{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
-- | Weapons, treasure and all the other items in the game.
module Game.LambdaHack.Common.Item
  ( ItemId, Item(..), ItemIdentity(..)
  , ItemKindIx, ItemDisco(..), ItemFull(..), ItemFullKit
  , DiscoveryKind, DiscoveryAspect, ItemIxMap, Benefit(..), DiscoveryBenefit
  , ItemTimer, ItemQuant, ItemBag, ItemDict
  , itemToFull6, aspectRecordFull
  , strongestSlot, hasCharge, strongestMelee, unknownMeleeBonus, tmpMeleeBonus
    -- * Internal operations
  , unknownAspect
  ) where

import Prelude ()

import Game.LambdaHack.Common.Prelude

import           Data.Binary
import qualified Data.EnumMap.Strict as EM
import qualified Data.EnumSet as ES
import           Data.Hashable (Hashable)
import qualified Data.Ix as Ix
import qualified Data.Ord as Ord
import           GHC.Generics (Generic)

import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Common.Dice as Dice
import           Game.LambdaHack.Common.Flavour
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Common.ItemAspect as IA
import           Game.LambdaHack.Common.Kind
import           Game.LambdaHack.Common.Misc
import           Game.LambdaHack.Common.Time
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Content.ItemKind as IK

-- | A unique identifier of an item in the dungeon.
newtype ItemId = ItemId Int
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Binary)

-- | Game items in actor possesion or strewn around the dungeon.
-- The information contained in this time is available to the player
-- from the moment the item is first seen and is never mutated.
-- Some items are not created identified (@IdentityCovered@).
-- Then they are presented as having a template kind that is really
-- not their own, though usually close. Full kind information about
-- item's kind is available through the @ItemKindIx@ index once the item
-- is identified and full information about the value of item's aspect record
-- is available elsewhere (both @IdentityObvious@ and @IdentityCovered@
-- items may or may not need identification of their aspect record).
data Item = Item
  { jkind    :: ItemIdentity  -- ^ the kind of the item, or an indiretion
  , jlid     :: LevelId       -- ^ lowest level the item was created at
  , jfid     :: Maybe FactionId
                              -- ^ the faction that created the item, if any
  , jflavour :: Flavour       -- ^ flavour, always the real one, not hidden;
                              --   people may not recognize shape, but they
                              --   remember colour and old vs fancy look
  deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)

instance Hashable Item

instance Binary Item

-- | Either the explicit obvious kind of the item or the kind it's hidden under,
-- with the details covered under the index indirection.
data ItemIdentity =
    IdentityObvious (ContentId IK.ItemKind)
  | IdentityCovered ItemKindIx (ContentId IK.ItemKind)
  deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)

instance Hashable ItemIdentity

instance Binary ItemIdentity

-- | The map of item ids to item aspect reocrd. The full map is known
-- by the server.
type DiscoveryAspect = EM.EnumMap ItemId IA.AspectRecord

-- | An index of the kind identifier of an item. Clients have partial knowledge
-- how these idexes map to kind ids. They gain knowledge by identifying items.
-- The indexes and kind identifiers are 1-1.
newtype ItemKindIx = ItemKindIx Word16
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Ix.Ix, Hashable, Binary)

-- | The secret part of the information about an item. If a faction
-- knows the aspect record of the item (the @kmConst@ flag is set or
-- the @itemAspect@ field is @Left@), this is a complete secret information.
-- Items that don't need second identification may be identified or not and both
-- cases are OK (their display flavour will differ and that may be the point).
-- The @itemAspect@ accessor it to be used unconditionally only on the server
-- where it's guaranteed to be safe.
data ItemDisco =
    ItemDiscoMean IA.KindMean
  | ItemDiscoFull {itemAspect :: IA.AspectRecord}
 deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- No speedup from making fields non-strict.
-- | Full information about an item.
data ItemFull = ItemFull
  { itemBase    :: Item
  , itemKindId  :: ContentId IK.ItemKind
  , itemKind    :: IK.ItemKind
  , itemDisco   :: ItemDisco
  , itemSuspect :: Bool
  deriving Show

type ItemFullKit = (ItemFull, ItemQuant)

-- | The map of item kind indexes to item kind ids.
-- The full map, as known by the server, is 1-1.
-- Because it's sparse and changes, we don't represent it as an (unboxed)
-- vector, until it becomes a bottleneck (if ever, likely on JS, where only
-- vectors are fast).
type DiscoveryKind = EM.EnumMap ItemKindIx (ContentId IK.ItemKind)

-- | The map of item kind indexes to identifiers of items that have that kind.
-- Used to update data about items when their kinds become known, e.g.,
-- AI item use benefit data.
type ItemIxMap = EM.EnumMap ItemKindIx (ES.EnumSet ItemId)

-- | Fields are intentionally kept non-strict, because they are recomputed
-- often, but not used every time. The fields are, in order:
-- 1. whether the item should be kept in equipment (not in pack nor stash)
-- 2. the total benefit from picking the item up (to use or to put in equipment)
-- 3. the benefit of applying the item to self
-- 4. the (usually negative) benefit of hitting a foe in meleeing with the item
-- 5. the (usually negative) benefit of flinging an item at an opponent
data Benefit = Benefit
  { benInEqp  :: ~Bool
  , benPickup :: ~Double
  , benApply  :: ~Double
  , benMelee  :: ~Double
  , benFling  :: ~Double
  deriving (Show, Generic)

instance Binary Benefit

type DiscoveryBenefit = EM.EnumMap ItemId Benefit

type ItemTimer = [Time]

-- | Number of items in a bag, together with recharging timer, in case of
-- items that need recharging, exists only temporarily or auto-activate
-- at regular intervals.
type ItemQuant = (Int, ItemTimer)

-- | A bag of items, e.g., one of the stores of an actor or the items
-- on a particular floor position or embedded in a particular map tile.
type ItemBag = EM.EnumMap ItemId ItemQuant

-- | All items in the dungeon (including in actor inventories),
-- indexed by item identifier.
type ItemDict = EM.EnumMap ItemId Item

itemToFull6 :: COps -> DiscoveryKind -> DiscoveryAspect -> ItemId -> Item
            -> ItemFull
itemToFull6 COps{coitem, coItemSpeedup} discoKind discoAspect iid itemBase =
  let (itemKindId, itemSuspect) = case jkind itemBase of
        IdentityObvious ik -> (ik, False)
        IdentityCovered ix ik ->
          maybe (ik, True) (\ki -> (ki, False)) $ ix `EM.lookup` discoKind
      itemKind = okind coitem itemKindId
      km = IK.getKindMean itemKindId coItemSpeedup
      -- If the kind is not identified, we know nothing about the real
      -- aspect record, so we at least assume they are variable.
      itemAspectMean | itemSuspect = km {IA.kmConst = False}
                     | otherwise = km
      itemDisco = case EM.lookup iid discoAspect of
        Just itemAspect -> ItemDiscoFull itemAspect
        Nothing -> ItemDiscoMean itemAspectMean
  in ItemFull {..}

aspectRecordFull :: ItemFull -> IA.AspectRecord
aspectRecordFull itemFull =
  case itemDisco itemFull of
    ItemDiscoMean itemAspectMean -> IA.kmMean itemAspectMean
    ItemDiscoFull itemAspect -> itemAspect

-- This ignores items that don't go into equipment, as determined in @inEqp@.
-- They are removed from equipment elsewhere via @harmful@.
strongestSlot :: DiscoveryBenefit -> IA.EqpSlot -> [(ItemId, ItemFullKit)]
              -> [(Int, (ItemId, ItemFullKit))]
strongestSlot discoBenefit eqpSlot is =
  let f (iid, (itemFull, kit)) =
        let Benefit{benInEqp, benPickup} = discoBenefit EM.! iid
        in if not benInEqp
           then Nothing
           else Just $
             let ben = if eqpSlot == IA.EqpSlotWeapon
                       -- For equipping/unequipping a weapon we take into
                       -- account not only melee power, but also aspects, etc.
                       then ceiling benPickup
                       else IA.prEqpSlot eqpSlot $ aspectRecordFull itemFull
             in (ben, (iid, (itemFull, kit)))
  in sortBy (flip $ Ord.comparing fst) $ mapMaybe f is

hasCharge :: Time -> ItemFull -> ItemQuant -> Bool
hasCharge localTime itemFull (itemK, itemTimer) =
  let timeout = IA.aTimeout $ aspectRecordFull itemFull
      timeoutTurns = timeDeltaScale (Delta timeTurn) timeout
      charging startT = timeShift startT timeoutTurns > localTime
      it1 = filter charging itemTimer
  in length it1 < itemK

strongestMelee :: Maybe DiscoveryBenefit -> Time
               -> [(ItemId, ItemFullKit)]
               -> [(Double, (ItemId, ItemFullKit))]
strongestMelee _ _ [] = []
strongestMelee mdiscoBenefit localTime kitAss =
  -- For simplicity we assume, if weapon not recharged, all important effects,
  -- good and bad, are disabled and only raw damage remains.
  let f (iid, (itemFull, kit)) =
        let rawDmg = (IK.damageUsefulness
                      $ itemKind itemFull, (iid, (itemFull, kit)))
            knownOrConstantAspects = case itemDisco itemFull of
              ItemDiscoMean IA.KindMean{kmConst} -> kmConst
              ItemDiscoFull{} -> True
            unIDedBonus | knownOrConstantAspects = 0
                        | otherwise = 1000  -- exceptionally strong weapon
        in case mdiscoBenefit of
          Just discoBenefit ->
            let Benefit{benMelee} = discoBenefit EM.! iid
            -- For fighting, as opposed to equipping, we value weapon
            -- only for its raw damage and harming effects.
                dmg = if hasCharge localTime itemFull kit
                      then (- benMelee, (iid, (itemFull, kit)))
                      else rawDmg
            in first (+ unIDedBonus) dmg
          Nothing -> rawDmg  -- not interested about ID
  -- We can't filter out weapons that are not harmful to victim
  -- (@benMelee >= 0), because actors use them if nothing else available,
  -- e.g., geysers, bees. This is intended and fun.
  in sortBy (flip $ Ord.comparing fst) $ map f kitAss

unknownAspect :: (IA.Aspect -> [Dice.Dice]) -> ItemFull -> Bool
unknownAspect f ItemFull{itemKind=IK.ItemKind{iaspects}, ..} =
  case itemDisco of
    ItemDiscoMean IA.KindMean{kmConst} ->
      let unknown x = let (minD, maxD) = Dice.minmaxDice x
                      in minD /= maxD
      in itemSuspect || not kmConst && or (concatMap (map unknown . f) iaspects)
    ItemDiscoFull{} -> False  -- all known

unknownMeleeBonus :: [ItemFull] -> Bool
unknownMeleeBonus =
  let p (IA.AddHurtMelee k) = [k]
      p _ = []
      f itemFull b = b || unknownAspect p itemFull
  in foldr f False

tmpMeleeBonus :: [ItemFullKit] -> Int
tmpMeleeBonus kitAss =
  let f (itemFull, (itemK, _)) k =
        itemK * IA.aHurtMelee (aspectRecordFull itemFull) + k
  in foldr f 0 $ filter (IK.isTmpCondition . itemKind . fst) kitAss