{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall -fno-warn-unused-do-bind #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK show-extensions #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Numeric.Optimization.MIP.MPSFile
-- Copyright   :  (c) Masahiro Sakai 2012-2014
-- License     :  BSD-style
-- Maintainer  :  masahiro.sakai@gmail.com
-- Stability   :  provisional
-- Portability :  non-portable
-- A .mps format parser library.
-- References:
-- * <http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/cosinfoc/v12r4/topic/ilog.odms.cplex.help/CPLEX/File_formats_reference/topics/MPS_synopsis.html>
-- * <http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/cosinfoc/v12r4/topic/ilog.odms.cplex.help/CPLEX/File_formats_reference/topics/MPS_ext_synopsis.html>
-- * <http://www.gurobi.com/documentation/5.0/reference-manual/node744>
-- * <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MPS_(format)>
module Numeric.Optimization.MIP.MPSFile
  ( parseString
  , parseFile
  , ParseError
  , parser
  , render
  ) where

#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,8,0)
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), (<*))
import Control.Exception (throwIO)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Writer
import Data.Default.Class
import Data.Maybe
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,9,0)
import Data.Monoid
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Scientific
import Data.Interned
import Data.Interned.Text
import Data.String
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL
import Data.Text.Lazy.Builder (Builder)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as B
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.IO as TLIO
import System.IO
#if MIN_VERSION_megaparsec(6,0,0)
import Text.Megaparsec hiding  (ParseError)
import Text.Megaparsec.Char hiding (string', newline)
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char as P
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer as Lexer
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as P
import Text.Megaparsec hiding (string', newline, ParseError)
import qualified Text.Megaparsec.Lexer as Lexer
import Text.Megaparsec.Prim (MonadParsec ())

import Data.OptDir
import qualified Numeric.Optimization.MIP.Base as MIP
import Numeric.Optimization.MIP.FileUtils (ParseError)

type Column = MIP.Var
type Row = InternedText

data BoundType
  = LO  -- lower bound
  | UP  -- upper bound
  | FX  -- variable is fixed at the specified value
  | FR  -- free variable (no lower or upper bound)
  | MI  -- infinite lower bound
  | PL  -- infinite upper bound
  | BV  -- variable is binary (equal 0 or 1)
  | LI  -- lower bound for integer variable
  | UI  -- upper bound for integer variable
  | SC  -- upper bound for semi-continuous variable
  | SI  -- upper bound for semi-integer variable
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read, Enum, Bounded)

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

#if MIN_VERSION_megaparsec(6,0,0)
type C e s m = (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char, IsString (Tokens s))
type C e s m = (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char)

-- | Parse a string containing MPS file data.
-- The source name is only | used in error messages and may be the empty string.
#if MIN_VERSION_megaparsec(6,0,0)
parseString :: (Stream s, Token s ~ Char, IsString (Tokens s)) => MIP.FileOptions -> String -> s -> Either (ParseError s) (MIP.Problem Scientific)
parseString :: (Stream s, Token s ~ Char) => MIP.FileOptions -> String -> s -> Either (ParseError s) (MIP.Problem Scientific)
parseString _ = parse (parser <* eof)

-- | Parse a file containing MPS file data.
parseFile :: MIP.FileOptions -> FilePath -> IO (MIP.Problem Scientific)
parseFile opt fname = do
  h <- openFile fname ReadMode
  case MIP.optFileEncoding opt of
    Nothing -> return ()
    Just enc -> hSetEncoding h enc
  ret <- parse (parser <* eof) fname <$> TLIO.hGetContents h
  case ret of
    Left e -> throwIO (e :: ParseError TL.Text)
    Right a -> return a

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

#if MIN_VERSION_megaparsec(7,0,0)
anyChar :: C e s m => m Char
anyChar = anySingle

space' :: C e s m => m Char
space' = oneOf [' ', '\t']

spaces' :: C e s m => m ()
spaces' = skipMany space'

spaces1' :: C e s m => m ()
spaces1' = skipSome space'

commentline :: C e s m => m ()
commentline = do
  _ <- char '*'
  _ <- manyTill anyChar P.newline
  return ()

newline' :: C e s m => m ()
newline' = do
  _ <- P.newline
  skipMany commentline
  return ()

tok :: C e s m => m a -> m a
tok p = do
  x <- p
  msum [eof, lookAhead (char '\n' >> return ()), spaces1']
  return x

row :: C e s m => m Row
row = liftM intern ident

column :: C e s m => m Column
column = liftM intern $ ident

ident :: C e s m => m T.Text
ident = liftM fromString $ tok $ some $ noneOf [' ', '\t', '\n']

stringLn :: C e s m => String -> m ()
stringLn s = string (fromString s) >> newline'

number :: forall e s m. C e s m => m Scientific
#if MIN_VERSION_megaparsec(6,0,0)
number = tok $ Lexer.signed (return ()) Lexer.scientific
number = tok $ Lexer.signed (return ()) Lexer.number

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | MPS file parser
#if MIN_VERSION_megaparsec(6,0,0)
parser :: (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char, IsString (Tokens s)) => m (MIP.Problem Scientific)
parser :: (MonadParsec e s m, Token s ~ Char) => m (MIP.Problem Scientific)
parser = do
  many commentline

  name <- nameSection

  -- http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/cosinfoc/v12r4/topic/ilog.odms.cplex.help/CPLEX/File_formats_reference/topics/MPS_ext_objsen.html
  -- CPLEX extends the MPS standard by allowing two additional sections: OBJSEN and OBJNAME.
  -- If these options are used, they must appear in order and as the first and second sections after the NAME section.
  objsense <- optional $ objSenseSection
  objname  <- optional $ objNameSection

  rows <- rowsSection

  -- http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/cosinfoc/v12r4/topic/ilog.odms.cplex.help/CPLEX/File_formats_reference/topics/MPS_ext_usercuts.html
  -- The order of sections must be ROWS USERCUTS.
  usercuts <- option [] userCutsSection

  -- http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/cosinfoc/v12r4/topic/ilog.odms.cplex.help/CPLEX/File_formats_reference/topics/MPS_ext_lazycons.html
  -- The order of sections must be ROWS USERCUTS LAZYCONS.
  lazycons <- option [] lazyConsSection

  (cols, intvs1) <- colsSection
  rhss <- rhsSection
  rngs <- option Map.empty rangesSection
  bnds <- option [] boundsSection

  -- http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/cosinfoc/v12r4/topic/ilog.odms.cplex.help/CPLEX/File_formats_reference/topics/MPS_ext_quadobj.html
  -- Following the BOUNDS section, a QMATRIX section may be specified.
  qobj <- msum [quadObjSection, qMatrixSection, return []]

  -- http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/cosinfoc/v12r4/topic/ilog.odms.cplex.help/CPLEX/File_formats_reference/topics/MPS_ext_sos.html
  -- Note that in an MPS file, the SOS section must follow the BOUNDS section.
  sos <- option [] sosSection

  -- http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/cosinfoc/v12r4/topic/ilog.odms.cplex.help/CPLEX/File_formats_reference/topics/MPS_ext_qcmatrix.html
  -- QCMATRIX sections appear after the optional SOS section.
  qterms <- liftM Map.fromList $ many qcMatrixSection

  -- http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/cosinfoc/v12r4/topic/ilog.odms.cplex.help/CPLEX/File_formats_reference/topics/MPS_ext_indicators.html
  -- The INDICATORS section follows any quadratic constraint section and any quadratic objective section.
  inds <- option Map.empty indicatorsSection

  string "ENDATA"

  let objrow =
        case objname of
          Nothing -> head [r | (Nothing, r) <- rows] -- XXX
          Just r  -> intern r
      objdir =
        case objsense of
          Nothing -> OptMin
          Just d  -> d
      vs     = Map.keysSet cols `Set.union` Set.fromList [col | (_,col,_) <- bnds]
      intvs2 = Set.fromList [col | (t,col,_) <- bnds, t `elem` [BV,LI,UI]]
      scvs   = Set.fromList [col | (SC,col,_) <- bnds]
      sivs   = Set.fromList [col | (SI,col,_) <- bnds]

  let explicitBounds = Map.fromListWith f
        [ case typ of
            LO -> (col, (Just (MIP.Finite val), Nothing))
            UP -> (col, (Nothing, Just (MIP.Finite val)))
            FX -> (col, (Just (MIP.Finite val), Just (MIP.Finite val)))
            FR -> (col, (Just MIP.NegInf, Just MIP.PosInf))
            MI -> (col, (Just MIP.NegInf, Nothing))
            PL -> (col, (Nothing, Just MIP.PosInf))
            BV -> (col, (Just (MIP.Finite 0), Just (MIP.Finite 1)))
            LI -> (col, (Just (MIP.Finite val), Nothing))
            UI -> (col, (Nothing, Just (MIP.Finite val)))
            SC -> (col, (Nothing, Just (MIP.Finite val)))
            SI -> (col, (Nothing, Just (MIP.Finite val)))
        | (typ,col,val) <- bnds ]
          f (a1,b1) (a2,b2) = (g a1 a2, g b1 b2)
          g _ (Just x) = Just x
          g x Nothing  = x

  let bounds = Map.fromList
        [ case Map.lookup v explicitBounds of
            Nothing ->
              if v `Set.member` intvs1
                -- http://eaton.math.rpi.edu/cplex90html/reffileformatscplex/reffileformatscplex9.html
                -- If no bounds are specified for the variables within markers, bounds of 0 (zero) and 1 (one) are assumed.
                (v, (MIP.Finite 0, MIP.Finite 1))
                (v, (MIP.Finite 0, MIP.PosInf))
            Just (Nothing, Just (MIP.Finite ub)) | ub < 0 ->
                If no bounds are specified, CPLEX assumes a lower
                bound of 0 (zero) and an upper bound of +∞. If only a
                single bound is specified, the unspecified bound
                remains at 0 or +∞, whichever applies, with one
                exception. If an upper bound of less than 0 is
                specified and no other bound is specified, the lower
                bound is automatically set to -∞. CPLEX deviates
                slightly from a convention used by some MPS readers
                when it encounters an upper bound of 0 (zero). Rather
                than automatically set this variable’s lower bound to
                -∞, CPLEX accepts both a lower and upper bound of 0,
                effectively fixing that variable at 0. CPLEX resets
                the lower bound to -∞ only if the upper bound is less
                than 0. A warning message is issued when this
                exception is encountered.
              (v, (MIP.NegInf, MIP.Finite ub))
              lp_solve uses 1 as default lower bound for semi-continuous variable.
              But Gurobi Optimizer uses 0 as default lower bound for semi-continuous variable.
              Here we adopt Gurobi's way.
            Just (Nothing, ub) | v `Set.member` scvs ->
              (v, (MIP.Finite 1, fromMaybe MIP.PosInf ub))
            Just (lb,ub) ->
              (v, (fromMaybe (MIP.Finite 0) lb, fromMaybe MIP.PosInf ub))
        | v <- Set.toList vs ]

  let rowCoeffs :: Map Row (Map Column Scientific)
      rowCoeffs = Map.fromListWith Map.union [(r, Map.singleton col coeff) | (col,m) <- Map.toList cols, (r,coeff) <- Map.toList m]

  let f :: Bool -> (Maybe MIP.RelOp, Row) -> [MIP.Constraint Scientific]
      f _isLazy (Nothing, _row) = []
      f isLazy (Just op, r) = do
        let lhs = [MIP.Term c [col] | (col,c) <- Map.toList (Map.findWithDefault Map.empty r rowCoeffs)]
                  ++ Map.findWithDefault [] r qterms
        let rhs = Map.findWithDefault 0 r rhss
            (lb,ub) =
              case Map.lookup r rngs of
                Nothing  ->
                  case op of
                    MIP.Ge  -> (MIP.Finite rhs, MIP.PosInf)
                    MIP.Le  -> (MIP.NegInf, MIP.Finite rhs)
                    MIP.Eql -> (MIP.Finite rhs, MIP.Finite rhs)
                Just rng ->
                  case op of
                    MIP.Ge  -> (MIP.Finite rhs, MIP.Finite (rhs + abs rng))
                    MIP.Le  -> (MIP.Finite (rhs - abs rng), MIP.Finite rhs)
                    MIP.Eql ->
                      if rng < 0
                      then (MIP.Finite (rhs + rng), MIP.Finite rhs)
                      else (MIP.Finite rhs, MIP.Finite (rhs + rng))
        return $
          { MIP.constrLabel     = Just $ unintern r
          , MIP.constrIndicator = Map.lookup r inds
          , MIP.constrIsLazy    = isLazy
          , MIP.constrExpr      = MIP.Expr lhs
          , MIP.constrLB        = lb
          , MIP.constrUB        = ub

  let mip =
        { MIP.name                  = name
        , MIP.objectiveFunction     = def
            { MIP.objDir = objdir
            , MIP.objLabel = Just (unintern objrow)
            , MIP.objExpr = MIP.Expr $ [MIP.Term c [col] | (col,m) <- Map.toList cols, c <- maybeToList (Map.lookup objrow m)] ++ qobj
        , MIP.constraints           = concatMap (f False) rows ++ concatMap (f True) lazycons
        , MIP.sosConstraints        = sos
        , MIP.userCuts              = concatMap (f False) usercuts
        , MIP.varType               = Map.fromAscList
            [ ( v
              , if v `Set.member` sivs then
                else if v `Set.member` intvs1 && v `Set.member` scvs then
                else if v `Set.member` intvs1 || v `Set.member` intvs2 then
                else if v `Set.member` scvs then
            | v <- Set.toAscList vs ]
        , MIP.varBounds             = Map.fromAscList [(v, Map.findWithDefault MIP.defaultBounds v bounds) | v <- Set.toAscList vs]

  return mip

nameSection :: C e s m => m (Maybe T.Text)
nameSection = do
  string "NAME"
  n <- optional $ try $ do
  return n

objSenseSection :: C e s m => m OptDir
objSenseSection = do
  try $ stringLn "OBJSENSE"
  d <-  (try (stringLn "MAX") >> return OptMax)
    <|> (stringLn "MIN" >> return OptMin)
  return d

objNameSection :: C e s m => m T.Text
objNameSection = do
  try $ stringLn "OBJNAME"
  name <- ident
  return name

rowsSection :: C e s m => m [(Maybe MIP.RelOp, Row)]
rowsSection = do
  try $ stringLn "ROWS"

userCutsSection :: C e s m => m [(Maybe MIP.RelOp, Row)]
userCutsSection = do
  try $ stringLn "USERCUTS"

lazyConsSection :: C e s m => m [(Maybe MIP.RelOp, Row)]
lazyConsSection = do
  try $ stringLn "LAZYCONS"

rowsBody :: C e s m => m [(Maybe MIP.RelOp, Row)]
rowsBody = many $ do
  op <- msum
        [ char 'N' >> return Nothing
        , char 'G' >> return (Just MIP.Ge)
        , char 'L' >> return (Just MIP.Le)
        , char 'E' >> return (Just MIP.Eql)
  name <- row
  return (op, name)

colsSection :: forall e s m. C e s m => m (Map Column (Map Row Scientific), Set Column)
colsSection = do
  try $ stringLn "COLUMNS"
  body False Map.empty Set.empty
    body :: Bool -> Map Column (Map Row Scientific) -> Set Column -> m (Map Column (Map Row Scientific), Set Column)
    body isInt rs ivs = msum
      [ do _ <- spaces1'
           x <- ident
             [ do isInt' <- try intMarker
                  body isInt' rs ivs
             , do (k,v) <- entry x
                  let rs'  = Map.insertWith Map.union k v rs
                      ivs' = if isInt then Set.insert k ivs else ivs
                  seq rs' $ seq ivs' $ body isInt rs' ivs'
      , return (rs, ivs)

    intMarker :: m Bool
    intMarker = do
      string "'MARKER'"
      b <-  (try (string "'INTORG'") >> return True)
        <|> (string "'INTEND'" >> return False)
      return b

    entry :: T.Text -> m (Column, Map Row Scientific)
    entry x = do
      let col = intern x
      rv1 <- rowAndVal
      opt <- optional rowAndVal
      case opt of
        Nothing -> return (col, rv1)
        Just rv2 ->  return (col, Map.union rv1 rv2)

rowAndVal :: C e s m => m (Map Row Scientific)
rowAndVal = do
  r <- row
  val <- number
  return $ Map.singleton r val

rhsSection :: C e s m => m (Map Row Scientific)
rhsSection = do
  try $ stringLn "RHS"
  liftM Map.unions $ many entry
    entry = do
      _name <- ident
      rv1 <- rowAndVal
      opt <- optional rowAndVal
      case opt of
        Nothing  -> return rv1
        Just rv2 -> return $ Map.union rv1 rv2

rangesSection :: C e s m => m (Map Row Scientific)
rangesSection = do
  try $ stringLn "RANGES"
  liftM Map.unions $ many entry
    entry = do
      _name <- ident
      rv1 <- rowAndVal
      opt <- optional rowAndVal
      case opt of
        Nothing  -> return rv1
        Just rv2 -> return $ Map.union rv1 rv2

boundsSection :: C e s m => m [(BoundType, Column, Scientific)]
boundsSection = do
  try $ stringLn "BOUNDS"
  many entry
    entry = do
      typ   <- boundType
      _name <- ident
      col   <- column
      val   <- if typ `elem` [FR, BV, MI, PL]
               then return 0
               else number
      return (typ, col, val)

boundType :: C e s m => m BoundType
boundType = tok $ do
  msum [try (string (fromString (show k))) >> return k | k <- [minBound..maxBound]]

sosSection :: forall e s m. C e s m => m [MIP.SOSConstraint Scientific]
sosSection = do
  try $ stringLn "SOS"
  many entry
    entry = do
      typ <-  (try (string "S1") >> return MIP.S1)
          <|> (string "S2" >> return MIP.S2)
      name <- ident
      xs <- many (try identAndVal)
      return $ MIP.SOSConstraint{ MIP.sosLabel = Just name, MIP.sosType = typ, MIP.sosBody = xs }

    identAndVal :: m (Column, Scientific)
    identAndVal = do
      col <- column
      val <- number
      return (col, val)

quadObjSection :: C e s m => m [MIP.Term Scientific]
quadObjSection = do
  try $ stringLn "QUADOBJ"
  many entry
    entry = do
      col1 <- column
      col2 <- column
      val  <- number
      return $ MIP.Term (if col1 /= col2 then val else val / 2) [col1, col2]

qMatrixSection :: C e s m => m [MIP.Term Scientific]
qMatrixSection = do
  try $ stringLn "QMATRIX"
  many entry
    entry = do
      col1 <- column
      col2 <- column
      val  <- number
      return $ MIP.Term (val / 2) [col1, col2]

qcMatrixSection :: C e s m => m (Row, [MIP.Term Scientific])
qcMatrixSection = do
  try $ string "QCMATRIX"
  r <- row
  xs <- many entry
  return (r, xs)
    entry = do
      col1 <- column
      col2 <- column
      val  <- number
      return $ MIP.Term val [col1, col2]

indicatorsSection :: C e s m => m (Map Row (Column, Scientific))
indicatorsSection = do
  try $ stringLn "INDICATORS"
  liftM Map.fromList $ many entry
    entry = do
      string "IF"
      r <- row
      var <- column
      val <- number
      return (r, (var, val))

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

type M a = Writer Builder a

execM :: M a -> TL.Text
execM m = B.toLazyText $ execWriter m

writeText :: T.Text -> M ()
writeText s = tell $ B.fromText s

writeChar :: Char -> M ()
writeChar c = tell $ B.singleton c

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

render :: MIP.FileOptions -> MIP.Problem Scientific -> Either String TL.Text
render _ mip | not (checkAtMostQuadratic mip) = Left "Expression must be atmost quadratic"
render _ mip = Right $ execM $ render' $ nameRows mip

render' :: MIP.Problem Scientific -> M ()
render' mip = do
  let probName = fromMaybe "" (MIP.name mip)

  -- NAME section
  -- The name starts in column 15 in fixed formats.
  writeSectionHeader $ "NAME" <> T.replicate 10 " " <> probName

  let MIP.ObjectiveFunction
       { MIP.objLabel = Just objName
       , MIP.objDir = dir
       , MIP.objExpr = obj
       } = MIP.objectiveFunction mip

  -- OBJSENSE section
  -- Note: GLPK-4.48 does not support this section.
  writeSectionHeader "OBJSENSE"
  case dir of
    OptMin -> writeFields ["MIN"]
    OptMax -> writeFields ["MAX"]

  -- OBJNAME section
  -- Note: GLPK-4.48 does not support this section.
  writeSectionHeader "OBJNAME"
  writeFields [objName]

  let splitRange c =
        case (MIP.constrLB c, MIP.constrUB c) of
          (MIP.Finite x, MIP.PosInf) -> ((MIP.Ge, x), Nothing)
          (MIP.NegInf, MIP.Finite x) -> ((MIP.Le, x), Nothing)
          (MIP.Finite x1, MIP.Finite x2)
            | x1 == x2 -> ((MIP.Eql, x1), Nothing)
            | x1 < x2  -> ((MIP.Eql, x1), Just (x2 - x1))
          _ -> error "invalid constraint bound"

  let renderRows cs = do
        forM_ cs $ \c -> do
          let ((op,_), _) = splitRange c
          let s = case op of
                    MIP.Le  -> "L"
                    MIP.Ge  -> "G"
                    MIP.Eql -> "E"
          writeFields [s, fromJust $ MIP.constrLabel c]

  -- ROWS section
  writeSectionHeader "ROWS"
  writeFields ["N", objName]
  renderRows [c | c <- MIP.constraints mip, not (MIP.constrIsLazy c)]

  -- USERCUTS section
  unless (null (MIP.userCuts mip)) $ do
    writeSectionHeader "USERCUTS"
    renderRows (MIP.userCuts mip)

  -- LAZYCONS section
  let lcs = [c | c <- MIP.constraints mip, MIP.constrIsLazy c]
  unless (null lcs) $ do
    writeSectionHeader "LAZYCONS"
    renderRows lcs

  -- COLUMNS section
  writeSectionHeader "COLUMNS"
  let cols :: Map Column (Map T.Text Scientific)
      cols = Map.fromListWith Map.union
             [ (v, Map.singleton l d)
             | (Just l, xs) <-
                 (Just objName, obj) :
                 [(MIP.constrLabel c, lhs) | c <- MIP.constraints mip ++ MIP.userCuts mip, let lhs = MIP.constrExpr c]
             , MIP.Term d [v] <- MIP.terms xs
      f col xs =
        forM_ (Map.toList xs) $ \(r, d) -> do
          writeFields ["", unintern col, r, showValue d]
      ivs = MIP.integerVariables mip `Set.union` MIP.semiIntegerVariables mip
  forM_ (Map.toList (Map.filterWithKey (\col _ -> col `Set.notMember` ivs) cols)) $ \(col, xs) -> f col xs
  unless (Set.null ivs) $ do
    writeFields ["", "MARK0000", "'MARKER'", "", "'INTORG'"]
    forM_ (Map.toList (Map.filterWithKey (\col _ -> col `Set.member` ivs) cols)) $ \(col, xs) -> f col xs
    writeFields ["", "MARK0001", "'MARKER'", "", "'INTEND'"]

  -- RHS section
  let rs = [(fromJust $ MIP.constrLabel c, rhs) | c <- MIP.constraints mip ++ MIP.userCuts mip, let ((_,rhs),_) = splitRange c, rhs /= 0]
  writeSectionHeader "RHS"
  forM_ rs $ \(name, val) -> do
    writeFields ["", "rhs", name, showValue val]

  -- RANGES section
  let rngs = [(fromJust $ MIP.constrLabel c, fromJust rng) | c <- MIP.constraints mip ++ MIP.userCuts mip, let ((_,_), rng) = splitRange c, isJust rng]
  unless (null rngs) $ do
    writeSectionHeader "RANGES"
    forM_ rngs $ \(name, val) -> do
      writeFields ["", "rhs", name, showValue val]

  -- BOUNDS section
  writeSectionHeader "BOUNDS"
  forM_ (Map.toList (MIP.varType mip)) $ \(col, vt) -> do
    let (lb,ub) = MIP.getBounds mip col
    case (lb,ub)  of
      (MIP.NegInf, MIP.PosInf) -> do
        -- free variable (no lower or upper bound)
        writeFields ["FR", "bound", unintern col]

      (MIP.Finite 0, MIP.Finite 1) | vt == MIP.IntegerVariable -> do
        -- variable is binary (equal 0 or 1)
        writeFields ["BV", "bound", unintern col]

      (MIP.Finite a, MIP.Finite b) | a == b -> do
        -- variable is fixed at the specified value
        writeFields ["FX", "bound", unintern col, showValue a]

      _ -> do
        case lb of
          MIP.PosInf -> error "should not happen"
          MIP.NegInf -> do
            -- Minus infinity
            writeFields ["MI", "bound", unintern col]
          MIP.Finite 0 | vt == MIP.ContinuousVariable -> return ()
          MIP.Finite a -> do
            let t = case vt of
                      MIP.IntegerVariable -> "LI" -- lower bound for integer variable
                      _ -> "LO" -- Lower bound
            writeFields [t, "bound", unintern col, showValue a]

        case ub of
          MIP.NegInf -> error "should not happen"
          MIP.PosInf | vt == MIP.ContinuousVariable -> return ()
          MIP.PosInf -> do
            when (vt == MIP.SemiContinuousVariable || vt == MIP.SemiIntegerVariable) $
              error "cannot express +inf upper bound of semi-continuous or semi-integer variable"
            writeFields ["PL", "bound", unintern col] -- Plus infinity
          MIP.Finite a -> do
            let t = case vt of
                      MIP.SemiContinuousVariable -> "SC" -- Upper bound for semi-continuous variable
                      MIP.SemiIntegerVariable ->
                        -- Gurobi uses "SC" while lpsolve uses "SI" for upper bound of semi-integer variable
                      MIP.IntegerVariable -> "UI" -- Upper bound for integer variable
                      _ -> "UP" -- Upper bound
            writeFields [t, "bound", unintern col, showValue a]

  -- QMATRIX section
  -- Gurobiは対称行列になっていないと "qmatrix isn't symmetric" というエラーを発生させる
  do let qm = Map.map (2*) $ quadMatrix obj
     unless (Map.null qm) $ do
       writeSectionHeader "QMATRIX"
       forM_ (Map.toList qm) $ \(((v1,v2), val)) -> do
         writeFields ["", unintern v1, unintern v2, showValue val]

  -- SOS section
  unless (null (MIP.sosConstraints mip)) $ do
    writeSectionHeader "SOS"
    forM_ (MIP.sosConstraints mip) $ \sos -> do
      let t = case MIP.sosType sos of
                MIP.S1 -> "S1"
                MIP.S2 -> "S2"
      writeFields $ t : maybeToList (MIP.sosLabel sos)
      forM_ (MIP.sosBody sos) $ \(var,val) -> do
        writeFields ["", unintern var, showValue val]

  -- QCMATRIX section
  let xs = [ (fromJust $ MIP.constrLabel c, qm)
           | c <- MIP.constraints mip ++ MIP.userCuts mip
           , let lhs = MIP.constrExpr c
           , let qm = quadMatrix lhs
           , not (Map.null qm) ]
  unless (null xs) $ do
    forM_ xs $ \(r, qm) -> do
      -- The name starts in column 12 in fixed formats.
      writeSectionHeader $ "QCMATRIX" <> T.replicate 3 " " <> r
      forM_ (Map.toList qm) $ \((v1,v2), val) -> do
        writeFields ["", unintern v1, unintern v2, showValue val]

  -- INDICATORS section
  -- Note: Gurobi-5.6.3 does not support this section.
  let ics = [c | c <- MIP.constraints mip, isJust $ MIP.constrIndicator c]
  unless (null ics) $ do
    writeSectionHeader "INDICATORS"
    forM_ ics $ \c -> do
      let Just (var,val) = MIP.constrIndicator c
      writeFields ["IF", fromJust (MIP.constrLabel c), unintern var, showValue val]

  -- ENDATA section
  writeSectionHeader "ENDATA"

writeSectionHeader :: T.Text -> M ()
writeSectionHeader s = writeText s >> writeChar '\n'

-- Fields start in column 2, 5, 15, 25, 40 and 50
writeFields :: [T.Text] -> M ()
writeFields xs0 = f1 xs0 >> writeChar '\n'
    -- columns 1-4
    f1 [] = return ()
    f1 [x] = writeChar ' ' >> writeText x
    f1 (x:xs) = do
      writeChar ' '
      writeText x
      let len = T.length x
      when (len < 2) $ writeText $ T.replicate (2 - len) " "
      writeChar ' '
      f2 xs

    -- columns 5-14
    f2 [] = return ()
    f2 [x] = writeText x
    f2 (x:xs) = do
      writeText x
      let len = T.length x
      when (len < 9) $ writeText $ T.replicate (9 - len) " "
      writeChar ' '
      f3 xs

    -- columns 15-24
    f3 [] = return ()
    f3 [x] = writeText x
    f3 (x:xs) = do
      writeText x
      let len = T.length x
      when (len < 9) $ writeText $ T.replicate (9 - len) " "
      writeChar ' '
      f4 xs

    -- columns 25-39
    f4 [] = return ()
    f4 [x] = writeText x
    f4 (x:xs) = do
      writeText x
      let len = T.length x
      when (len < 14) $ writeText $ T.replicate (14 - len) " "
      writeChar ' '
      f5 xs

    -- columns 40-49
    f5 [] = return ()
    f5 [x] = writeText x
    f5 (x:xs) = do
      writeText x
      let len = T.length x
      when (len < 19) $ writeText $ T.replicate (19 - len) " "
      writeChar ' '
      f6 xs

    -- columns 50-
    f6 [] = return ()
    f6 [x] = writeText x
    f6 _ = error "MPSFile: >6 fields (this should not happen)"

showValue :: Scientific -> T.Text
showValue = fromString . show

nameRows :: MIP.Problem r -> MIP.Problem r
nameRows mip
  = mip
  { MIP.objectiveFunction = (MIP.objectiveFunction mip){ MIP.objLabel = Just objName' }
  , MIP.constraints = f (MIP.constraints mip) [T.pack $ "row" ++ show n | n <- [(1::Int)..]]
  , MIP.userCuts = f (MIP.userCuts mip) [T.pack $ "usercut" ++ show n | n <- [(1::Int)..]]
  , MIP.sosConstraints = g (MIP.sosConstraints mip) [T.pack $ "sos" ++ show n | n <- [(1::Int)..]]
    objName = MIP.objLabel $ MIP.objectiveFunction mip
    used = Set.fromList $ catMaybes $ objName : [MIP.constrLabel c | c <- MIP.constraints mip ++ MIP.userCuts mip] ++ [MIP.sosLabel c | c <- MIP.sosConstraints mip]
    objName' = fromMaybe (head [name | n <- [(1::Int)..], let name = T.pack ("obj" ++ show n), name `Set.notMember` used]) objName

    f [] _ = []
    f (c:cs) (name:names)
      | isJust (MIP.constrLabel c) = c : f cs (name:names)
      | name `Set.notMember` used = c{ MIP.constrLabel = Just name } : f cs names
      | otherwise = f (c:cs) names
    f _ [] = error "should not happen"

    g [] _ = []
    g (c:cs) (name:names)
      | isJust (MIP.sosLabel c) = c : g cs (name:names)
      | name `Set.notMember` used = c{ MIP.sosLabel = Just name } : g cs names
      | otherwise = g (c:cs) names
    g _ [] = error "should not happen"

quadMatrix :: Fractional r => MIP.Expr r -> Map (MIP.Var, MIP.Var) r
quadMatrix e = Map.fromList $ do
  let m = Map.fromListWith (+) [(if v1<=v2 then (v1,v2) else (v2,v1), c) | MIP.Term c [v1,v2] <- MIP.terms e]
  ((v1,v2),c) <- Map.toList m
  if v1==v2 then
    [((v1,v2), c)]
    [((v1,v2), c/2), ((v2,v1), c/2)]

checkAtMostQuadratic :: forall r. MIP.Problem r -> Bool
checkAtMostQuadratic mip =  all (all f . MIP.terms) es
    es = MIP.objExpr (MIP.objectiveFunction mip) :
         [lhs | c <- MIP.constraints mip ++ MIP.userCuts mip, let lhs = MIP.constrExpr c]
    f :: MIP.Term r -> Bool
    f (MIP.Term _ [_]) = True
    f (MIP.Term _ [_,_]) = True
    f _ = False

-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------