-- | General content types and operations.
module Game.LambdaHack.Common.Kind
  ( Id, Ops(..), COps(..), createOps, stdRuleset
  ) where

import Prelude ()

import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Prelude

import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Vector as V

import Game.LambdaHack.Common.ContentDef
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Frequency
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.KindOps
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Misc
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Random
import Game.LambdaHack.Content.CaveKind
import Game.LambdaHack.Content.ItemKind
import Game.LambdaHack.Content.ModeKind
import Game.LambdaHack.Content.PlaceKind
import Game.LambdaHack.Content.RuleKind
import Game.LambdaHack.Content.TileKind

-- Not specialized, because no speedup, but huge JS code bloat.
-- | Create content operations for type @a@ from definition of content
-- of type @a@.
createOps :: forall a. Show a => ContentDef a -> Ops a
createOps ContentDef{getName, getFreq, content, validateSingle, validateAll} =
  assert (V.length content <= fromEnum (maxBound :: Id a)) $
  let kindFreq :: M.Map (GroupName a) [(Int, (Id a, a))]
      kindFreq =
        let tuples = [ (cgroup, (n, (i, k)))
                     | (i, k) <- zip [Id 0..] $ V.toList content
                     , (cgroup, n) <- getFreq k
                     , n > 0 ]
            f m (cgroup, nik) = M.insertWith (++) cgroup [nik] m
        in foldl' f M.empty tuples
      correct a = not (T.null (getName a)) && all ((> 0) . snd) (getFreq a)
      singleOffenders = [ (offences, a)
                        | a <- V.toList content
                        , let offences = validateSingle a
                        , not (null offences) ]
      allOffences = validateAll $ V.toList content
  in assert (allB correct $ V.toList content) $
     assert (null singleOffenders `blame` "some content items not valid"
                                  `swith` singleOffenders) $
     assert (null allOffences `blame` "the content set not valid"
                              `swith` allOffences)
     -- By this point 'content' can be GCd.
       { okind = \ !i -> content V.! fromEnum i
       , ouniqGroup = \ !cgroup ->
           let freq = let assFail = error $ "no unique group"
                                            `showFailure` (cgroup, kindFreq)
                      in M.findWithDefault assFail cgroup kindFreq
           in case freq of
             [(n, (i, _))] | n > 0 -> i
             l -> error $ "not unique" `showFailure` (l, cgroup, kindFreq)
       , opick = \ !cgroup !p ->
           case M.lookup cgroup kindFreq of
             Just freqRaw ->
               let freq = toFreq ("opick ('" <> tshow cgroup <> "')")
                          $ filter (p . snd . snd) freqRaw
               in if nullFreq freq
                  then return Nothing
                  else fmap (Just . fst) $ frequency freq
                    {- with monadic notation; may produce empty freq:
                    (i, k) <- freq
                    breturn (p k) i
                    {- with MonadComprehensions:
                    frequency [ i | (i, k) <- kindFreq M.! cgroup, p k ]
             _ -> return Nothing
       , ofoldrWithKey = \f z ->
          V.ifoldr (\i c a -> f (toEnum i) c a) z content
       , ofoldlWithKey' = \f z ->
          V.ifoldl' (\a i c -> f a (toEnum i) c) z content
       , ofoldlGroup' = \cgroup f z ->
           case M.lookup cgroup kindFreq of
             Just freq -> foldl' (\acc (p, (i, a)) -> f acc p i a) z freq
             _ -> error $ "no group '" ++ show cgroup
                                       ++ "' among content that has groups "
                                       ++ show (M.keys kindFreq)
                          `showFailure` ()
       , olength = V.length content

-- | Operations for all content types, gathered together.
data COps = COps
  { cocave        :: Ops CaveKind   -- server only
  , coitem        :: Ops ItemKind
  , comode        :: Ops ModeKind   -- server only
  , coplace       :: Ops PlaceKind  -- server only, so far
  , corule        :: Ops RuleKind
  , cotile        :: Ops TileKind
  , coTileSpeedup :: TileSpeedup

instance Show COps where
  show _ = "game content"

instance Eq COps where
  (==) _ _ = True

-- | The standard ruleset used for level operations.
stdRuleset :: Ops RuleKind -> RuleKind
stdRuleset Ops{ouniqGroup, okind} = okind $ ouniqGroup "standard"