-- | Slideshows.
module Game.LambdaHack.Client.UI.Slideshow
  ( KYX, OKX, Slideshow(slideshow)
  , emptySlideshow, unsnoc, toSlideshow, menuToSlideshow
  , wrapOKX, splitOverlay, splitOKX, highSlideshow
    -- * Internal operations
  , moreMsg, endMsg, keysOKX, showTable, showNearbyScores
  ) where

import Prelude ()

import Game.LambdaHack.Core.Prelude

import Data.Time.LocalTime

import           Game.LambdaHack.Client.UI.ItemSlot
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Client.UI.Key as K
import           Game.LambdaHack.Client.UI.Msg
import           Game.LambdaHack.Client.UI.Overlay
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Common.HighScore as HighScore
import qualified Game.LambdaHack.Definition.Color as Color
import           Game.LambdaHack.Definition.Defs

-- | A key or an item slot label at a given position on the screen.
type KYX = (Either [K.KM] SlotChar, (Y, X, X))

-- | An Overlay of text with an associated list of keys or slots
-- that activated when the specified screen position is pointed at.
-- The list should be sorted wrt rows and then columns.
type OKX = (Overlay, [KYX])

-- | A list of active screenfulls to be shown one after another.
-- Each screenful has an independent numbering of rows and columns.
newtype Slideshow = Slideshow {slideshow :: [OKX]}
  deriving (Show, Eq)

emptySlideshow :: Slideshow
emptySlideshow = Slideshow []

unsnoc :: Slideshow -> Maybe (Slideshow, OKX)
unsnoc Slideshow{slideshow} =
  case reverse slideshow of
    [] -> Nothing
    okx : rest -> Just (Slideshow $ reverse rest, okx)

toSlideshow :: [OKX] -> Slideshow
toSlideshow okxs = Slideshow $ addFooters False okxsNotNull
  okxFilter (ov, kyxs) =
    (ov, filter (either (not . null) (const True) . fst) kyxs)
  okxsNotNull = map okxFilter okxs
  addFooters _ [] = error $ "" `showFailure` okxsNotNull
  addFooters _ [(als, [])] =
    [( als ++ [stringToAL endMsg]
     , [(Left [K.safeSpaceKM], (length als, 0, 15))] )]
  addFooters False [(als, kxs)] = [(als, kxs)]
  addFooters True [(als, kxs)] =
    [( als ++ [stringToAL endMsg]
     , kxs ++ [(Left [K.safeSpaceKM], (length als, 0, 15))] )]
  addFooters _ ((als, kxs) : rest) =
    ( als ++ [stringToAL moreMsg]
    , kxs ++ [(Left [K.safeSpaceKM], (length als, 0, 8))] )
    : addFooters True rest

moreMsg :: String
moreMsg = "--more--  "

endMsg :: String
endMsg = "--back to top--  "

menuToSlideshow :: OKX -> Slideshow
menuToSlideshow (als, kxs) =
  assert (not (null als || null kxs)) $ Slideshow [(als, kxs)]

wrapOKX :: Y -> X -> X -> [(K.KM, String)] -> OKX
wrapOKX ystart xstart xBound ks =
  let f ((y, x), (kL, kV, kX)) (key, s) =
        let len = length s
        in if x + len > xBound
           then f ((y + 1, 0), ([], kL : kV, kX)) (key, s)
           else ( (y, x + len + 1)
                , (s : kL, kV, (Left [key], (y, x, x + len)) : kX) )
      (kL1, kV1, kX1) = snd $ foldl' f ((ystart, xstart), ([], [], [])) ks
      catL = stringToAL . intercalate " " . reverse
  in (reverse $ map catL $ kL1 : kV1, reverse kX1)

keysOKX :: Y -> X -> X -> [K.KM] -> OKX
keysOKX ystart xstart xBound keys =
  let wrapB :: String -> String
      wrapB s = "[" ++ s ++ "]"
      ks = map (\key -> (key, wrapB $ K.showKM key)) keys
  in wrapOKX ystart xstart xBound ks

splitOverlay :: X -> Y -> Report -> [K.KM] -> OKX -> Slideshow
splitOverlay width height report keys (ls0, kxs0) =
  toSlideshow $ splitOKX width height (renderReport report) keys (ls0, kxs0)

-- Note that we only split wrt @White@ space, nothing else.
splitOKX :: X -> Y -> AttrLine -> [K.KM] -> OKX -> [OKX]
splitOKX width height rrep keys (ls0, kxs0) =
  assert (height > 2) $  -- and kxs0 is sorted
  let msgRaw = splitAttrLine width rrep
      (lX0, keysX0) = keysOKX 0 0 maxBound keys
      (lX, keysX) | null msgRaw = (lX0, keysX0)
                  | otherwise = keysOKX (length msgRaw - 1)
                                        (length (last msgRaw) + 1)
                                        width keys
      msgOkx = (glueLines msgRaw lX, keysX)
      ((lsInit, kxsInit), (header, rkxs)) =
        -- Check whether most space taken by report and keys.
        if length (glueLines msgRaw lX0) * 2 > height
        then (msgOkx, ( [intercalate [Color.spaceAttrW32] lX0 <+:> rrep]
                      , keysX0 ))
               -- will display "$" (unless has EOLs)
        else (([], []), msgOkx)
      renumber y (km, (y0, x1, x2)) = (km, (y0 + y, x1, x2))
      splitO yoffset (hdr, rk) (ls, kxs) =
        let zipRenumber = map $ renumber $ length hdr - yoffset
            (pre, post) = splitAt (height - 1) $ hdr ++ ls
            yoffsetNew = yoffset + height - length hdr - 1
        in if null post
           then [(pre, rk ++ zipRenumber kxs)]  -- all fits on one screen
           else let (preX, postX) =
                      break (\(_, (y1, _, _)) -> y1 >= yoffsetNew) kxs
                in (pre, rk ++ zipRenumber preX)
                   : splitO yoffsetNew (hdr, rk) (post, postX)
      initSlides = if null lsInit
                   then assert (null kxsInit) []
                   else splitO 0 ([], []) (lsInit, kxsInit)
      mainSlides = if null ls0 && not (null lsInit)
                   then assert (null kxs0) []
                   else splitO 0 (header, rkxs) (ls0, kxs0)
  in initSlides ++ mainSlides

-- | Generate a slideshow with the current and previous scores.
highSlideshow :: X          -- ^ width of the display area
              -> Y          -- ^ height of the display area
              -> HighScore.ScoreTable -- ^ current score table
              -> Int        -- ^ position of the current score in the table
              -> Text       -- ^ the name of the game mode
              -> TimeZone   -- ^ the timezone where the game is run
              -> Slideshow
highSlideshow width height table pos gameModeName tz =
  let entries = (height - 3) `div` 3
      msg = HighScore.showAward entries table pos gameModeName
      tts = showNearbyScores tz pos table entries
      al = textToAL msg
      splitScreen ts =
        splitOKX width height al [K.spaceKM, K.escKM] (ts, [])
  in toSlideshow $ concat $ map splitScreen tts

-- | Show a screenful of the high scores table.
-- Parameter @entries@ is the number of (3-line) scores to be shown.
showTable :: TimeZone -> Int -> HighScore.ScoreTable -> Int -> Int -> [AttrLine]
showTable tz pos table start entries =
  let zipped    = zip [1..] $ HighScore.unTable table
      screenful = take entries . drop (start - 1) $ zipped
      renderScore (pos1, score1) =
        map (if pos1 == pos then textFgToAL Color.BrWhite else textToAL)
        $ HighScore.showScore tz pos1 score1
  in [] : intercalate [[]] (map renderScore screenful)

-- | Produce a couple of renderings of the high scores table.
showNearbyScores :: TimeZone -> Int -> HighScore.ScoreTable -> Int
                 -> [[AttrLine]]
showNearbyScores tz pos h entries =
  if pos <= entries
  then [showTable tz pos h 1 entries]
  else [showTable tz pos h 1 entries,
        showTable tz pos h (max (entries + 1) (pos - entries `div` 2)) entries]