HsParrot- Haskell integration with Parrot virtual machine




Parrot PIR syntax tree.

   All that is gold does not glitter,
   Not all those who wander are lost;
   The old that is strong does not wither,
   Deep roots are not reached by the frost.



type PIR = [Decl]Source

PIR code consists of declarations.

data Decl Source



Subroutine declaration


dsName :: !SubName
dsFlags :: ![SubFlag]
dsBody :: ![Stmt]

Namespace declaration


dnPackage :: !PkgName
dnBody :: ![Decl]

.include directive


diFile :: !FilePath

HLL directive


dhLang :: !String
dhGroup :: !String


Eq Decl 
Show Decl 
Typeable Decl 
YAML Decl 
Emit Decl

Emits PIR code for declarations (namespace, include, or sub declarations).

data Stmt Source


StmtComment !String


StmtLine !FilePath !Int

#line directive

StmtPad ![(VarName, Expression)] ![Stmt]

Lexical Pad

StmtRaw !Doc

Backdoor into raw Doc

StmtIns !Ins

Generic instructions

StmtSub !SubName ![Stmt]

Inner subroutine

data Ins Source


InsLocal !RegType !VarName

.local directive

InsNew !LValue !ObjType

new opcode

InsBind !LValue !Expression

set opcode

InsAssign !LValue !Expression

assign opcode

InsPrim !(Maybe LValue) !PrimName ![Expression]

Other opcodes

InsFun ![Sig] !Expression ![Expression]

Function call

InsTailFun !Expression ![Expression]

Tail call

InsLabel !LabelName


InsComment !String !(Maybe Ins)


InsExp !Expression

Generic expressions

InsConst !LValue !ObjType !Expression


data LValue Source


VAR !VarName

A variable declared by .local

PMC !Int

PMC register n

STR !Int

String register n

INT !Int

Integer register n

NUM !Int

Number register n

KEYED !LValue !Expression 

data Literal Source


LitStr !String

A literal string

LitInt !Integer

A literal integer

LitNum !Double

A literal number


Eq Literal 
Show Literal 
Typeable Literal 
YAML Literal 
Emit Literal

Emits a literal (a LitStr, LitInt, or LitNum), and escapes if necessary.

data SubFlag Source

Tags a PIR subroutine definition with @MAIN, @LOAD, @ANON, @METHOD, or @MULTI.


Eq SubFlag 
Show SubFlag 
Typeable SubFlag 
YAML SubFlag 
Emit SubFlag

Emits PIR code for a SubFlag (e.g. :main, :anon, etc.).

data RegType Source



I (Integer) register


N (Number) register


S (String) register


P (PMC) register

data ObjType Source

A PMC type, which, for example, can be given as an argument to the new opcode (e.g. new .PerlScalar).


Eq ObjType 
Show ObjType 
Typeable ObjType 
YAML ObjType 
Emit ObjType

Emits PIR code for an ObjType (e.g. .PerlScalar).

LiteralClass ObjType 

emitFun :: (Emit b, Emit c) => CallConv -> b -> [c] -> [Sig] -> DocSource

emitArgs :: Emit a => [a] -> DocSource

emitFunName :: Emit b => CallConv -> String -> [b] -> [Sig] -> DocSource

include :: PkgName -> DeclSource

.include directive.

hll :: String -> String -> DeclSource

.HLL directive.

(<:=) :: LValue -> Expression -> InsSource

Short for InsBind (binding).

(<--) :: LValue -> PrimName -> [Expression] -> InsSource

Calls an opcode which returns a value.

(.-) :: PrimName -> [Expression] -> InsSource

Calls an opcode, ignoring any return values.

(<-&) :: [Sig] -> Expression -> [Expression] -> InsSource

Calls an user-defined sub which returns a list of values.

(.&) :: Expression -> [Expression] -> InsSource

Calls an user-defined sub, ignoring any return values.

lit0 :: ExpressionSource

Literal zero

nullPMC :: RegClass a => aSource

$P0 register

funPMC :: RegClass a => aSource

$P1 register

rv :: RegClass a => aSource

$P2 register

arg0 :: RegClass a => aSource

$P10 register

arg1 :: RegClass a => aSource

$P11 register

arg2 :: RegClass a => aSource

$P12 register

arg3 :: RegClass a => aSource

$P13 register

tempPMC :: RegClass a => aSource

$P8 register

tempPMC2 :: RegClass a => aSource

$P9 register

tempSTR :: RegClass a => aSource

$S8 register

tempSTR2 :: RegClass a => aSource

$S9 register

tempSTR3 :: RegClass a => aSource

$S10 register

tempINT :: RegClass a => aSource

$I8 register

tempINT2 :: RegClass a => aSource

$I9 register

tempINT3 :: RegClass a => aSource

$I10 register

tempINT4 :: RegClass a => aSource

$I11 register

tempNUM :: RegClass a => aSource

$N8 register

tempNUM2 :: RegClass a => aSource

$N9 register

class RegClass y whereSource


reg :: LValue -> ySource



:: SubName

Name of the subroutine

-> [Sig]


-> [Ins]

Subroutine body

-> Decl

The final subroutine declaration

Subroutine declaration.

data Sig Source



slurpy :: Expression -> SigSource

Marks a parameter as slurpy.

(-->) :: Decl -> [Expression] -> DeclSource

Returns from a sub.



:: SubName

Perl 6 name of the opcode to wrap

-> PrimName

PIR opcode

-> Decl

Final subroutine declaration

In the case a Perl 6 builtin corresponds exactly to a PIR opcode, you can use vop1 to create an appropriate wrapper for an opcode expecting one argument.



:: SubName

Perl 6 name of the opcode to wrap

-> PrimName

PIR opcode

-> Decl

Final subroutine declaration

In the case a Perl 6 builtin corresponds exactly to a PIR opcode, you can use vop2 to create an appropriate wrapper for an opcode expecting two arguments.



:: SubName

Perl 6 name of the sub to create

-> LValue

Intermediate register to convert the index to (e.g. tempINT or tempSTR)

-> Decl

Final subroutine declaration

Creates a sub which accepts a thing which allows keyed access (for example aggregates) and an index.



:: SubName

Perl 6 name of the sub to create

-> PrimName

Opcode to wrap

-> (forall a. RegClass a => a)

Register to use for the return value of the op

-> (forall b. RegClass b => b)

Register type to convert the parameter to

-> Decl

Final subroutine declaration

Generic wrapper for unary opcodes.



:: SubName

Perl 6 name of the sub to create

-> (forall a. RegClass a => a)

Register type to convert the parameter to

-> Decl

Final subroutine declaration

Generic wrapper for coercion/context forcing (used by &prefix:<+>, &prefix:<~>, etc.)



:: SubName

Perl 6 name of the sub to create

-> PrimName

Opcode to wrap

-> (forall a. RegClass a => a)

Register to use for the return value of the op

-> (forall b. RegClass b => b)

Register type to convert the first parameter to

-> (forall c. RegClass c => c)

Register type to convert the second parameter to

-> Decl

Final subroutine declaration

Generic wrapper for two-ary opcodes.

vop1ii :: SubName -> PrimName -> DeclSource

Wrapper for an opcode which accepts and returns an I register.

vop1nn :: SubName -> PrimName -> DeclSource

Wrapper for an opcode which accepts and returns a N register.

vop1ss :: SubName -> PrimName -> DeclSource

Wrapper for an opcode which accepts and returns a S register.

vop1si :: SubName -> PrimName -> DeclSource

Wrapper for an opcode which returns a S register and accepts a I register.

vop1is :: SubName -> PrimName -> DeclSource

Wrapper for an opcode which returns a I register and accepts a S register.

vop1ip :: SubName -> PrimName -> DeclSource

Wrapper for an opcode which returns a I register and accepts a P register.

vop2iii :: SubName -> PrimName -> DeclSource

Wrapper for an opcode which accepts and returns I registers.

vop2nnn :: SubName -> PrimName -> DeclSource

Wrapper for an opcode which accepts and returns N registers.

vop2iss :: SubName -> PrimName -> DeclSource

Wrapper for an opcode which accepts two S registers and returns a native integer (I register).



:: VarName

Perl 6 name of the new sub

-> PrimName

PIR opcode to use for branching

-> Decl

Final declaration of the sub

Creates appropriate &statement_control:foo subroutines.



:: VarName

Perl 6 name of the new sub

-> PrimName

PIR opcode to use for branching

-> Decl

Final declaration of the sub

Creates appropriate &statement_control:foo subroutines.



:: VarName

Perl 6 name of the sub to create

-> PrimName

PIR opcode to use (if, unless)

-> Decl

Final declaration of the sub

Creates appropriate &infix:foo subs for logical operators (||, &&, etc.).

escaped :: String -> StringSource

Escapes characters which have a special meaning in PIR.

preludePIR :: DocSource

The Prelude, defining primitives like &say, &infix:+, etc.

Generated by DrIFT : Look, but Don't Touch. *

class Show x => Emit x whereSource


emit :: x -> DocSource


Emit Int 
Emit String 
Emit Doc 
Emit ObjType

Emits PIR code for an ObjType (e.g. .PerlScalar).

Emit RegType 
Emit SubFlag

Emits PIR code for a SubFlag (e.g. :main, :anon, etc.).

Emit Literal

Emits a literal (a LitStr, LitInt, or LitNum), and escapes if necessary.

Emit LValue 
Emit Expression 
Emit Ins 
Emit Stmt 
Emit Decl

Emits PIR code for declarations (namespace, include, or sub declarations).

Emit a => Emit [a] 
Emit [ArgFlag] 
Emit a => Emit (Maybe a) 

nested :: Emit x => x -> DocSource

eqSep :: (Emit a, Emit b, Emit c) => a -> b -> [c] -> DocSource

commaSep :: Emit x => [x] -> DocSource