{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
-- | Options that affect the behaviour of the client.
module Game.LambdaHack.Client.ClientOptions
  ( ClientOptions(..), defClientOptions
  ) where

import Prelude ()

import Game.LambdaHack.Core.Prelude

import Data.Binary
import GHC.Generics (Generic)

-- | Options that affect the behaviour of the client (but not game rules).
data ClientOptions = ClientOptions
  { sgtkFontFamily     :: Maybe Text
      -- ^ Font family to use for the GTK main game window.
  , sdlFontFile        :: Maybe Text
      -- ^ Font file to use for the SDL2 main game window.
  , sdlScalableSizeAdd :: Maybe Int
      -- ^ Pixels to add to map cells on top of scalable font max glyph height.
      --   To get symmetric padding, add an even number.
  , sdlBitmapSizeAdd   :: Maybe Int
      -- ^ Pixels to add to map cells on top of fixed font max glyph height.
      --   To get symmetric padding, add an even number.
  , sscalableFontSize  :: Maybe Int
      -- ^ Font size to use for the main game window.
  , slogPriority       :: Maybe Int
      -- ^ How much to log (e.g., from SDL). 1 is all, 5 is errors, the default.
  , smaxFps            :: Maybe Int
      -- ^ Maximal frames per second.
      -- This is better low and fixed, to avoid jerkiness and delays
      -- that tell the player there are many intelligent enemies on the level.
      -- That's better than scaling AI sofistication down based
      -- on the FPS setting and machine speed.
  , sdisableAutoYes    :: Bool
      -- ^ Never auto-answer all prompts, even if under AI control.
  , snoAnim            :: Maybe Bool
      -- ^ Don't show any animations.
  , snewGameCli        :: Bool
      -- ^ Start a new game, overwriting the save file.
  , sbenchmark         :: Bool
      -- ^ Don't create directories and files and show time stats.
  , stitle             :: Maybe Text
  , sfontDir           :: Maybe FilePath
  , ssavePrefixCli     :: String
      -- ^ Prefix of the save game file name.
  , sfrontendTeletype  :: Bool
      -- ^ Whether to use the stdout/stdin frontend.
  , sfrontendNull      :: Bool
      -- ^ Whether to use null (no input/output) frontend.
  , sfrontendLazy      :: Bool
      -- ^ Whether to use lazy (output not even calculated) frontend.
  , sdbgMsgCli         :: Bool
      -- ^ Show clients' internal debug messages.
  , sstopAfterSeconds  :: Maybe Int
  , sstopAfterFrames   :: Maybe Int
  , sprintEachScreen   :: Bool
  , sexposePlaces      :: Bool
  , sexposeItems       :: Bool
  , sexposeActors      :: Bool
  deriving (Show, Eq, Generic)

instance Binary ClientOptions

-- | Default value of client options.
defClientOptions :: ClientOptions
defClientOptions = ClientOptions
  { sgtkFontFamily = Nothing
  , sdlFontFile = Nothing
  , sdlScalableSizeAdd = Nothing
  , sdlBitmapSizeAdd = Nothing
  , sscalableFontSize = Nothing
  , slogPriority = Nothing
  , smaxFps = Nothing
  , sdisableAutoYes = False
  , snoAnim = Nothing
  , snewGameCli = False
  , sbenchmark = False
  , stitle = Nothing
  , sfontDir = Nothing
  , ssavePrefixCli = ""
  , sfrontendTeletype = False
  , sfrontendNull = False
  , sfrontendLazy = False
  , sdbgMsgCli = False
  , sstopAfterSeconds = Nothing
  , sstopAfterFrames = Nothing
  , sprintEachScreen = False
  , sexposePlaces = False
  , sexposeItems = False
  , sexposeActors = False