{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Webots.Supervisor where

import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable
import Foreign.C.String

import qualified Language.C.Inline as C
import qualified Language.C.Inline.Context as C
import qualified Language.C.Types as C
import Language.C.Inline.Cpp (cppTypePairs)
import Foreign.C.Types
import Control.Monad (forM_,forM)

import Webots.Types

C.context $ C.baseCtx `mappend` cppTypePairs typeMaps

C.include "<math.h>"
C.include "<stdio.h>"
C.include "<stdlib.h>"
C.include "<webots/robot.h>"
C.include "<webots/supervisor.h>"

wb_supervisor_world_load :: String -> IO ()
wb_supervisor_world_load filename =
  withCString filename $ \filename' ->
   [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_world_load($(const char* filename')) } |]

wb_supervisor_world_save :: String -> IO CBool
wb_supervisor_world_save filename =
  withCString filename $ \filename' ->
   [C.exp| bool { wb_supervisor_world_save($(const char* filename')) } |]

wb_supervisor_world_reload :: IO ()
wb_supervisor_world_reload  =
   [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_world_reload() } |]

wb_supervisor_simulation_quit :: CInt -> IO ()
wb_supervisor_simulation_quit status =
   [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_simulation_quit($(int status)) } |]

wb_supervisor_simulation_reset :: IO ()
wb_supervisor_simulation_reset  =
   [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_simulation_reset() } |]

wb_supervisor_simulation_reset_physics :: IO ()
wb_supervisor_simulation_reset_physics  =
   [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_simulation_reset_physics() } |]

wb_supervisor_simulation_get_mode :: IO WbSimulationMode'
wb_supervisor_simulation_get_mode  = do
  v <- [C.exp| WbSimulationMode { wb_supervisor_simulation_get_mode() } |]
  case v of

wb_supervisor_simulation_set_mode :: WbSimulationMode' -> IO ()
wb_supervisor_simulation_set_mode mode = do
  let mode' = case mode of
  [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_simulation_set_mode($(WbSimulationMode mode')) } |]

wb_supervisor_set_label :: CInt -> String -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CDouble -> CInt -> CDouble -> String -> IO ()
wb_supervisor_set_label id text x y size color transparency font =
  withCString text $ \text' ->
  withCString font $ \font' ->
   [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_set_label($(int id), $(const char* text'), $(double x), $(double y), $(double size), $(int color), $(double transparency), $(const char* font')) } |]

wb_supervisor_export_image :: String -> CInt -> IO ()
wb_supervisor_export_image filename quality =
  withCString filename $ \filename' ->
   [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_export_image($(const char* filename'), $(int quality)) } |]

wb_supervisor_movie_start_recording :: String -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt -> CBool -> IO ()
wb_supervisor_movie_start_recording filename width height codec quality acceleration caption =
  withCString filename $ \filename' ->
   [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_movie_start_recording($(const char* filename'), $(int width), $(int height), $(int codec), $(int quality), $(int acceleration), $(bool caption)) } |]

wb_supervisor_movie_stop_recording :: IO ()
wb_supervisor_movie_stop_recording  =
   [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_movie_stop_recording() } |]

wb_supervisor_movie_is_ready :: IO CBool
wb_supervisor_movie_is_ready  =
   [C.exp| bool { wb_supervisor_movie_is_ready() } |]

wb_supervisor_movie_failed :: IO CBool
wb_supervisor_movie_failed  =
   [C.exp| bool { wb_supervisor_movie_failed() } |]

wb_supervisor_animation_start_recording :: String -> IO CBool
wb_supervisor_animation_start_recording filename =
  withCString filename $ \filename' ->
   [C.exp| bool { wb_supervisor_animation_start_recording($(const char* filename')) } |]

wb_supervisor_animation_stop_recording :: IO CBool
wb_supervisor_animation_stop_recording  =
   [C.exp| bool { wb_supervisor_animation_stop_recording() } |]

wb_supervisor_node_get_root :: IO WbNodeRef
wb_supervisor_node_get_root  =
   [C.exp| WbNodeRef { wb_supervisor_node_get_root() } |]

wb_supervisor_node_get_self :: IO WbNodeRef
wb_supervisor_node_get_self  =
   [C.exp| WbNodeRef { wb_supervisor_node_get_self() } |]

wb_supervisor_node_get_id :: WbNodeRef -> IO CInt
wb_supervisor_node_get_id node =
   [C.exp| int { wb_supervisor_node_get_id($(WbNodeRef node)) } |]

wb_supervisor_node_get_from_id :: CInt -> IO WbNodeRef
wb_supervisor_node_get_from_id id =
   [C.exp| WbNodeRef { wb_supervisor_node_get_from_id($(int id)) } |]

wb_supervisor_node_get_from_def :: String -> IO WbNodeRef
wb_supervisor_node_get_from_def def =
  withCString def $ \def' ->
   [C.exp| WbNodeRef { wb_supervisor_node_get_from_def($(const char* def')) } |]

wb_supervisor_node_get_parent_node :: WbNodeRef -> IO WbNodeRef
wb_supervisor_node_get_parent_node node =
   [C.exp| WbNodeRef { wb_supervisor_node_get_parent_node($(WbNodeRef node)) } |]

wb_supervisor_node_get_selected :: IO WbNodeRef
wb_supervisor_node_get_selected  =
   [C.exp| WbNodeRef { wb_supervisor_node_get_selected() } |]

wb_supervisor_node_get_type :: WbNodeRef -> IO WbNodeType
wb_supervisor_node_get_type node =
   [C.exp| WbNodeType { wb_supervisor_node_get_type($(WbNodeRef node)) } |]

wb_supervisor_node_get_field :: WbNodeRef -> String -> IO (Maybe WbFieldRef)
wb_supervisor_node_get_field node field_name = do
  ptr <- withCString field_name $ \field_name' ->
           [C.exp| WbFieldRef { wb_supervisor_node_get_field($(WbNodeRef node), $(const char* field_name')) } |]
  if ptr == nullPtr
  then return Nothing
  else return $ Just ptr

wb_supervisor_node_remove :: WbNodeRef -> IO ()
wb_supervisor_node_remove node =
   [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_node_remove($(WbNodeRef node)) } |]

wb_supervisor_node_get_def :: WbNodeRef -> IO String
wb_supervisor_node_get_def node =
   peekCString =<< [C.exp| const char* { wb_supervisor_node_get_def($(WbNodeRef node)) } |]

wb_supervisor_node_get_type_name :: WbNodeRef -> IO String
wb_supervisor_node_get_type_name node =
   peekCString =<< [C.exp| const char* { wb_supervisor_node_get_type_name($(WbNodeRef node)) } |]

wb_supervisor_node_get_base_type_name :: WbNodeRef -> IO String
wb_supervisor_node_get_base_type_name node =
   peekCString =<< [C.exp| const char* { wb_supervisor_node_get_base_type_name($(WbNodeRef node)) } |]

wb_supervisor_node_get_center_of_mass :: WbNodeRef -> IO (Ptr CDouble)
wb_supervisor_node_get_center_of_mass node =
   [C.exp| const double* { wb_supervisor_node_get_center_of_mass($(WbNodeRef node)) } |]

wb_supervisor_node_get_contact_point :: WbNodeRef -> CInt -> IO (Ptr CDouble)
wb_supervisor_node_get_contact_point node index =
   [C.exp| const double* { wb_supervisor_node_get_contact_point($(WbNodeRef node), $(int index)) } |]

wb_supervisor_node_get_number_of_contact_points :: WbNodeRef -> IO CInt
wb_supervisor_node_get_number_of_contact_points node =
   [C.exp| int { wb_supervisor_node_get_number_of_contact_points($(WbNodeRef node)) } |]

wb_supervisor_node_get_orientation :: WbNodeRef -> IO (CDouble,CDouble,CDouble,CDouble)
wb_supervisor_node_get_orientation node =
   (,,,) <$>
   [C.exp| double { wb_supervisor_node_get_orientation($(WbNodeRef node))[0] } |] <*>
   [C.exp| double { wb_supervisor_node_get_orientation($(WbNodeRef node))[1] } |] <*>
   [C.exp| double { wb_supervisor_node_get_orientation($(WbNodeRef node))[2] } |] <*>
   [C.exp| double { wb_supervisor_node_get_orientation($(WbNodeRef node))[2] } |]

wb_supervisor_node_get_position :: WbNodeRef -> IO (CDouble,CDouble,CDouble)
wb_supervisor_node_get_position node =
   (,,) <$>
   [C.exp| double { wb_supervisor_node_get_position($(WbNodeRef node))[0] } |] <*>
   [C.exp| double { wb_supervisor_node_get_position($(WbNodeRef node))[1] } |] <*>
   [C.exp| double { wb_supervisor_node_get_position($(WbNodeRef node))[2] } |]

wb_supervisor_node_get_static_balance :: WbNodeRef -> IO CBool
wb_supervisor_node_get_static_balance node =
   [C.exp| bool { wb_supervisor_node_get_static_balance($(WbNodeRef node)) } |]

wb_supervisor_node_get_velocity :: WbNodeRef -> IO (Ptr CDouble)
wb_supervisor_node_get_velocity node =
   [C.exp| const double* { wb_supervisor_node_get_velocity($(WbNodeRef node)) } |]

wb_supervisor_node_set_velocity :: WbNodeRef -> Ptr CDouble -> IO ()
wb_supervisor_node_set_velocity node velocity =
   [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_node_set_velocity($(WbNodeRef node), $(const double* velocity)) } |]

wb_supervisor_node_reset_physics :: WbNodeRef -> IO ()
wb_supervisor_node_reset_physics node =
   [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_node_reset_physics($(WbNodeRef node)) } |]

wb_supervisor_node_restart_controller :: WbNodeRef -> IO ()
wb_supervisor_node_restart_controller node =
   [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_node_restart_controller($(WbNodeRef node)) } |]

wb_supervisor_node_move_viewpoint :: WbNodeRef -> IO ()
wb_supervisor_node_move_viewpoint node =
   [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_node_move_viewpoint($(WbNodeRef node)) } |]

wb_supervisor_node_set_visibility :: WbNodeRef -> WbNodeRef -> CBool -> IO ()
wb_supervisor_node_set_visibility node from visible =
   [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_node_set_visibility($(WbNodeRef node), $(WbNodeRef from), $(bool visible)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_get_type :: WbFieldRef -> IO WbFieldType
wb_supervisor_field_get_type field =
   [C.exp| WbFieldType { wb_supervisor_field_get_type($(WbFieldRef field)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_get_type_name :: WbFieldRef -> IO String
wb_supervisor_field_get_type_name field =
   peekCString =<< [C.exp| const char* { wb_supervisor_field_get_type_name($(WbFieldRef field)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_get_count :: WbFieldRef -> IO CInt
wb_supervisor_field_get_count field =
   [C.exp| int { wb_supervisor_field_get_count($(WbFieldRef field)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_bool :: WbFieldRef -> IO CBool
wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_bool field =
   [C.exp| bool { wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_bool($(WbFieldRef field)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_int32 :: WbFieldRef -> IO CInt
wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_int32 field =
   [C.exp| int { wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_int32($(WbFieldRef field)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_float :: WbFieldRef -> IO CDouble
wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_float field =
   [C.exp| double { wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_float($(WbFieldRef field)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_vec2f :: WbFieldRef -> IO (Ptr CDouble)
wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_vec2f field =
   [C.exp| const double* { wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_vec2f($(WbFieldRef field)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_vec3f :: WbFieldRef -> IO (Ptr CDouble)
wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_vec3f field =
   [C.exp| const double* { wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_vec3f($(WbFieldRef field)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_rotation :: WbFieldRef -> IO (Ptr CDouble)
wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_rotation field =
   [C.exp| const double* { wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_rotation($(WbFieldRef field)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_color :: WbFieldRef -> IO (Ptr CDouble)
wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_color field =
   [C.exp| const double* { wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_color($(WbFieldRef field)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_string :: WbFieldRef -> IO String
wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_string field =
   peekCString =<< [C.exp| const char* { wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_string($(WbFieldRef field)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_node :: WbFieldRef -> IO WbNodeRef
wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_node field =
   [C.exp| WbNodeRef { wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_node($(WbFieldRef field)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_get_mf_bool :: WbFieldRef -> CInt -> IO CBool
wb_supervisor_field_get_mf_bool field index =
   [C.exp| bool { wb_supervisor_field_get_mf_bool($(WbFieldRef field), $(int index)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_get_mf_int32 :: WbFieldRef -> CInt -> IO CInt
wb_supervisor_field_get_mf_int32 field index =
   [C.exp| int { wb_supervisor_field_get_mf_int32($(WbFieldRef field), $(int index)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_get_mf_float :: WbFieldRef -> CInt -> IO CDouble
wb_supervisor_field_get_mf_float field index =
   [C.exp| double { wb_supervisor_field_get_mf_float($(WbFieldRef field), $(int index)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_get_mf_vec2f :: WbFieldRef -> CInt -> IO (Ptr CDouble)
wb_supervisor_field_get_mf_vec2f field index =
   [C.exp| const double* { wb_supervisor_field_get_mf_vec2f($(WbFieldRef field), $(int index)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_get_mf_vec3f :: WbFieldRef -> CInt -> IO (Ptr CDouble)
wb_supervisor_field_get_mf_vec3f field index =
   [C.exp| const double* { wb_supervisor_field_get_mf_vec3f($(WbFieldRef field), $(int index)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_get_mf_color :: WbFieldRef -> CInt -> IO (Ptr CDouble)
wb_supervisor_field_get_mf_color field index =
   [C.exp| const double* { wb_supervisor_field_get_mf_color($(WbFieldRef field), $(int index)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_get_mf_rotation :: WbFieldRef -> CInt -> IO (Ptr CDouble)
wb_supervisor_field_get_mf_rotation field index =
   [C.exp| const double* { wb_supervisor_field_get_mf_rotation($(WbFieldRef field), $(int index)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_get_mf_string :: WbFieldRef -> CInt -> IO String
wb_supervisor_field_get_mf_string field index =
   peekCString =<< [C.exp| const char* { wb_supervisor_field_get_mf_string($(WbFieldRef field), $(int index)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_get_mf_node :: WbFieldRef -> CInt -> IO WbNodeRef
wb_supervisor_field_get_mf_node field index =
   [C.exp| WbNodeRef { wb_supervisor_field_get_mf_node($(WbFieldRef field), $(int index)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_set_sf_bool :: WbFieldRef -> CBool -> IO ()
wb_supervisor_field_set_sf_bool field value =
   [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_field_set_sf_bool($(WbFieldRef field), $(bool value)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_set_sf_int32 :: WbFieldRef -> CInt -> IO ()
wb_supervisor_field_set_sf_int32 field value =
   [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_field_set_sf_int32($(WbFieldRef field), $(int value)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_set_sf_float :: WbFieldRef -> CDouble -> IO ()
wb_supervisor_field_set_sf_float field value =
   [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_field_set_sf_float($(WbFieldRef field), $(double value)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_set_sf_vec2f :: WbFieldRef -> Ptr CDouble -> IO ()
wb_supervisor_field_set_sf_vec2f field values =
   [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_field_set_sf_vec2f($(WbFieldRef field), $(const double* values)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_set_sf_vec3f :: WbFieldRef -> Ptr CDouble -> IO ()
wb_supervisor_field_set_sf_vec3f field values =
   [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_field_set_sf_vec3f($(WbFieldRef field), $(const double* values)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_set_sf_rotation :: WbFieldRef -> Ptr CDouble -> IO ()
wb_supervisor_field_set_sf_rotation field values =
   [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_field_set_sf_rotation($(WbFieldRef field), $(const double* values)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_set_sf_color :: WbFieldRef -> Ptr CDouble -> IO ()
wb_supervisor_field_set_sf_color field values =
   [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_field_set_sf_color($(WbFieldRef field), $(const double* values)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_set_sf_string :: WbFieldRef -> String -> IO ()
wb_supervisor_field_set_sf_string field value =
  withCString value $ \value' ->
   [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_field_set_sf_string($(WbFieldRef field), $(const char* value')) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_set_mf_bool :: WbFieldRef -> CInt -> CBool -> IO ()
wb_supervisor_field_set_mf_bool field index value =
   [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_field_set_mf_bool($(WbFieldRef field), $(int index), $(bool value)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_set_mf_int32 :: WbFieldRef -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()
wb_supervisor_field_set_mf_int32 field index value =
   [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_field_set_mf_int32($(WbFieldRef field), $(int index), $(int value)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_set_mf_float :: WbFieldRef -> CInt -> CDouble -> IO ()
wb_supervisor_field_set_mf_float field index value =
   [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_field_set_mf_float($(WbFieldRef field), $(int index), $(double value)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_set_mf_vec2f :: WbFieldRef -> CInt -> Ptr CDouble -> IO ()
wb_supervisor_field_set_mf_vec2f field index values =
   [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_field_set_mf_vec2f($(WbFieldRef field), $(int index), $(const double* values)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_set_mf_vec3f :: WbFieldRef -> CInt -> Ptr CDouble -> IO ()
wb_supervisor_field_set_mf_vec3f field index values =
   [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_field_set_mf_vec3f($(WbFieldRef field), $(int index), $(const double* values)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_set_mf_rotation :: WbFieldRef -> CInt -> Ptr CDouble -> IO ()
wb_supervisor_field_set_mf_rotation field index values =
   [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_field_set_mf_rotation($(WbFieldRef field), $(int index), $(const double* values)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_set_mf_color :: WbFieldRef -> CInt -> Ptr CDouble -> IO ()
wb_supervisor_field_set_mf_color field index values =
   [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_field_set_mf_color($(WbFieldRef field), $(int index), $(const double* values)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_set_mf_string :: WbFieldRef -> CInt -> String -> IO ()
wb_supervisor_field_set_mf_string field index value =
  withCString value $ \value' ->
   [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_field_set_mf_string($(WbFieldRef field), $(int index), $(const char* value')) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_insert_mf_bool :: WbFieldRef -> CInt -> CBool -> IO ()
wb_supervisor_field_insert_mf_bool field index value =
   [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_field_insert_mf_bool($(WbFieldRef field), $(int index), $(bool value)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_insert_mf_int32 :: WbFieldRef -> CInt -> CInt -> IO ()
wb_supervisor_field_insert_mf_int32 field index value =
   [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_field_insert_mf_int32($(WbFieldRef field), $(int index), $(int value)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_insert_mf_float :: WbFieldRef -> CInt -> CDouble -> IO ()
wb_supervisor_field_insert_mf_float field index value =
   [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_field_insert_mf_float($(WbFieldRef field), $(int index), $(double value)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_insert_mf_vec2f :: WbFieldRef -> CInt -> Ptr CDouble -> IO ()
wb_supervisor_field_insert_mf_vec2f field index values =
   [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_field_insert_mf_vec2f($(WbFieldRef field), $(int index), $(const double* values)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_insert_mf_vec3f :: WbFieldRef -> CInt -> Ptr CDouble -> IO ()
wb_supervisor_field_insert_mf_vec3f field index values =
   [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_field_insert_mf_vec3f($(WbFieldRef field), $(int index), $(const double* values)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_insert_mf_rotation :: WbFieldRef -> CInt -> Ptr CDouble -> IO ()
wb_supervisor_field_insert_mf_rotation field index values =
   [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_field_insert_mf_rotation($(WbFieldRef field), $(int index), $(const double* values)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_insert_mf_color :: WbFieldRef -> CInt -> Ptr CDouble -> IO ()
wb_supervisor_field_insert_mf_color field index values =
   [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_field_insert_mf_color($(WbFieldRef field), $(int index), $(const double* values)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_insert_mf_string :: WbFieldRef -> CInt -> String -> IO ()
wb_supervisor_field_insert_mf_string field index value =
  withCString value $ \value' ->
   [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_field_insert_mf_string($(WbFieldRef field), $(int index), $(const char* value')) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_remove_mf :: WbFieldRef -> CInt -> IO ()
wb_supervisor_field_remove_mf field index =
   [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_field_remove_mf($(WbFieldRef field), $(int index)) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_import_mf_node :: WbFieldRef -> CInt -> String -> IO ()
wb_supervisor_field_import_mf_node field position filename =
  withCString filename $ \filename' ->
   [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_field_import_mf_node($(WbFieldRef field), $(int position), $(const char* filename')) } |]

wb_supervisor_field_import_mf_node_from_string :: WbFieldRef -> CInt -> String -> IO ()
wb_supervisor_field_import_mf_node_from_string field position node_string =
  withCString node_string $ \node_string' ->
   [C.exp| void { wb_supervisor_field_import_mf_node_from_string($(WbFieldRef field), $(int position), $(const char* node_string')) } |]

wb_supervisor_virtual_reality_headset_is_used :: IO CBool
wb_supervisor_virtual_reality_headset_is_used  =
   [C.exp| bool { wb_supervisor_virtual_reality_headset_is_used() } |]

wb_supervisor_virtual_reality_headset_get_position :: IO (Ptr CDouble)
wb_supervisor_virtual_reality_headset_get_position  =
   [C.exp| const double* { wb_supervisor_virtual_reality_headset_get_position() } |]

wb_supervisor_virtual_reality_headset_get_orientation :: IO (Ptr CDouble)
wb_supervisor_virtual_reality_headset_get_orientation  =
   [C.exp| const double* { wb_supervisor_virtual_reality_headset_get_orientation() } |]

wb_supervisor_movie_get_status :: IO CInt
wb_supervisor_movie_get_status  =
   [C.exp| int { wb_supervisor_movie_get_status() } |]

loop :: CInt -> (Int -> IO ()) -> IO ()
loop time_step func = loop' 0
    loop' cnt = do
      i <- [C.exp| int { wb_robot_step($(int time_step)) }|]
      whenM (i /= -1) $ do
        func cnt
        loop' (cnt+1)

withWbRobot func = do
  time <- [C.block| int {
    return wb_robot_get_basic_time_step();
  func time
  [C.exp| void { wb_robot_cleanup() }|]

fieldGetCount :: WbFieldRef -> IO CInt
fieldGetCount ptr = [C.exp| int { wb_supervisor_field_get_count($(WbFieldRef ptr)) } |]

fieldGetSfBool :: WbFieldRef -> IO CBool
fieldGetSfBool ptr = [C.exp|bool {wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_bool($(WbFieldRef ptr))}|]

fieldGetSfInt32 :: WbFieldRef -> IO CInt
fieldGetSfInt32 ptr = [C.exp|int {wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_int32($(WbFieldRef ptr))}|]

fieldGetSfFloat :: WbFieldRef -> IO CDouble
fieldGetSfFloat ptr = [C.exp|double {wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_float($(WbFieldRef ptr))}|]

fieldGetSfVec2f :: WbFieldRef -> IO (CDouble,CDouble)
fieldGetSfVec2f ptr = do
  ptr <- [C.exp|const double * {wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_vec2f($(WbFieldRef ptr))}|]
  x <- peek ptr
  y <- peekByteOff ptr (sizeOf x)
  return (x,y)

fieldGetSfVec3f :: WbFieldRef -> IO (CDouble,CDouble,CDouble)
fieldGetSfVec3f ptr = do
  ptr <- [C.exp|const double * {wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_vec3f($(WbFieldRef ptr))}|]
  x <- peek ptr
  y <- peekByteOff ptr (sizeOf x)
  z <- peekByteOff ptr ((sizeOf x)*2)
  return (x,y,z)

fieldGetSfRotation :: WbFieldRef -> IO (CDouble,CDouble,CDouble,CDouble)
fieldGetSfRotation ptr = do
  ptr <- [C.exp|const double *{wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_rotation($(WbFieldRef ptr))}|]
  a <- peek ptr
  b <- peekByteOff ptr (sizeOf a)
  c <- peekByteOff ptr ((sizeOf a)*2)
  d <- peekByteOff ptr ((sizeOf a)*3)
  return (a,b,c,d)

fieldGetSfColor :: WbFieldRef -> IO (CDouble,CDouble,CDouble)
fieldGetSfColor ptr = do
  ptr <- [C.exp|const double *{wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_color($(WbFieldRef ptr))}|]
  x <- peek ptr
  y <- peekByteOff ptr (sizeOf x)
  z <- peekByteOff ptr ((sizeOf x)*2)
  return (x,y,z)

fieldGetSfString :: WbFieldRef -> IO String
fieldGetSfString ptr =
  peekCString =<< [C.exp|const char *{wb_supervisor_field_get_sf_string($(WbFieldRef ptr))}|]

fieldGetMfNode :: WbFieldRef -> CInt -> IO WbNodeRef
fieldGetMfNode ptr i = [C.exp| WbNodeRef { wb_supervisor_field_get_mf_node($(WbFieldRef ptr), $(int i)) } |]

getField :: WbNodeRef -> String -> IO (Maybe WbFieldRef)
getField ptr str = wb_supervisor_node_get_field ptr str

getId :: WbNodeRef -> IO CInt
getId ptr =
  [C.exp| int { wb_supervisor_node_get_id($(WbNodeRef ptr)) } |]

getTypeName :: WbNodeRef -> IO String
getTypeName ptr =
  [C.exp| const char* { wb_supervisor_node_get_type_name($(WbNodeRef ptr)) } |] >>= peekCString

getRootNode :: IO WbNodeRef
getRootNode = [C.exp| WbNodeRef { wb_supervisor_node_get_root()} |]

setVelocity :: WbNodeRef -> (CDouble,CDouble,CDouble) -> (CDouble,CDouble,CDouble) -> IO ()
setVelocity node (x,y,z) (x1,y1,z1) =
  [C.block| void {
      const double velocity[6] =
      { $(double x)
      , $(double y)
      , $(double z)
      , $(double x1)
      , $(double y1)
      , $(double z1)
      wb_supervisor_node_set_velocity($(WbNodeRef node), velocity);
  } |]

whenM cond block = if cond then block else return ()

getRootNodes :: IO [(WbNodeRef,CInt,String)]
getRootNodes = do
  root <- getRootNode
  mchildren <- getField root "children"
  case mchildren of
    Nothing -> return []
    Just children -> do
      cnt <- fieldGetCount children
      forM [0..(cnt-1)] $ \i -> do
        node <- fieldGetMfNode children i
        nodeId <- getId node
        typeName <- getTypeName node
        return (node,nodeId,typeName)

getNodeFieldByString :: WbNodeRef -> String -> IO (Maybe String)
getNodeFieldByString node label = do
  m <- getField node label
  case m of
    Nothing -> return Nothing
    Just field -> fieldGetSfString field >>= return.Just