TLT- Testing in monads and transformers without explicit specs
Copyright(c) John Maraist 2022
Safe HaskellNone



Assertion infrastructure for the TLT testing system. See TLT for more information.


Specifying individual tests

type Assertion m = m [TestFail] Source #

An assertion is a computation (typically in the monad wrapped by TLT) which returns a list of zero of more reasons for the failure of the assertion. A successful computation returns an empty list: no reasons for failure, hence success.

assertFailed :: Monad m => String -> Assertion m Source #

This assertion always fails with the given message.

assertSuccess :: Monad m => Assertion m Source #

This assertion always succeeds.

(~:) :: MonadTLT m n => String -> Assertion m -> m () infix 0 Source #

Label and perform a test of an Assertion.

test :: Monad m => TLT m ()
test = do
  "2 is 2 as result" ~: 2 @== return 2    -- This test passes.
  "2 not 3" ~: 2 @/=- 3                   -- This test fails.

(~::-) :: MonadTLT m n => String -> Bool -> m () infix 0 Source #

Label and perform a test of a (pure) boolean value.

test :: Monad m => TLT m ()
test = do
  "True passes" ~::- return True                 -- This test passes.
  "2 is 2 as single Bool" ~::- return (2 == 2)   -- This test passes.
  "2 is 3!?" ~::- myFn 4 "Hammer"                -- Passes if myFn (which
                                                 -- must be monadic)
                                                 -- returns True.

(~::) :: MonadTLT m n => String -> m Bool -> m () infix 0 Source #

Label and perform a test of a boolean value returned by a computation in the wrapped monad m.

test :: Monad m => TLT m ()
test = do
  "True passes" ~::- True               -- This test passes.
  "2 is 2 as single Bool" ~::- 2 == 2   -- This test passes.
  "2 is 3!?" ~::- 2 == 2                -- This test fails.

liftAssertion2Pure :: Monad m => (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> String) -> a -> a -> Assertion m Source #

Transform a binary function on an expected and an actual value (plus a binary generator of a failure message) into an Assertion for a pure given actual value.


TLT's scalar-testing operators like @==- are defined with this function:

(@==-) :: (Monad m, Eq a, Show a) => a -> a -> Assertion m
(@==-) = liftAssertion2Pure (==) $
  \ exp actual -> "Expected " ++ show exp ++ " but got " ++ show actual

The (==) operator tests equality, and the result here allows the assertion that a value should be exactly equal to a target. The second argument formats the detail reported when the assertion fails.

assertion2PtoM :: Monad m => (a -> a -> Assertion m) -> a -> m a -> Assertion m Source #

Given an Assertion for two pure values (expected and actual), lift it to an Assertion expecting the actual value to be returned from a computation.


The TLT assertion `Test.TLT.(==)` lifts `Test.TLT.(==-)` (both defined in Standard) from expecting a pure actual result to expecting a computation returning a value to test.

(@==) :: (Monad m, Eq a, Show a) => a -> m a -> Assertion m
(@==) = assertion2PtoM (@==-)

liftAssertion2M :: Monad m => (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> String) -> a -> m a -> Assertion m Source #

Transform a binary function on expected and actual values (plus a generator of a failure message) into an Assertion where the actual value is to be returned from a subcomputation.

liftAssertionPure :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> (a -> String) -> a -> Assertion m Source #

Transform a unary function on a value (plus a generator of a failure message) into a unary function returning an Assertion for a pure given actual value.


The TLT assertion emptyP (defined in Standard) is built from the Traversable predicate null

emptyP :: (Monad m, Traversable t) => t a -> Assertion m
emptyP = liftAssertionPure null
           (\ _ -> "Expected empty structure but got non-empty")

assertionPtoM :: Monad m => (a -> Assertion m) -> m a -> Assertion m Source #

Given an Assertion for a pure (actual) value, lift it to an Assertion expecting the value to be returned from a computation.


The TLT assertion empty (defined in Standard) on monadic computations returning lists is defined in terms of the corresponging assertion on pure list-valued expressions.

empty :: (Monad m, Traversable t) => m (t a) -> Assertion m
empty = assertionPtoM emptyP

liftAssertionM :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> (a -> String) -> m a -> Assertion m Source #

Transform a unary function on an actual value (plus a generator of a failure message) into an Assertion where the value is to be returned from a subcomputation.