-- | The monad for writing to the main game state.
module Game.LambdaHack.Atomic.MonadStateWrite
  ( MonadStateWrite(..), AtomicFail(..), atomicFail
  , putState, updateLevel, updateActor, updateFaction, moveActorMap
  , insertBagContainer, insertItemContainer, insertItemActor
  , deleteBagContainer, deleteItemContainer, deleteItemActor
  , addAis, itemsMatch, addItemToActor, resetActorAspect
    -- * Internal operations
  , insertItemFloor, insertItemEmbed
  , insertItemOrgan, insertItemEqp, insertItemInv, insertItemSha
  , deleteItemFloor, deleteItemEmbed
  , deleteItemOrgan, deleteItemEqp, deleteItemInv, deleteItemSha
  , rmFromBag
  ) where

import Prelude ()

import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Prelude

import qualified Control.Exception as Ex
import qualified Data.EnumMap.Strict as EM
import           Data.Key (mapWithKeyM_)

import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Actor
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.ActorState
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Faction
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Item
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Level
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Misc
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.MonadStateRead
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Point
import Game.LambdaHack.Common.State

-- | The monad for writing to the main game state. Atomic updates ('UpdAtomic')
-- are given semantics in this monad.
class MonadStateRead m => MonadStateWrite m where
  modifyState :: (State -> State) -> m ()

-- | Exception signifying that atomic action failed because
-- the information it carries is inconsistent with the client's state,
-- (e.g., because the client knows too little to understand the command
-- or already deduced the state change from earlier commands
-- or is confused, amnesiac or sees illusory actors or tiles).
-- Whenever we know the failure is logically impossible,
-- we don't throw the @AtomicFail@ exception, but insert a normal assertion
-- or @error@ call, which are never caught nor handled.
newtype AtomicFail = AtomicFail String
  deriving Show

instance Ex.Exception AtomicFail

atomicFail :: String -> a
atomicFail = Ex.throw . AtomicFail

putState :: MonadStateWrite m => State -> m ()
putState s = modifyState (const s)

-- INLIning offers no speedup, increases alloc and binary size.
-- EM.alter not necessary, because levels not removed, so little risk
-- of adjusting at absent index.
updateLevel :: MonadStateWrite m => LevelId -> (Level -> Level) -> m ()
updateLevel lid f = modifyState $ updateDungeon $ EM.adjust f lid

-- INLIning doesn't help despite probably canceling the alt indirection.
-- perhaps it's applied automatically due to INLINABLE.
updateActor :: MonadStateWrite m => ActorId -> (Actor -> Actor) -> m ()
updateActor aid f = do
  let alt Nothing = error $ "no body to update" `showFailure` aid
      alt (Just b) = Just $ f b
  modifyState $ updateActorD $ EM.alter alt aid

updateFaction :: MonadStateWrite m => FactionId -> (Faction -> Faction) -> m ()
updateFaction fid f = do
  let alt Nothing = error $ "no faction to update" `showFailure` fid
      alt (Just fact) = Just $ f fact
  modifyState $ updateFactionD $ EM.alter alt fid

moveActorMap :: MonadStateWrite m => ActorId -> Actor -> Actor -> m ()
moveActorMap aid body newBody = do
  let rmActor Nothing = error $ "actor already removed"
                                `showFailure` (aid, body)
      rmActor (Just l) =
        assert (aid `elem` l `blame` "actor already removed"
                             `swith` (aid, body, l))
        (let l2 = delete aid l
         in if null l2 then Nothing else Just l2)
      addActor Nothing = Just [aid]
      addActor (Just l) =
        assert (aid `notElem` l `blame` "actor already added"
                                `swith` (aid, body, l))
        (Just $ aid : l)
      updActor = EM.alter addActor (bpos newBody)
                 . EM.alter rmActor (bpos body)
  updateLevel (blid body) $ updateActorMap updActor

insertBagContainer :: MonadStateWrite m
                   => ItemBag -> Container -> m ()
insertBagContainer bag c = case c of
  CFloor lid pos -> do
    let alt Nothing = Just bag
        alt (Just bag2) = atomicFail $ "floor bag not empty"
                                       `showFailure` (bag2, lid, pos, bag)
    updateLevel lid $ updateFloor $ EM.alter alt pos
  CEmbed lid pos -> do
    let alt Nothing = Just bag
        alt (Just bag2) = atomicFail $ "embed bag not empty"
                                       `showFailure` (bag2, lid, pos, bag)
    updateLevel lid $ updateEmbed $ EM.alter alt pos
  CActor aid store ->
    -- Very unlikely case, so we prefer brevity over performance.
    mapWithKeyM_ (\iid kit -> insertItemActor iid kit aid store) bag
  CTrunk{} -> return ()

insertItemContainer :: MonadStateWrite m
                    => ItemId -> ItemQuant -> Container -> m ()
insertItemContainer iid kit c = case c of
  CFloor lid pos -> insertItemFloor iid kit lid pos
  CEmbed lid pos -> insertItemEmbed iid kit lid pos
  CActor aid store -> insertItemActor iid kit aid store
  CTrunk{} -> return ()

-- New @kit@ lands at the front of the list.
insertItemFloor :: MonadStateWrite m
                => ItemId -> ItemQuant -> LevelId -> Point -> m ()
insertItemFloor iid kit lid pos =
  let bag = EM.singleton iid kit
      mergeBag = EM.insertWith (EM.unionWith mergeItemQuant) pos bag
  in updateLevel lid $ updateFloor mergeBag

insertItemEmbed :: MonadStateWrite m
                => ItemId -> ItemQuant -> LevelId -> Point -> m ()
insertItemEmbed iid kit lid pos =
  let bag = EM.singleton iid kit
      mergeBag = EM.insertWith (EM.unionWith mergeItemQuant) pos bag
  in updateLevel lid $ updateEmbed mergeBag

insertItemActor :: MonadStateWrite m
                => ItemId -> ItemQuant -> ActorId -> CStore -> m ()
insertItemActor iid kit aid cstore = case cstore of
  CGround -> do
    b <- getsState $ getActorBody aid
    insertItemFloor iid kit (blid b) (bpos b)
  COrgan -> insertItemOrgan iid kit aid
  CEqp -> insertItemEqp iid kit aid
  CInv -> insertItemInv iid kit aid
  CSha -> do
    b <- getsState $ getActorBody aid
    insertItemSha iid kit (bfid b)

insertItemOrgan :: MonadStateWrite m
                => ItemId -> ItemQuant -> ActorId -> m ()
insertItemOrgan iid kit aid = do
  let bag = EM.singleton iid kit
      upd = EM.unionWith mergeItemQuant bag
  item <- getsState $ getItemBody iid
  updateActor aid $ \b ->
    b { borgan = upd (borgan b)
      , bweapon = if isMelee item then bweapon b + 1 else bweapon b }

insertItemEqp :: MonadStateWrite m
              => ItemId -> ItemQuant -> ActorId -> m ()
insertItemEqp iid kit aid = do
  let bag = EM.singleton iid kit
      upd = EM.unionWith mergeItemQuant bag
  item <- getsState $ getItemBody iid
  updateActor aid $ \b ->
    b { beqp = upd (beqp b)
      , bweapon = if isMelee item then bweapon b + 1 else bweapon b }

insertItemInv :: MonadStateWrite m
              => ItemId -> ItemQuant -> ActorId -> m ()
insertItemInv iid kit aid = do
  let bag = EM.singleton iid kit
      upd = EM.unionWith mergeItemQuant bag
  updateActor aid $ \b -> b {binv = upd (binv b)}

insertItemSha :: MonadStateWrite m
              => ItemId -> ItemQuant -> FactionId -> m ()
insertItemSha iid kit fid = do
  let bag = EM.singleton iid kit
      upd = EM.unionWith mergeItemQuant bag
  updateFaction fid $ \fact -> fact {gsha = upd (gsha fact)}

deleteBagContainer :: MonadStateWrite m
                   => ItemBag -> Container -> m ()
deleteBagContainer bag c = case c of
  CFloor lid pos -> do
    let alt Nothing = atomicFail $ "floor bag already empty"
                                   `showFailure` (lid, pos, bag)
        alt (Just bag2) = assert (bag == bag2) Nothing
    updateLevel lid $ updateFloor $ EM.alter alt pos
  CEmbed lid pos -> do
    let alt Nothing = atomicFail $ "embed bag already empty"
                                   `showFailure` (lid, pos, bag)
        alt (Just bag2) = assert (bag == bag2 `blame` (bag, bag2)) Nothing
    updateLevel lid $ updateEmbed $ EM.alter alt pos
  CActor aid store ->
    -- Very unlikely case, so we prefer brevity over performance.
    mapWithKeyM_ (\iid kit -> deleteItemActor iid kit aid store) bag
  CTrunk{} -> error $ "" `showFailure` c

deleteItemContainer :: MonadStateWrite m
                    => ItemId -> ItemQuant -> Container -> m ()
deleteItemContainer iid kit c = case c of
  CFloor lid pos -> deleteItemFloor iid kit lid pos
  CEmbed lid pos -> deleteItemEmbed iid kit lid pos
  CActor aid store -> deleteItemActor iid kit aid store
  CTrunk{} -> error $ "" `showFailure` c

deleteItemFloor :: MonadStateWrite m
                => ItemId -> ItemQuant -> LevelId -> Point -> m ()
deleteItemFloor iid kit lid pos =
  let rmFromFloor (Just bag) =
        let nbag = rmFromBag kit iid bag
        in if EM.null nbag then Nothing else Just nbag
      rmFromFloor Nothing = error $ "item already removed"
                                    `showFailure` (iid, kit, lid, pos)
  in updateLevel lid $ updateFloor $ EM.alter rmFromFloor pos

deleteItemEmbed :: MonadStateWrite m
                => ItemId -> ItemQuant -> LevelId -> Point -> m ()
deleteItemEmbed iid kit lid pos =
  let rmFromFloor (Just bag) =
        let nbag = rmFromBag kit iid bag
        in if EM.null nbag then Nothing else Just nbag
      rmFromFloor Nothing = error $ "item already removed"
                                    `showFailure` (iid, kit, lid, pos)
  in updateLevel lid $ updateEmbed $ EM.alter rmFromFloor pos

deleteItemActor :: MonadStateWrite m
                => ItemId -> ItemQuant -> ActorId -> CStore -> m ()
deleteItemActor iid kit aid cstore = case cstore of
  CGround -> do
    b <- getsState $ getActorBody aid
    deleteItemFloor iid kit (blid b) (bpos b)
  COrgan -> deleteItemOrgan iid kit aid
  CEqp -> deleteItemEqp iid kit aid
  CInv -> deleteItemInv iid kit aid
  CSha -> do
    b <- getsState $ getActorBody aid
    deleteItemSha iid kit (bfid b)

deleteItemOrgan :: MonadStateWrite m => ItemId -> ItemQuant -> ActorId -> m ()
deleteItemOrgan iid kit aid = do
  item <- getsState $ getItemBody iid
  updateActor aid $ \b ->
    b { borgan = rmFromBag kit iid (borgan b)
      , bweapon = if isMelee item then bweapon b - 1 else bweapon b }

deleteItemEqp :: MonadStateWrite m => ItemId -> ItemQuant -> ActorId -> m ()
deleteItemEqp iid kit aid = do
  item <- getsState $ getItemBody iid
  updateActor aid $ \b ->
    b { beqp = rmFromBag kit iid (beqp b)
      , bweapon = if isMelee item then bweapon b - 1 else bweapon b }

deleteItemInv :: MonadStateWrite m => ItemId -> ItemQuant -> ActorId -> m ()
deleteItemInv iid kit aid =
  updateActor aid $ \b -> b {binv = rmFromBag kit iid (binv b)}

deleteItemSha :: MonadStateWrite m => ItemId -> ItemQuant -> FactionId -> m ()
deleteItemSha iid kit fid =
  updateFaction fid $ \fact -> fact {gsha = rmFromBag kit iid (gsha fact)}

-- Removing the part of the kit from the back of the list,
-- so that @DestroyItem kit (CreateItem kit x) == x@.
rmFromBag :: ItemQuant -> ItemId -> ItemBag -> ItemBag
rmFromBag kit@(k, rmIt) iid bag =
  let rfb Nothing = error $ "rm from empty slot" `showFailure` (k, iid, bag)
      rfb (Just (n, it)) =
        case compare n k of
          LT -> error $ "rm more than there is"
                        `showFailure` (n, kit, iid, bag)
          EQ -> assert (rmIt == it `blame` (rmIt, it, n, kit, iid, bag)) Nothing
          GT -> assert (rmIt == take k it
                        `blame` (rmIt, take k it, n, kit, iid, bag))
                $ Just (n - k, take (n - k) it)
  in EM.alter rfb iid bag

-- Actor's items may or may not be already present in @sitemD@,
-- regardless if they are already present otherwise in the dungeon.
-- We re-add them all to save time determining which really need it.
-- If collision occurs, pick the item found on easier level.
addAis :: MonadStateWrite m => [(ItemId, Item)] -> m ()
addAis ais = do
  let h item1 item2 =
        assert (itemsMatch item1 item2
                `blame` "inconsistent added items"
                `swith` (item1, item2, ais))
               item2 -- keep the first found level
  forM_ ais $ \(iid, item) ->
    $ updateItemIxMap (EM.insertWith (++) (jkindIx item) [iid])
      . updateItemD (EM.insertWith h iid item)

itemsMatch :: Item -> Item -> Bool
itemsMatch item1 item2 =
  jkindIx item1 == jkindIx item2
  -- Note that nothing else needs to be the same, since items are merged
  -- and clients have different views on dungeon items than the server.

addItemToActor :: MonadStateWrite m => ItemId -> Item -> Int -> ActorId -> m ()
addItemToActor iid itemBase k aid = do
  arItem <- getsState $ aspectRecordFromItem iid itemBase
  let f arActor = sumAspectRecord [(arActor, 1), (arItem, k)]
  modifyState $ updateActorAspect $ EM.adjust f aid

resetActorAspect :: MonadStateWrite m => m ()
resetActorAspect = do
  -- Each actor's equipment and organs would need to be inspected,
  -- the iid looked up, e.g., if it wasn't in old discoKind, but is in new,
  -- and then aspect record updated, so it's simpler and not much more
  -- expensive to generate new sactorAspect. Optimize only after profiling.
  -- Also note this doesn't get invoked on the server, because it bails out
  -- earlier, upon noticing the item is already fully known.
  actorAspect <- getsState actorAspectInDungeon
  modifyState $ updateActorAspect $ const actorAspect