{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP                   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts      #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes           #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes            #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell       #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies          #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances  #-}
{-# OPTIONS_HADDOCK hide #-}
-- |
-- Module      : Data.Array.Accelerate.AST
-- Copyright   : [2008..2017] Manuel M T Chakravarty, Gabriele Keller
--               [2009..2017] Trevor L. McDonell
--               [2010..2011] Ben Lever
--               [2013..2017] Robert Clifton-Everest
--               [2014..2014] Frederik M. Madsen
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : Trevor L. McDonell <tmcdonell@cse.unsw.edu.au>
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : non-portable (GHC extensions)
-- /Scalar versus collective operations/
-- The embedded array processing language is a two-level language.  It
-- combines a language of scalar expressions and functions with a language of
-- collective array operations.  Scalar expressions are used to compute
-- arguments for collective operations and scalar functions are used to
-- parametrise higher-order, collective array operations.  The two-level
-- structure, in particular, ensures that collective operations cannot be
-- parametrised with collective operations; hence, we are following a flat
-- data-parallel model.  The collective operations manipulate
-- multi-dimensional arrays whose shape is explicitly tracked in their types.
-- In fact, collective operations cannot produce any values other than
-- multi-dimensional arrays; when they yield a scalar, this is in the form of
-- a 0-dimensional, singleton array.  Similarly, scalar expression can -as
-- their name indicates- only produce tuples of scalar, but not arrays.
-- There are, however, two expression forms that take arrays as arguments.  As
-- a result scalar and array expressions are recursively dependent.  As we
-- cannot and don't want to compute arrays in the middle of scalar
-- computations, array computations will always be hoisted out of scalar
-- expressions.  So that this is always possible, these array expressions may
-- not contain any free scalar variables.  To express that condition in the
-- type structure, we use separate environments for scalar and array variables.
-- /Programs/
-- Collective array programs comprise closed expressions of array operations.
-- There is no explicit sharing in the initial AST form, but sharing is
-- introduced subsequently by common subexpression elimination and floating
-- of array computations.
-- /Functions/
-- The array expression language is first-order and only provides limited
-- control structures to ensure that it can be efficiently executed on
-- compute-acceleration hardware, such as GPUs.  To restrict functions to
-- first-order, we separate function abstraction from the main expression
-- type.  Functions are represented using de Bruijn indices.
-- /Parametric and ad-hoc polymorphism/
-- The array language features paramatric polymophism (e.g., pairing and
-- projections) as well as ad-hoc polymorphism (e.g., arithmetic operations).
-- All ad-hoc polymorphic constructs include reified dictionaries (c.f.,
-- module 'Types').  Reified dictionaries also ensure that constants
-- (constructor 'Const') are representable on compute acceleration hardware.
-- The AST contains both reified dictionaries and type class constraints.
-- Type classes are used for array-related functionality that is uniformly
-- available for all supported types.  In contrast, reified dictionaries are
-- used for functionality that is only available for certain types, such as
-- arithmetic operations.

module Data.Array.Accelerate.AST (

  -- * Typed de Bruijn indices
  Idx(..), idxToInt, tupleIdxToInt,

  -- * Valuation environment
  Val(..), ValElt(..), prj, prjElt,

  -- * Accelerated array expressions
  PreOpenAfun(..), OpenAfun, PreAfun, Afun, PreOpenAcc(..), OpenAcc(..), Acc,
  PreBoundary(..), Boundary, Stencil(..), StencilR(..),

  -- * Accelerated sequences
  -- PreOpenSeq(..), Seq,
  -- Producer(..), Consumer(..),

  -- * Scalar expressions
  PreOpenFun(..), OpenFun, PreFun, Fun, PreOpenExp(..), OpenExp, PreExp, Exp, PrimConst(..),

  -- NFData
  rnfPreOpenAfun, rnfPreOpenAcc, rnfPreOpenFun, rnfPreOpenExp,

  -- TemplateHaskell
  liftIdx, liftTupleIdx, liftArrays,
  liftConst, liftSliceIndex, liftPrimConst, liftPrimFun,
  liftPreOpenAfun, liftPreOpenAcc, liftPreOpenFun, liftPreOpenExp,

  -- debugging
  showPreAccOp, showPreExpOp,

) where

--standard library
import Control.DeepSeq
import Data.List
import Data.Typeable
import Foreign.ForeignPtr
import Foreign.Marshal
import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable
import System.IO.Unsafe
import GHC.Ptr                                                      ( Ptr(..) )
import Language.Haskell.TH                                          ( Q, TExp )
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH                                as TH
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax                         as TH
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ <= 708
import Instances.TH.Lift                                            () -- Int8, Int16...

-- friends
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Array.Data
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Array.Representation                   ( SliceIndex(..), size )
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Array.Sugar                            hiding ( size )
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Array.Unique
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Product
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Type
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 800
import Data.Array.Accelerate.Error

-- Typed de Bruijn indices
-- -----------------------

-- De Bruijn variable index projecting a specific type from a type
-- environment.  Type environments are nested pairs (..((), t1), t2, ..., tn).
data Idx env t where
  ZeroIdx ::              Idx (env, t) t
  SuccIdx :: Idx env t -> Idx (env, s) t

-- de Bruijn Index to Int conversion
idxToInt :: Idx env t -> Int
idxToInt ZeroIdx       = 0
idxToInt (SuccIdx idx) = 1 + idxToInt idx

tupleIdxToInt :: TupleIdx tup e -> Int
tupleIdxToInt ZeroTupIdx       = 0
tupleIdxToInt (SuccTupIdx idx) = 1 + tupleIdxToInt idx

-- Environments
-- ------------

-- Valuation for an environment
data Val env where
  Empty :: Val ()
  Push  :: Val env -> t -> Val (env, t)

deriving instance Typeable Val

-- Valuation for an environment of array elements
data ValElt env where
  EmptyElt :: ValElt ()
  PushElt  :: Elt t
           => ValElt env -> EltRepr t -> ValElt (env, t)

-- Projection of a value from a valuation using a de Bruijn index
prj :: Idx env t -> Val env -> t
prj ZeroIdx       (Push _   v) = v
prj (SuccIdx idx) (Push val _) = prj idx val
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 800
prj _             _            = $internalError "prj" "inconsistent valuation"

-- Projection of a value from a valuation of array elements using a de Bruijn index
prjElt :: Idx env t -> ValElt env -> t
prjElt ZeroIdx       (PushElt _   v) = toElt v
prjElt (SuccIdx idx) (PushElt val _) = prjElt idx val
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 800
prjElt _             _               = $internalError "prjElt" "inconsistent valuation"

-- Array expressions
-- -----------------

-- |Function abstraction over parametrised array computations
data PreOpenAfun acc aenv t where
  Abody :: Arrays t => acc             aenv      t -> PreOpenAfun acc aenv t
  Alam  :: Arrays a => PreOpenAfun acc (aenv, a) t -> PreOpenAfun acc aenv (a -> t)

-- Function abstraction over vanilla open array computations
type OpenAfun = PreOpenAfun OpenAcc

-- |Parametrised array-computation function without free array variables
type PreAfun acc = PreOpenAfun acc ()

-- |Vanilla array-computation function without free array variables
type Afun = OpenAfun ()

-- Vanilla open array computations
newtype OpenAcc aenv t = OpenAcc (PreOpenAcc OpenAcc aenv t)

-- |Closed array expression aka an array program
type Acc = OpenAcc ()

deriving instance Typeable PreOpenAcc
deriving instance Typeable OpenAcc

-- |Collective array computations parametrised over array variables
-- represented with de Bruijn indices.
-- * Scalar functions and expressions embedded in well-formed array
--   computations cannot contain free scalar variable indices.  The latter
--   cannot be bound in array computations, and hence, cannot appear in any
--   well-formed program.
-- * The let-form is used to represent the sharing discovered by common
--   subexpression elimination as well as to control evaluation order.  (We
--   need to hoist array expressions out of scalar expressions - they occur in
--   scalar indexing and in determining an arrays shape.)
-- The data type is parameterised over the surface types (not the representation
-- type).
-- We use a non-recursive variant parametrised over the recursive closure, to facilitate attribute
-- calculation in the backend.
data PreOpenAcc acc aenv a where

  -- Local binding to represent sharing and demand explicitly; this is an
  -- eager(!) binding
  Alet        :: (Arrays bndArrs, Arrays bodyArrs)
              => acc            aenv            bndArrs         -- bound expression
              -> acc            (aenv, bndArrs) bodyArrs        -- the bound expression scope
              -> PreOpenAcc acc aenv            bodyArrs

  -- Variable bound by a 'Let', represented by a de Bruijn index
  Avar        :: Arrays arrs
              => Idx            aenv arrs
              -> PreOpenAcc acc aenv arrs

  -- Tuples of arrays
  Atuple      :: (Arrays arrs, IsAtuple arrs)
              => Atuple    (acc aenv) (TupleRepr arrs)
              -> PreOpenAcc acc aenv  arrs

  Aprj        :: (Arrays arrs, IsAtuple arrs, Arrays a)
              => TupleIdx (TupleRepr arrs) a
              ->            acc aenv arrs
              -> PreOpenAcc acc aenv a

  -- Array-function application.
  -- The array function is not closed at the core level because we need access
  -- to free variables introduced by 'run1' style evaluators. See Issue#95.
  Apply       :: (Arrays arrs1, Arrays arrs2)
              => PreOpenAfun acc aenv (arrs1 -> arrs2)
              -> acc             aenv arrs1
              -> PreOpenAcc  acc aenv arrs2

  -- Apply a backend-specific foreign function to an array, with a pure
  -- Accelerate version for use with other backends. The functions must be
  -- closed.
  Aforeign    :: (Arrays as, Arrays bs, Foreign asm)
              => asm                   (as -> bs)               -- The foreign function for a given backend
              -> PreAfun      acc      (as -> bs)               -- Fallback implementation(s)
              -> acc              aenv as                       -- Arguments to the function
              -> PreOpenAcc   acc aenv bs

  -- If-then-else for array-level computations
  Acond       :: Arrays arrs
              => PreExp     acc aenv Bool
              -> acc            aenv arrs
              -> acc            aenv arrs
              -> PreOpenAcc acc aenv arrs

  -- Value-recursion for array-level computations
  Awhile      :: Arrays arrs
              => PreOpenAfun acc aenv (arrs -> Scalar Bool)     -- continue iteration while true
              -> PreOpenAfun acc aenv (arrs -> arrs)            -- function to iterate
              -> acc             aenv arrs                      -- initial value
              -> PreOpenAcc  acc aenv arrs

  -- Array inlet (triggers async host->device transfer if necessary)
  Use         :: Arrays arrs
              => ArrRepr arrs
              -> PreOpenAcc acc aenv arrs

  -- Capture a scalar (or a tuple of scalars) in a singleton array
  Unit        :: Elt e
              => PreExp     acc aenv e
              -> PreOpenAcc acc aenv (Scalar e)

  -- Change the shape of an array without altering its contents
  -- > precondition: size dim == size dim'
  Reshape     :: (Shape sh, Shape sh', Elt e)
              => PreExp     acc aenv sh                         -- new shape
              -> acc            aenv (Array sh' e)              -- array to be reshaped
              -> PreOpenAcc acc aenv (Array sh e)

  -- Construct a new array by applying a function to each index.
  Generate    :: (Shape sh, Elt e)
              => PreExp     acc aenv sh                         -- output shape
              -> PreFun     acc aenv (sh -> e)                  -- representation function
              -> PreOpenAcc acc aenv (Array sh e)

  -- Hybrid map/backpermute, where we separate the index and value
  -- transformations.
  Transform   :: (Elt a, Elt b, Shape sh, Shape sh')
              => PreExp     acc aenv sh'                        -- dimension of the result
              -> PreFun     acc aenv (sh' -> sh)                -- index permutation function
              -> PreFun     acc aenv (a   -> b)                 -- function to apply at each element
              ->            acc aenv (Array sh  a)              -- source array
              -> PreOpenAcc acc aenv (Array sh' b)

  -- Replicate an array across one or more dimensions as given by the first
  -- argument
  Replicate   :: (Shape sh, Shape sl, Elt slix, Elt e)
              => SliceIndex (EltRepr slix)                      -- slice type specification
                            (EltRepr sl)
                            (EltRepr sh)
              -> PreExp     acc aenv slix                       -- slice value specification
              -> acc            aenv (Array sl e)               -- data to be replicated
              -> PreOpenAcc acc aenv (Array sh e)

  -- Index a sub-array out of an array; i.e., the dimensions not indexed are
  -- returned whole
  Slice       :: (Shape sh, Shape sl, Elt slix, Elt e)
              => SliceIndex (EltRepr slix)                      -- slice type specification
                            (EltRepr sl)
                            (EltRepr sh)
              -> acc            aenv (Array sh e)               -- array to be indexed
              -> PreExp     acc aenv slix                       -- slice value specification
              -> PreOpenAcc acc aenv (Array sl e)

  -- Apply the given unary function to all elements of the given array
  Map         :: (Shape sh, Elt e, Elt e')
              => PreFun     acc aenv (e -> e')
              -> acc            aenv (Array sh e)
              -> PreOpenAcc acc aenv (Array sh e')

  -- Apply a given binary function pairwise to all elements of the given arrays.
  -- The length of the result is the length of the shorter of the two argument
  -- arrays.
  ZipWith     :: (Shape sh, Elt e1, Elt e2, Elt e3)
              => PreFun     acc aenv (e1 -> e2 -> e3)
              -> acc            aenv (Array sh e1)
              -> acc            aenv (Array sh e2)
              -> PreOpenAcc acc aenv (Array sh e3)

  -- Fold along the innermost dimension of an array with a given /associative/ function.
  Fold        :: (Shape sh, Elt e)
              => PreFun     acc aenv (e -> e -> e)              -- combination function
              -> PreExp     acc aenv e                          -- default value
              -> acc            aenv (Array (sh:.Int) e)        -- folded array
              -> PreOpenAcc acc aenv (Array sh e)

  -- 'Fold' without a default value
  Fold1       :: (Shape sh, Elt e)
              => PreFun     acc aenv (e -> e -> e)              -- combination function
              -> acc            aenv (Array (sh:.Int) e)        -- folded array
              -> PreOpenAcc acc aenv (Array sh e)

  -- Segmented fold along the innermost dimension of an array with a given /associative/ function
  FoldSeg     :: (Shape sh, Elt e, Elt i, IsIntegral i)
              => PreFun     acc aenv (e -> e -> e)              -- combination function
              -> PreExp     acc aenv e                          -- default value
              -> acc            aenv (Array (sh:.Int) e)        -- folded array
              -> acc            aenv (Segments i)               -- segment descriptor
              -> PreOpenAcc acc aenv (Array (sh:.Int) e)

  -- 'FoldSeg' without a default value
  Fold1Seg    :: (Shape sh, Elt e, Elt i, IsIntegral i)
              => PreFun     acc aenv (e -> e -> e)              -- combination function
              -> acc            aenv (Array (sh:.Int) e)        -- folded array
              -> acc            aenv (Segments i)               -- segment descriptor
              -> PreOpenAcc acc aenv (Array (sh:.Int) e)

  -- Left-to-right Haskell-style scan of a linear array with a given *associative*
  -- function and an initial element (which does not need to be the neutral of the
  -- associative operations)
  Scanl       :: (Shape sh, Elt e)
              => PreFun     acc aenv (e -> e -> e)              -- combination function
              -> PreExp     acc aenv e                          -- initial value
              -> acc            aenv (Array (sh:.Int) e)
              -> PreOpenAcc acc aenv (Array (sh:.Int) e)

  -- Like 'Scan', but produces a rightmost fold value and an array with the same length as the input
  -- array (the fold value would be the rightmost element in a Haskell-style scan)
  Scanl'      :: (Shape sh, Elt e)
              => PreFun     acc aenv (e -> e -> e)              -- combination function
              -> PreExp     acc aenv e                          -- initial value
              -> acc            aenv (Array (sh:.Int) e)
              -> PreOpenAcc acc aenv (Array (sh:.Int) e, Array sh e)

  -- Haskell-style scan without an initial value
  Scanl1      :: (Shape sh, Elt e)
              => PreFun     acc aenv (e -> e -> e)              -- combination function
              -> acc            aenv (Array (sh:.Int) e)
              -> PreOpenAcc acc aenv (Array (sh:.Int) e)

  -- Right-to-left version of 'Scanl'
  Scanr       :: (Shape sh, Elt e)
              => PreFun     acc aenv (e -> e -> e)              -- combination function
              -> PreExp     acc aenv e                          -- initial value
              -> acc            aenv (Array (sh:.Int) e)
              -> PreOpenAcc acc aenv (Array (sh:.Int) e)

  -- Right-to-left version of 'Scanl\''
  Scanr'      :: (Shape sh, Elt e)
              => PreFun     acc aenv (e -> e -> e)              -- combination function
              -> PreExp     acc aenv e                          -- initial value
              -> acc            aenv (Array (sh:.Int) e)
              -> PreOpenAcc acc aenv (Array (sh:.Int) e, Array sh e)

  -- Right-to-left version of 'Scanl1'
  Scanr1      :: (Shape sh, Elt e)
              => PreFun     acc aenv (e -> e -> e)              -- combination function
              -> acc            aenv (Array (sh:.Int) e)
              -> PreOpenAcc acc aenv (Array (sh:.Int) e)

  -- Generalised forward permutation is characterised by a permutation function
  -- that determines for each element of the source array where it should go in
  -- the output. The permutation can be between arrays of varying shape and
  -- dimensionality.
  -- Other characteristics of the permutation function 'f':
  --   1. 'f' is a partial function: if it evaluates to the magic value 'ignore'
  --      (i.e. a tuple of -1 values) then those elements of the domain are
  --      dropped.
  --   2. 'f' is not surjective: positions in the target array need not be
  --      picked up by the permutation function, so the target array must first
  --      be initialised from an array of default values.
  --   3. 'f' is not injective: distinct elements of the domain may map to the
  --      same position in the target array. In this case the combination
  --      function is used to combine elements, which needs to be /associative/
  --      and /commutative/.
  Permute     :: (Shape sh, Shape sh', Elt e)
              => PreFun     acc aenv (e -> e -> e)              -- combination function
              -> acc            aenv (Array sh' e)              -- default values
              -> PreFun     acc aenv (sh -> sh')                -- permutation function
              -> acc            aenv (Array sh e)               -- source array
              -> PreOpenAcc acc aenv (Array sh' e)

  -- Generalised multi-dimensional backwards permutation; the permutation can
  -- be between arrays of varying shape; the permutation function must be total
  Backpermute :: (Shape sh, Shape sh', Elt e)
              => PreExp     acc aenv sh'                        -- dimensions of the result
              -> PreFun     acc aenv (sh' -> sh)                -- permutation function
              -> acc            aenv (Array sh e)               -- source array
              -> PreOpenAcc acc aenv (Array sh' e)

  -- Map a stencil over an array.  In contrast to 'map', the domain of a stencil function is an
  -- entire /neighbourhood/ of each array element.
  Stencil     :: (Elt e, Elt e', Stencil sh e stencil)
              => PreFun      acc aenv (stencil -> e')           -- stencil function
              -> PreBoundary acc aenv (Array sh e)              -- boundary condition
              -> acc             aenv (Array sh e)              -- source array
              -> PreOpenAcc  acc aenv (Array sh e')

  -- Map a binary stencil over an array.
  Stencil2    :: (Elt a, Elt b, Elt c, Stencil sh a stencil1, Stencil sh b stencil2)
              => PreFun      acc aenv (stencil1 -> stencil2 -> c) -- stencil function
              -> PreBoundary acc aenv (Array sh a)                -- boundary condition #1
              -> acc             aenv (Array sh a)                -- source array #1
              -> PreBoundary acc aenv (Array sh b)                -- boundary condition #2
              -> acc             aenv (Array sh b)                -- source array #2
              -> PreOpenAcc acc  aenv (Array sh c)

  -- A sequence of operations.
  -- Collect     :: Arrays arrs
  --             => PreOpenSeq acc aenv () arrs
  --             -> PreOpenAcc acc aenv arrs

data PreOpenSeq acc aenv senv arrs where
  Producer :: Arrays a
           => Producer acc aenv senv a
           -> PreOpenSeq acc aenv (senv, a) arrs
           -> PreOpenSeq acc aenv senv arrs

  Consumer :: Arrays arrs
           => Consumer acc aenv senv arrs
           -> PreOpenSeq acc aenv senv arrs

  Reify    :: Arrays arrs
           => Idx senv arrs
           -> PreOpenSeq acc aenv senv [arrs]

data Producer acc aenv senv a where
  -- Convert the given Haskell-list of arrays to a sequence.
  StreamIn :: Arrays a
           => [a]
           -> Producer acc aenv senv a

  -- Convert the given array to a sequence.
  ToSeq :: (Elt slix, Shape sl, Shape sh, Elt e)
           => SliceIndex  (EltRepr slix)
                          (EltRepr sl)
                          (EltRepr sh)
           -> proxy slix
           -> acc aenv (Array sh e)
           -> Producer acc aenv senv (Array sl e)

  -- Apply the given the given function to all elements of the given
  -- sequence.
  MapSeq :: (Arrays a, Arrays b)
         => PreOpenAfun acc aenv (a -> b)
         -> Idx senv a
         -> Producer acc aenv senv b

  -- Apply the given the given function to all elements of the given
  -- sequence.
  ChunkedMapSeq :: (Arrays a, Arrays b)
                => PreOpenAfun acc aenv (Vector' a -> Vector' b)
                -> Idx senv a
                -> Producer acc aenv senv b

  -- Apply a given binary function pairwise to all elements of the
  -- given sequences.
  ZipWithSeq :: (Arrays a, Arrays b, Arrays c)
             => PreOpenAfun acc aenv (a -> b -> c)
             -> Idx senv a
             -> Idx senv b
             -> Producer acc aenv senv c

  -- ScanSeq (+) a0 x. Scan a sequence x by combining each element
  -- using the given binary operation (+). (+) must be associative:
  --   Forall a b c. (a + b) + c = a + (b + c),
  -- and a0 must be the identity element for (+):
  --   Forall a. a0 + a = a = a + a0.
  ScanSeq :: Elt e
          => PreFun acc aenv (e -> e -> e)
          -> PreExp acc aenv e
          -> Idx senv (Scalar e)
          -> Producer acc aenv senv (Scalar e)

data Consumer acc aenv senv a where

  -- FoldSeq (+) a0 x. Fold a sequence x by combining each element
  -- using the given binary operation (+). (+) must be associative:
  --   Forall a b c. (a + b) + c = a + (b + c),
  -- and a0 must be the identity element for (+):
  --   Forall a. a0 + a = a = a + a0.
  FoldSeq :: Elt a
          => PreFun acc aenv (a -> a -> a)
          -> PreExp acc aenv a
          -> Idx senv (Scalar a)
          -> Consumer acc aenv senv (Scalar a)

  -- FoldSeqFlatten f a0 x. A specialized version of FoldSeqAct where
  -- reduction with the companion operator corresponds to
  -- flattening. f must be semi-associative, with vecotor append (++)
  -- as the companion operator:
  --   Forall b sh1 a1 sh2 a2.
  --     f (f b sh1 a1) sh2 a2 = f b (sh1 ++ sh2) (a1 ++ a2).
  -- It is common to ignore the shape vectors, yielding the usual
  -- semi-associativity law:
  --   f b a _ = b + a,
  -- for some (+) satisfying:
  --   Forall b a1 a2. (b + a1) + a2 = b + (a1 ++ a2).
  FoldSeqFlatten :: (Arrays a, Shape sh, Elt e)
                 => PreOpenAfun acc aenv (a -> Vector sh -> Vector e -> a)
                 -> acc aenv a
                 -> Idx senv (Array sh e)
                 -> Consumer acc aenv senv a

  Stuple :: (Arrays a, IsAtuple a)
         => Atuple (Consumer acc aenv senv) (TupleRepr a)
         -> Consumer acc aenv senv a

-- |Closed sequence computation
type Seq = PreOpenSeq OpenAcc () ()

-- | Vanilla stencil boundary condition
type Boundary = PreBoundary OpenAcc

-- | Boundary condition specification for stencil operations
data PreBoundary (acc :: * -> * -> *) aenv t where
  -- Clamp coordinates to the extent of the array
  Clamp     :: PreBoundary acc aenv t

  -- Mirror coordinates beyond the array extent
  Mirror    :: PreBoundary acc aenv t

  -- Wrap coordinates around on each dimension
  Wrap      :: PreBoundary acc aenv t

  -- Use a constant value for outlying coordinates
  Constant  :: Elt e
            => EltRepr e
            -> PreBoundary acc aenv (Array sh e)

  -- Apply the given function to outlying coordinates
  Function  :: (Shape sh, Elt e)
            => PreFun acc aenv (sh -> e)
            -> PreBoundary acc aenv (Array sh e)

-- | Operations on stencils
class (Shape sh, Elt e, IsTuple stencil, Elt stencil) => Stencil sh e stencil where
  stencil :: StencilR sh e stencil

-- | GADT reifying the 'Stencil' class
data StencilR sh e pat where
  StencilRunit3 :: Elt e => StencilR DIM1 e (e,e,e)
  StencilRunit5 :: Elt e => StencilR DIM1 e (e,e,e,e,e)
  StencilRunit7 :: Elt e => StencilR DIM1 e (e,e,e,e,e,e,e)
  StencilRunit9 :: Elt e => StencilR DIM1 e (e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e,e)

  StencilRtup3  :: (Shape sh, Elt e)
                => StencilR sh e pat1
                -> StencilR sh e pat2
                -> StencilR sh e pat3
                -> StencilR (sh:.Int) e (pat1,pat2,pat3)

  StencilRtup5  :: (Shape sh, Elt e)
                => StencilR sh e pat1
                -> StencilR sh e pat2
                -> StencilR sh e pat3
                -> StencilR sh e pat4
                -> StencilR sh e pat5
                -> StencilR (sh:.Int) e (pat1,pat2,pat3,pat4,pat5)

  StencilRtup7  :: (Shape sh, Elt e)
                => StencilR sh e pat1
                -> StencilR sh e pat2
                -> StencilR sh e pat3
                -> StencilR sh e pat4
                -> StencilR sh e pat5
                -> StencilR sh e pat6
                -> StencilR sh e pat7
                -> StencilR (sh:.Int) e (pat1,pat2,pat3,pat4,pat5,pat6,pat7)

  StencilRtup9  :: (Shape sh, Elt e)
                => StencilR sh e pat1
                -> StencilR sh e pat2
                -> StencilR sh e pat3
                -> StencilR sh e pat4
                -> StencilR sh e pat5
                -> StencilR sh e pat6
                -> StencilR sh e pat7
                -> StencilR sh e pat8
                -> StencilR sh e pat9
                -> StencilR (sh:.Int) e (pat1,pat2,pat3,pat4,pat5,pat6,pat7,pat8,pat9)

-- Note: [Stencil reification class]
-- We cannot start with 'DIM0'.  The 'IsTuple stencil' superclass would at
-- 'DIM0' imply that the types of individual array elements are in 'IsTuple'.
-- (That would only possible if we could have (degenerate) 1-tuple, but we can't
-- as we can't distinguish between a 1-tuple of a pair and a simple pair.)
-- Hence, we need to start from 'DIM1' and use 'sh:.Int:.Int' in the recursive
-- case (to avoid overlapping instances).

-- DIM1
instance Elt e => Stencil DIM1 e (e, e, e) where
  stencil = StencilRunit3

instance Elt e => Stencil DIM1 e (e, e, e, e, e) where
  stencil = StencilRunit5

instance Elt e => Stencil DIM1 e (e, e, e, e, e, e, e) where
  stencil = StencilRunit7

instance Elt e => Stencil DIM1 e (e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e, e) where
  stencil = StencilRunit9

-- DIM(n+1), where n>1
instance (Stencil (sh:.Int) a row1,
          Stencil (sh:.Int) a row2,
          Stencil (sh:.Int) a row3) => Stencil (sh:.Int:.Int) a (row1, row2, row3) where
  stencil = StencilRtup3 stencil stencil stencil

instance (Stencil (sh:.Int) a row1,
          Stencil (sh:.Int) a row2,
          Stencil (sh:.Int) a row3,
          Stencil (sh:.Int) a row4,
          Stencil (sh:.Int) a row5) => Stencil (sh:.Int:.Int) a (row1, row2, row3, row4, row5) where
  stencil = StencilRtup5 stencil stencil stencil stencil stencil

instance (Stencil (sh:.Int) a row1,
          Stencil (sh:.Int) a row2,
          Stencil (sh:.Int) a row3,
          Stencil (sh:.Int) a row4,
          Stencil (sh:.Int) a row5,
          Stencil (sh:.Int) a row6,
          Stencil (sh:.Int) a row7)
  => Stencil (sh:.Int:.Int) a (row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6, row7) where
  stencil = StencilRtup7 stencil stencil stencil stencil stencil stencil stencil

instance (Stencil (sh:.Int) a row1,
          Stencil (sh:.Int) a row2,
          Stencil (sh:.Int) a row3,
          Stencil (sh:.Int) a row4,
          Stencil (sh:.Int) a row5,
          Stencil (sh:.Int) a row6,
          Stencil (sh:.Int) a row7,
          Stencil (sh:.Int) a row8,
          Stencil (sh:.Int) a row9)
  => Stencil (sh:.Int:.Int) a (row1, row2, row3, row4, row5, row6, row7, row8, row9) where
  stencil = StencilRtup9 stencil stencil stencil stencil stencil stencil stencil stencil stencil

-- Embedded expressions
-- --------------------

-- |Parametrised open function abstraction
data PreOpenFun (acc :: * -> * -> *) env aenv t where
  Body :: Elt t => PreOpenExp acc env      aenv t -> PreOpenFun acc env aenv t
  Lam  :: Elt a => PreOpenFun acc (env, a) aenv t -> PreOpenFun acc env aenv (a -> t)

-- |Vanilla open function abstraction
type OpenFun = PreOpenFun OpenAcc

-- |Parametrised function without free scalar variables
type PreFun acc = PreOpenFun acc ()

-- |Vanilla function without free scalar variables
type Fun = OpenFun ()

-- |Vanilla open expression
type OpenExp = PreOpenExp OpenAcc

-- |Parametrised expression without free scalar variables
type PreExp acc = PreOpenExp acc ()

-- |Vanilla expression without free scalar variables
type Exp = OpenExp ()

-- |Parametrised open expressions using de Bruijn indices for variables ranging over tuples
-- of scalars and arrays of tuples.  All code, except Cond, is evaluated eagerly.  N-tuples are
-- represented as nested pairs.
-- The data type is parametrised over the surface types (not the representation type).
data PreOpenExp (acc :: * -> * -> *) env aenv t where

  -- Local binding of a scalar expression
  Let           :: (Elt bnd_t, Elt body_t)
                => PreOpenExp acc env          aenv bnd_t
                -> PreOpenExp acc (env, bnd_t) aenv body_t
                -> PreOpenExp acc env          aenv body_t

  -- Variable index, ranging only over tuples or scalars
  Var           :: Elt t
                => Idx env t
                -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv t

  -- Apply a backend-specific foreign function
  Foreign       :: (Foreign asm, Elt x, Elt y)
                => asm           (x -> y)           -- foreign function
                -> PreFun acc () (x -> y)           -- alternate implementation (for other backends)
                -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv x
                -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv y

  -- Tuples
  Tuple         :: (Elt t, IsTuple t)
                => Tuple (PreOpenExp acc env aenv) (TupleRepr t)
                -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv t

  Prj           :: (Elt t, IsTuple t, Elt e)
                => TupleIdx (TupleRepr t) e
                -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv t
                -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv e

  -- Array indices & shapes
  IndexNil      :: PreOpenExp acc env aenv Z

  IndexCons     :: (Slice sl, Elt a)
                => PreOpenExp acc env aenv sl
                -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv a
                -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv (sl:.a)

  IndexHead     :: (Slice sl, Elt a)
                => PreOpenExp acc env aenv (sl:.a)
                -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv a

  IndexTail     :: (Slice sl, Elt a)
                => PreOpenExp acc env aenv (sl:.a)
                -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv sl

  IndexAny      :: Shape sh
                => PreOpenExp acc env aenv (Any sh)

  IndexSlice    :: (Shape sh, Shape sl, Elt slix)
                => SliceIndex (EltRepr slix) (EltRepr sl) co (EltRepr sh)
                -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv slix
                -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv sh
                -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv sl

  IndexFull     :: (Shape sh, Shape sl, Elt slix)
                => SliceIndex (EltRepr slix) (EltRepr sl) co (EltRepr sh)
                -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv slix
                -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv sl
                -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv sh

  -- Shape and index conversion
  ToIndex       :: Shape sh
                => PreOpenExp acc env aenv sh           -- shape of the array
                -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv sh           -- index into the array
                -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv Int

  FromIndex     :: Shape sh
                => PreOpenExp acc env aenv sh           -- shape of the array
                -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv Int          -- index into linear representation
                -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv sh

  -- Conditional expression (non-strict in 2nd and 3rd argument)
  Cond          :: Elt t
                => PreOpenExp acc env aenv Bool
                -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv t
                -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv t
                -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv t

  -- Value recursion
  While         :: Elt a
                => PreOpenFun acc env aenv (a -> Bool)  -- continue while true
                -> PreOpenFun acc env aenv (a -> a)     -- function to iterate
                -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv a            -- initial value
                -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv a

  -- Constant values
  Const         :: Elt t
                => EltRepr t
                -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv t

  PrimConst     :: Elt t
                => PrimConst t
                -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv t

  -- Primitive scalar operations
  PrimApp       :: (Elt a, Elt r)
                => PrimFun (a -> r)
                -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv a
                -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv r

  -- Project a single scalar from an array.
  -- The array expression can not contain any free scalar variables.
  Index         :: (Shape dim, Elt t)
                => acc                aenv (Array dim t)
                -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv dim
                -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv t

  LinearIndex   :: (Shape dim, Elt t)
                => acc                aenv (Array dim t)
                -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv Int
                -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv t

  -- Array shape.
  -- The array expression can not contain any free scalar variables.
  Shape         :: (Shape dim, Elt e)
                => acc                aenv (Array dim e)
                -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv dim

  -- Number of elements of an array given its shape
  ShapeSize     :: Shape dim
                => PreOpenExp acc env aenv dim
                -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv Int

  -- Intersection of two shapes
  Intersect     :: Shape dim
                => PreOpenExp acc env aenv dim
                -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv dim
                -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv dim

  -- Union of two shapes
  Union         :: Shape dim
                => PreOpenExp acc env aenv dim
                -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv dim
                -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv dim

  -- Unsafe operations (may fail or result in undefined behaviour)
  -- An unspecified bit pattern
  Undef         :: Elt t
                => PreOpenExp acc env aenv t

  -- Reinterpret the bits of a value as a different type
  Coerce        :: (Elt a, Elt b)
                => PreOpenExp acc env aenv a
                -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv b

-- |Primitive constant values
data PrimConst ty where

  -- constants from Bounded
  PrimMinBound  :: BoundedType a -> PrimConst a
  PrimMaxBound  :: BoundedType a -> PrimConst a

  -- constant from Floating
  PrimPi        :: FloatingType a -> PrimConst a

-- |Primitive scalar operations
data PrimFun sig where

  -- operators from Num
  PrimAdd  :: NumType a -> PrimFun ((a, a) -> a)
  PrimSub  :: NumType a -> PrimFun ((a, a) -> a)
  PrimMul  :: NumType a -> PrimFun ((a, a) -> a)
  PrimNeg  :: NumType a -> PrimFun (a      -> a)
  PrimAbs  :: NumType a -> PrimFun (a      -> a)
  PrimSig  :: NumType a -> PrimFun (a      -> a)

  -- operators from Integral
  PrimQuot     :: IntegralType a -> PrimFun ((a, a)   -> a)
  PrimRem      :: IntegralType a -> PrimFun ((a, a)   -> a)
  PrimQuotRem  :: IntegralType a -> PrimFun ((a, a)   -> (a, a))
  PrimIDiv     :: IntegralType a -> PrimFun ((a, a)   -> a)
  PrimMod      :: IntegralType a -> PrimFun ((a, a)   -> a)
  PrimDivMod   :: IntegralType a -> PrimFun ((a, a)   -> (a, a))

  -- operators from Bits & FiniteBits
  PrimBAnd               :: IntegralType a -> PrimFun ((a, a)   -> a)
  PrimBOr                :: IntegralType a -> PrimFun ((a, a)   -> a)
  PrimBXor               :: IntegralType a -> PrimFun ((a, a)   -> a)
  PrimBNot               :: IntegralType a -> PrimFun (a        -> a)
  PrimBShiftL            :: IntegralType a -> PrimFun ((a, Int) -> a)
  PrimBShiftR            :: IntegralType a -> PrimFun ((a, Int) -> a)
  PrimBRotateL           :: IntegralType a -> PrimFun ((a, Int) -> a)
  PrimBRotateR           :: IntegralType a -> PrimFun ((a, Int) -> a)
  PrimPopCount           :: IntegralType a -> PrimFun (a -> Int)
  PrimCountLeadingZeros  :: IntegralType a -> PrimFun (a -> Int)
  PrimCountTrailingZeros :: IntegralType a -> PrimFun (a -> Int)

  -- operators from Fractional and Floating
  PrimFDiv        :: FloatingType a -> PrimFun ((a, a) -> a)
  PrimRecip       :: FloatingType a -> PrimFun (a      -> a)
  PrimSin         :: FloatingType a -> PrimFun (a      -> a)
  PrimCos         :: FloatingType a -> PrimFun (a      -> a)
  PrimTan         :: FloatingType a -> PrimFun (a      -> a)
  PrimAsin        :: FloatingType a -> PrimFun (a      -> a)
  PrimAcos        :: FloatingType a -> PrimFun (a      -> a)
  PrimAtan        :: FloatingType a -> PrimFun (a      -> a)
  PrimSinh        :: FloatingType a -> PrimFun (a      -> a)
  PrimCosh        :: FloatingType a -> PrimFun (a      -> a)
  PrimTanh        :: FloatingType a -> PrimFun (a      -> a)
  PrimAsinh       :: FloatingType a -> PrimFun (a      -> a)
  PrimAcosh       :: FloatingType a -> PrimFun (a      -> a)
  PrimAtanh       :: FloatingType a -> PrimFun (a      -> a)
  PrimExpFloating :: FloatingType a -> PrimFun (a      -> a)
  PrimSqrt        :: FloatingType a -> PrimFun (a      -> a)
  PrimLog         :: FloatingType a -> PrimFun (a      -> a)
  PrimFPow        :: FloatingType a -> PrimFun ((a, a) -> a)
  PrimLogBase     :: FloatingType a -> PrimFun ((a, a) -> a)

  -- FIXME: add missing operations from RealFrac & RealFloat

  -- operators from RealFrac
  PrimTruncate :: FloatingType a -> IntegralType b -> PrimFun (a -> b)
  PrimRound    :: FloatingType a -> IntegralType b -> PrimFun (a -> b)
  PrimFloor    :: FloatingType a -> IntegralType b -> PrimFun (a -> b)
  PrimCeiling  :: FloatingType a -> IntegralType b -> PrimFun (a -> b)
  -- PrimProperFraction :: FloatingType a -> IntegralType b -> PrimFun (a -> (b, a))

  -- operators from RealFloat
  PrimAtan2          :: FloatingType a -> PrimFun ((a, a) -> a)
  PrimIsNaN          :: FloatingType a -> PrimFun (a -> Bool)
  PrimIsInfinite     :: FloatingType a -> PrimFun (a -> Bool)

  -- relational and equality operators
  PrimLt   :: SingleType a -> PrimFun ((a, a) -> Bool)
  PrimGt   :: SingleType a -> PrimFun ((a, a) -> Bool)
  PrimLtEq :: SingleType a -> PrimFun ((a, a) -> Bool)
  PrimGtEq :: SingleType a -> PrimFun ((a, a) -> Bool)
  PrimEq   :: SingleType a -> PrimFun ((a, a) -> Bool)
  PrimNEq  :: SingleType a -> PrimFun ((a, a) -> Bool)
  PrimMax  :: SingleType a -> PrimFun ((a, a) -> a   )
  PrimMin  :: SingleType a -> PrimFun ((a, a) -> a   )

  -- logical operators
  PrimLAnd :: PrimFun ((Bool, Bool) -> Bool)
  PrimLOr  :: PrimFun ((Bool, Bool) -> Bool)
  PrimLNot :: PrimFun (Bool         -> Bool)

  -- character conversions
  PrimOrd  :: PrimFun (Char -> Int)
  PrimChr  :: PrimFun (Int  -> Char)

  -- boolean conversion
  PrimBoolToInt :: PrimFun (Bool -> Int)

  -- general conversion between types
  PrimFromIntegral :: IntegralType a -> NumType b -> PrimFun (a -> b)
  PrimToFloating   :: NumType a -> FloatingType b -> PrimFun (a -> b)

-- NFData instances
-- ================

instance NFData (OpenAfun aenv f) where
  rnf = rnfOpenAfun

instance NFData (OpenAcc aenv t) where
  rnf = rnfOpenAcc

-- instance NFData (Seq t) where
--   rnf = rnfPreOpenSeq rnfOpenAcc

instance NFData (OpenExp env aenv t) where
  rnf = rnfPreOpenExp rnfOpenAcc

instance NFData (OpenFun env aenv t) where
  rnf = rnfPreOpenFun rnfOpenAcc

-- Array expressions
-- -----------------

type NFDataAcc acc = forall aenv t. acc aenv t -> ()

rnfIdx :: Idx env t -> ()
rnfIdx ZeroIdx      = ()
rnfIdx (SuccIdx ix) = rnfIdx ix

rnfTupleIdx :: TupleIdx t e -> ()
rnfTupleIdx ZeroTupIdx       = ()
rnfTupleIdx (SuccTupIdx tix) = rnfTupleIdx tix

rnfOpenAfun :: OpenAfun aenv t -> ()
rnfOpenAfun = rnfPreOpenAfun rnfOpenAcc

rnfOpenAcc :: OpenAcc aenv t -> ()
rnfOpenAcc (OpenAcc pacc) = rnfPreOpenAcc rnfOpenAcc pacc

rnfPreOpenAfun :: NFDataAcc acc -> PreOpenAfun acc aenv t -> ()
rnfPreOpenAfun rnfA (Abody b) = rnfA b
rnfPreOpenAfun rnfA (Alam f)  = rnfPreOpenAfun rnfA f

rnfPreOpenAcc :: forall acc aenv t. NFDataAcc acc -> PreOpenAcc acc aenv t -> ()
rnfPreOpenAcc rnfA pacc =
      rnfAF :: PreOpenAfun acc aenv' t' -> ()
      rnfAF = rnfPreOpenAfun rnfA

      rnfE :: PreOpenExp acc env' aenv' t' -> ()
      rnfE = rnfPreOpenExp rnfA

      rnfF :: PreOpenFun acc env' aenv' t' -> ()
      rnfF = rnfPreOpenFun rnfA

      -- rnfS :: PreOpenSeq acc aenv' senv' t' -> ()
      -- rnfS = rnfPreOpenSeq rnfA

      rnfB :: PreBoundary acc aenv' (Array sh e) -> ()
      rnfB = rnfBoundary rnfA
  case pacc of
    Alet bnd body             -> rnfA bnd `seq` rnfA body
    Avar ix                   -> rnfIdx ix
    Atuple atup               -> rnfAtuple rnfA atup
    Aprj tix a                -> rnfTupleIdx tix `seq` rnfA a
    Apply afun acc            -> rnfAF afun `seq` rnfA acc
    Aforeign asm afun a       -> rnf (strForeign asm) `seq` rnfAF afun `seq` rnfA a
    Acond p a1 a2             -> rnfE p `seq` rnfA a1 `seq` rnfA a2
    Awhile p f a              -> rnfAF p `seq` rnfAF f `seq` rnfA a
    Use arrs                  -> rnfArrays (arrays (undefined::t)) arrs
    Unit x                    -> rnfE x
    Reshape sh a              -> rnfE sh `seq` rnfA a
    Generate sh f             -> rnfE sh `seq` rnfF f
    Transform sh p f a        -> rnfE sh `seq` rnfF p `seq` rnfF f `seq` rnfA a
    Replicate slice sh a      -> rnfSliceIndex slice `seq` rnfE sh `seq` rnfA a
    Slice slice a sh          -> rnfSliceIndex slice `seq` rnfE sh `seq` rnfA a
    Map f a                   -> rnfF f `seq` rnfA a
    ZipWith f a1 a2           -> rnfF f `seq` rnfA a1 `seq` rnfA a2
    Fold f z a                -> rnfF f `seq` rnfE z `seq` rnfA a
    Fold1 f a                 -> rnfF f `seq` rnfA a
    FoldSeg f z a s           -> rnfF f `seq` rnfE z `seq` rnfA a `seq` rnfA s
    Fold1Seg f a s            -> rnfF f `seq` rnfA a `seq` rnfA s
    Scanl f z a               -> rnfF f `seq` rnfE z `seq` rnfA a
    Scanl1 f a                -> rnfF f `seq` rnfA a
    Scanl' f z a              -> rnfF f `seq` rnfE z `seq` rnfA a
    Scanr f z a               -> rnfF f `seq` rnfE z `seq` rnfA a
    Scanr1 f a                -> rnfF f `seq` rnfA a
    Scanr' f z a              -> rnfF f `seq` rnfE z `seq` rnfA a
    Permute f d p a           -> rnfF f `seq` rnfA d `seq` rnfF p `seq` rnfA a
    Backpermute sh f a        -> rnfE sh `seq` rnfF f `seq` rnfA a
    Stencil f b a             -> rnfF f `seq` rnfB b  `seq` rnfA a
    Stencil2 f b1 a1 b2 a2    -> rnfF f `seq` rnfB b1 `seq` rnfB b2 `seq` rnfA a1 `seq` rnfA a2
    -- Collect s                 -> rnfS s

rnfAtuple :: NFDataAcc acc -> Atuple (acc aenv) t -> ()
rnfAtuple _    NilAtup          = ()
rnfAtuple rnfA (SnocAtup tup a) = rnfAtuple rnfA tup `seq` rnfA a

rnfArrays :: ArraysR arrs -> arrs -> ()
rnfArrays ArraysRunit           ()      = ()
rnfArrays ArraysRarray          arr     = rnf arr
rnfArrays (ArraysRpair ar1 ar2) (a1,a2) = rnfArrays ar1 a1 `seq` rnfArrays ar2 a2

rnfBoundary :: forall acc aenv sh e. NFDataAcc acc -> PreBoundary acc aenv (Array sh e) -> ()
rnfBoundary _    Clamp        = ()
rnfBoundary _    Mirror       = ()
rnfBoundary _    Wrap         = ()
rnfBoundary _    (Constant c) = rnfConst (eltType (undefined::e)) c
rnfBoundary rnfA (Function f) = rnfPreOpenFun rnfA f

-- Sequence expressions
-- --------------------

rnfPreOpenSeq :: forall acc aenv senv t. NFDataAcc acc -> PreOpenSeq acc aenv senv t -> ()
rnfPreOpenSeq rnfA topSeq =
      rnfS :: PreOpenSeq acc aenv' senv' t' -> ()
      rnfS = rnfPreOpenSeq rnfA

      rnfP :: Producer acc aenv' senv' t' -> ()
      rnfP = rnfSeqProducer rnfA

      rnfC :: Consumer acc aenv' senv' t' -> ()
      rnfC = rnfSeqConsumer rnfA
  case topSeq of
    Producer p s              -> rnfP p `seq` rnfS s
    Consumer c                -> rnfC c
    Reify ix                  -> rnfIdx ix

rnfSeqProducer :: forall acc aenv senv t. NFDataAcc acc -> Producer acc aenv senv t -> ()
rnfSeqProducer rnfA topSeq =
      rnfArrs :: forall a. Arrays a => [a] -> ()
      rnfArrs []     = ()
      rnfArrs (a:as) = rnfArrays (arrays (undefined::a)) (fromArr a) `seq` rnfArrs as

      rnfAF :: PreOpenAfun acc aenv' t' -> ()
      rnfAF = rnfPreOpenAfun rnfA

      rnfF :: PreOpenFun acc env' aenv' t' -> ()
      rnfF = rnfPreOpenFun rnfA

      rnfE :: PreOpenExp acc env' aenv' t' -> ()
      rnfE = rnfPreOpenExp rnfA
  case topSeq of
    StreamIn as               -> rnfArrs as
    ToSeq slice _ a           -> rnfSliceIndex slice `seq` rnfA a
    MapSeq f ix               -> rnfAF f `seq` rnfIdx ix
    ChunkedMapSeq f ix        -> rnfAF f `seq` rnfIdx ix
    ZipWithSeq f ix1 ix2      -> rnfAF f `seq` rnfIdx ix1 `seq` rnfIdx ix2
    ScanSeq f z ix            -> rnfF f `seq` rnfE z `seq` rnfIdx ix

rnfSeqConsumer :: forall acc aenv senv t. NFDataAcc acc -> Consumer acc aenv senv t -> ()
rnfSeqConsumer rnfA topSeq =
      rnfAF :: PreOpenAfun acc aenv' t' -> ()
      rnfAF = rnfPreOpenAfun rnfA

      rnfF :: PreOpenFun acc env' aenv' t' -> ()
      rnfF = rnfPreOpenFun rnfA

      rnfE :: PreOpenExp acc env' aenv' t' -> ()
      rnfE = rnfPreOpenExp rnfA
  case topSeq of
    FoldSeq f z ix            -> rnfF f `seq` rnfE z `seq` rnfIdx ix
    FoldSeqFlatten f a ix     -> rnfAF f `seq` rnfA a `seq` rnfIdx ix
    Stuple stup               -> rnfStuple rnfA stup

rnfStuple :: NFDataAcc acc -> Atuple (Consumer acc aenv senv) t -> ()
rnfStuple _    NilAtup          = ()
rnfStuple rnfA (SnocAtup tup c) = rnfStuple rnfA tup `seq` rnfSeqConsumer rnfA c

-- Scalar expressions
-- ------------------

rnfPreOpenFun :: NFDataAcc acc -> PreOpenFun acc env aenv t -> ()
rnfPreOpenFun rnfA (Body b) = rnfPreOpenExp rnfA b
rnfPreOpenFun rnfA (Lam f)  = rnfPreOpenFun rnfA f

rnfPreOpenExp :: forall acc env aenv t. NFDataAcc acc -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv t -> ()
rnfPreOpenExp rnfA topExp =
      rnfF :: PreOpenFun acc env' aenv' t' -> ()
      rnfF = rnfPreOpenFun rnfA

      rnfE :: PreOpenExp acc env' aenv' t' -> ()
      rnfE = rnfPreOpenExp rnfA
  case topExp of
    Let bnd body              -> rnfE bnd `seq` rnfE body
    Var ix                    -> rnfIdx ix
    Foreign asm f x           -> rnf (strForeign asm) `seq` rnfF f `seq` rnfE x
    Const t                   -> rnfConst (eltType (undefined::t)) t
    Undef                     -> ()
    Tuple t                   -> rnfTuple rnfA t
    Prj ix e                  -> rnfTupleIdx ix `seq` rnfE e
    IndexNil                  -> ()
    IndexCons sh sz           -> rnfE sh `seq` rnfE sz
    IndexHead sh              -> rnfE sh
    IndexTail sh              -> rnfE sh
    IndexAny                  -> ()
    IndexSlice slice slix sh  -> rnfSliceIndex slice `seq` rnfE slix `seq` rnfE sh
    IndexFull slice slix sl   -> rnfSliceIndex slice `seq` rnfE slix `seq` rnfE sl
    ToIndex sh ix             -> rnfE sh `seq` rnfE ix
    FromIndex sh ix           -> rnfE sh `seq` rnfE ix
    Cond p e1 e2              -> rnfE p `seq` rnfE e1 `seq` rnfE e2
    While p f x               -> rnfF p `seq` rnfF f `seq` rnfE x
    PrimConst c               -> rnfPrimConst c
    PrimApp f x               -> rnfPrimFun f `seq` rnfE x
    Index a ix                -> rnfA a `seq` rnfE ix
    LinearIndex a ix          -> rnfA a `seq` rnfE ix
    Shape a                   -> rnfA a
    ShapeSize sh              -> rnfE sh
    Intersect sh1 sh2         -> rnfE sh1 `seq` rnfE sh2
    Union sh1 sh2             -> rnfE sh1 `seq` rnfE sh2
    Coerce e                  -> rnfE e

rnfTuple :: NFDataAcc acc -> Tuple (PreOpenExp acc env aenv) t -> ()
rnfTuple _    NilTup        = ()
rnfTuple rnfA (SnocTup t e) = rnfTuple rnfA t `seq` rnfPreOpenExp rnfA e

rnfConst :: TupleType t -> t -> ()
rnfConst TypeRunit          ()    = ()
rnfConst (TypeRscalar t)    !_    = rnfScalarType t  -- scalars should have (nf == whnf)
rnfConst (TypeRpair ta tb)  (a,b) = rnfConst ta a `seq` rnfConst tb b

rnfPrimConst :: PrimConst c -> ()
rnfPrimConst (PrimMinBound t) = rnfBoundedType t
rnfPrimConst (PrimMaxBound t) = rnfBoundedType t
rnfPrimConst (PrimPi t)       = rnfFloatingType t

rnfPrimFun :: PrimFun f -> ()
rnfPrimFun (PrimAdd t)                = rnfNumType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimSub t)                = rnfNumType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimMul t)                = rnfNumType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimNeg t)                = rnfNumType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimAbs t)                = rnfNumType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimSig t)                = rnfNumType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimQuot t)               = rnfIntegralType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimRem t)                = rnfIntegralType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimQuotRem t)            = rnfIntegralType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimIDiv t)               = rnfIntegralType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimMod t)                = rnfIntegralType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimDivMod t)             = rnfIntegralType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimBAnd t)               = rnfIntegralType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimBOr t)                = rnfIntegralType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimBXor t)               = rnfIntegralType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimBNot t)               = rnfIntegralType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimBShiftL t)            = rnfIntegralType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimBShiftR t)            = rnfIntegralType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimBRotateL t)           = rnfIntegralType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimBRotateR t)           = rnfIntegralType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimPopCount t)           = rnfIntegralType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimCountLeadingZeros t)  = rnfIntegralType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimCountTrailingZeros t) = rnfIntegralType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimFDiv t)               = rnfFloatingType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimRecip t)              = rnfFloatingType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimSin t)                = rnfFloatingType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimCos t)                = rnfFloatingType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimTan t)                = rnfFloatingType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimAsin t)               = rnfFloatingType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimAcos t)               = rnfFloatingType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimAtan t)               = rnfFloatingType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimSinh t)               = rnfFloatingType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimCosh t)               = rnfFloatingType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimTanh t)               = rnfFloatingType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimAsinh t)              = rnfFloatingType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimAcosh t)              = rnfFloatingType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimAtanh t)              = rnfFloatingType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimExpFloating t)        = rnfFloatingType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimSqrt t)               = rnfFloatingType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimLog t)                = rnfFloatingType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimFPow t)               = rnfFloatingType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimLogBase t)            = rnfFloatingType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimTruncate f i)         = rnfFloatingType f `seq` rnfIntegralType i
rnfPrimFun (PrimRound f i)            = rnfFloatingType f `seq` rnfIntegralType i
rnfPrimFun (PrimFloor f i)            = rnfFloatingType f `seq` rnfIntegralType i
rnfPrimFun (PrimCeiling f i)          = rnfFloatingType f `seq` rnfIntegralType i
rnfPrimFun (PrimIsNaN t)              = rnfFloatingType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimIsInfinite t)         = rnfFloatingType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimAtan2 t)              = rnfFloatingType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimLt t)                 = rnfSingleType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimGt t)                 = rnfSingleType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimLtEq t)               = rnfSingleType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimGtEq t)               = rnfSingleType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimEq t)                 = rnfSingleType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimNEq t)                = rnfSingleType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimMax t)                = rnfSingleType t
rnfPrimFun (PrimMin t)                = rnfSingleType t
rnfPrimFun PrimLAnd                   = ()
rnfPrimFun PrimLOr                    = ()
rnfPrimFun PrimLNot                   = ()
rnfPrimFun PrimOrd                    = ()
rnfPrimFun PrimChr                    = ()
rnfPrimFun PrimBoolToInt              = ()
rnfPrimFun (PrimFromIntegral i n)     = rnfIntegralType i `seq` rnfNumType n
rnfPrimFun (PrimToFloating n f)       = rnfNumType n `seq` rnfFloatingType f

rnfSliceIndex :: SliceIndex ix slice co sh -> ()
rnfSliceIndex SliceNil        = ()
rnfSliceIndex (SliceAll sh)   = rnfSliceIndex sh
rnfSliceIndex (SliceFixed sh) = rnfSliceIndex sh

rnfScalarType :: ScalarType t -> ()
rnfScalarType (SingleScalarType t) = rnfSingleType t
rnfScalarType (VectorScalarType t) = rnfVectorType t

rnfSingleType :: SingleType t -> ()
rnfSingleType (NumSingleType t)    = rnfNumType t
rnfSingleType (NonNumSingleType t) = rnfNonNumType t

rnfVectorType :: VectorType t -> ()
rnfVectorType (Vector2Type t)  = rnfSingleType t
rnfVectorType (Vector3Type t)  = rnfSingleType t
rnfVectorType (Vector4Type t)  = rnfSingleType t
rnfVectorType (Vector8Type t)  = rnfSingleType t
rnfVectorType (Vector16Type t) = rnfSingleType t

rnfBoundedType :: BoundedType t -> ()
rnfBoundedType (IntegralBoundedType t) = rnfIntegralType t
rnfBoundedType (NonNumBoundedType t)   = rnfNonNumType t

rnfNumType :: NumType t -> ()
rnfNumType (IntegralNumType t) = rnfIntegralType t
rnfNumType (FloatingNumType t) = rnfFloatingType t

rnfNonNumType :: NonNumType t -> ()
rnfNonNumType (TypeBool   NonNumDict) = ()
rnfNonNumType (TypeChar   NonNumDict) = ()
rnfNonNumType (TypeCChar  NonNumDict) = ()
rnfNonNumType (TypeCSChar NonNumDict) = ()
rnfNonNumType (TypeCUChar NonNumDict) = ()

rnfIntegralType :: IntegralType t -> ()
rnfIntegralType (TypeInt     IntegralDict) = ()
rnfIntegralType (TypeInt8    IntegralDict) = ()
rnfIntegralType (TypeInt16   IntegralDict) = ()
rnfIntegralType (TypeInt32   IntegralDict) = ()
rnfIntegralType (TypeInt64   IntegralDict) = ()
rnfIntegralType (TypeWord    IntegralDict) = ()
rnfIntegralType (TypeWord8   IntegralDict) = ()
rnfIntegralType (TypeWord16  IntegralDict) = ()
rnfIntegralType (TypeWord32  IntegralDict) = ()
rnfIntegralType (TypeWord64  IntegralDict) = ()
rnfIntegralType (TypeCShort  IntegralDict) = ()
rnfIntegralType (TypeCUShort IntegralDict) = ()
rnfIntegralType (TypeCInt    IntegralDict) = ()
rnfIntegralType (TypeCUInt   IntegralDict) = ()
rnfIntegralType (TypeCLong   IntegralDict) = ()
rnfIntegralType (TypeCULong  IntegralDict) = ()
rnfIntegralType (TypeCLLong  IntegralDict) = ()
rnfIntegralType (TypeCULLong IntegralDict) = ()

rnfFloatingType :: FloatingType t -> ()
rnfFloatingType (TypeHalf    FloatingDict) = ()
rnfFloatingType (TypeFloat   FloatingDict) = ()
rnfFloatingType (TypeDouble  FloatingDict) = ()
rnfFloatingType (TypeCFloat  FloatingDict) = ()
rnfFloatingType (TypeCDouble FloatingDict) = ()

-- Template Haskell
-- ================

type LiftAcc acc = forall aenv a. acc aenv a -> Q (TExp (acc aenv a))

liftIdx :: Idx env t -> Q (TExp (Idx env t))
liftIdx ZeroIdx      = [|| ZeroIdx ||]
liftIdx (SuccIdx ix) = [|| SuccIdx $$(liftIdx ix) ||]

liftTupleIdx :: TupleIdx t e -> Q (TExp (TupleIdx t e))
liftTupleIdx ZeroTupIdx       = [|| ZeroTupIdx ||]
liftTupleIdx (SuccTupIdx tix) = [|| SuccTupIdx $$(liftTupleIdx tix) ||]

liftPreOpenAfun :: LiftAcc acc -> PreOpenAfun acc aenv t -> Q (TExp (PreOpenAfun acc aenv t))
liftPreOpenAfun liftA (Alam f)  = [|| Alam  $$(liftPreOpenAfun liftA f) ||]
liftPreOpenAfun liftA (Abody b) = [|| Abody $$(liftA b) ||]

    :: forall acc aenv a.
       LiftAcc acc
    -> PreOpenAcc acc aenv a
    -> Q (TExp (PreOpenAcc acc aenv a))
liftPreOpenAcc liftA pacc =
      liftE :: PreOpenExp acc env aenv t -> Q (TExp (PreOpenExp acc env aenv t))
      liftE = liftPreOpenExp liftA

      liftF :: PreOpenFun acc env aenv t -> Q (TExp (PreOpenFun acc env aenv t))
      liftF = liftPreOpenFun liftA

      liftAF :: PreOpenAfun acc aenv f -> Q (TExp (PreOpenAfun acc aenv f))
      liftAF = liftPreOpenAfun liftA

      liftB :: PreBoundary acc aenv (Array sh e) -> Q (TExp (PreBoundary acc aenv (Array sh e)))
      liftB = liftBoundary liftA

      liftAtuple :: Atuple (acc aenv) t -> Q (TExp (Atuple (acc aenv) t))
      liftAtuple NilAtup          = [|| NilAtup ||]
      liftAtuple (SnocAtup tup a) = [|| SnocAtup $$(liftAtuple tup) $$(liftA a) ||]
  case pacc of
    Alet bnd body             -> [|| Alet $$(liftA bnd) $$(liftA body) ||]
    Avar ix                   -> [|| Avar $$(liftIdx ix) ||]
    Atuple tup                -> [|| Atuple $$(liftAtuple tup) ||]
    Aprj tix a                -> [|| Aprj $$(liftTupleIdx tix) $$(liftA a) ||]
    Apply f a                 -> [|| Apply $$(liftAF f) $$(liftA a) ||]
    Aforeign asm f a          -> [|| Aforeign $$(liftForeign asm) $$(liftPreOpenAfun liftA f) $$(liftA a) ||]
    Acond p t e               -> [|| Acond $$(liftE p) $$(liftA t) $$(liftA e) ||]
    Awhile p f a              -> [|| Awhile $$(liftAF p) $$(liftAF f) $$(liftA a) ||]
    Use a                     -> [|| Use $$(liftArrays (arrays (undefined::a)) a) ||]
    Unit e                    -> [|| Unit $$(liftE e) ||]
    Reshape sh a              -> [|| Reshape $$(liftE sh) $$(liftA a) ||]
    Generate sh f             -> [|| Generate $$(liftE sh) $$(liftF f) ||]
    Transform sh p f a        -> [|| Transform $$(liftE sh) $$(liftF p) $$(liftF f) $$(liftA a) ||]
    Replicate slix sl a       -> [|| Replicate $$(liftSliceIndex slix) $$(liftE sl) $$(liftA a) ||]
    Slice slix a sh           -> [|| Slice $$(liftSliceIndex slix) $$(liftA a) $$(liftE sh) ||]
    Map f a                   -> [|| Map $$(liftF f) $$(liftA a) ||]
    ZipWith f a b             -> [|| ZipWith $$(liftF f) $$(liftA a) $$(liftA b) ||]
    Fold f z a                -> [|| Fold $$(liftF f) $$(liftE z) $$(liftA a) ||]
    Fold1 f a                 -> [|| Fold1 $$(liftF f) $$(liftA a) ||]
    FoldSeg f z a s           -> [|| FoldSeg $$(liftF f) $$(liftE z) $$(liftA a) $$(liftA s) ||]
    Fold1Seg f a s            -> [|| Fold1Seg $$(liftF f) $$(liftA a) $$(liftA s) ||]
    Scanl f z a               -> [|| Scanl $$(liftF f) $$(liftE z) $$(liftA a) ||]
    Scanl1 f a                -> [|| Scanl1 $$(liftF f) $$(liftA a) ||]
    Scanl' f z a              -> [|| Scanl' $$(liftF f) $$(liftE z) $$(liftA a) ||]
    Scanr f z a               -> [|| Scanr $$(liftF f) $$(liftE z) $$(liftA a) ||]
    Scanr1 f a                -> [|| Scanr1 $$(liftF f) $$(liftA a) ||]
    Scanr' f z a              -> [|| Scanr' $$(liftF f) $$(liftE z) $$(liftA a) ||]
    Permute f d p a           -> [|| Permute $$(liftF f) $$(liftA d) $$(liftF p) $$(liftA a) ||]
    Backpermute sh p a        -> [|| Backpermute $$(liftE sh) $$(liftF p) $$(liftA a) ||]
    Stencil f b a             -> [|| Stencil $$(liftF f) $$(liftB b) $$(liftA a) ||]
    Stencil2 f b1 a1 b2 a2    -> [|| Stencil2 $$(liftF f) $$(liftB b1) $$(liftA a1) $$(liftB b2) $$(liftA a2) ||]

    :: LiftAcc acc
    -> PreOpenFun acc env aenv t
    -> Q (TExp (PreOpenFun acc env aenv t))
liftPreOpenFun liftA (Lam f)  = [|| Lam  $$(liftPreOpenFun liftA f) ||]
liftPreOpenFun liftA (Body b) = [|| Body $$(liftPreOpenExp liftA b) ||]

    :: forall acc env aenv t.
       LiftAcc acc
    -> PreOpenExp acc env aenv t
    -> Q (TExp (PreOpenExp acc env aenv t))
liftPreOpenExp liftA pexp =
      liftE :: PreOpenExp acc env aenv e -> Q (TExp (PreOpenExp acc env aenv e))
      liftE = liftPreOpenExp liftA

      liftF :: PreOpenFun acc env aenv f -> Q (TExp (PreOpenFun acc env aenv f))
      liftF = liftPreOpenFun liftA

      liftT :: Tuple (PreOpenExp acc env aenv) e -> Q (TExp (Tuple (PreOpenExp acc env aenv) e))
      liftT NilTup          = [|| NilTup ||]
      liftT (SnocTup tup e) = [|| SnocTup $$(liftT tup) $$(liftE e) ||]
  case pexp of
    Let bnd body              -> [|| Let $$(liftPreOpenExp liftA bnd) $$(liftPreOpenExp liftA body) ||]
    Var ix                    -> [|| Var $$(liftIdx ix) ||]
    Foreign asm f x           -> [|| Foreign $$(liftForeign asm) $$(liftPreOpenFun liftA f) $$(liftE x) ||]
    Const c                   -> [|| Const $$(liftConst (eltType (undefined::t)) c) ||]
    Undef                     -> [|| Undef ||]
    Tuple tup                 -> [|| Tuple $$(liftT tup) ||]
    Prj tix e                 -> [|| Prj $$(liftTupleIdx tix) $$(liftE e) ||]
    IndexNil                  -> [|| IndexNil ||]
    IndexCons sh sz           -> [|| IndexCons $$(liftE sh) $$(liftE sz) ||]
    IndexHead sh              -> [|| IndexHead $$(liftE sh) ||]
    IndexTail sh              -> [|| IndexTail $$(liftE sh) ||]
    IndexAny                  -> [|| IndexAny ||]
    IndexSlice slice slix sh  -> [|| IndexSlice $$(liftSliceIndex slice) $$(liftE slix) $$(liftE sh) ||]
    IndexFull slice slix sl   -> [|| IndexFull $$(liftSliceIndex slice) $$(liftE slix) $$(liftE sl) ||]
    ToIndex sh ix             -> [|| ToIndex $$(liftE sh) $$(liftE ix) ||]
    FromIndex sh ix           -> [|| FromIndex $$(liftE sh) $$(liftE ix) ||]
    Cond p t e                -> [|| Cond $$(liftE p) $$(liftE t) $$(liftE e) ||]
    While p f x               -> [|| While $$(liftF p) $$(liftF f) $$(liftE x) ||]
    PrimConst t               -> [|| PrimConst $$(liftPrimConst t) ||]
    PrimApp f x               -> [|| PrimApp $$(liftPrimFun f) $$(liftE x) ||]
    Index a ix                -> [|| Index $$(liftA a) $$(liftE ix) ||]
    LinearIndex a ix          -> [|| LinearIndex $$(liftA a) $$(liftE ix) ||]
    Shape a                   -> [|| Shape $$(liftA a) ||]
    ShapeSize ix              -> [|| ShapeSize $$(liftE ix) ||]
    Intersect sh1 sh2         -> [|| Intersect $$(liftE sh1) $$(liftE sh2) ||]
    Union sh1 sh2             -> [|| Union $$(liftE sh1) $$(liftE sh2) ||]
    Coerce e                  -> [|| Coerce $$(liftE e) ||]

liftArrays :: ArraysR arr -> arr -> Q (TExp arr)
liftArrays ArraysRunit ()              = [|| () ||]
liftArrays ArraysRarray arr            = [|| $$(liftArray arr) ||]
liftArrays (ArraysRpair r1 r2) (a1,a2) = [|| ($$(liftArrays r1 a1), $$(liftArrays r2 a2)) ||]

liftArray :: forall sh e. Array sh e -> Q (TExp (Array sh e))
liftArray (Array sh adata) =
  [|| Array $$(liftConst (eltType (undefined::sh)) sh) $$(go arrayElt adata) ||] `sigE` typeRepToType (typeOf (undefined::Array sh e))
    sz :: Int
    sz = size sh

    sigE :: Q (TExp t) -> Q TH.Type -> Q (TExp t)
    sigE e t = TH.unsafeTExpCoerce $ TH.sigE (TH.unTypeQ e) t

    typeRepToType :: TypeRep -> Q TH.Type
    typeRepToType trep = do
      let (con, args)     = splitTyConApp trep
          name            = TH.Name (TH.OccName (tyConName con)) (TH.NameG TH.TcClsName (TH.PkgName (tyConPackage con)) (TH.ModName (tyConModule con)))
          appsT x []      = x
          appsT x (y:xs)  = appsT (TH.AppT x y) xs
      resultArgs <- mapM typeRepToType args
      return (appsT (TH.ConT name) resultArgs)

    -- TODO: make sure that the resulting array is 16-byte aligned...
    arr :: forall a. (ArrayElt a, Storable a) => UniqueArray a -> Q (TExp (UniqueArray a))
    arr ua = do
      bytes <- TH.runIO $ peekArray (sizeOf (undefined::a) * sz) (castPtr (unsafeUniqueArrayPtr ua) :: Ptr Word8)
      [|| unsafePerformIO $ do
           fp  <- newForeignPtr_ $$( TH.unsafeTExpCoerce [| Ptr $(TH.litE (TH.StringPrimL bytes)) |] )
           ua' <- newUniqueArray (castForeignPtr fp)
           return ua'

    go :: ArrayEltR e' -> ArrayData e' -> Q (TExp (ArrayData e'))
    go ArrayEltRunit         AD_Unit         = [|| AD_Unit ||]
    go ArrayEltRint          (AD_Int ua)     = [|| AD_Int $$(arr ua) ||]
    go ArrayEltRint8         (AD_Int8 ua)    = [|| AD_Int8 $$(arr ua) ||]
    go ArrayEltRint16        (AD_Int16 ua)   = [|| AD_Int16 $$(arr ua) ||]
    go ArrayEltRint32        (AD_Int32 ua)   = [|| AD_Int32 $$(arr ua) ||]
    go ArrayEltRint64        (AD_Int64 ua)   = [|| AD_Int64 $$(arr ua) ||]
    go ArrayEltRword         (AD_Word ua)    = [|| AD_Word $$(arr ua) ||]
    go ArrayEltRword8        (AD_Word8 ua)   = [|| AD_Word8 $$(arr ua) ||]
    go ArrayEltRword16       (AD_Word16 ua)  = [|| AD_Word16 $$(arr ua) ||]
    go ArrayEltRword32       (AD_Word32 ua)  = [|| AD_Word32 $$(arr ua) ||]
    go ArrayEltRword64       (AD_Word64 ua)  = [|| AD_Word64 $$(arr ua) ||]
    go ArrayEltRcshort       (AD_CShort ua)  = [|| AD_CShort $$(arr ua) ||]
    go ArrayEltRcushort      (AD_CUShort ua) = [|| AD_CUShort $$(arr ua) ||]
    go ArrayEltRcint         (AD_CInt ua)    = [|| AD_CInt $$(arr ua) ||]
    go ArrayEltRcuint        (AD_CUInt ua)   = [|| AD_CUInt $$(arr ua) ||]
    go ArrayEltRclong        (AD_CLong ua)   = [|| AD_CLong $$(arr ua) ||]
    go ArrayEltRculong       (AD_CULong ua)  = [|| AD_CULong $$(arr ua) ||]
    go ArrayEltRcllong       (AD_CLLong ua)  = [|| AD_CLLong $$(arr ua) ||]
    go ArrayEltRcullong      (AD_CULLong ua) = [|| AD_CULLong $$(arr ua) ||]
    go ArrayEltRhalf         (AD_Half ua)    = [|| AD_Half $$(arr ua) ||]
    go ArrayEltRfloat        (AD_Float ua)   = [|| AD_Float $$(arr ua) ||]
    go ArrayEltRdouble       (AD_Double ua)  = [|| AD_Double $$(arr ua) ||]
    go ArrayEltRcfloat       (AD_CFloat ua)  = [|| AD_CFloat $$(arr ua) ||]
    go ArrayEltRcdouble      (AD_CDouble ua) = [|| AD_CDouble $$(arr ua) ||]
    go ArrayEltRbool         (AD_Bool ua)    = [|| AD_Bool $$(arr ua) ||]
    go ArrayEltRchar         (AD_Char ua)    = [|| AD_Char $$(arr ua) ||]
    go ArrayEltRcchar        (AD_CChar ua)   = [|| AD_CChar $$(arr ua) ||]
    go ArrayEltRcschar       (AD_CSChar ua)  = [|| AD_CSChar $$(arr ua) ||]
    go ArrayEltRcuchar       (AD_CUChar ua)  = [|| AD_CUChar $$(arr ua) ||]
    go (ArrayEltRvec2 r)     (AD_V2 a)       = [|| AD_V2 $$(go r a) ||]
    go (ArrayEltRvec3 r)     (AD_V3 a)       = [|| AD_V3 $$(go r a) ||]
    go (ArrayEltRvec4 r)     (AD_V4 a)       = [|| AD_V4 $$(go r a) ||]
    go (ArrayEltRvec8 r)     (AD_V8 a)       = [|| AD_V8 $$(go r a) ||]
    go (ArrayEltRvec16 r)    (AD_V16 a)      = [|| AD_V16 $$(go r a) ||]
    go (ArrayEltRpair r1 r2) (AD_Pair a1 a2) = [|| AD_Pair $$(go r1 a1) $$(go r2 a2) ||]

    :: forall acc aenv sh e.
       LiftAcc acc
    -> PreBoundary acc aenv (Array sh e)
    -> Q (TExp (PreBoundary acc aenv (Array sh e)))
liftBoundary _     Clamp        = [|| Clamp ||]
liftBoundary _     Mirror       = [|| Mirror ||]
liftBoundary _     Wrap         = [|| Wrap ||]
liftBoundary _     (Constant v) = [|| Constant $$(liftConst (eltType (undefined::e)) v) ||]
liftBoundary liftA (Function f) = [|| Function $$(liftPreOpenFun liftA f) ||]

liftSliceIndex :: SliceIndex ix slice coSlice sliceDim -> Q (TExp (SliceIndex ix slice coSlice sliceDim))
liftSliceIndex SliceNil          = [|| SliceNil ||]
liftSliceIndex (SliceAll rest)   = [|| SliceAll $$(liftSliceIndex rest) ||]
liftSliceIndex (SliceFixed rest) = [|| SliceFixed $$(liftSliceIndex rest) ||]

liftPrimConst :: PrimConst c -> Q (TExp (PrimConst c))
liftPrimConst (PrimMinBound t) = [|| PrimMinBound $$(liftBoundedType t) ||]
liftPrimConst (PrimMaxBound t) = [|| PrimMaxBound $$(liftBoundedType t) ||]
liftPrimConst (PrimPi t)       = [|| PrimPi $$(liftFloatingType t) ||]

liftPrimFun :: PrimFun f -> Q (TExp (PrimFun f))
liftPrimFun (PrimAdd t)                = [|| PrimAdd $$(liftNumType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimSub t)                = [|| PrimSub $$(liftNumType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimMul t)                = [|| PrimMul $$(liftNumType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimNeg t)                = [|| PrimNeg $$(liftNumType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimAbs t)                = [|| PrimAbs $$(liftNumType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimSig t)                = [|| PrimSig $$(liftNumType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimQuot t)               = [|| PrimQuot $$(liftIntegralType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimRem t)                = [|| PrimRem $$(liftIntegralType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimQuotRem t)            = [|| PrimQuotRem $$(liftIntegralType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimIDiv t)               = [|| PrimIDiv $$(liftIntegralType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimMod t)                = [|| PrimMod $$(liftIntegralType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimDivMod t)             = [|| PrimDivMod $$(liftIntegralType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimBAnd t)               = [|| PrimBAnd $$(liftIntegralType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimBOr t)                = [|| PrimBOr $$(liftIntegralType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimBXor t)               = [|| PrimBXor $$(liftIntegralType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimBNot t)               = [|| PrimBNot $$(liftIntegralType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimBShiftL t)            = [|| PrimBShiftL $$(liftIntegralType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimBShiftR t)            = [|| PrimBShiftR $$(liftIntegralType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimBRotateL t)           = [|| PrimBRotateL $$(liftIntegralType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimBRotateR t)           = [|| PrimBRotateR $$(liftIntegralType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimPopCount t)           = [|| PrimPopCount $$(liftIntegralType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimCountLeadingZeros t)  = [|| PrimCountLeadingZeros $$(liftIntegralType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimCountTrailingZeros t) = [|| PrimCountTrailingZeros $$(liftIntegralType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimFDiv t)               = [|| PrimFDiv $$(liftFloatingType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimRecip t)              = [|| PrimRecip $$(liftFloatingType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimSin t)                = [|| PrimSin $$(liftFloatingType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimCos t)                = [|| PrimCos $$(liftFloatingType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimTan t)                = [|| PrimTan $$(liftFloatingType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimAsin t)               = [|| PrimAsin $$(liftFloatingType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimAcos t)               = [|| PrimAcos $$(liftFloatingType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimAtan t)               = [|| PrimAtan $$(liftFloatingType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimSinh t)               = [|| PrimSinh $$(liftFloatingType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimCosh t)               = [|| PrimCosh $$(liftFloatingType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimTanh t)               = [|| PrimTanh $$(liftFloatingType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimAsinh t)              = [|| PrimAsinh $$(liftFloatingType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimAcosh t)              = [|| PrimAcosh $$(liftFloatingType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimAtanh t)              = [|| PrimAtanh $$(liftFloatingType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimExpFloating t)        = [|| PrimExpFloating $$(liftFloatingType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimSqrt t)               = [|| PrimSqrt $$(liftFloatingType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimLog t)                = [|| PrimLog $$(liftFloatingType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimFPow t)               = [|| PrimFPow $$(liftFloatingType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimLogBase t)            = [|| PrimLogBase $$(liftFloatingType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimTruncate ta tb)       = [|| PrimTruncate $$(liftFloatingType ta) $$(liftIntegralType tb) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimRound ta tb)          = [|| PrimRound $$(liftFloatingType ta) $$(liftIntegralType tb) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimFloor ta tb)          = [|| PrimFloor $$(liftFloatingType ta) $$(liftIntegralType tb) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimCeiling ta tb)        = [|| PrimCeiling $$(liftFloatingType ta) $$(liftIntegralType tb) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimIsNaN t)              = [|| PrimIsNaN $$(liftFloatingType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimIsInfinite t)         = [|| PrimIsInfinite $$(liftFloatingType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimAtan2 t)              = [|| PrimAtan2 $$(liftFloatingType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimLt t)                 = [|| PrimLt $$(liftSingleType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimGt t)                 = [|| PrimGt $$(liftSingleType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimLtEq t)               = [|| PrimLtEq $$(liftSingleType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimGtEq t)               = [|| PrimGtEq $$(liftSingleType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimEq t)                 = [|| PrimEq $$(liftSingleType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimNEq t)                = [|| PrimNEq $$(liftSingleType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimMax t)                = [|| PrimMax $$(liftSingleType t) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimMin t)                = [|| PrimMin $$(liftSingleType t) ||]
liftPrimFun PrimLAnd                   = [|| PrimLAnd ||]
liftPrimFun PrimLOr                    = [|| PrimLOr ||]
liftPrimFun PrimLNot                   = [|| PrimLNot ||]
liftPrimFun PrimOrd                    = [|| PrimOrd ||]
liftPrimFun PrimChr                    = [|| PrimChr ||]
liftPrimFun PrimBoolToInt              = [|| PrimBoolToInt ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimFromIntegral ta tb)   = [|| PrimFromIntegral $$(liftIntegralType ta) $$(liftNumType tb) ||]
liftPrimFun (PrimToFloating ta tb)     = [|| PrimToFloating $$(liftNumType ta) $$(liftFloatingType tb) ||]

liftConst :: TupleType t -> t -> Q (TExp t)
liftConst TypeRunit         ()    = [|| () ||]
liftConst (TypeRscalar t)   x     = [|| $$(liftScalar t x) ||]
liftConst (TypeRpair ta tb) (a,b) = [|| ($$(liftConst ta a), $$(liftConst tb b)) ||]

liftScalar :: ScalarType t -> t -> Q (TExp t)
liftScalar (SingleScalarType t) x = liftSingle t x
liftScalar (VectorScalarType t) x = liftVector t x

liftSingle :: SingleType t -> t -> Q (TExp t)
liftSingle (NumSingleType t)    x = liftNum t x
liftSingle (NonNumSingleType t) x = liftNonNum t x

liftVector :: VectorType v -> v -> Q (TExp v)
liftVector (Vector2Type t) (V2 a b)     = [|| V2 $$(liftSingle t a) $$(liftSingle t b) ||]
liftVector (Vector3Type t) (V3 a b c)   = [|| V3 $$(liftSingle t a) $$(liftSingle t b) $$(liftSingle t c) ||]
liftVector (Vector4Type t) (V4 a b c d) = [|| V4 $$(liftSingle t a) $$(liftSingle t b) $$(liftSingle t c) $$(liftSingle t d) ||]
liftVector (Vector8Type t) (V8 a b c d e f g h) =
  [|| V8 $$(liftSingle t a) $$(liftSingle t b) $$(liftSingle t c) $$(liftSingle t d)
         $$(liftSingle t e) $$(liftSingle t f) $$(liftSingle t g) $$(liftSingle t h) ||]
liftVector (Vector16Type t) (V16 a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p) =
  [|| V16 $$(liftSingle t a) $$(liftSingle t b) $$(liftSingle t c) $$(liftSingle t d)
          $$(liftSingle t e) $$(liftSingle t f) $$(liftSingle t g) $$(liftSingle t h)
          $$(liftSingle t i) $$(liftSingle t j) $$(liftSingle t k) $$(liftSingle t l)
          $$(liftSingle t m) $$(liftSingle t n) $$(liftSingle t o) $$(liftSingle t p) ||]

liftNum :: NumType t -> t -> Q (TExp t)
liftNum (IntegralNumType t) x = liftIntegral t x
liftNum (FloatingNumType t) x = liftFloating t x

liftNonNum :: NonNumType t -> t -> Q (TExp t)
liftNonNum TypeBool{}   x = [|| x ||]
liftNonNum TypeChar{}   x = [|| x ||]
liftNonNum TypeCChar{}  x = return (TH.TExp (TH.LitE (TH.IntegerL (toInteger x))))
liftNonNum TypeCSChar{} x = return (TH.TExp (TH.LitE (TH.IntegerL (toInteger x))))
liftNonNum TypeCUChar{} x = return (TH.TExp (TH.LitE (TH.IntegerL (toInteger x))))

liftIntegral :: IntegralType t -> t -> Q (TExp t)
liftIntegral TypeInt{}     x = [|| x ||]
liftIntegral TypeInt8{}    x = [|| x ||]
liftIntegral TypeInt16{}   x = [|| x ||]
liftIntegral TypeInt32{}   x = [|| x ||]
liftIntegral TypeInt64{}   x = [|| x ||]
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 710
liftIntegral TypeWord{}    x = [|| x ||]
liftIntegral TypeWord{}    x = return (TH.TExp (TH.LitE (TH.IntegerL (toInteger x))))
liftIntegral TypeWord8{}   x = [|| x ||]
liftIntegral TypeWord16{}  x = [|| x ||]
liftIntegral TypeWord32{}  x = [|| x ||]
liftIntegral TypeWord64{}  x = [|| x ||]
liftIntegral TypeCShort{}  x = return (TH.TExp (TH.LitE (TH.IntegerL (toInteger x))))
liftIntegral TypeCUShort{} x = return (TH.TExp (TH.LitE (TH.IntegerL (toInteger x))))
liftIntegral TypeCInt{}    x = return (TH.TExp (TH.LitE (TH.IntegerL (toInteger x))))
liftIntegral TypeCUInt{}   x = return (TH.TExp (TH.LitE (TH.IntegerL (toInteger x))))
liftIntegral TypeCLong{}   x = return (TH.TExp (TH.LitE (TH.IntegerL (toInteger x))))
liftIntegral TypeCULong{}  x = return (TH.TExp (TH.LitE (TH.IntegerL (toInteger x))))
liftIntegral TypeCLLong{}  x = return (TH.TExp (TH.LitE (TH.IntegerL (toInteger x))))
liftIntegral TypeCULLong{} x = return (TH.TExp (TH.LitE (TH.IntegerL (toInteger x))))

liftFloating :: FloatingType t -> t -> Q (TExp t)
liftFloating TypeHalf{}    x = [|| Half $$( liftIntegral integralType (getHalf x)) ||]
liftFloating TypeFloat{}   x = [|| x ||]
liftFloating TypeDouble{}  x = [|| x ||]
liftFloating TypeCFloat{}  x = return (TH.TExp (TH.LitE (TH.RationalL (toRational x))))
liftFloating TypeCDouble{} x = return (TH.TExp (TH.LitE (TH.RationalL (toRational x))))

liftIntegralType :: IntegralType t -> Q (TExp (IntegralType t))
liftIntegralType TypeInt{}     = [|| TypeInt IntegralDict ||]
liftIntegralType TypeInt8{}    = [|| TypeInt8 IntegralDict ||]
liftIntegralType TypeInt16{}   = [|| TypeInt16 IntegralDict ||]
liftIntegralType TypeInt32{}   = [|| TypeInt32 IntegralDict ||]
liftIntegralType TypeInt64{}   = [|| TypeInt64 IntegralDict ||]
liftIntegralType TypeWord{}    = [|| TypeWord IntegralDict ||]
liftIntegralType TypeWord8{}   = [|| TypeWord8 IntegralDict ||]
liftIntegralType TypeWord16{}  = [|| TypeWord16 IntegralDict ||]
liftIntegralType TypeWord32{}  = [|| TypeWord32 IntegralDict ||]
liftIntegralType TypeWord64{}  = [|| TypeWord64 IntegralDict ||]
liftIntegralType TypeCShort{}  = [|| TypeCShort IntegralDict ||]
liftIntegralType TypeCUShort{} = [|| TypeCUShort IntegralDict ||]
liftIntegralType TypeCInt{}    = [|| TypeCInt IntegralDict ||]
liftIntegralType TypeCUInt{}   = [|| TypeCUInt IntegralDict ||]
liftIntegralType TypeCLong{}   = [|| TypeCLong IntegralDict ||]
liftIntegralType TypeCULong{}  = [|| TypeCULong IntegralDict ||]
liftIntegralType TypeCLLong{}  = [|| TypeCLLong IntegralDict ||]
liftIntegralType TypeCULLong{} = [|| TypeCULLong IntegralDict ||]

liftFloatingType :: FloatingType t -> Q (TExp (FloatingType t))
liftFloatingType TypeHalf{}    = [|| TypeHalf FloatingDict ||]
liftFloatingType TypeFloat{}   = [|| TypeFloat FloatingDict ||]
liftFloatingType TypeDouble{}  = [|| TypeDouble FloatingDict ||]
liftFloatingType TypeCFloat{}  = [|| TypeCFloat FloatingDict ||]
liftFloatingType TypeCDouble{} = [|| TypeCDouble FloatingDict ||]

liftNonNumType :: NonNumType t -> Q (TExp (NonNumType t))
liftNonNumType TypeBool{}   = [|| TypeBool NonNumDict ||]
liftNonNumType TypeChar{}   = [|| TypeChar NonNumDict ||]
liftNonNumType TypeCChar{}  = [|| TypeCChar NonNumDict ||]
liftNonNumType TypeCSChar{} = [|| TypeCSChar NonNumDict ||]
liftNonNumType TypeCUChar{} = [|| TypeCUChar NonNumDict ||]

liftNumType :: NumType t -> Q (TExp (NumType t))
liftNumType (IntegralNumType t) = [|| IntegralNumType $$(liftIntegralType t) ||]
liftNumType (FloatingNumType t) = [|| FloatingNumType $$(liftFloatingType t) ||]

liftBoundedType :: BoundedType t -> Q (TExp (BoundedType t))
liftBoundedType (IntegralBoundedType t) = [|| IntegralBoundedType $$(liftIntegralType t) ||]
liftBoundedType (NonNumBoundedType t)   = [|| NonNumBoundedType $$(liftNonNumType t) ||]

-- liftScalarType :: ScalarType t -> Q (TExp (ScalarType t))
-- liftScalarType (SingleScalarType t) = [|| SingleScalarType $$(liftSingleType t) ||]
-- liftScalarType (VectorScalarType t) = [|| VectorScalarType $$(liftVectorType t) ||]

liftSingleType :: SingleType t -> Q (TExp (SingleType t))
liftSingleType (NumSingleType t)    = [|| NumSingleType $$(liftNumType t) ||]
liftSingleType (NonNumSingleType t) = [|| NonNumSingleType $$(liftNonNumType t) ||]

-- liftVectorType :: VectorType t -> Q (TExp (VectorType t))
-- liftVectorType (Vector2Type t)  = [|| Vector2Type $$(liftSingleType t) ||]
-- liftVectorType (Vector3Type t)  = [|| Vector3Type $$(liftSingleType t) ||]
-- liftVectorType (Vector4Type t)  = [|| Vector4Type $$(liftSingleType t) ||]
-- liftVectorType (Vector8Type t)  = [|| Vector8Type $$(liftSingleType t) ||]
-- liftVectorType (Vector16Type t) = [|| Vector16Type $$(liftSingleType t) ||]

-- Debugging
-- =========

showPreAccOp :: forall acc aenv arrs. PreOpenAcc acc aenv arrs -> String
showPreAccOp Alet{}             = "Alet"
showPreAccOp (Avar ix)          = "Avar a" ++ show (idxToInt ix)
showPreAccOp (Use a)            = "Use "  ++ showArrays (toArr a :: arrs)
showPreAccOp Apply{}            = "Apply"
showPreAccOp Aforeign{}         = "Aforeign"
showPreAccOp Acond{}            = "Acond"
showPreAccOp Awhile{}           = "Awhile"
showPreAccOp Atuple{}           = "Atuple"
showPreAccOp Aprj{}             = "Aprj"
showPreAccOp Unit{}             = "Unit"
showPreAccOp Generate{}         = "Generate"
showPreAccOp Transform{}        = "Transform"
showPreAccOp Reshape{}          = "Reshape"
showPreAccOp Replicate{}        = "Replicate"
showPreAccOp Slice{}            = "Slice"
showPreAccOp Map{}              = "Map"
showPreAccOp ZipWith{}          = "ZipWith"
showPreAccOp Fold{}             = "Fold"
showPreAccOp Fold1{}            = "Fold1"
showPreAccOp FoldSeg{}          = "FoldSeg"
showPreAccOp Fold1Seg{}         = "Fold1Seg"
showPreAccOp Scanl{}            = "Scanl"
showPreAccOp Scanl'{}           = "Scanl'"
showPreAccOp Scanl1{}           = "Scanl1"
showPreAccOp Scanr{}            = "Scanr"
showPreAccOp Scanr'{}           = "Scanr'"
showPreAccOp Scanr1{}           = "Scanr1"
showPreAccOp Permute{}          = "Permute"
showPreAccOp Backpermute{}      = "Backpermute"
showPreAccOp Stencil{}          = "Stencil"
showPreAccOp Stencil2{}         = "Stencil2"
-- showPreAccOp Collect{}          = "Collect"

showArrays :: forall arrs. Arrays arrs => arrs -> String
showArrays = display . collect (arrays (undefined::arrs)) . fromArr
    collect :: ArraysR a -> a -> [String]
    collect ArraysRunit         _        = []
    collect ArraysRarray        arr      = [showShortendArr arr]
    collect (ArraysRpair r1 r2) (a1, a2) = collect r1 a1 ++ collect r2 a2
    display []  = []
    display [x] = x
    display xs  = "(" ++ intercalate ", " xs ++ ")"

showShortendArr :: Elt e => Array sh e -> String
showShortendArr arr
  = show (take cutoff l) ++ if length l > cutoff then ".." else ""
    l      = toList arr
    cutoff = 5

showPreExpOp :: forall acc env aenv t. PreOpenExp acc env aenv t -> String
showPreExpOp Let{}              = "Let"
showPreExpOp (Var ix)           = "Var x" ++ show (idxToInt ix)
showPreExpOp (Const c)          = "Const " ++ show (toElt c :: t)
showPreExpOp Undef              = "Undef"
showPreExpOp Foreign{}          = "Foreign"
showPreExpOp Tuple{}            = "Tuple"
showPreExpOp Prj{}              = "Prj"
showPreExpOp IndexNil           = "IndexNil"
showPreExpOp IndexCons{}        = "IndexCons"
showPreExpOp IndexHead{}        = "IndexHead"
showPreExpOp IndexTail{}        = "IndexTail"
showPreExpOp IndexAny           = "IndexAny"
showPreExpOp IndexSlice{}       = "IndexSlice"
showPreExpOp IndexFull{}        = "IndexFull"
showPreExpOp ToIndex{}          = "ToIndex"
showPreExpOp FromIndex{}        = "FromIndex"
showPreExpOp Cond{}             = "Cond"
showPreExpOp While{}            = "While"
showPreExpOp PrimConst{}        = "PrimConst"
showPreExpOp PrimApp{}          = "PrimApp"
showPreExpOp Index{}            = "Index"
showPreExpOp LinearIndex{}      = "LinearIndex"
showPreExpOp Shape{}            = "Shape"
showPreExpOp ShapeSize{}        = "ShapeSize"
showPreExpOp Intersect{}        = "Intersect"
showPreExpOp Union{}            = "Union"
showPreExpOp Coerce{}           = "Coerce"