Operads-0.6: Groebner basis computation for Operads.Source codeContentsIndex
Pretty printing
Handling polynomials in the free operad
Decorated and ordered trees
Monomial orderings on the free operad
Utility functions on trees
Fundamental data types and instances
Free operad
Operadic compositions
Divisibility among trees
Groebner basis methods
Low degree bases
class PPrint a where
pp :: a -> String
pP :: a -> IO ()
newtype (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t) => OperadElement a n t = OE (Map a t n)
extractMap :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t) => OperadElement a n t -> Map a t n
(.*.) :: (Ord a, Show a, Eq n, Show n, Num n, TreeOrdering t) => n -> OperadElement a n t -> OperadElement a n t
mapMonomials :: (Show a, Ord a, Show b, Ord b, Num n, TreeOrdering s, TreeOrdering t) => (OrderedTree a s -> OrderedTree b t) -> OperadElement a n s -> OperadElement b n t
foldMonomials :: (Show a, Ord a, Num n, TreeOrdering t) => ((OrderedTree a t, n) -> [b] -> [b]) -> OperadElement a n t -> [b]
fromList :: (TreeOrdering t, Show a, Ord a, Num n) => [(OrderedTree a t, n)] -> OperadElement a n t
toList :: (TreeOrdering t, Show a, Ord a) => OperadElement a n t -> [(OrderedTree a t, n)]
oe :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Num n) => [(OrderedTree a t, n)] -> OperadElement a n t
oet :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Num n) => DecoratedTree a -> OperadElement a n t
oek :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Num n) => DecoratedTree a -> n -> OperadElement a n t
zero :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Num n) => OperadElement a n t
isZero :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Num n) => OperadElement a n t -> Bool
leadingTerm :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Num n) => OperadElement a n t -> (OrderedTree a t, n)
leadingOMonomial :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Num n) => OperadElement a n t -> OrderedTree a t
leadingMonomial :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Num n) => OperadElement a n t -> DecoratedTree a
leadingCoefficient :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Num n) => OperadElement a n t -> n
getTrees :: (TreeOrdering t, Show a, Ord a) => OperadElement a n t -> [OrderedTree a t]
data (Ord a, Show a) => PreDecoratedTree a b
= DTLeaf !b
| DTVertex {
vertexType :: !a
subTrees :: ![PreDecoratedTree a b]
vertexArity :: (Ord a, Show a) => PreDecoratedTree a b -> Int
glueTrees :: (Ord a, Show a) => PreDecoratedTree a (PreDecoratedTree a b) -> PreDecoratedTree a b
type DecoratedTree a = PreDecoratedTree a Int
data (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t) => OrderedTree a t = OT (DecoratedTree a) t
ot :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t) => DecoratedTree a -> OrderedTree a t
dt :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t) => OrderedTree a t -> DecoratedTree a
class (Eq t, Show t) => TreeOrdering t where
treeCompare :: (Ord a, Show a) => t -> DecoratedTree a -> DecoratedTree a -> Ordering
comparePathSequence :: (Ord a, Show a) => t -> ([[a]], Shuffle) -> ([[a]], Shuffle) -> Ordering
ordering :: t
pathSequence :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree a -> ([[a]], Shuffle)
orderedPathSequence :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree a -> ([[a]], Shuffle)
data RPathLex = RPathLex
reverseOrder :: Ordering -> Ordering
data PathLex = PathLex
data ForestLex = ForestLex
corolla :: (Ord a, Show a) => a -> [Int] -> DecoratedTree a
leaf :: (Ord a, Show a) => Int -> DecoratedTree a
isLeaf :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree a -> Bool
isCorolla :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree a -> Bool
relabelLeaves :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree a -> [b] -> PreDecoratedTree a b
leafOrder :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree a -> [Int]
minimalLeaf :: (Ord a, Show a, Ord b) => PreDecoratedTree a b -> b
nLeaves :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree a -> Int
arityDegree :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree a -> Int
type Shuffle = [Int]
isSorted :: (Ord a, Show a) => [a] -> Bool
isShuffle :: Shuffle -> Bool
isShuffleIJ :: Shuffle -> Int -> Int -> Bool
isShuffleIPQ :: Shuffle -> Int -> Int -> Bool
applyPerm :: Show a => Shuffle -> [a] -> [a]
invApplyPerm :: Shuffle -> [a] -> [a]
kSubsets :: Int -> [Int] -> [[Int]]
allShuffles :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Shuffle]
operationDegree :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree a -> Int
operationDegrees :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Num n) => OperadElement a n t -> [Int]
maxOperationDegree :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Num n) => OperadElement a n t -> Int
isHomogenous :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Num n) => OperadElement a n t -> Bool
shuffleCompose :: (Ord a, Show a) => Int -> Shuffle -> DecoratedTree a -> DecoratedTree a -> DecoratedTree a
nsCompose :: (Ord a, Show a) => Int -> DecoratedTree a -> DecoratedTree a -> DecoratedTree a
symmetricCompose :: (Ord a, Show a) => Int -> Shuffle -> DecoratedTree a -> DecoratedTree a -> DecoratedTree a
nsComposeAll :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree a -> [DecoratedTree a] -> DecoratedTree a
checkShuffleAll :: Shuffle -> [Int] -> Bool
isPermutation :: Shuffle -> Bool
shuffleComposeAll :: (Ord a, Show a) => Shuffle -> DecoratedTree a -> [DecoratedTree a] -> DecoratedTree a
symmetricComposeAll :: (Ord a, Show a) => Shuffle -> DecoratedTree a -> [DecoratedTree a] -> DecoratedTree a
type Embedding a = DecoratedTree (Maybe a)
divides :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree a -> DecoratedTree a -> Bool
findAllEmbeddings :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree a -> DecoratedTree a -> [Embedding a]
findRootedEmbedding :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree a -> DecoratedTree a -> Maybe (Embedding a)
findRootedDecoratedGCD :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree a -> DecoratedTree a -> Maybe (PreDecoratedTree a (DecoratedTree a, DecoratedTree a))
findRootedLCM :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree a -> DecoratedTree a -> [DecoratedTree a]
accumulateTrees :: (Ord a, Show a) => [(DecoratedTree a, DecoratedTree a)] -> [DecoratedTree a] -> [DecoratedTree a]
planarTree :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree a -> Bool
findSmallBoundedLCM :: (Ord a, Show a) => Int -> DecoratedTree a -> DecoratedTree a -> [DecoratedTree a]
findAllLCM :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree a -> DecoratedTree a -> [DecoratedTree a]
findAllBoundedLCM :: (Ord a, Show a) => Int -> DecoratedTree a -> DecoratedTree a -> [DecoratedTree a]
rePackLabels :: (Ord a, Show a, Ord b) => PreDecoratedTree a b -> DecoratedTree a
fromJustTree :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree (Maybe a) -> Maybe (DecoratedTree a)
toJustTree :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree a -> DecoratedTree (Maybe a)
equivalentOrders :: [Int] -> [Int] -> Bool
subTreeHasNothing :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree (Maybe a) -> Bool
reconstructNode :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree a -> Embedding a -> Maybe (DecoratedTree a)
reconstructTree :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree a -> Embedding a -> Maybe (DecoratedTree a)
applyReconstruction :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Num n) => Embedding a -> OperadElement a n t -> OperadElement a n t
findAllSPolynomials :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Fractional n) => [OperadElement a n t] -> [OperadElement a n t] -> [OperadElement a n t]
findInitialSPolynomials :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Fractional n) => Int -> [OperadElement a n t] -> [OperadElement a n t] -> [OperadElement a n t]
reduceOE :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Fractional n) => Embedding a -> OperadElement a n t -> OperadElement a n t -> OperadElement a n t
reduceCompletely :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Fractional n) => OperadElement a n t -> [OperadElement a n t] -> OperadElement a n t
stepOperadicBuchberger :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Fractional n) => [OperadElement a n t] -> [OperadElement a n t] -> [OperadElement a n t]
stepInitialOperadicBuchberger :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Fractional n) => Int -> [OperadElement a n t] -> [OperadElement a n t] -> [OperadElement a n t]
operadicBuchberger :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Fractional n) => [OperadElement a n t] -> [OperadElement a n t]
initialOperadicBuchberger :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Fractional n) => Int -> [OperadElement a n t] -> [OperadElement a n t]
reduceBasis :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Fractional n) => [OperadElement a n t] -> [OperadElement a n t]
allTrees :: (Ord a, Show a) => [DecoratedTree a] -> Int -> [DecoratedTree a]
basisElements :: (Ord a, Show a) => [DecoratedTree a] -> [DecoratedTree a] -> Int -> [DecoratedTree a]
basisElements' :: (Ord a, Show a) => [DecoratedTree a] -> [DecoratedTree a] -> Int -> [DecoratedTree a]
changeOrder :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering s, TreeOrdering t) => t -> OrderedTree a s -> OrderedTree a t
m12_3 :: DecoratedTree Integer
m13_2 :: DecoratedTree Integer
m1_23 :: DecoratedTree Integer
m2 :: DecoratedTree Integer
m3 :: DecoratedTree Integer
yTree :: DecoratedTree Integer
lgb :: [OperadElement Integer Rational PathLex]
type Tree = DecoratedTree Integer
type FreeOperad a = OperadElement a Rational PathLex
Pretty printing
class PPrint a whereSource
This yields user interface functions for human readable printing of objects. The idea is to use Show instances for marshalling of data, and PPrint for user interaction.
pp :: a -> StringSource
pP :: a -> IO ()Source
show/hide Instances
PPrint a => PPrint ([] a)
(PPrint a, PPrint b) => PPrint ((,) a b)
(Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t) => PPrint (OrderedTree a t)
(Ord a, Show a, Show b) => PPrint (PreDecoratedTree a b)
(Ord a, Show a, Num n, TreeOrdering t) => PPrint (OperadElement a n t)
(Ord a, Show a, Show n, TreeOrdering t) => PPrint (OperadElement a n t)
newtype (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t) => OperadElement a n t Source
The type carrying operadic elements. An element in an operad is an associative array with keys being labeled trees and values being their coefficients.
OE (Map a t n)
show/hide Instances
(Eq n, Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t) => Eq (OperadElement a n t)
(Ord a, Show a, Num n, TreeOrdering t) => Num (OperadElement a n t)
(Ord a, Ord n, Show a, TreeOrdering t) => Ord (OperadElement a n t)
(Ord a, Read a, Read n, Read t, Show a, TreeOrdering t) => Read (OperadElement a n t)
(Ord a, Show a, Show n, TreeOrdering t) => Show (OperadElement a n t)
(Ord a, Show a, Show n, TreeOrdering t) => PPrint (OperadElement a n t)
extractMap :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t) => OperadElement a n t -> Map a t nSource
Extracting the internal structure of the an element of the free operad.
(.*.) :: (Ord a, Show a, Eq n, Show n, Num n, TreeOrdering t) => n -> OperadElement a n t -> OperadElement a n tSource
Scalar multiplication in the operad.
mapMonomials :: (Show a, Ord a, Show b, Ord b, Num n, TreeOrdering s, TreeOrdering t) => (OrderedTree a s -> OrderedTree b t) -> OperadElement a n s -> OperadElement b n tSource
Apply a function to each monomial tree in the operad element.
foldMonomials :: (Show a, Ord a, Num n, TreeOrdering t) => ((OrderedTree a t, n) -> [b] -> [b]) -> OperadElement a n t -> [b]Source
Fold a function over all monomial trees in an operad element, collating the results in a list.
fromList :: (TreeOrdering t, Show a, Ord a, Num n) => [(OrderedTree a t, n)] -> OperadElement a n tSource
Given a list of (tree,coefficient)-pairs, reconstruct the corresponding operad element.
toList :: (TreeOrdering t, Show a, Ord a) => OperadElement a n t -> [(OrderedTree a t, n)]Source
Given an operad element, extract a list of (tree, coefficient) pairs.
Handling polynomials in the free operad
oe :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Num n) => [(OrderedTree a t, n)] -> OperadElement a n tSource
Construct an element in the free operad from its internal structure. Use this instead of the constructor.
oet :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Num n) => DecoratedTree a -> OperadElement a n tSource
Construct a monomial in the free operad from a tree and a tree ordering. It's coefficient will be 1.
oek :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Num n) => DecoratedTree a -> n -> OperadElement a n tSource
Construct a monomial in the free operad from a tree, a tree ordering and a coefficient.
zero :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Num n) => OperadElement a n tSource
Return the zero of the corresponding operad, with type appropriate to the given element. Can be given an appropriately casted undefined to construct a zero.
isZero :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Num n) => OperadElement a n t -> BoolSource
Check whether an element is equal to 0.
leadingTerm :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Num n) => OperadElement a n t -> (OrderedTree a t, n)Source
Extract the leading term of an operad element.
leadingOMonomial :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Num n) => OperadElement a n t -> OrderedTree a tSource
Extract the ordered tree for the leading term of an operad element.
leadingMonomial :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Num n) => OperadElement a n t -> DecoratedTree aSource
Extract the tree for the leading term of an operad element.
leadingCoefficient :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Num n) => OperadElement a n t -> nSource
Extract the leading coefficient of an operad element.
getTrees :: (TreeOrdering t, Show a, Ord a) => OperadElement a n t -> [OrderedTree a t]Source
Extract all occurring monomial trees from an operad element.
Decorated and ordered trees
data (Ord a, Show a) => PreDecoratedTree a b Source
The fundamental tree data type used. Leaves carry labels - most often integral - and these are expected to control, e.g., composition points in shuffle operad compositions. The vertices carry labels, used for the ordering on trees and to distinguish different basis corollas of the same arity.
DTLeaf !b
vertexType :: !a
subTrees :: ![PreDecoratedTree a b]
show/hide Instances
(Ord a, Show a) => Monad (PreDecoratedTree a)
(Ord a, Show a) => Functor (PreDecoratedTree a)
(Ord a, Show a) => Traversable (PreDecoratedTree a)
(Ord a, Show a) => Foldable (PreDecoratedTree a)
(Eq b, Ord a, Show a) => Eq (PreDecoratedTree a b)
(Ord a, Ord b, Show a) => Ord (PreDecoratedTree a b)
(Ord a, Read a, Read b, Show a) => Read (PreDecoratedTree a b)
(Ord a, Show a, Show b) => Show (PreDecoratedTree a b)
(Ord a, Show a, Show b) => PPrint (PreDecoratedTree a b)
vertexArity :: (Ord a, Show a) => PreDecoratedTree a b -> IntSource
The arity of a corolla
glueTrees :: (Ord a, Show a) => PreDecoratedTree a (PreDecoratedTree a b) -> PreDecoratedTree a bSource
If a tree has trees as labels for its leaves, we can replace the leaves with the roots of those label trees. Thus we may glue together trees, as required by the compositions.
type DecoratedTree a = PreDecoratedTree a IntSource
This is the fundamental datatype of the whole project. Monomials in a free operad are decorated trees, and we build a type for decorated trees here. We require our trees to have Int labels, limiting us to at most 2 147 483 647 leaf labels.
data (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t) => OrderedTree a t Source
Monomial orderings on the free operad requires us to choose an ordering for the trees. These are parametrized by types implementing the type class TreeOrdering, and this is a data type for a tree carrying its comparison type. We call these ordered trees.
OT (DecoratedTree a) t
show/hide Instances
(Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t) => Eq (OrderedTree a t)
(Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t) => Ord (OrderedTree a t)
(Ord a, Read a, Read t, Show a, TreeOrdering t) => Read (OrderedTree a t)
(Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t) => Show (OrderedTree a t)
(Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t) => PPrint (OrderedTree a t)
ot :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t) => DecoratedTree a -> OrderedTree a tSource
Building an ordered tree with PathLex ordering from a decorated tree.
dt :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t) => OrderedTree a t -> DecoratedTree aSource
Extracting the underlying tree from an ordered tree.
Monomial orderings on the free operad
class (Eq t, Show t) => TreeOrdering t whereSource
The type class that parametrizes types implementing tree orderings.
treeCompare :: (Ord a, Show a) => t -> DecoratedTree a -> DecoratedTree a -> OrderingSource
comparePathSequence :: (Ord a, Show a) => t -> ([[a]], Shuffle) -> ([[a]], Shuffle) -> OrderingSource
ordering :: tSource
show/hide Instances
pathSequence :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree a -> ([[a]], Shuffle)Source
Finding the path sequences. cf. Dotsenko-Khoroshkin.
orderedPathSequence :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree a -> ([[a]], Shuffle)Source
Reordering the path sequences to mirror the actual leaf ordering.
data RPathLex Source
Degree reverse lexicographic path sequence ordering.
show/hide Instances
reverseOrder :: Ordering -> OrderingSource
Changes direction of an ordering.
data PathLex Source
Path lexicographic ordering. Orders trees first by lexicographic comparison on the ordered path sequence, and then by lexicographic comparison on the leaf orderings.
show/hide Instances
data ForestLex Source
Forest lexicographic ordering. Currently not implemented.
show/hide Instances
Utility functions on trees
corolla :: (Ord a, Show a) => a -> [Int] -> DecoratedTree aSource
Build a single corolla in a decorated tree. Takes a list for labels for the leaves, and derives the arity of the corolla from those. This, and the composition functions, form the preferred method to construct trees.
leaf :: (Ord a, Show a) => Int -> DecoratedTree aSource
Build a single leaf.
isLeaf :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree a -> BoolSource
Check whether a given root is a leaf.
isCorolla :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree a -> BoolSource
Check whether a given root is a corolla.
relabelLeaves :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree a -> [b] -> PreDecoratedTree a bSource
Change the leaves of a tree to take their values from a given list.
leafOrder :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree a -> [Int]Source
Find the permutation the leaf labeling ordains for inputs.
minimalLeaf :: (Ord a, Show a, Ord b) => PreDecoratedTree a b -> bSource
Find the minimal leaf covering any given vertex.
nLeaves :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree a -> IntSource
Compute the number of leaves of the entire tree covering a given vertex.
arityDegree :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree a -> IntSource
arityDegree is one less than nLeaves.
type Shuffle = [Int]Source
A shuffle is a special kind of sequence of integers.
isSorted :: (Ord a, Show a) => [a] -> BoolSource
We need to recognize sorted sequences of integers.
isShuffle :: Shuffle -> BoolSource
This tests whether a given sequence of integers really is a shuffle.
isShuffleIJ :: Shuffle -> Int -> Int -> BoolSource
This tests whether a given sequence of integers is an (i,j)-shuffle
isShuffleIPQ :: Shuffle -> Int -> Int -> BoolSource
This tests whether a given sequence of integers is admissible for a specific composition operation.
applyPerm :: Show a => Shuffle -> [a] -> [a]Source
This applies the resulting permutation from a shuffle to a set of elements
invApplyPerm :: Shuffle -> [a] -> [a]Source
Apply the permutation inversely to applyPerm.
kSubsets :: Int -> [Int] -> [[Int]]Source
Generate all subsets of length k from a given list.
allShuffles :: Int -> Int -> Int -> [Shuffle]Source
Generates all shuffles from Sh_i(p,q).
Fundamental data types and instances
operationDegree :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree a -> IntSource
The number of internal vertices of a tree.
operationDegrees :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Num n) => OperadElement a n t -> [Int]Source
A list of operation degrees occurring in the terms of the operad element
maxOperationDegree :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Num n) => OperadElement a n t -> IntSource
The maximal operation degree of an operadic element
isHomogenous :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Num n) => OperadElement a n t -> BoolSource
Check that an element of a free operad is homogenous
Free operad
Operadic compositions
shuffleCompose :: (Ord a, Show a) => Int -> Shuffle -> DecoratedTree a -> DecoratedTree a -> DecoratedTree aSource
Composition in the shuffle operad
nsCompose :: (Ord a, Show a) => Int -> DecoratedTree a -> DecoratedTree a -> DecoratedTree aSource
Composition in the non-symmetric operad. We compose s o_i t.
symmetricCompose :: (Ord a, Show a) => Int -> Shuffle -> DecoratedTree a -> DecoratedTree a -> DecoratedTree aSource
Composition in the symmetric operad
nsComposeAll :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree a -> [DecoratedTree a] -> DecoratedTree aSource
Non-symmetric composition in the g(s;t1,...,tk) style.
checkShuffleAll :: Shuffle -> [Int] -> BoolSource
Verification for a shuffle used for the g(s;t1,..,tk) style composition in the shuffle operad.
isPermutation :: Shuffle -> BoolSource
Sanity check for permutations.
shuffleComposeAll :: (Ord a, Show a) => Shuffle -> DecoratedTree a -> [DecoratedTree a] -> DecoratedTree aSource
Shuffle composition in the g(s;t1,...,tk) style.
symmetricComposeAll :: (Ord a, Show a) => Shuffle -> DecoratedTree a -> [DecoratedTree a] -> DecoratedTree aSource
Symmetric composition in the g(s;t1,...,tk) style.
Divisibility among trees
type Embedding a = DecoratedTree (Maybe a)Source
Data type to move the results of finding an embedding point for a subtree in a larger tree around. The tree is guaranteed to have exactly one corolla tagged Nothing, the subtrees on top of that corolla sorted by minimal covering leaf in the original setting, and the shuffle carried around is guaranteed to restore the original leaf labels before the search.
divides :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree a -> DecoratedTree a -> BoolSource
Returns True if there is a subtree of t isomorphic to s, respecting leaf orders.
findAllEmbeddings :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree a -> DecoratedTree a -> [Embedding a]Source
Finds all ways to embed s into t respecting leaf orders.
findRootedEmbedding :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree a -> DecoratedTree a -> Maybe (Embedding a)Source
Finds all ways to embed s into t, respecting leaf orders and mapping the root of s to the root of t.
findRootedDecoratedGCD :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree a -> DecoratedTree a -> Maybe (PreDecoratedTree a (DecoratedTree a, DecoratedTree a))Source
Finds a large common divisor of two trees, such that it embeds into both trees, mapping its root to the roots of the trees, respectively.
findRootedLCM :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree a -> DecoratedTree a -> [DecoratedTree a]Source
Finds all small common multiples of trees s and t, under the assumption that the common multiples shares root with both trees.
accumulateTrees :: (Ord a, Show a) => [(DecoratedTree a, DecoratedTree a)] -> [DecoratedTree a] -> [DecoratedTree a]Source
Internal utility function. Reassembles a tree according to a building recipe, and gives the orbit of the resulting tree under the symmetric group action back.
planarTree :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree a -> BoolSource
Checks a tree for planarity.
findSmallBoundedLCM :: (Ord a, Show a) => Int -> DecoratedTree a -> DecoratedTree a -> [DecoratedTree a]Source
Finds all small common multiples of s and t such that t glues into s from above, bounded in total operation degree.
findAllLCM :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree a -> DecoratedTree a -> [DecoratedTree a]Source
Finds all small common multiples of s and t.
findAllBoundedLCM :: (Ord a, Show a) => Int -> DecoratedTree a -> DecoratedTree a -> [DecoratedTree a]Source
Finds all small common multiples of s and t, bounded in total operation degree.
rePackLabels :: (Ord a, Show a, Ord b) => PreDecoratedTree a b -> DecoratedTree aSource
Relabels a tree in the right order, but with entries from [1..]
fromJustTree :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree (Maybe a) -> Maybe (DecoratedTree a)Source
Removes vertex type encapsulations.
toJustTree :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree a -> DecoratedTree (Maybe a)Source
Adds vertex type encapsulations.
equivalentOrders :: [Int] -> [Int] -> BoolSource
Verifies that two integer sequences correspond to the same total ordering of the entries.
subTreeHasNothing :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree (Maybe a) -> BoolSource
Returns True if any of the vertices in the given tree has been tagged.
reconstructNode :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree a -> Embedding a -> Maybe (DecoratedTree a)Source
The function that mimics resubstitution of a new tree into the hole left by finding embedding, called m_alpha,beta in Dotsenko-Khoroshkin. This version only attempts to resubstitute the tree at the root, bailing out if not possible.
reconstructTree :: (Ord a, Show a) => DecoratedTree a -> Embedding a -> Maybe (DecoratedTree a)Source
The function that mimics resubstitution of a new tree into the hole left by finding embedding, called m_alpha,beta in Dotsenko-Khoroshkin. This version recurses down in the tree in order to find exactly one hole, and substitute the tree sub into it.
Groebner basis methods
applyReconstruction :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Num n) => Embedding a -> OperadElement a n t -> OperadElement a n tSource
Applies the reconstruction map represented by em to all trees in the operad element op. Any operad element that fails the reconstruction (by having the wrong total arity, for instance) will be silently dropped. We recommend you apply this function only to homogenous operad elements, but will not make that check.
findAllSPolynomials :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Fractional n) => [OperadElement a n t] -> [OperadElement a n t] -> [OperadElement a n t]Source
Finds all S polynomials for a given list of operad elements.
findInitialSPolynomials :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Fractional n) => Int -> [OperadElement a n t] -> [OperadElement a n t] -> [OperadElement a n t]Source
Finds all S polynomials for which the operationdegree stays bounded.
reduceOE :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Fractional n) => Embedding a -> OperadElement a n t -> OperadElement a n t -> OperadElement a n tSource
Reduce g with respect to f and the embedding em: lt f -> lt g.
reduceCompletely :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Fractional n) => OperadElement a n t -> [OperadElement a n t] -> OperadElement a n tSource
stepOperadicBuchberger :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Fractional n) => [OperadElement a n t] -> [OperadElement a n t] -> [OperadElement a n t]Source
Perform one iteration of the Buchberger algorithm: generate all S-polynomials. Reduce all S-polynomials. Return anything that survived the reduction.
stepInitialOperadicBuchberger :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Fractional n) => Int -> [OperadElement a n t] -> [OperadElement a n t] -> [OperadElement a n t]Source
Perform one iteration of the Buchberger algorithm: generate all S-polynomials. Reduce all S-polynomials. Return anything that survived the reduction. Keep the occurring operation degrees bounded.
operadicBuchberger :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Fractional n) => [OperadElement a n t] -> [OperadElement a n t]Source

Perform the entire Buchberger algorithm for a given list of generators. Iteratively run the single iteration from stepOperadicBuchberger until no new elements are generated.

DO NOTE: This is entirely possible to get stuck in an infinite loop. It is not difficult to write down generators such that the resulting Groebner basis is infinite. No checking is performed to catch this kind of condition.

initialOperadicBuchberger :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Fractional n) => Int -> [OperadElement a n t] -> [OperadElement a n t]Source
Perform the entire Buchberger algorithm for a given list of generators. Iteratively run the single iteration from stepOperadicBuchberger until no new elements are generated. While doing this, maintain an upper bound on the operation degree of any elements occurring.
reduceBasis :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering t, Fractional n) => [OperadElement a n t] -> [OperadElement a n t]Source
Reduces a list of elements with respect to all other elements occurring in that same list.
Low degree bases
allTrees :: (Ord a, Show a) => [DecoratedTree a] -> Int -> [DecoratedTree a]Source
All trees composed from the given generators of operation degree n.
basisElements :: (Ord a, Show a) => [DecoratedTree a] -> [DecoratedTree a] -> Int -> [DecoratedTree a]Source
Generate basis trees for a given Groebner basis up through degree maxDegree. divisors is expected to contain the leading monomials in the Groebner basis.
basisElements' :: (Ord a, Show a) => [DecoratedTree a] -> [DecoratedTree a] -> Int -> [DecoratedTree a]Source
changeOrder :: (Ord a, Show a, TreeOrdering s, TreeOrdering t) => t -> OrderedTree a s -> OrderedTree a tSource
Change the monomial order used for a specific tree. Use this in conjunction with mapMonomials in order to change monomial order for an entire operad element.
m12_3 :: DecoratedTree IntegerSource
The element m2(m2(1,2),3)
m13_2 :: DecoratedTree IntegerSource
The element m2(m2(1,3),2)
m1_23 :: DecoratedTree IntegerSource
The element m2(1,m2(2,3))
m2 :: DecoratedTree IntegerSource
The element m2(1,2)
m3 :: DecoratedTree IntegerSource
The element m3(1,2,3)
yTree :: DecoratedTree IntegerSource
The element m2(m2(1,2),m2(3,4))
lgb :: [OperadElement Integer Rational PathLex]Source
The list of operad elements consisting of 'm12_3'-'m13_2'-'m1_23'. This generates the ideal of relations for the operad Lie.
type Tree = DecoratedTree IntegerSource
type FreeOperad a = OperadElement a Rational PathLexSource
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