{-# LANGUAGE ApplicativeDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Aeson.Match.QQ.Internal.Match where

import           Control.Applicative (liftA2)
import           Control.Monad (unless)
import           Data.Aeson ((.=))
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import           Data.Either.Validation (Validation, eitherToValidation)
import           Data.Foldable (for_)
import           Data.HashMap.Strict (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HashMap
import           Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import           Data.String (IsString(..))
import           Data.Text (Text)
import           Data.Vector (Vector)
import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
import           Prelude hiding (any, null)

import           Aeson.Match.QQ.Internal.Value (Value(..), Box(..), TypeSig(..), Type(..), Nullable(..))

match :: Value Aeson.Value -> Aeson.Value -> Validation (NonEmpty VE) (HashMap Text Aeson.Value)
match =
  go []
  go path matcher given = do
    let mismatched = mismatch (reverse path) matcher given
    case (matcher, given) of
      (Any holeTypeO nameO, val) -> do
        for_ holeTypeO $ \holeType ->
          unless (holeTypeMatch holeType val)
        pure (maybe mempty (\name -> HashMap.singleton name val) nameO)
      (Null, Aeson.Null) ->
        pure mempty
      (Null, _) -> do
        pure mempty
      (Bool b, Aeson.Bool b') -> do
        unless (b == b') mismatched
        pure mempty
      (Bool _, _) -> do
        pure mempty
      (Number n, Aeson.Number n') -> do
        unless (n == n') mismatched
        pure mempty
      (Number _, _) -> do
        pure mempty
      (String str, Aeson.String str') -> do
        unless (str == str') mismatched
        pure mempty
      (String _, _) -> do
        pure mempty
      (Array Box {knownValues, extendable}, Aeson.Array arr) ->
        let fold f =
              Vector.ifoldr (\i v a -> liftA2 HashMap.union a (f i v)) (pure mempty)
            extraValues =
              Vector.drop (Vector.length knownValues) arr
            (extendable || Vector.null extraValues)
            (extraArrayValues (reverse path) extraValues) *>
            (\i v -> maybe (missingPathElem (reverse path) (Idx i)) (go (Idx i : path) v) (arr Vector.!? i))
      (Array _, _) -> do
        pure mempty
      (Object Box {knownValues, extendable}, Aeson.Object o) ->
        let fold f =
              HashMap.foldrWithKey (\k v a -> liftA2 HashMap.union a (f k v)) (pure mempty)
            extraValues =
              HashMap.difference o knownValues
            (extendable || HashMap.null extraValues)
            (extraObjectValues (reverse path) extraValues) *>
            (\k v -> maybe (missingPathElem (reverse path) (Key k)) (go (Key k : path) v) (HashMap.lookup k o))
      (Object _, _) -> do
        pure mempty
      (Ext val, val') -> do
        unless (val == val') mismatched
        pure mempty

holeTypeMatch :: TypeSig -> Aeson.Value -> Bool
holeTypeMatch type_ val =
  case (type_, val) of
    (TypeSig {nullable = Nullable}, Aeson.Null) -> True
    (TypeSig {type_ = BoolT} , Aeson.Bool {}) -> True
    (TypeSig {type_ = NumberT} , Aeson.Number {}) -> True
    (TypeSig {type_ = StringT} , Aeson.String {}) -> True
    (TypeSig {type_ = ArrayT} , Aeson.Array {}) -> True
    (TypeSig {type_ = ObjectT} , Aeson.Object {}) -> True
    (_, _) -> False

mismatch :: Path -> Value Aeson.Value -> Aeson.Value -> Validation (NonEmpty VE) a
mismatch path matcher given =
  throwE (Mismatch MkMismatch {..})

missingPathElem :: Path -> PathElem -> Validation (NonEmpty VE) a
missingPathElem path missing =
  throwE (MissingPathElem MkMissingPathElem {..})

extraArrayValues :: Path -> Vector Aeson.Value -> Validation (NonEmpty VE) a
extraArrayValues path values =
  throwE (ExtraArrayValues MkExtraArrayValues {..})

extraObjectValues :: Path -> HashMap Text Aeson.Value -> Validation (NonEmpty VE) a
extraObjectValues path values =
  throwE (ExtraObjectValues MkExtraObjectValues {..})

throwE :: e -> Validation (NonEmpty e) a
throwE =
  eitherToValidation . Left . pure

data VE
  = Mismatch Mismatch
  | MissingPathElem MissingPathElem
  | ExtraArrayValues ExtraArrayValues
  | ExtraObjectValues ExtraObjectValues
    deriving (Show, Eq)

instance Aeson.ToJSON VE where
  toJSON =
    Aeson.object . \case
      Mismatch v ->
        [ "type" .= ("mismatch" :: Text)
        , "value" .= v
      MissingPathElem v ->
        [ "type" .= ("missing-path-elem" :: Text)
        , "value" .= v
      ExtraArrayValues v ->
        [ "type" .= ("extra-array-values" :: Text)
        , "value" .= v
      ExtraObjectValues v ->
        [ "type" .= ("extra-object-values" :: Text)
        , "value" .= v

data MissingPathElem = MkMissingPathElem
  { path :: Path
  , missing :: PathElem
  } deriving (Show, Eq)

instance Aeson.ToJSON MissingPathElem where
  toJSON MkMissingPathElem {..} =
      [ "path" .= path
      , "missing" .= missing

data Mismatch = MkMismatch
  { path :: Path
  , matcher :: Value Aeson.Value
  , given :: Aeson.Value
  } deriving (Show, Eq)

instance Aeson.ToJSON Mismatch where
  toJSON MkMismatch {..} =
      [ "path" .= path
      , "matcher" .= matcher
      , "given" .= given

data ExtraArrayValues = MkExtraArrayValues
  { path :: Path
  , values :: Vector Aeson.Value
  } deriving (Show, Eq)

instance Aeson.ToJSON ExtraArrayValues where
  toJSON MkExtraArrayValues {..} =
      [ "path" .= path
      , "values" .= values

data ExtraObjectValues = MkExtraObjectValues
  { path :: Path
  , values :: HashMap Text Aeson.Value
  } deriving (Show, Eq)

instance Aeson.ToJSON ExtraObjectValues where
  toJSON MkExtraObjectValues {..} =
      [ "path" .= path
      , "values" .= values

type Path = [PathElem]

data PathElem
  = Key Text
  | Idx Int
    deriving (Show, Eq)

instance Aeson.ToJSON PathElem where
  toJSON = \case
    Key k ->
      Aeson.String k
    Idx i ->
      Aeson.Number (fromIntegral i)

instance IsString PathElem where
  fromString =
    Key . fromString