LambdaHack-0.2.14: A roguelike game engine in early development

Safe HaskellNone



Semantics of abilities in terms of actions and the AI procedure for picking the best action for an actor.



condTgtEnemyPresentM :: MonadClient m => ActorId -> m Bool Source

Require that the target enemy is visible by the party.

condTgtEnemyRememberedM :: MonadClient m => ActorId -> m Bool Source

Require that the target enemy is remembered on the actor's level.

condAnyFoeAdjM :: MonadStateRead m => ActorId -> m Bool Source

Require that any non-dying foe is adjacent.

condHpTooLowM :: MonadClient m => ActorId -> m Bool Source

Require the actor's HP is low enough.

condOnTriggerableM :: MonadStateRead m => ActorId -> m Bool Source

Require the actor stands over a triggerable tile.

condBlocksFriendsM :: MonadClient m => ActorId -> m Bool Source

Require the actor blocks the paths of any of his party members.

condFloorWeaponM :: MonadClient m => ActorId -> m Bool Source

Require the actor stands over a weapon.

condNoEqpWeaponM :: MonadClient m => ActorId -> m Bool Source

Check whether the actor has no weapon in equipment.

condCanProjectM :: MonadClient m => ActorId -> m Bool Source

Require that the actor can project any items.

condNotCalmEnoughM :: MonadClient m => ActorId -> m Bool Source

Require the actor is not calm enough.

condDesirableFloorItemM :: MonadClient m => ActorId -> m Bool Source

Require that the actor stands over a desirable item.

condMeleeBadM :: MonadClient m => ActorId -> m Bool Source

Require the actor is in a bad position to melee. We do not check if the actor has a weapon, because having no innate weapon is rare.

condLightBetraysM :: MonadClient m => ActorId -> m Bool Source

Require that the actor stands in the dark, but is betrayed by his own equipped light,

benAvailableItems :: MonadClient m => ActorId -> (ItemFull -> Maybe Int -> Bool) -> [CStore] -> m [((Maybe (Int, (Int, Int)), (Int, CStore)), (ItemId, ItemFull))] Source

Produce the list of items with a given property available to the actor and the items' values.

benGroundItems :: MonadClient m => ActorId -> m [((Maybe (Int, (Int, Int)), (Int, CStore)), (ItemId, ItemFull))] Source

Produce the list of items on the ground beneath the actor.

threatDistList :: MonadClient m => ActorId -> m [(Int, (ActorId, Actor))] Source

Produce the chess-distance-sorted list of non-low-HP foes on the level. We don't consider path-distance, because we are interested in how soon the foe can hit us, which can diverge greately from path distance for short distances.

fleeList :: MonadClient m => Bool -> ActorId -> m [(Int, Point)] Source

Produce a list of acceptable adjacent points to flee to.