{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, CPP, NamedFieldPuns #-}

{- Holy crap this code is messy. -}
module Data.Acid.TemplateHaskell where

import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Ppr
import Language.Haskell.TH.ExpandSyns

import Data.Acid.Core
import Data.Acid.Common

import Data.List ((\\), nub, delete)
import Data.SafeCopy
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Char
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State (MonadState)
import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader)

{-| Create the control structures required for acid states
    using Template Haskell.

This code:

myUpdate :: Argument -> Update State Result
myUpdate arg = ...

myQuery :: Argument -> Query State Result
myQuery arg = ...

$(makeAcidic ''State ['myUpdate, 'myQuery])

will make @State@ an instance of 'IsAcidic' and provide the following

data MyUpdate = MyUpdate Argument
data MyQuery  = MyQuery Argument

makeAcidic :: Name -> [Name] -> Q [Dec]
makeAcidic = makeAcidicWithSerialiser safeCopySerialiserSpec

-- | Specifies how to customise the 'IsAcidic' instance and event data
-- type serialisation instances for a particular serialisation layer.
data SerialiserSpec =
        { serialisationClassName :: Name
          -- ^ Class for serialisable types, e.g. @''Safecopy@.
        , methodSerialiserName :: Name
          -- ^ Name of the 'MethodSerialiser' to use in the list of
          -- events in the 'IsAcidic' instance.
        , makeEventSerialiser :: Name -> Type -> DecQ
          -- ^ Function to generate an instance of the class named by
          -- 'serialisationClassName', given the event name and its type.

-- | Default implementation of 'SerialiserSpec' that uses 'SafeCopy'
-- for serialising events.
safeCopySerialiserSpec :: SerialiserSpec
safeCopySerialiserSpec =
    SerialiserSpec { serialisationClassName = ''SafeCopy
                   , methodSerialiserName   = 'safeCopyMethodSerialiser
                   , makeEventSerialiser    = makeSafeCopyInstance

-- | A variant on 'makeAcidic' that makes it possible to explicitly choose the
-- serialisation implementation to be used for methods.
makeAcidicWithSerialiser :: SerialiserSpec -> Name -> [Name] -> Q [Dec]
makeAcidicWithSerialiser ss stateName eventNames
    = do stateInfo <- reify stateName
         case stateInfo of
           TyConI tycon
             ->case tycon of
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
                 DataD _cxt _name tyvars _kind constructors _derivs
                 DataD _cxt _name tyvars constructors _derivs
                   -> makeAcidic' ss eventNames stateName tyvars constructors
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
                 NewtypeD _cxt _name tyvars _kind constructor _derivs
                 NewtypeD _cxt _name tyvars constructor _derivs
                   -> makeAcidic' ss eventNames stateName tyvars [constructor]
                 TySynD _name tyvars _ty
                   -> makeAcidic' ss eventNames stateName tyvars []
                 _ -> error "Data.Acid.TemplateHaskell: Unsupported state type. Only 'data', 'newtype' and 'type' are supported."
           _ -> error "Data.Acid.TemplateHaskell: Given state is not a type."

makeAcidic' :: SerialiserSpec -> [Name] -> Name -> [TyVarBndr] -> [Con] -> Q [Dec]
makeAcidic' ss eventNames stateName tyvars constructors
    = do events <- sequence [ makeEvent ss eventName | eventName <- eventNames ]
         acidic <- makeIsAcidic ss eventNames stateName tyvars constructors
         return $ acidic : concat events

-- | Given an event name (e.g. @'myUpdate@), produce a data type like
-- > data MyUpdate = MyUpdate Argument
-- along with the 'Method' class instance, 'Event' class instance and
-- the instance of the appropriate serialisation class.
-- However, if the event data type already exists, this will generate
-- the serialisation instance only.  This makes it possible to call
-- 'makeAcidicWithSerialiser' multiple times on the same events but
-- with different 'SerialiserSpec's, to support multiple serialisation
-- backends.
makeEvent :: SerialiserSpec -> Name -> Q [Dec]
makeEvent ss eventName
    = do exists <- recover (return False) (reify (toStructName eventName) >> return True)
         eventType <- getEventType eventName
         if exists
           then do b <- makeEventSerialiser ss eventName eventType
                   return [b]
           else do d <- makeEventDataType      eventName eventType
                   b <- makeEventSerialiser ss eventName eventType
                   i <- makeMethodInstance     eventName eventType
                   e <- makeEventInstance      eventName eventType
                   return [d,b,i,e]

getEventType :: Name -> Q Type
getEventType eventName
    = do eventInfo <- reify eventName
         case eventInfo of
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
           VarI _name eventType _decl
           VarI _name eventType _decl _fixity
             -> expandSyns eventType
           _ -> error $ "Data.Acid.TemplateHaskell: Events must be functions: " ++ show eventName

--instance (SafeCopy key, Typeable key, SafeCopy val, Typeable val) => IsAcidic State where
--  acidEvents = [ UpdateEvent (\(MyUpdateEvent arg1 arg2 -> myUpdateEvent arg1 arg2) ]
makeIsAcidic ss eventNames stateName tyvars constructors
    = do types <- mapM getEventType eventNames
         stateType' <- stateType
         let preds = [ serialisationClassName ss, ''Typeable ]
             ty = appT (conT ''IsAcidic) stateType
             handlers = zipWith (makeEventHandler ss) eventNames types
             cxtFromEvents = nub $ concat $ zipWith (eventCxts stateType' tyvars) eventNames types
         cxts' <- mkCxtFromTyVars preds tyvars cxtFromEvents
         instanceD (return cxts') ty
                   [ valD (varP 'acidEvents) (normalB (listE handlers)) []
    where stateType = foldl appT (conT stateName) (map varT (allTyVarBndrNames tyvars))

-- | This function analyses an event function and extracts any
-- additional class contexts which need to be added to the IsAcidic
-- instance.
-- For example, if we have:
-- > data State a = ...
-- > setState :: (Ord a) => a -> UpdateEvent (State a) ()
-- Then we need to generate an IsAcidic instance like:
-- > instance (SafeCopy a, Typeable a, Ord a) => IsAcidic (State a)
-- Note that we can only add constraints for type variables which
-- appear in the State type. If we tried to do this:
-- > setState :: (Ord a, Ord b) => a -> b -> UpdateEvent (State a) ()
-- We will get an ambigious type variable when trying to create the
-- 'IsAcidic' instance, because there is no way to figure out what
-- type 'b' should be.
-- The tricky part of this code is that we need to unify the type
-- variables.
-- Let's say the user writes their code using 'b' instead of 'a':
-- > setState :: (Ord b) => b -> UpdateEvent (State b) ()
-- In the 'IsAcidic' instance, we are still going to use 'a'. So we
-- need to rename the variables in the context to match.
-- The contexts returned by this function will have the variables renamed.
-- Additionally, if the event uses MonadReader or MonadState it might look
-- like this:
-- > setState :: (MonadState x m, IsFoo x) => m ()
-- In this case we have to rename 'x' to the actual state we're going to
-- use. This is done by 'renameState'.
eventCxts :: Type        -- ^ State type
          -> [TyVarBndr] -- ^ type variables that will be used for the State type in the IsAcidic instance
          -> Name        -- ^ 'Name' of the event
          -> Type        -- ^ 'Type' of the event
          -> [Pred]      -- ^ extra context to add to 'IsAcidic' instance
eventCxts targetStateType targetTyVars eventName eventType =
    let TypeAnalysis { context = cxt, stateType }
                    = analyseType eventName eventType
        -- find the type variable names that this event is using
        -- for the State type
        eventTyVars = findTyVars stateType
        -- create a lookup table
        table       = zip eventTyVars (map tyVarBndrName targetTyVars)
    in map (unify table) -- rename the type variables
       (renameState stateType targetStateType cxt)
      -- | rename the type variables in a Pred
      unify :: [(Name, Name)] -> Pred -> Pred
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,10,0)
      unify table p = rename p table p -- in 2.10.0: type Pred = Type
      unify table p@(ClassP n tys) = ClassP n (map (rename p table) tys)
      unify table p@(EqualP a b)   = EqualP (rename p table a) (rename p table b)

      -- | rename the type variables in a Type
      rename :: Pred -> [(Name, Name)] -> Type -> Type
      rename pred table t@(ForallT tyvarbndrs cxt typ) = -- this is probably wrong? I don't think acid-state can really handle this type anyway..
          ForallT (map renameTyVar tyvarbndrs) (map (unify table) cxt) (rename pred table typ)
            renameTyVar (PlainTV name)    = PlainTV  (renameName pred table name)
            renameTyVar (KindedTV name k) = KindedTV (renameName pred table name) k
      rename pred table (VarT n)   = VarT $ renameName pred table n
      rename pred table (AppT a b) = AppT (rename pred table a) (rename pred table b)
      rename pred table (SigT a k) = SigT (rename pred table a) k
      rename _    _     typ        = typ

      -- | rename a 'Name'
      renameName :: Pred -> [(Name, Name)] -> Name -> Name
      renameName pred table n =
          case lookup n table of
            Nothing -> error $ unlines [ "Data.Acid.TemplateHaskell: "
                                       , ""
                                       , show $ ppr_sig eventName eventType
                                       , ""
                                       , "can not be used as an UpdateEvent because the class context: "
                                       , ""
                                       , pprint pred
                                       , ""
                                       , "contains a type variable which is not found in the state type: "
                                       , ""
                                       , pprint targetStateType
                                       , ""
                                       , "You may be able to fix this by providing a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)"
            (Just n') -> n'

-- | See the end of comment for 'eventCxts'.
renameState :: Type -> Type -> Cxt -> Cxt
renameState tfrom tto cxt = map renamePred cxt
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,10,0)
    renamePred p = renameType p -- in 2.10.0: type Pred = Type
    renamePred (ClassP n tys) = ClassP n (map renameType tys)
    renamePred (EqualP a b)   = EqualP (renameType a) (renameType b)
    renameType n | n == tfrom = tto
    renameType (AppT a b)     = AppT (renameType a) (renameType b)
    renameType (SigT a k)     = SigT (renameType a) k
    renameType typ            = typ

-- UpdateEvent (\(MyUpdateEvent arg1 arg2) -> myUpdateEvent arg1 arg2) safeCopyMethodSerialiser
makeEventHandler :: SerialiserSpec -> Name -> Type -> ExpQ
makeEventHandler ss eventName eventType
    = do assertTyVarsOk
         vars <- replicateM (length args) (newName "arg")
         let lamClause = conP eventStructName [varP var | var <- vars ]
         conE constr `appE` lamE [lamClause] (foldl appE (varE eventName) (map varE vars))
                     `appE` varE (methodSerialiserName ss)
    where constr = if isUpdate then 'UpdateEvent else 'QueryEvent
          TypeAnalysis { tyvars, argumentTypes = args, stateType, isUpdate } = analyseType eventName eventType
          eventStructName = toStructName eventName
          stateTypeTyVars = findTyVars stateType
          tyVarNames = map tyVarBndrName tyvars
          assertTyVarsOk =
              case tyVarNames \\ stateTypeTyVars of
                [] -> return ()
                ns -> error $ "Data.Acid.TemplateHaskell: " <> unlines
                      [show $ ppr_sig eventName eventType
                      , ""
                      , "can not be used as an UpdateEvent because it contains the type variables: "
                      , ""
                      , pprint ns
                      , ""
                      , "which do not appear in the state type:"
                      , ""
                      , pprint stateType

--data MyUpdateEvent = MyUpdateEvent Arg1 Arg2
--  deriving (Typeable)
makeEventDataType :: Name -> Type -> DecQ
makeEventDataType eventName eventType
    = do let con = normalC eventStructName [ strictType notStrict (return arg) | arg <- args ]
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,12,0)
             cxt = [derivClause Nothing [conT ''Typeable]]
#elif MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
             cxt = mapM conT [''Typeable]
             cxt = [''Typeable]
         case args of
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,11,0)
          [_] -> newtypeD (return []) eventStructName tyvars Nothing con cxt
          _   -> dataD (return []) eventStructName tyvars Nothing [con] cxt
          [_] -> newtypeD (return []) eventStructName tyvars con cxt
          _   -> dataD (return []) eventStructName tyvars [con] cxt
    where TypeAnalysis { tyvars, argumentTypes = args } = analyseType eventName eventType
          eventStructName = toStructName eventName

-- instance (SafeCopy key, SafeCopy val) => SafeCopy (MyUpdateEvent key val) where
--    put (MyUpdateEvent a b) = do put a; put b
--    get = MyUpdateEvent <$> get <*> get
makeSafeCopyInstance :: Name -> Type -> DecQ
makeSafeCopyInstance eventName eventType
    = do let preds = [ ''SafeCopy ]
             ty = AppT (ConT ''SafeCopy) (foldl AppT (ConT eventStructName) (map VarT (allTyVarBndrNames tyvars)))

             getBase = appE (varE 'return) (conE eventStructName)
             getArgs = foldl (\a b -> infixE (Just a) (varE '(<*>)) (Just (varE 'safeGet))) getBase args
             contained val = varE 'contain `appE` val

         putVars <- replicateM (length args) (newName "arg")
         let putClause = conP eventStructName [varP var | var <- putVars ]
             putExp    = doE $ [ noBindS $ appE (varE 'safePut) (varE var) | var <- putVars ] ++
                               [ noBindS $ appE (varE 'return) (tupE []) ]

         instanceD (mkCxtFromTyVars preds tyvars context)
                   (return ty)
                   [ funD 'putCopy [clause [putClause] (normalB (contained putExp)) []]
                   , valD (varP 'getCopy) (normalB (contained getArgs)) []
    where TypeAnalysis { tyvars, context, argumentTypes = args } = analyseType eventName eventType
          eventStructName = toStructName eventName

mkCxtFromTyVars preds tyvars extraContext
    = cxt $ [ classP classPred [varT tyvar] | tyvar <- allTyVarBndrNames tyvars, classPred <- preds ] ++
            map return extraContext

instance (Typeable key, Typeable val) => Method (MyUpdateEvent key val) where
  type MethodResult (MyUpdateEvent key val) = Return
  type MethodState (MyUpdateEvent key val) = State key val
makeMethodInstance :: Name -> Type -> DecQ
makeMethodInstance eventName eventType = do
    let preds =
            [ ''Typeable ]
        ty =
            AppT (ConT ''Method) (foldl AppT (ConT eventStructName) (map VarT (allTyVarBndrNames tyvars)))
        structType =
            foldl appT (conT eventStructName) (map varT (allTyVarBndrNames tyvars))
        instanceContext  =
            cxt $
                [ classP classPred [varT tyvar]
                | tyvar <- allTyVarBndrNames tyvars
                , classPred <- preds
                ++ map return context
        (return ty)
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 707
        [ tySynInstD ''MethodResult (tySynEqn [structType] (return resultType))
        , tySynInstD ''MethodState  (tySynEqn [structType] (return stateType))
        [ tySynInstD ''MethodResult [structType] (return resultType)
        , tySynInstD ''MethodState  [structType] (return stateType)
    where TypeAnalysis { tyvars, context, stateType, resultType } = analyseType eventName eventType
          eventStructName = toStructName eventName

--instance (Typeable key, Typeable val) => UpdateEvent (MyUpdateEvent key val)
makeEventInstance :: Name -> Type -> DecQ
makeEventInstance eventName eventType
    = do let preds = [ ''Typeable ]
             eventClass = if isUpdate then ''UpdateEvent else ''QueryEvent
             ty = AppT (ConT eventClass) (foldl AppT (ConT eventStructName) (map VarT (allTyVarBndrNames tyvars)))
         instanceD (cxt $ [ classP classPred [varT tyvar] | tyvar <- allTyVarBndrNames tyvars, classPred <- preds ] ++ map return context)
                   (return ty)
    where TypeAnalysis { tyvars, context, isUpdate } = analyseType eventName eventType
          eventStructName = toStructName eventName

data TypeAnalysis = TypeAnalysis
    { tyvars :: [TyVarBndr]
    , context :: Cxt
    , argumentTypes :: [Type]
    , stateType :: Type
    , resultType :: Type
    , isUpdate :: Bool
    } deriving (Eq, Show)

analyseType :: Name -> Type -> TypeAnalysis
analyseType eventName t = go [] [] [] t
#if MIN_VERSION_template_haskell(2,10,0)
    getMonadReader :: Cxt -> Name -> [(Type, Type)]
    getMonadReader cxt m = do
       constraint@(AppT (AppT (ConT c) x) m') <- cxt
       guard (c == ''MonadReader && m' == VarT m)
       return (constraint, x)

    getMonadState :: Cxt -> Name -> [(Type, Type)]
    getMonadState cxt m = do
       constraint@(AppT (AppT (ConT c) x) m') <- cxt
       guard (c == ''MonadState && m' == VarT m)
       return (constraint, x)
    getMonadReader :: Cxt -> Name -> [(Pred, Type)]
    getMonadReader cxt m = do
       constraint@(ClassP c [x, m']) <- cxt
       guard (c == ''MonadReader && m' == VarT m)
       return (constraint, x)

    getMonadState :: Cxt -> Name -> [(Pred, Type)]
    getMonadState cxt m = do
       constraint@(ClassP c [x, m']) <- cxt
       guard (c == ''MonadState && m' == VarT m)
       return (constraint, x)

    -- a -> b
    go tyvars cxt args (AppT (AppT ArrowT a) b)
        = go tyvars cxt (args ++ [a]) b
    -- Update st res
    -- Query st res
    go tyvars context argumentTypes (AppT (AppT (ConT con) stateType) resultType)
        | con == ''Update =
                { tyvars, context, argumentTypes, stateType, resultType
                , isUpdate = True
        | con == ''Query  =
                { tyvars, context, argumentTypes, stateType, resultType
                , isUpdate = False
    -- (...) => a
    go tyvars cxt args (ForallT tyvars2 cxt2 a)
        = go (tyvars ++ tyvars2) (cxt ++ cxt2) args a
    -- (MonadState state m) => ... -> m result
    -- (MonadReader state m) => ... -> m result
    go tyvars' cxt argumentTypes (AppT (VarT m) resultType)
        | [] <- queries, [(cx, stateType)] <- updates
            = TypeAnalysis
                { tyvars,  argumentTypes , stateType, resultType
                , isUpdate = True
                , context = delete cx cxt

        | [(cx, stateType)] <- queries, [] <- updates
            = TypeAnalysis
                { tyvars,  argumentTypes , stateType, resultType
                , isUpdate = False
                , context = delete cx cxt
        queries = getMonadReader cxt m
        updates = getMonadState cxt m
        tyvars = filter ((/= m) . tyVarBndrName) tyvars'
    -- otherwise, fail
    go _ _ _ _ = error $ "Data.Acid.TemplateHaskell: Event has an invalid type signature: Not an Update, Query, MonadState, or MonadReader: " ++ show eventName

-- | find the type variables
-- | e.g. State a b  ==> [a,b]
findTyVars :: Type -> [Name]
findTyVars (ForallT _ _ a) = findTyVars a
findTyVars (VarT n)   = [n]
findTyVars (AppT a b) = findTyVars a ++ findTyVars b
findTyVars (SigT a _) = findTyVars a
findTyVars _          = []

-- | extract the 'Name' from a 'TyVarBndr'
tyVarBndrName :: TyVarBndr -> Name
tyVarBndrName (PlainTV n)    = n
tyVarBndrName (KindedTV n _) = n

allTyVarBndrNames :: [TyVarBndr] -> [Name]
allTyVarBndrNames tyvars = map tyVarBndrName tyvars

-- | Convert the 'Name' of the event function into the name of the
-- corresponding data constructor.
toStructName :: Name -> Name
toStructName eventName = mkName (structName (nameBase eventName))
    structName [] = []
    structName (x:xs) = toUpper x : xs