up the foreign DNode entries.

checking other nodes and resources

checkForeignDNode :: DNodeId -> IO BoolSource

Manually Checks, if another DNode is reachable. Returns true if this is the case, otherwise false. Always returns, does not throw an exception caused by network failures.

addForeignDNodeHandler :: Bool -> DNodeId -> DHandlerFunction -> IO (Maybe DHandlerId)Source

Adds a handler function which periodically checks the existences (or non-existence) of other DNodes. The first parameter indicates the type of the handler. If you want to install a handler which is fired when a Node becomes reachable (positive trigger), it needs to be true. If you want to monitor the event when a specific node disappears, pass false.

addForeignDResourceHandler :: Bool -> DResourceAddress -> DHandlerFunction -> IO (Maybe DHandlerId)Source

Adds a handler function which periodically checks the existences (or non-existence) of resources on other DNodes. The first parameter indicates the type of the handler. If you want to install a handler which is fired when a Node becomes reachable (positive trigger), it needs to be true. If you want to monitor the event when a specific node disappears, pass false.

delForeignHandler :: DHandlerId -> IO ()Source

Deletes a Handler from the system, will not be called anymore.

needed by the resources

getByteStringMessage :: Handle -> IO ByteStringSource

Reads data from a stream. We define, that the first line of the message is the message header which tells us how much bytes we have to read.

putByteStringMessage :: ByteString -> Handle -> IO ()Source

Puts a bytestring to a handle. But to make the reading easier, we write the length of the data as a message-header to the handle, too.

getDNodeData :: IO DNodeDataSource