{- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Copyright 2020 Kevin P. Barry

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-- Author: Kevin P. Barry [ta0kira@gmail.com]

-- | A wrapping text-editor with dynamic sizing for
--   <https://github.com/jtdaugherty/brick Brick>.

{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}

module WEditorBrick.WrappingEditor (
) where

import Brick.Main
import Brick.Types
import Brick.Widgets.Core
import Graphics.Vty.Input
import Lens.Micro
import WEditor.Base
import WEditor.Document

-- | Create a new 'WrappingEditor' using the default editor component.
newWrappingEditor :: FixedFontParser a c => a -> n -> [[c]] -> WrappingEditor c n
newWrappingEditor b n cs = genericWrappingEditor n $ editDocument b $ map UnparsedPara cs

-- | Create a new 'WrappingEditor' using a custom editor component.
genericWrappingEditor :: (FixedFontViewer a c, FixedFontEditor a c) => n -> a -> WrappingEditor c n
genericWrappingEditor = WrappingEditor

-- | Any action that updates the editor state.
type WrappingEditorAction c = forall a. (FixedFontViewer a c, FixedFontEditor a c) => a -> a

-- | Update the editor state.
mapWrappingEditor :: WrappingEditorAction c -> WrappingEditor c n -> WrappingEditor c n
mapWrappingEditor f (WrappingEditor name editor) = WrappingEditor name (f editor)

-- | Any action that reads the editor state.
type WrappingEditorDoer c b = forall a. (FixedFontViewer a c, FixedFontEditor a c) => a -> b

-- | Read from the editor state.
doWrappingEditor :: WrappingEditorDoer c b -> WrappingEditor c n -> b
doWrappingEditor f (WrappingEditor _ editor) = f editor

-- | Dump the final contents of the edited document.
dumpWrappingEditor :: WrappingEditor c n -> [[c]]
dumpWrappingEditor = map upText . doWrappingEditor exportData

-- | Render the editor as a 'Widget'.
renderWrappingEditor :: (Ord n, Show n) => Bool -> WrappingEditor Char n -> Widget n
renderWrappingEditor focus editor = doWrappingEditor edit editor where
  edit e = Widget Greedy Greedy $ do
    ctx <- getContext
    let width = ctx^.availWidthL
    let height = ctx^.availHeightL
    -- NOTE: Resizing is a no-op if the size is unchanged.
    let e' = if height > 0
                then viewerResizeAction (width,height) e
                else e
    render $ viewport (getName editor) Vertical $ setCursor e' $ textArea width height e' where
        | focus = showCursor (getName editor) . Location . getCursor
        | otherwise = const id
      textArea w h = vBox . lineFill w h . map (strFill w) . getVisible
      strFill w cs = str $ take w $ cs ++ repeat ' '
      lineFill w h ls = take h $ ls ++ repeat (strFill w "")

-- | Update the editor based on Brick events.
handleWrappingEditor :: (Eq n) => WrappingEditor Char n -> Event -> EventM n (WrappingEditor Char n)
handleWrappingEditor editor event = do
  extent <- lookupExtent (getName editor)
  return $ mapWrappingEditor (action . resizeAction extent) editor where
    action :: EditorAction Char
    action =
      case event of
           EvKey KBS []       -> editorBackspaceAction
           EvKey KDel []      -> editorDeleteAction
           EvKey KDown []     -> editorDownAction
           EvKey KEnd []      -> editorEndAction
           EvKey KEnter []    -> editorEnterAction
           EvKey KHome []     -> editorHomeAction
           EvKey KLeft []     -> editorLeftAction
           EvKey KPageDown [] -> editorPageDownAction
           EvKey KPageUp []   -> editorPageUpAction
           EvKey KRight []    -> editorRightAction
           EvKey KUp []       -> editorUpAction
           EvKey (KChar c) [] | not (c `elem` "\t\r\n") -> editorAppendAction [c]
           _ -> id
    resizeAction (Just ext) | snd (extentSize ext) > 0 = viewerResizeAction (extentSize ext)
    resizeAction  _ = id

-- | Editor widget for use with Brick.
data WrappingEditor c n =
  forall a. (FixedFontViewer a c, FixedFontEditor a c) => WrappingEditor {
    weName :: n,
    weEditor :: a

instance Show n => Show (WrappingEditor c n) where
  show (WrappingEditor name editor) =
    "WrappingEditor { name: " ++ show name ++
                   ", size: " ++ show (getViewSize editor) ++
                   ", cursor: " ++ show (getCursor editor) ++
                   ", point: " ++ show (getEditPoint editor) ++ " }"

instance Named (WrappingEditor c n) n where
    getName = weName