amazonka-cloudsearch-0.2.3: Amazon CloudSearch SDK.

Safe HaskellNone





data CloudSearch Source

Version 2013-01-01 of the Amazon CloudSearch service.


AWSService CloudSearch 
type Sg CloudSearch = V4 
type Er CloudSearch = RESTError 


data RESTError :: *


Eq RESTError 
Show RESTError 
Generic RESTError 
AWSErrorCode RESTError 
FromXML RESTError 
type Rep RESTError = D1 D1RESTError (C1 C1_0RESTError ((:*:) ((:*:) (S1 S1_0_0RESTError (Rec0 Text)) (S1 S1_0_1RESTError (Rec0 (Maybe ErrorType)))) ((:*:) (S1 S1_0_2RESTError (Rec0 ErrorCode)) (S1 S1_0_3RESTError (Rec0 Text))))) 



dsCreated :: Lens' DomainStatus (Maybe Bool) Source

True if the search domain is created. It can take several minutes to initialize a domain when CreateDomain is called. Newly created search domains are returned from DescribeDomains with a false value for Created until domain creation is complete.

dsDeleted :: Lens' DomainStatus (Maybe Bool) Source

True if the search domain has been deleted. The system must clean up resources dedicated to the search domain when DeleteDomain is called. Newly deleted search domains are returned from DescribeDomains with a true value for IsDeleted for several minutes until resource cleanup is complete.

dsDocService :: Lens' DomainStatus (Maybe ServiceEndpoint) Source

The service endpoint for updating documents in a search domain.

dsProcessing :: Lens' DomainStatus (Maybe Bool) Source

True if processing is being done to activate the current domain configuration.

dsRequiresIndexDocuments :: Lens' DomainStatus Bool Source

True if IndexDocuments needs to be called to activate the current domain configuration.

dsSearchInstanceCount :: Lens' DomainStatus (Maybe Natural) Source

The number of search instances that are available to process search requests.

dsSearchInstanceType :: Lens' DomainStatus (Maybe Text) Source

The instance type that is being used to process search requests.

dsSearchPartitionCount :: Lens' DomainStatus (Maybe Natural) Source

The number of partitions across which the search index is spread.

dsSearchService :: Lens' DomainStatus (Maybe ServiceEndpoint) Source

The service endpoint for requesting search results from a search domain.


dsoFuzzyMatching :: Lens' DocumentSuggesterOptions (Maybe SuggesterFuzzyMatching) Source

The level of fuzziness allowed when suggesting matches for a string: none, low , or high. With none, the specified string is treated as an exact prefix. With low, suggestions must differ from the specified string by no more than one character. With high, suggestions can differ by up to two characters. The default is none.

dsoSortExpression :: Lens' DocumentSuggesterOptions (Maybe Text) Source

An expression that computes a score for each suggestion to control how they are sorted. The scores are rounded to the nearest integer, with a floor of 0 and a ceiling of 2^31-1. A document's relevance score is not computed for suggestions, so sort expressions cannot reference the _score value. To sort suggestions using a numeric field or existing expression, simply specify the name of the field or expression. If no expression is configured for the suggester, the suggestions are sorted with the closest matches listed first.

dsoSourceField :: Lens' DocumentSuggesterOptions Text Source

The name of the index field you want to use for suggestions.


daoDefaultValue :: Lens' DoubleArrayOptions (Maybe Double) Source

A value to use for the field if the field isn't specified for a document.

daoFacetEnabled :: Lens' DoubleArrayOptions (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether facet information can be returned for the field.

daoReturnEnabled :: Lens' DoubleArrayOptions (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether the contents of the field can be returned in the search results.

daoSearchEnabled :: Lens' DoubleArrayOptions (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether the contents of the field are searchable.

daoSourceFields :: Lens' DoubleArrayOptions (Maybe Text) Source

A list of source fields to map to the field.


ifIndexFieldName :: Lens' IndexField Text Source

The name of a field in the search index. Field names must begin with a letter and can contain the following characters: a-z (lowercase), 0-9, and _ (underscore). Uppercase letters and hyphens are not allowed. The name "score" is reserved and cannot be specified as field or expression name.


doDefaultValue :: Lens' DateOptions (Maybe Text) Source

A value to use for the field if the field isn't specified for a document.

doFacetEnabled :: Lens' DateOptions (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether facet information can be returned for the field.

doReturnEnabled :: Lens' DateOptions (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether the contents of the field can be returned in the search results.

doSearchEnabled :: Lens' DateOptions (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether the contents of the field are searchable.

doSortEnabled :: Lens' DateOptions (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether the field can be used to sort the search results.


data OptionState Source











taoAnalysisScheme :: Lens' TextArrayOptions (Maybe Text) Source

The name of an analysis scheme for a 'text-array' field.

taoDefaultValue :: Lens' TextArrayOptions (Maybe Text) Source

A value to use for the field if the field isn't specified for a document.

taoHighlightEnabled :: Lens' TextArrayOptions (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether highlights can be returned for the field.

taoReturnEnabled :: Lens' TextArrayOptions (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether the contents of the field can be returned in the search results.

taoSourceFields :: Lens' TextArrayOptions (Maybe Text) Source

A list of source fields to map to the field.




spDesiredInstanceType :: Lens' ScalingParameters (Maybe PartitionInstanceType) Source

The instance type that you want to preconfigure for your domain. For example, 'search.m1.small'.

spDesiredPartitionCount :: Lens' ScalingParameters (Maybe Natural) Source

The number of partitions you want to preconfigure for your domain. Only valid when you select 'm2.2xlarge' as the desired instance type.

spDesiredReplicationCount :: Lens' ScalingParameters (Maybe Natural) Source

The number of replicas you want to preconfigure for each index partition.


aoAlgorithmicStemming :: Lens' AnalysisOptions (Maybe AlgorithmicStemming) Source

The level of algorithmic stemming to perform: none, minimal, light, or full. The available levels vary depending on the language. For more information, see Language Specific Text Processing Settings in the Amazon CloudSearchDeveloper Guide

aoJapaneseTokenizationDictionary :: Lens' AnalysisOptions (Maybe Text) Source

A JSON array that contains a collection of terms, tokens, readings and part of speech for Japanese Tokenizaiton. The Japanese tokenization dictionary enables you to override the default tokenization for selected terms. This is only valid for Japanese language fields.

aoStemmingDictionary :: Lens' AnalysisOptions (Maybe Text) Source

A JSON object that contains a collection of string:value pairs that each map a term to its stem. For example, '{"term1": "stem1", "term2": "stem2","term3": "stem3"}'. The stemming dictionary is applied in addition to any algorithmic stemming. This enables you to override the results of the algorithmic stemming to correct specific cases of overstemming or understemming. The maximum size of a stemming dictionary is 500 KB.

aoStopwords :: Lens' AnalysisOptions (Maybe Text) Source

A JSON array of terms to ignore during indexing and searching. For example, '["a", "an", "the", "of"]'. The stopwords dictionary must explicitly list each word you want to ignore. Wildcards and regular expressions are not supported.

aoSynonyms :: Lens' AnalysisOptions (Maybe Text) Source

A JSON object that defines synonym groups and aliases. A synonym group is an array of arrays, where each sub-array is a group of terms where each term in the group is considered a synonym of every other term in the group. The aliases value is an object that contains a collection of string:value pairs where the string specifies a term and the array of values specifies each of the aliases for that term. An alias is considered a synonym of the specified term, but the term is not considered a synonym of the alias. For more information about specifying synonyms, see Synonyms in the Amazon CloudSearchDeveloper Guide.


do1DefaultValue :: Lens' DoubleOptions (Maybe Double) Source

A value to use for the field if the field isn't specified for a document. This can be important if you are using the field in an expression and that field is not present in every document.

do1FacetEnabled :: Lens' DoubleOptions (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether facet information can be returned for the field.

do1ReturnEnabled :: Lens' DoubleOptions (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether the contents of the field can be returned in the search results.

do1SearchEnabled :: Lens' DoubleOptions (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether the contents of the field are searchable.

do1SortEnabled :: Lens' DoubleOptions (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether the field can be used to sort the search results.

do1SourceField :: Lens' DoubleOptions (Maybe Text) Source

The name of the source field to map to the field.


toAnalysisScheme :: Lens' TextOptions (Maybe Text) Source

The name of an analysis scheme for a text field.

toDefaultValue :: Lens' TextOptions (Maybe Text) Source

A value to use for the field if the field isn't specified for a document.

toHighlightEnabled :: Lens' TextOptions (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether highlights can be returned for the field.

toReturnEnabled :: Lens' TextOptions (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether the contents of the field can be returned in the search results.

toSortEnabled :: Lens' TextOptions (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether the field can be used to sort the search results.


aosOptions :: Lens' AvailabilityOptionsStatus Bool Source

The availability options configured for the domain.


indexFieldStatus Source

IndexFieldStatus constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:




serviceEndpoint :: ServiceEndpoint Source

ServiceEndpoint constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:


data Limits Source


limits Source

Limits constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:


expressionStatus Source

ExpressionStatus constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:

esOptions :: Lens' ExpressionStatus Expression Source

The expression that is evaluated for sorting while processing a search request.



lloDefaultValue :: Lens' LatLonOptions (Maybe Text) Source

A value to use for the field if the field isn't specified for a document.

lloFacetEnabled :: Lens' LatLonOptions (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether facet information can be returned for the field.

lloReturnEnabled :: Lens' LatLonOptions (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether the contents of the field can be returned in the search results.

lloSearchEnabled :: Lens' LatLonOptions (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether the contents of the field are searchable.

lloSortEnabled :: Lens' LatLonOptions (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether the field can be used to sort the search results.


suggesterStatus Source

SuggesterStatus constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:


osCreationDate :: Lens' OptionStatus UTCTime Source

A timestamp for when this option was created.

osPendingDeletion :: Lens' OptionStatus (Maybe Bool) Source

Indicates that the option will be deleted once processing is complete.

osState :: Lens' OptionStatus OptionState Source

The state of processing a change to an option. Possible values:

RequiresIndexDocuments: the option's latest value will not be deployed until IndexDocuments has been called and indexing is complete. Processing: the option's latest value is in the process of being activated. Active: the option's latest value is completely deployed. FailedToValidate: the option value is not compatible with the domain's data and cannot be used to index the data. You must either modify the option value or update or remove the incompatible documents.

osUpdateDate :: Lens' OptionStatus UTCTime Source

A timestamp for when this option was last updated.

osUpdateVersion :: Lens' OptionStatus (Maybe Natural) Source

A unique integer that indicates when this option was last updated.


laoDefaultValue :: Lens' LiteralArrayOptions (Maybe Text) Source

A value to use for the field if the field isn't specified for a document.

laoFacetEnabled :: Lens' LiteralArrayOptions (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether facet information can be returned for the field.

laoReturnEnabled :: Lens' LiteralArrayOptions (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether the contents of the field can be returned in the search results.

laoSearchEnabled :: Lens' LiteralArrayOptions (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether the contents of the field are searchable.

laoSourceFields :: Lens' LiteralArrayOptions (Maybe Text) Source

A list of source fields to map to the field.


iaoDefaultValue :: Lens' IntArrayOptions (Maybe Integer) Source

A value to use for the field if the field isn't specified for a document.

iaoFacetEnabled :: Lens' IntArrayOptions (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether facet information can be returned for the field.

iaoReturnEnabled :: Lens' IntArrayOptions (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether the contents of the field can be returned in the search results.

iaoSearchEnabled :: Lens' IntArrayOptions (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether the contents of the field are searchable.

iaoSourceFields :: Lens' IntArrayOptions (Maybe Text) Source

A list of source fields to map to the field.


expression Source

Expression constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are:



dao1DefaultValue :: Lens' DateArrayOptions (Maybe Text) Source

A value to use for the field if the field isn't specified for a document.

dao1FacetEnabled :: Lens' DateArrayOptions (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether facet information can be returned for the field.

dao1ReturnEnabled :: Lens' DateArrayOptions (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether the contents of the field can be returned in the search results.

dao1SearchEnabled :: Lens' DateArrayOptions (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether the contents of the field are searchable.

dao1SourceFields :: Lens' DateArrayOptions (Maybe Text) Source

A list of source fields to map to the field.





ioDefaultValue :: Lens' IntOptions (Maybe Integer) Source

A value to use for the field if the field isn't specified for a document. This can be important if you are using the field in an expression and that field is not present in every document.

ioFacetEnabled :: Lens' IntOptions (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether facet information can be returned for the field.

ioReturnEnabled :: Lens' IntOptions (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether the contents of the field can be returned in the search results.

ioSearchEnabled :: Lens' IntOptions (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether the contents of the field are searchable.

ioSortEnabled :: Lens' IntOptions (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether the field can be used to sort the search results.

ioSourceField :: Lens' IntOptions (Maybe Text) Source

The name of the source field to map to the field.


loDefaultValue :: Lens' LiteralOptions (Maybe Text) Source

A value to use for the field if the field isn't specified for a document.

loFacetEnabled :: Lens' LiteralOptions (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether facet information can be returned for the field.

loReturnEnabled :: Lens' LiteralOptions (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether the contents of the field can be returned in the search results.

loSearchEnabled :: Lens' LiteralOptions (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether the contents of the field are searchable.

loSortEnabled :: Lens' LiteralOptions (Maybe Bool) Source

Whether the field can be used to sort the search results.


accessPoliciesStatus Source

AccessPoliciesStatus constructor.

The fields accessible through corresponding lenses are: