amazonka-cloudhsm-1.4.0: Amazon CloudHSM SDK.

Copyright(c) 2013-2016 Brendan Hay
LicenseMozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
MaintainerBrendan Hay <>
Portabilitynon-portable (GHC extensions)
Safe HaskellNone




Lists all of the clients.

This operation supports pagination with the use of the NextToken member. If more results are available, the NextToken member of the response contains a token that you pass in the next call to ListLunaClients to retrieve the next set of items.


Creating a Request

listLunaClients :: ListLunaClients Source

Creates a value of ListLunaClients with the minimum fields required to make a request.

Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:

Request Lenses

llcNextToken :: Lens' ListLunaClients (Maybe Text) Source

The NextToken value from a previous call to ListLunaClients. Pass null if this is the first call.

Destructuring the Response

listLunaClientsResponse Source

Creates a value of ListLunaClientsResponse with the minimum fields required to make a request.

Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:

Response Lenses

llcrsNextToken :: Lens' ListLunaClientsResponse (Maybe Text) Source

If not null, more results are available. Pass this to ListLunaClients to retrieve the next set of items.