{- |

A /priority search queue/ (henceforth /queue/) efficiently supports the
opperations of both a search tree and a priority queue. A 'Binding' is a
product of a key and a priority. Bindings can be inserted, deleted, modified
and queried in logarithmic time, and the binding with the least priority can be
retrieved in constant time. A queue can be built from a list of bindings,
sorted by keys, in linear time.

This implementation is due to Ralf Hinze.

* [Hinze, R., A Simple Implementation Technique for Priority Search Queues, ICFP 2001, pp. 110-121](http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=


-- Some modifications by Scott Dillard

module Data.PSQueue
    -- * Binding Type
    , key
    , prio
    -- * Priority Search Queue Type
    , PSQ
    -- * Query
    , size
    , null
    , lookup
    -- * Construction
    , empty
    , singleton
    -- * Insertion
    , insert
    , insertWith
    -- * Delete/Update
    , delete
    , adjust
    , adjustWithKey
    , update
    , updateWithKey
    , alter
    -- * Conversion
    , keys
    , toList
    , toAscList
    , toDescList
    , fromList
    , fromAscList
    , fromDistinctAscList
    -- * Priority Queue
    , findMin
    , deleteMin
    , minView
    , atMost
    , atMostRange
    -- * Fold
    , foldr
    , foldl
) where

import           Prelude hiding (foldl, foldr, lookup, null)
import qualified Prelude as P

-- testing
import Test.QuickCheck
import Data.List (sort)

-- | @k :-> p@ binds the key @k@ with the priority @p@.
data Binding k p = k :-> p deriving (Eq,Ord,Show,Read)

infix 0 :->

-- | The key of a binding
key  :: Binding k p -> k
key  (k :-> _) =  k

-- | The priority of a binding
prio :: Binding k p -> p
prio (_ :-> p) =  p

-- | A mapping from keys @k@ to priorites @p@.

data PSQ k p = Void | Winner k p (LTree k p) k

instance (Show k, Show p, Ord k, Ord p) => Show (PSQ k p) where
  show = show . toAscList
  --show Void = "[]"
  --show (Winner k1 p lt k2) = "Winner "++show k1++" "++show p++" ("++show lt++") "++show k2

-- | /O(1)/ The number of bindings in a queue.
size :: PSQ k p -> Int
size Void              = 0
size (Winner _ _ lt _) = 1 + size' lt

-- | /O(1)/ True if the queue is empty.
null :: PSQ k p -> Bool
null Void             = True
null (Winner _ _ _ _) = False

-- | /O(log n)/ The priority of a given key, or Nothing if the key is not
-- bound.
lookup :: (Ord k, Ord p) => k -> PSQ k p -> Maybe p
lookup k q =
  case tourView q of
    Null -> fail "PSQueue.lookup: Empty queue"
    Single k' p
      | k == k'   -> return p
      | otherwise -> fail "PSQueue.lookup: Key not found"
    tl `Play` tr
      | k <= maxKey tl -> lookup k tl
      | otherwise      -> lookup k tr

empty :: (Ord k, Ord p) => PSQ k p
empty = Void

-- | O(1) Build a queue with one binding.
singleton :: (Ord k, Ord p) => k -> p -> PSQ k p
singleton k p =  Winner k p Start k

-- | /O(log n)/ Insert a binding into the queue.
insert :: (Ord k, Ord p) => k -> p -> PSQ k p -> PSQ k p
insert k p q =
  case tourView q of
    Null -> singleton k p
    Single k' p' ->
      case compare k k' of
        LT -> singleton k  p  `play` singleton k' p'
        EQ -> singleton k  p
        GT -> singleton k' p' `play` singleton k  p
    tl `Play` tr
      | k <= maxKey tl -> insert k p tl `play` tr
      | otherwise      -> tl `play` insert k p tr

-- | /O(log n)/ Insert a binding with a combining function.
insertWith :: (Ord k, Ord p) => (p->p->p) -> k -> p -> PSQ k p -> PSQ k p
insertWith f = insertWithKey (\_ p p'-> f p p')

-- | /O(log n)/ Insert a binding with a combining function.
insertWithKey :: (Ord k, Ord p) => (k->p->p->p) -> k -> p -> PSQ k p -> PSQ k p
insertWithKey f k p q =
  case tourView q of
    Null -> singleton k p
    Single k' p' ->
      case compare k k' of
        LT -> singleton k  p  `play` singleton k' p'
        EQ -> singleton k  (f k p p')
        GT -> singleton k' p' `play` singleton k  p
    tl `Play` tr
      | k <= maxKey tl -> insertWithKey f k p tl `unsafePlay` tr
      | otherwise      -> tl `unsafePlay` insertWithKey f k p tr

-- | /O(log n)/ Remove a binding from the queue.
delete :: (Ord k, Ord p) => k -> PSQ k p -> PSQ k p
delete k q =
  case tourView q of
    Null -> empty
    Single k' p
      | k == k'   -> empty
      | otherwise -> singleton k' p
    tl `Play` tr
      | k <= maxKey tl -> delete k tl `play` tr
      | otherwise      -> tl `play` delete k tr

-- | /O(log n)/ Adjust the priority of a key.
adjust ::  (Ord p, Ord k) => (p -> p) -> k -> PSQ k p -> PSQ k p
adjust f = adjustWithKey (\_ p -> f p)

-- | /O(log n)/ Adjust the priority of a key.
adjustWithKey :: (Ord k, Ord p) => (k -> p -> p) -> k -> PSQ k p -> PSQ k p
adjustWithKey f k q =
  case tourView q of
    Null -> empty
    Single k' p
      | k == k'   -> singleton k' (f k p)
      | otherwise -> singleton k' p
    tl `Play` tr
      | k <= maxKey tl -> adjustWithKey f k tl `unsafePlay` tr
      | otherwise      -> tl `unsafePlay` adjustWithKey f k tr

-- | /O(log n)/ The expression (@update f k q@) updates the
-- priority @p@ bound @k@ (if it is in the queue). If (@f p@) is 'Nothing',
-- the binding is deleted. If it is (@'Just' z@), the key @k@ is bound
-- to the new priority @z@.

update :: (Ord k, Ord p) => (p -> Maybe p) -> k -> PSQ k p -> PSQ k p
update f = updateWithKey (\_ p -> f p)

-- | /O(log n)/. The expression (@updateWithKey f k q@) updates the
-- priority @p@ bound @k@ (if it is in the queue). If (@f k p@) is 'Nothing',
-- the binding is deleted. If it is (@'Just' z@), the key @k@ is bound
-- to the new priority @z@.

updateWithKey :: (Ord k, Ord p) => (k -> p -> Maybe p) -> k -> PSQ k p -> PSQ k p
updateWithKey f k q =
  case tourView q of
    Null -> empty
    Single k' p
      | k==k' -> case f k p of
                  Nothing -> empty
                  Just p' -> singleton k p'
      | otherwise -> singleton k' p
    tl `Play` tr
      | k <= maxKey tl -> updateWithKey f k tl `unsafePlay` tr
      | otherwise      -> tl `unsafePlay` updateWithKey f k tr

-- | /O(log n)/. The expression (@'alter' f k q@) alters the priority @p@ bound to @k@, or absence thereof.
-- alter can be used to insert, delete, or update a priority in a queue.
alter :: (Ord k, Ord p) => (Maybe p -> Maybe p) -> k -> PSQ k p -> PSQ k p
alter f k q =
  case tourView q of
    Null ->
      case f Nothing of
        Nothing -> empty
        Just p  -> singleton k p
    Single k' p
      | k == k'   ->  case f (Just p) of
                        Nothing -> empty
                        Just p' -> singleton k' p'
      | otherwise ->  case f Nothing of
                        Nothing -> singleton k' p
                        Just p' -> insert k p' $ singleton k' p
    tl `Play` tr
      | k <= maxKey tl -> alter f k tl `unsafePlay` tr
      | otherwise      -> tl `unsafePlay` alter f k tr

-- | /O(n)/ The keys of a priority queue
keys :: (Ord k, Ord p) => PSQ k p -> [k]
keys = map key . toList

-- | /O(n log n)/ Build a queue from a list of bindings.
fromList :: (Ord k, Ord p) => [Binding k p] -> PSQ k p
fromList = P.foldr (\(k:->p) q -> insert k p q) empty

-- | /O(n)/ Build a queue from a list of bindings in order of
-- ascending keys. The precondition that the keys are ascending is not checked.
fromAscList :: (Ord k, Ord p) => [Binding k p] -> PSQ k p
fromAscList = fromDistinctAscList . stripEq
  where stripEq []     = []
        stripEq (x:xs) = stripEq' x xs
        stripEq' x' []     = [x']
        stripEq' x' (x:xs)
          | x' == x   = stripEq' x' xs
          | otherwise = x' : stripEq' x xs

-- | /O(n)/ Build a queue from a list of distinct bindings in order of
-- ascending keys. The precondition that keys are distinct and ascending is not checked.
fromDistinctAscList :: (Ord k, Ord p) => [Binding k p] -> PSQ k p
fromDistinctAscList = foldm unsafePlay empty . map (\(k:->p) -> singleton k p)

-- Folding a list in a binary-subdivision scheme.
foldm :: (a -> a -> a) -> a -> [a] -> a
foldm (*) e x
  | P.null  x             = e
  | otherwise             = fst (rec (length x) x)
  where rec 1 (a : as)    = (a, as)
        rec n as          = (a1 * a2, as2)
          where m         = n `div` 2
                (a1, as1) = rec (n - m) as
                (a2, as2) = rec m       as1

-- | /O(n)/ Convert a queue to a list.
toList :: (Ord k, Ord p) => PSQ k p -> [Binding k p]
toList = toAscList

-- | /O(n)/ Convert a queue to a list in ascending order of keys.
toAscList :: (Ord k, Ord p) => PSQ k p -> [Binding k p]
toAscList q  = seqToList (toAscLists q)

toAscLists :: (Ord k, Ord p) => PSQ k p -> Sequ (Binding k p)
toAscLists q = case tourView q of
  Null         -> emptySequ
  Single k p   -> singleSequ (k :-> p)
  tl `Play` tr -> toAscLists tl <+> toAscLists tr

-- | /O(n)/ Convert a queue to a list in descending order of keys.
toDescList :: (Ord k, Ord p) => PSQ k p -> [ Binding k p ]
toDescList q = seqToList (toDescLists q)

toDescLists :: (Ord k, Ord p) => PSQ k p -> Sequ (Binding k p)
toDescLists q = case tourView q of
  Null         -> emptySequ
  Single k p   -> singleSequ (k :-> p)
  tl `Play` tr -> toDescLists tr <+> toDescLists tl

-- | /O(1)/ The binding with the lowest priority.
findMin :: (Ord k, Ord p) => PSQ k p -> Maybe (Binding k p)
findMin Void             = Nothing
findMin (Winner k p t m) = Just (k :-> p)

-- | /O(log n)/ Remove the binding with the lowest priority.
deleteMin :: (Ord k, Ord p) => PSQ k p -> PSQ k p
deleteMin Void             = Void
deleteMin (Winner k p t m) = secondBest t m

-- | /O(log n)/ Retrieve the binding with the least priority, and the rest of
-- the queue stripped of that binding.
minView :: (Ord k, Ord p) => PSQ k p -> Maybe (Binding k p, PSQ k p)
minView Void             = Nothing
minView (Winner k p t m) = Just ( k :-> p , secondBest t m )

secondBest :: (Ord k, Ord p) => LTree k p -> k -> PSQ k p
secondBest Start _m                  = Void
secondBest (LLoser _ k p tl m tr) m' = Winner k p tl m `play` secondBest tr m'
secondBest (RLoser _ k p tl m tr) m' = secondBest tl m `play` Winner k p tr m'

-- | /O(r(log n - log r)/ @atMost p q@ is a list of all the bindings in @q@ with
-- priority less than @p@, in order of ascending keys.
-- Effectively,
-- @
--   atMost p' q = filter (\\(k:->p) -> p<=p') . toList
-- @
atMost :: (Ord k, Ord p) => p -> PSQ k p -> [Binding k p]
atMost pt q = seqToList (atMosts pt q)

atMosts :: (Ord k, Ord p) => p -> PSQ k p -> Sequ (Binding k p)
atMosts _pt Void  = emptySequ
atMosts pt (Winner k p t _) =  prune k p t
  prune k p t
    | p > pt         = emptySequ
    | otherwise      = traverse k p t
  traverse k p Start                     = singleSequ (k :-> p)
  traverse k p (LLoser _ k' p' tl _m tr) = prune k' p' tl <+> traverse k p tr
  traverse k p (RLoser _ k' p' tl _m tr) = traverse k p tl <+> prune k' p' tr

-- | /O(r(log n - log r))/ @atMostRange p (l,u) q@ is a list of all the bindings in
-- @q@ with a priority less than @p@ and a key in the range @(l,u)@ inclusive.
-- Effectively,
-- @
--    atMostRange p' (l,u) q = filter (\\(k:->p) -> l<=k && k<=u ) . 'atMost' p'
-- @
atMostRange :: (Ord k, Ord p) => p -> (k, k) -> PSQ k p -> [Binding k p]
atMostRange pt (kl, kr) q = seqToList (atMostRanges pt (kl, kr) q)

atMostRanges :: (Ord k, Ord p) => p -> (k, k) -> PSQ k p -> Sequ (Binding k p)

atMostRanges _pt _range Void = emptySequ
atMostRanges pt range@(kl, kr) (Winner k p t _) = prune k p t
  prune k p t
    | p > pt    = emptySequ
    | otherwise = traverse k p t
  traverse k p Start
    | k `inrange` range = singleSequ (k :-> p)
    | otherwise         = emptySequ
  traverse k p (LLoser _ k' p' tl m tr) =
    guard (kl <= m) (prune k' p' tl) <+> guard (m <= kr) (traverse k p tr)
  traverse k p (RLoser _ k' p' tl m tr) =
    guard (kl <= m) (traverse k p tl) <+> guard (m <= kr) (prune k' p' tr)

inrange :: (Ord a) => a -> (a, a) -> Bool
a `inrange` (l, r)  =  l <= a && a <= r

-- | Right fold over the bindings in the queue, in key order.
foldr :: (Ord k,Ord p) => (Binding k p -> b -> b) -> b -> PSQ k p -> b
foldr f z q =
  case tourView q of
    Null       -> z
    Single k p -> f (k:->p) z
    l`Play`r   -> foldr f (foldr f z r) l

-- | Left fold over the bindings in the queue, in key order.
foldl :: (Ord k,Ord p) => (b -> Binding k p -> b) -> b -> PSQ k p -> b
foldl f z q =
  case tourView q of
    Null       -> z
    Single k p -> f z (k:->p)
    l`Play`r   -> foldl f (foldl f z l) r

------- Internals -----

type Size = Int

data LTree k p = Start
               | LLoser {-# UNPACK #-}!Size !k !p (LTree k p) !k (LTree k p)
               | RLoser {-# UNPACK #-}!Size !k !p (LTree k p) !k (LTree k p)

size' :: LTree k p -> Size
size' Start                = 0
size' (LLoser s _ _ _ _ _) = s
size' (RLoser s _ _ _ _ _) = s

left, right :: LTree a b -> LTree a b

left  Start                  =  error "left: empty loser tree"
left  (LLoser _ _ _ tl _ _ ) =  tl
left  (RLoser _ _ _ tl _ _ ) =  tl

right Start                  =  error "right: empty loser tree"
right (LLoser _ _ _ _  _ tr) =  tr
right (RLoser _ _ _ _  _ tr) =  tr

maxKey :: PSQ k p -> k
maxKey Void                =  error "maxKey: empty queue"
maxKey (Winner _k _p _t m) =  m

lloser, rloser :: k -> p -> LTree k p -> k -> LTree k p -> LTree k p
lloser k p tl m tr =  LLoser (1 + size' tl + size' tr) k p tl m tr
rloser k p tl m tr =  RLoser (1 + size' tl + size' tr) k p tl m tr

--balance factor
omega :: Int
omega = 4

lbalance, rbalance ::
  (Ord k, Ord p) => k-> p -> LTree k p -> k -> LTree k p -> LTree k p

lbalance k p l m r
  | size' l + size' r < 2     = lloser        k p l m r
  | size' r > omega * size' l = lbalanceLeft  k p l m r
  | size' l > omega * size' r = lbalanceRight k p l m r
  | otherwise               = lloser        k p l m r

rbalance k p l m r
  | size' l + size' r < 2     = rloser        k p l m r
  | size' r > omega * size' l = rbalanceLeft  k p l m r
  | size' l > omega * size' r = rbalanceRight k p l m r
  | otherwise               = rloser        k p l m r

lbalanceLeft  k p l m r
  | size' (left r) < size' (right r) = lsingleLeft  k p l m r
  | otherwise                      = ldoubleLeft  k p l m r

lbalanceRight k p l m r
  | size' (left l) > size' (right l) = lsingleRight k p l m r
  | otherwise                      = ldoubleRight k p l m r

rbalanceLeft  k p l m r
  | size' (left r) < size' (right r) = rsingleLeft  k p l m r
  | otherwise                      = rdoubleLeft  k p l m r

rbalanceRight k p l m r
  | size' (left l) > size' (right l) = rsingleRight k p l m r
  | otherwise                      = rdoubleRight k p l m r

lsingleLeft k1 p1 t1 m1 (LLoser _ k2 p2 t2 m2 t3)
  | p1 <= p2  = lloser k1 p1 (rloser k2 p2 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3
  | otherwise = lloser k2 p2 (lloser k1 p1 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3

lsingleLeft k1 p1 t1 m1 (RLoser _ k2 p2 t2 m2 t3) =
  rloser k2 p2 (lloser k1 p1 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3

rsingleLeft k1 p1 t1 m1 (LLoser _ k2 p2 t2 m2 t3) =
  rloser k1 p1 (rloser k2 p2 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3

rsingleLeft k1 p1 t1 m1 (RLoser _ k2 p2 t2 m2 t3) =
  rloser k2 p2 (rloser k1 p1 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3

lsingleRight k1 p1 (LLoser _ k2 p2 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3 =
  lloser k2 p2 t1 m1 (lloser k1 p1 t2 m2 t3)

lsingleRight k1 p1 (RLoser _ k2 p2 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3 =
  lloser k1 p1 t1 m1 (lloser k2 p2 t2 m2 t3)

rsingleRight k1 p1 (LLoser _ k2 p2 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3 =
  lloser k2 p2 t1 m1 (rloser k1 p1 t2 m2 t3)

rsingleRight k1 p1 (RLoser _ k2 p2 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3
  | p1 <= p2  = rloser k1 p1 t1 m1 (lloser k2 p2 t2 m2 t3)
  | otherwise = rloser k2 p2 t1 m1 (rloser k1 p1 t2 m2 t3)

ldoubleLeft k1 p1 t1 m1 (LLoser _ k2 p2 t2 m2 t3) =
  lsingleLeft k1 p1 t1 m1 (lsingleRight k2 p2 t2 m2 t3)

ldoubleLeft k1 p1 t1 m1 (RLoser _ k2 p2 t2 m2 t3) =
  lsingleLeft k1 p1 t1 m1 (rsingleRight k2 p2 t2 m2 t3)

ldoubleRight k1 p1 (LLoser _ k2 p2 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3 =
  lsingleRight k1 p1 (lsingleLeft k2 p2 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3

ldoubleRight k1 p1 (RLoser _ k2 p2 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3 =
  lsingleRight k1 p1 (rsingleLeft k2 p2 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3

rdoubleLeft k1 p1 t1 m1 (LLoser _ k2 p2 t2 m2 t3) =
  rsingleLeft k1 p1 t1 m1 (lsingleRight k2 p2 t2 m2 t3)

rdoubleLeft k1 p1 t1 m1 (RLoser _ k2 p2 t2 m2 t3) =
  rsingleLeft k1 p1 t1 m1 (rsingleRight k2 p2 t2 m2 t3)

rdoubleRight k1 p1 (LLoser _ k2 p2 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3 =
  rsingleRight k1 p1 (lsingleLeft k2 p2 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3

rdoubleRight k1 p1 (RLoser _ k2 p2 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3 =
  rsingleRight k1 p1 (rsingleLeft k2 p2 t1 m1 t2) m2 t3

play :: (Ord k, Ord p) => PSQ k p -> PSQ k p -> PSQ k p

Void `play` t' = t'
t `play` Void  = t

Winner k p t m  `play`  Winner k' p' t' m'
  | p <= p'   = Winner k  p  (rbalance k' p' t m t') m'
  | otherwise = Winner k' p' (lbalance k  p  t m t') m'

unsafePlay :: (Ord k, Ord p) => PSQ k p -> PSQ k p -> PSQ k p

Void `unsafePlay` t' =  t'
t `unsafePlay` Void  =  t

Winner k p t m  `unsafePlay`  Winner k' p' t' m'
  | p <= p'   = Winner k  p  (rbalance k' p' t m t') m'
  | otherwise = Winner k' p' (lbalance k  p  t m t') m'

data TourView k p = Null | Single k p | PSQ k p `Play` PSQ k p

tourView :: (Ord k) => PSQ k p -> TourView k p

tourView Void                  =  Null
tourView (Winner k p Start _m) =  Single k p

tourView (Winner k p (RLoser _ k' p' tl m tr) m') =
  Winner k  p  tl m `Play` Winner k' p' tr m'

tourView (Winner k p (LLoser _ k' p' tl m tr) m') =
  Winner k' p' tl m `Play` Winner k  p  tr m'

-- Hughes's efficient sequence type --

emptySequ    :: Sequ a
singleSequ   :: a -> Sequ a
(<+>)        :: Sequ a -> Sequ a -> Sequ a
seqFromList  :: [a] -> Sequ a
seqFromListT :: ([a] -> [a]) -> Sequ a
seqToList    :: Sequ a -> [a]

infixr 5 <+>

newtype Sequ a  =  Sequ ([a] -> [a])

emptySequ           = Sequ (\as -> as)
singleSequ a        = Sequ (\as -> a : as)
Sequ x1 <+> Sequ x2 = Sequ (\as -> x1 (x2 as))
seqFromList as      = Sequ (\as' -> as ++ as')
seqFromListT as     = Sequ as
seqToList (Sequ x)  = x []

instance Show a => Show (Sequ a) where
    showsPrec d a = showsPrec d (seqToList a)

guard :: Bool -> Sequ a -> Sequ a
guard False _as = emptySequ
guard True  as  = as

------------ Tests --------------


isBalanced Start = True
isBalanced (LLoser s k p l m r) =
  (size' l + size' r <= 2 ||(size' l<=omega*size' r && size' r<=omega*size' l))
  && isBalanced l && isBalanced r
isBalanced (RLoser s k p l m r) =
  (size' l + size' r <= 2 ||(size' l<=omega*size' r && size' r<=omega*size' l))
  && isBalanced l && isBalanced r

instance (Ord k, Ord p, Arbitrary k, Arbitrary p) => Arbitrary (PSQ k p)
    coarbitrary = undefined
    arbitrary =
      do ks <- arbitrary
         ps <- arbitrary
         return . fromList $ zipWith (:->) ks ps

prop_Balanced :: PSQ Int Int -> Bool
prop_Balanced Void = True
prop_Balanced (Winner _ _ t _) = isBalanced t

prop_OrderedKeys :: PSQ Int Int -> Bool
prop_OrderedKeys t = let ks = map key . toAscList $ t in sort ks == ks

prop_AtMost :: (PSQ Int Int,Int) -> Bool
prop_AtMost (t,p) =
  let ps = map prio . atMost p $ t
  in all (<=p) ps

prop_AtMostRange :: (PSQ Int Int,Int,Int,Int) -> Bool
prop_AtMostRange (t,p,l_,r_) =
  let l = min (abs l_) (abs r_)
      r = max (abs l_) (abs r_)
      (ks,ps) = unzip . map (\b -> (key b,prio b)) . atMostRange p (l,r) $ t
  in  all (flip inrange (l,r)) ks && all (<=p) ps

prop_MinView :: PSQ Int Int -> Bool
prop_MinView t =
  case minView t of
    Nothing -> True
    Just (b1,t') ->
      case minView t' of
        Nothing -> True
        Just (b2,_) -> prio b1 <= prio b2 && prop_MinView t'

tests =
  putStrLn "Balanced"
  quickCheck prop_Balanced
  putStrLn "OrderedKeys"
  quickCheck prop_OrderedKeys
  putStrLn "MinView"
  quickCheck prop_MinView
  putStrLn "AtMost"
  quickCheck prop_AtMost
  putStrLn "AtMostRange"
  quickCheck prop_AtMostRange