{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Villefort.Daily where

import Villefort.Definitions (VConfig(..)
                             , Weekly(..))
import Villefort.Database (execQuery, makeQuery, addDaily)
import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadIO,MonadReader,runReaderT,forever,liftIO)
import Data.List.Split as S (splitOn)
import Control.Concurrent (threadDelay)
import Villefort.Util

-- | writes date to local database
writeDate :: (MonadReader VConfig m, MonadIO m) => m ()
writeDate = do
  date <- liftIO $ show <$> getDate
  execQuery ("update dates set  date = ? where type = 'date';") [date]

-- | reads date from local database
readDate :: (MonadReader VConfig m, MonadIO m) => m D
readDate = do
  rawDate <- makeQuery "select date from dates where type = 'date';"
  return $ unpackStringToDate $ head $ head $ rawDate

-- | writes day of week from local database
writeDay :: (MonadReader VConfig m, MonadIO m) => m ()
writeDay = do
  newDay <- liftIO $ show <$> getDay
  execQuery ("update dates set  date = ? where type = 'day';") [newDay]

-- | read day of week from local database
readDay :: (MonadReader VConfig m, MonadIO m) => m Int
readDay = do
  rawDay <- makeQuery "select date from dates where type = 'day';"
  let int = read (head $ head $ rawDay) :: Int
  return int

-- | Checks day equality on two internal date representations
checkDay :: D -> D ->Bool
checkDay oldDate currentDate= ((day oldDate) == (day currentDate))

-- | Checks month equality on two internal date representations
checkMonth :: D -> D -> Bool
checkMonth oldDate currentDate = (month oldDate) == (month currentDate)

-- | Checks year equality on two internal date representations
checkYear :: D -> D -> Bool
checkYear oldDate currentDate  = (year oldDate)  == (year currentDate)

-- | Runs daily user defined tasks
runDaily :: VConfig -> D -> D -> IO ()
runDaily vconf oldDate currentDate=
  if (checkDay oldDate currentDate) then
    return ()
    putStrLn "adding-daily" >> do
    dailies <- sequence (daily vconf)
    mapM_ add dailies
    where add = (\x -> if Prelude.null x then return () else runReaderT ( addDaily x) vconf)

-- | Runs monthyl user defined tasks TODO
runMonthly :: D -> D -> IO ()
runMonthly oldDate currentDate = if(checkMonth oldDate currentDate) then
  putStrLn "same-month"
  putStrLn "adding monthly"

-- | Runs yearly user defined tasks TODO
runYearly :: D -> D -> IO ()
runYearly oldDate currentDate = if(checkYear oldDate currentDate) then
  putStrLn "same-year"
  putStrLn "adding yearly"

-- | Runs days of the week specific tasks
runWeekly :: VConfig -> Int -> Int -> IO ()
runWeekly conf old current = do
  if old /= current
    then do
    let stmt = selector conf (current-1)
    stmts <- sequence stmt
    mapM_ add stmts
    else return ()
    where add = (\x -> if Prelude.null x then return () else runReaderT ( addDaily x) conf)

-- | selects correct tasks based on day of the week
selector :: (Num a, Eq a) => VConfig -> a -> [IO [String]]
selector  conf x
  | x == 0 = monday lookconf
  | x == 1 = tuesday lookconf
  | x == 2 = wednesday lookconf
  | x == 3 = thursday lookconf
  | x == 4 = friday lookconf
  | x == 5 = saturday lookconf
  | otherwise = sunday lookconf
    where lookconf = weekly conf

man :: VConfig -> IO ()
man conf = do
  oldDate <- runReaderT readDate conf
  currentDate <- getDateD
  oldDay <- runReaderT readDay conf
  currentDay <- getDay
  runWeekly conf oldDay currentDay
  runDaily conf oldDate currentDate
  runReaderT writeDate conf
  runReaderT writeDay conf
  threadDelay 18000000

-- | Run daily check for updates
dailyCheck :: VConfig -> IO b
dailyCheck conf = forever$  man conf