abnf- Parse ABNF and generate parsers for the specified document

Copyright(c) Martin Zeller, 2016
MaintainerMartin Zeller <mz.bremerhaven@gmail.com>
Safe HaskellSafe






Document types

Re-exported from Text.ABNF.Document.Types

data Document a Source

A Document represents a tree of the parsed input. Directly after parsing, every Rule that was applied, gets a node in the tree.

You can use filterDocument and squashDocumentOn to reduce the tree into a more managable shape.


Document Text [Content a] 


Reducing documents

Re-exported from Text.ABNF.Document.Operations

In most cases, you don't want to work with the full tree of a Document. You can use these cases to filterDocument away any branches you do not need and squashDocumentOn those, where you don't need it as fine-grained.

This is incredibly useful if you have rules that parse single characters.

filterDocument Source


:: (Document a -> Bool)

Predicate to check

-> Document a

Document to filter

-> Maybe (Document a)

Returns Nothing if the predicate fails, cascades otherwise

Filter documents according to some predicate. Similar to filter in the Prelude.

squashDocument :: Monoid a => Document a -> Document a Source

Squash all contents of a Document into a single Terminal

squashDocumentOn :: forall a. Monoid a => (Document a -> Bool) -> Document a -> Document a Source

Squash all contents of a Document which matches the predicate See also squashDocument

squashContent :: Monoid a => [Content a] -> a Source

Squash all contents using the Monoid instance of a, cascading into NonTerminals.

Parsing documents

Re-exported from Text.ABNF.Document.Parser

parseDocument Source


:: Rule

Rule to parse against

-> Text

Text to parse

-> Either String (Document Text)

Return a String describing the error or the successfully parsed Document.

The format of the String is as returned by attoparsec.

Convenience function to directly parse a Document