amazonka-ds-1.3.0: Amazon Directory Service SDK.

Copyright(c) 2013-2015 Brendan Hay
LicenseMozilla Public License, v. 2.0.
MaintainerBrendan Hay <>
Portabilitynon-portable (GHC extensions)
Safe HaskellNone






Service Configuration

directoryService :: Service Source

API version '2015-04-16' of the Amazon Directory Service SDK configuration.


_DirectoryUnavailableException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source

The specified directory is unavailable or could not be found.

_InvalidParameterException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source

One or more parameters are not valid.

_EntityAlreadyExistsException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source

The specified entity already exists.

_DirectoryLimitExceededException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source

The maximum number of directories in the region has been reached. You can use the GetDirectoryLimits operation to determine your directory limits in the region.

_EntityDoesNotExistException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source

The specified entity could not be found.

_InsufficientPermissionsException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source

The account does not have sufficient permission to perform the operation.

_InvalidNextTokenException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source

The NextToken value is not valid.

_ServiceException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source

An exception has occurred in AWS Directory Service.

_SnapshotLimitExceededException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source

The maximum number of manual snapshots for the directory has been reached. You can use the GetSnapshotLimits operation to determine the snapshot limits for a directory.

_ClientException :: AsError a => Getting (First ServiceError) a ServiceError Source

A client exception has occurred.









data Attribute Source

Represents a named directory attribute.

See: attribute smart constructor.

attribute :: Attribute Source

Creates a value of Attribute with the minimum fields required to make a request.

Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:

aValue :: Lens' Attribute (Maybe Text) Source

The value of the attribute.

aName :: Lens' Attribute (Maybe Text) Source

The name of the attribute.


data Computer Source

Contains information about a computer account in a directory.

See: computer smart constructor.

computer :: Computer Source

Creates a value of Computer with the minimum fields required to make a request.

Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:

cComputerId :: Lens' Computer (Maybe Text) Source

The identifier of the computer.

cComputerAttributes :: Lens' Computer [Attribute] Source

An array of Attribute objects that contain the LDAP attributes that belong to the computer account.

cComputerName :: Lens' Computer (Maybe Text) Source

The computer name.


directoryConnectSettings Source

Creates a value of DirectoryConnectSettings with the minimum fields required to make a request.

Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:

dcsVPCId :: Lens' DirectoryConnectSettings Text Source

The identifier of the VPC that the AD Connector is created in.

dcsSubnetIds :: Lens' DirectoryConnectSettings [Text] Source

A list of subnet identifiers in the VPC that the AD Connector is created in.

dcsCustomerDNSIPs :: Lens' DirectoryConnectSettings [Text] Source

A list of one or more IP addresses of DNS servers or domain controllers in the on-premises directory.

dcsCustomerUserName :: Lens' DirectoryConnectSettings Text Source

The username of an account in the on-premises directory that is used to connect to the directory. This account must have the following privileges:

  • Read users and groups
  • Create computer objects
  • Join computers to the domain


directoryConnectSettingsDescription :: DirectoryConnectSettingsDescription Source

Creates a value of DirectoryConnectSettingsDescription with the minimum fields required to make a request.

Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:

dcsdCustomerUserName :: Lens' DirectoryConnectSettingsDescription (Maybe Text) Source

The username of the service account in the on-premises directory.

dcsdSubnetIds :: Lens' DirectoryConnectSettingsDescription [Text] Source

A list of subnet identifiers in the VPC that the AD connector is in.

dcsdVPCId :: Lens' DirectoryConnectSettingsDescription (Maybe Text) Source

The identifier of the VPC that the AD Connector is in.

dcsdSecurityGroupId :: Lens' DirectoryConnectSettingsDescription (Maybe Text) Source

The security group identifier for the AD Connector directory.

dcsdConnectIPs :: Lens' DirectoryConnectSettingsDescription [Text] Source

The IP addresses of the AD Connector servers.

dcsdAvailabilityZones :: Lens' DirectoryConnectSettingsDescription [Text] Source

A list of the Availability Zones that the directory is in.


ddRadiusStatus :: Lens' DirectoryDescription (Maybe RadiusStatus) Source

The status of the RADIUS MFA server connection.

ddStage :: Lens' DirectoryDescription (Maybe DirectoryStage) Source

The current stage of the directory.

ddAccessURL :: Lens' DirectoryDescription (Maybe Text) Source

The access URL for the directory, such as 'http:\/\/\<alias>'.

ddShortName :: Lens' DirectoryDescription (Maybe Text) Source

The short name of the directory.

ddRadiusSettings :: Lens' DirectoryDescription (Maybe RadiusSettings) Source

A RadiusSettings object that contains information about the RADIUS server configured for this directory.

ddLaunchTime :: Lens' DirectoryDescription (Maybe UTCTime) Source

Specifies when the directory was created.

ddAlias :: Lens' DirectoryDescription (Maybe Text) Source

The alias for the directory.

ddName :: Lens' DirectoryDescription (Maybe Text) Source

The fully-qualified name of the directory.

ddStageLastUpdatedDateTime :: Lens' DirectoryDescription (Maybe UTCTime) Source

The date and time that the stage was last updated.

ddSSOEnabled :: Lens' DirectoryDescription (Maybe Bool) Source

Indicates if single-sign on is enabled for the directory. For more information, see EnableSso and DisableSso.

ddDNSIPAddrs :: Lens' DirectoryDescription [Text] Source

The IP addresses of the DNS servers for the directory. For a Simple AD directory, these are the IP addresses of the Simple AD directory servers. For an AD Connector directory, these are the IP addresses of the DNS servers or domain controllers in the on-premises directory that the AD Connector is connected to.

ddVPCSettings :: Lens' DirectoryDescription (Maybe DirectoryVPCSettingsDescription) Source

A DirectoryVpcSettingsDescription object that contains additional information about a Simple AD directory. This member is only present if the directory is a Simple AD directory.

ddStageReason :: Lens' DirectoryDescription (Maybe Text) Source

Additional information about the directory stage.

ddConnectSettings :: Lens' DirectoryDescription (Maybe DirectoryConnectSettingsDescription) Source

A DirectoryConnectSettingsDescription object that contains additional information about an AD Connector directory. This member is only present if the directory is an AD Connector directory.

ddDescription :: Lens' DirectoryDescription (Maybe Text) Source

The textual description for the directory.


dlConnectedDirectoriesCurrentCount :: Lens' DirectoryLimits (Maybe Natural) Source

The current number of connected directories in the region.

dlConnectedDirectoriesLimit :: Lens' DirectoryLimits (Maybe Natural) Source

The maximum number of connected directories allowed in the region.

dlConnectedDirectoriesLimitReached :: Lens' DirectoryLimits (Maybe Bool) Source

Indicates if the connected directory limit has been reached.

dlCloudOnlyDirectoriesLimit :: Lens' DirectoryLimits (Maybe Natural) Source

The maximum number of cloud directories allowed in the region.

dlCloudOnlyDirectoriesCurrentCount :: Lens' DirectoryLimits (Maybe Natural) Source

The current number of cloud directories in the region.

dlCloudOnlyDirectoriesLimitReached :: Lens' DirectoryLimits (Maybe Bool) Source

Indicates if the cloud directory limit has been reached.


data DirectoryVPCSettings Source

Contains information for the CreateDirectory operation when a Simple AD directory is being created.

See: directoryVPCSettings smart constructor.

directoryVPCSettings Source

Creates a value of DirectoryVPCSettings with the minimum fields required to make a request.

Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:

dvsVPCId :: Lens' DirectoryVPCSettings Text Source

The identifier of the VPC to create the Simple AD directory in.

dvsSubnetIds :: Lens' DirectoryVPCSettings [Text] Source

The identifiers of the subnets for the directory servers. The two subnets must be in different Availability Zones. AWS Directory Service creates a directory server and a DNS server in each of these subnets.


directoryVPCSettingsDescription :: DirectoryVPCSettingsDescription Source

Creates a value of DirectoryVPCSettingsDescription with the minimum fields required to make a request.

Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:

dvsdSubnetIds :: Lens' DirectoryVPCSettingsDescription [Text] Source

The identifiers of the subnets for the directory servers.

dvsdVPCId :: Lens' DirectoryVPCSettingsDescription (Maybe Text) Source

The identifier of the VPC that the directory is in.

dvsdSecurityGroupId :: Lens' DirectoryVPCSettingsDescription (Maybe Text) Source

The security group identifier for the directory.

dvsdAvailabilityZones :: Lens' DirectoryVPCSettingsDescription [Text] Source

The list of Availability Zones that the directory is in.


data RadiusSettings Source

Contains information about a Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) server.

See: radiusSettings smart constructor.

radiusSettings :: RadiusSettings Source

Creates a value of RadiusSettings with the minimum fields required to make a request.

Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:

rsRadiusRetries :: Lens' RadiusSettings (Maybe Natural) Source

The maximum number of times that communication with the RADIUS server is attempted.

rsAuthenticationProtocol :: Lens' RadiusSettings (Maybe RadiusAuthenticationProtocol) Source

The protocol specified for your RADIUS endpoints.

rsRadiusServers :: Lens' RadiusSettings [Text] Source

An array of strings that contains the IP addresses of the RADIUS server endpoints, or the IP addresses of your RADIUS server load balancer.

rsSharedSecret :: Lens' RadiusSettings (Maybe Text) Source

The shared secret code that was specified when your RADIUS endpoints were created.

rsRadiusTimeout :: Lens' RadiusSettings (Maybe Natural) Source

The amount of time, in seconds, to wait for the RADIUS server to respond.

rsRadiusPort :: Lens' RadiusSettings (Maybe Natural) Source

The port that your RADIUS server is using for communications. Your on-premises network must allow inbound traffic over this port from the AWS Directory Service servers.


data Snapshot Source

Describes a directory snapshot.

See: snapshot smart constructor.

snapshot :: Snapshot Source

Creates a value of Snapshot with the minimum fields required to make a request.

Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:

sStatus :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe SnapshotStatus) Source

The snapshot status.

sDirectoryId :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Text) Source

The directory identifier.

sStartTime :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe UTCTime) Source

The date and time that the snapshot was taken.

sName :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Text) Source

The descriptive name of the snapshot.

sType :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe SnapshotType) Source

The snapshot type.

sSnapshotId :: Lens' Snapshot (Maybe Text) Source

The snapshot identifier.


data SnapshotLimits Source

Contains manual snapshot limit information for a directory.

See: snapshotLimits smart constructor.

snapshotLimits :: SnapshotLimits Source

Creates a value of SnapshotLimits with the minimum fields required to make a request.

Use one of the following lenses to modify other fields as desired:

slManualSnapshotsLimitReached :: Lens' SnapshotLimits (Maybe Bool) Source

Indicates if the manual snapshot limit has been reached.

slManualSnapshotsCurrentCount :: Lens' SnapshotLimits (Maybe Natural) Source

The current number of manual snapshots of the directory.

slManualSnapshotsLimit :: Lens' SnapshotLimits (Maybe Natural) Source

The maximum number of manual snapshots allowed.