Copyright | (c) 2013-2023 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- Service Configuration
- Errors
- Waiters
- Operations
- CancelBatchJobExecution
- CreateApplication
- CreateDataSetImportTask
- CreateDeployment
- CreateEnvironment
- DeleteApplication
- DeleteApplicationFromEnvironment
- DeleteEnvironment
- GetApplication
- GetApplicationVersion
- GetBatchJobExecution
- GetDataSetDetails
- GetDataSetImportTask
- GetDeployment
- GetEnvironment
- ListApplicationVersions (Paginated)
- ListApplications (Paginated)
- ListBatchJobDefinitions (Paginated)
- ListBatchJobExecutions (Paginated)
- ListDataSetImportHistory (Paginated)
- ListDataSets (Paginated)
- ListDeployments (Paginated)
- ListEngineVersions (Paginated)
- ListEnvironments (Paginated)
- ListTagsForResource
- StartApplication
- StartBatchJob
- StopApplication
- TagResource
- UntagResource
- UpdateApplication
- UpdateEnvironment
- Types
- ApplicationDeploymentLifecycle
- ApplicationLifecycle
- ApplicationVersionLifecycle
- BatchJobExecutionStatus
- BatchJobType
- DataSetTaskLifecycle
- DeploymentLifecycle
- EngineType
- EnvironmentLifecycle
- AlternateKey
- ApplicationSummary
- ApplicationVersionSummary
- BatchJobDefinition
- BatchJobExecutionSummary
- BatchJobIdentifier
- DataSet
- DataSetImportConfig
- DataSetImportItem
- DataSetImportSummary
- DataSetImportTask
- DataSetSummary
- DatasetDetailOrgAttributes
- DatasetOrgAttributes
- Definition
- DeployedVersionSummary
- DeploymentSummary
- EfsStorageConfiguration
- EngineVersionsSummary
- EnvironmentSummary
- ExternalLocation
- FileBatchJobDefinition
- FileBatchJobIdentifier
- FsxStorageConfiguration
- GdgAttributes
- GdgDetailAttributes
- HighAvailabilityConfig
- LogGroupSummary
- MaintenanceSchedule
- PendingMaintenance
- PrimaryKey
- RecordLength
- ScriptBatchJobDefinition
- ScriptBatchJobIdentifier
- StorageConfiguration
- VsamAttributes
- VsamDetailAttributes
Derived from API version 2021-04-28
of the AWS service descriptions, licensed under Apache 2.0.
Amazon Web Services Mainframe Modernization provides tools and resources to help you plan and implement migration and modernization from mainframes to Amazon Web Services managed runtime environments. It provides tools for analyzing existing mainframe applications, developing or updating mainframe applications using COBOL or PL/I, and implementing an automated pipeline for continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) of the applications.
- defaultService :: Service
- _AccessDeniedException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _ConflictException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _InternalServerException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _ResourceNotFoundException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _ServiceQuotaExceededException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _ThrottlingException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _ValidationException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- data CancelBatchJobExecution = CancelBatchJobExecution' Text Text
- newCancelBatchJobExecution :: Text -> Text -> CancelBatchJobExecution
- data CancelBatchJobExecutionResponse = CancelBatchJobExecutionResponse' Int
- newCancelBatchJobExecutionResponse :: Int -> CancelBatchJobExecutionResponse
- data CreateApplication = CreateApplication' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Definition EngineType Text
- newCreateApplication :: Definition -> EngineType -> Text -> CreateApplication
- data CreateApplicationResponse = CreateApplicationResponse' Int Text Text Natural
- newCreateApplicationResponse :: Int -> Text -> Text -> Natural -> CreateApplicationResponse
- data CreateDataSetImportTask = CreateDataSetImportTask' (Maybe Text) Text DataSetImportConfig
- newCreateDataSetImportTask :: Text -> DataSetImportConfig -> CreateDataSetImportTask
- data CreateDataSetImportTaskResponse = CreateDataSetImportTaskResponse' Int Text
- newCreateDataSetImportTaskResponse :: Int -> Text -> CreateDataSetImportTaskResponse
- data CreateDeployment = CreateDeployment' (Maybe Text) Text Natural Text
- newCreateDeployment :: Text -> Natural -> Text -> CreateDeployment
- data CreateDeploymentResponse = CreateDeploymentResponse' Int Text
- newCreateDeploymentResponse :: Int -> Text -> CreateDeploymentResponse
- data CreateEnvironment = CreateEnvironment' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe HighAvailabilityConfig) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe [Text]) (Maybe [StorageConfiguration]) (Maybe [Text]) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) EngineType Text Text
- newCreateEnvironment :: EngineType -> Text -> Text -> CreateEnvironment
- data CreateEnvironmentResponse = CreateEnvironmentResponse' Int Text
- newCreateEnvironmentResponse :: Int -> Text -> CreateEnvironmentResponse
- data DeleteApplication = DeleteApplication' Text
- newDeleteApplication :: Text -> DeleteApplication
- data DeleteApplicationResponse = DeleteApplicationResponse' Int
- newDeleteApplicationResponse :: Int -> DeleteApplicationResponse
- data DeleteApplicationFromEnvironment = DeleteApplicationFromEnvironment' Text Text
- newDeleteApplicationFromEnvironment :: Text -> Text -> DeleteApplicationFromEnvironment
- data DeleteApplicationFromEnvironmentResponse = DeleteApplicationFromEnvironmentResponse' Int
- newDeleteApplicationFromEnvironmentResponse :: Int -> DeleteApplicationFromEnvironmentResponse
- data DeleteEnvironment = DeleteEnvironment' Text
- newDeleteEnvironment :: Text -> DeleteEnvironment
- data DeleteEnvironmentResponse = DeleteEnvironmentResponse' Int
- newDeleteEnvironmentResponse :: Int -> DeleteEnvironmentResponse
- data GetApplication = GetApplication' Text
- newGetApplication :: Text -> GetApplication
- data GetApplicationResponse = GetApplicationResponse' (Maybe DeployedVersionSummary) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) (Maybe (NonEmpty Int)) (Maybe Text) (Maybe [LogGroupSummary]) (Maybe Text) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Int Text Text POSIX EngineType ApplicationVersionSummary Text ApplicationLifecycle
- newGetApplicationResponse :: Int -> Text -> Text -> UTCTime -> EngineType -> ApplicationVersionSummary -> Text -> ApplicationLifecycle -> GetApplicationResponse
- data GetApplicationVersion = GetApplicationVersion' Text Natural
- newGetApplicationVersion :: Text -> Natural -> GetApplicationVersion
- data GetApplicationVersionResponse = GetApplicationVersionResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) Int Natural POSIX Text Text ApplicationVersionLifecycle
- newGetApplicationVersionResponse :: Int -> Natural -> UTCTime -> Text -> Text -> ApplicationVersionLifecycle -> GetApplicationVersionResponse
- data GetBatchJobExecution = GetBatchJobExecution' Text Text
- newGetBatchJobExecution :: Text -> Text -> GetBatchJobExecution
- data GetBatchJobExecutionResponse = GetBatchJobExecutionResponse' (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe BatchJobType) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) Int Text Text POSIX BatchJobExecutionStatus
- newGetBatchJobExecutionResponse :: Int -> Text -> Text -> UTCTime -> BatchJobExecutionStatus -> GetBatchJobExecutionResponse
- data GetDataSetDetails = GetDataSetDetails' Text Text
- newGetDataSetDetails :: Text -> Text -> GetDataSetDetails
- data GetDataSetDetailsResponse = GetDataSetDetailsResponse' (Maybe Int) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe DatasetDetailOrgAttributes) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Int) Int Text
- newGetDataSetDetailsResponse :: Int -> Text -> GetDataSetDetailsResponse
- data GetDataSetImportTask = GetDataSetImportTask' Text Text
- newGetDataSetImportTask :: Text -> Text -> GetDataSetImportTask
- data GetDataSetImportTaskResponse = GetDataSetImportTaskResponse' (Maybe DataSetImportSummary) Int DataSetTaskLifecycle Text
- newGetDataSetImportTaskResponse :: Int -> DataSetTaskLifecycle -> Text -> GetDataSetImportTaskResponse
- data GetDeployment = GetDeployment' Text Text
- newGetDeployment :: Text -> Text -> GetDeployment
- data GetDeploymentResponse = GetDeploymentResponse' (Maybe Text) Int Text Natural POSIX Text Text DeploymentLifecycle
- newGetDeploymentResponse :: Int -> Text -> Natural -> UTCTime -> Text -> Text -> DeploymentLifecycle -> GetDeploymentResponse
- data GetEnvironment = GetEnvironment' Text
- newGetEnvironment :: Text -> GetEnvironment
- data GetEnvironmentResponse = GetEnvironmentResponse' (Maybe Natural) (Maybe Text) (Maybe HighAvailabilityConfig) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe PendingMaintenance) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Text) (Maybe [StorageConfiguration]) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Int POSIX EngineType Text Text Text Text Text [Text] EnvironmentLifecycle [Text] Text
- newGetEnvironmentResponse :: Int -> UTCTime -> EngineType -> Text -> Text -> Text -> Text -> Text -> EnvironmentLifecycle -> Text -> GetEnvironmentResponse
- data ListApplicationVersions = ListApplicationVersions' (Maybe Natural) (Maybe Text) Text
- newListApplicationVersions :: Text -> ListApplicationVersions
- data ListApplicationVersionsResponse = ListApplicationVersionsResponse' (Maybe Text) Int [ApplicationVersionSummary]
- newListApplicationVersionsResponse :: Int -> ListApplicationVersionsResponse
- data ListApplications = ListApplications' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural) (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) (Maybe Text)
- newListApplications :: ListApplications
- data ListApplicationsResponse = ListApplicationsResponse' (Maybe Text) Int [ApplicationSummary]
- newListApplicationsResponse :: Int -> ListApplicationsResponse
- data ListBatchJobDefinitions = ListBatchJobDefinitions' (Maybe Natural) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) Text
- newListBatchJobDefinitions :: Text -> ListBatchJobDefinitions
- data ListBatchJobDefinitionsResponse = ListBatchJobDefinitionsResponse' (Maybe Text) Int [BatchJobDefinition]
- newListBatchJobDefinitionsResponse :: Int -> ListBatchJobDefinitionsResponse
- data ListBatchJobExecutions = ListBatchJobExecutions' (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural) (Maybe Text) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe BatchJobExecutionStatus) Text
- newListBatchJobExecutions :: Text -> ListBatchJobExecutions
- data ListBatchJobExecutionsResponse = ListBatchJobExecutionsResponse' (Maybe Text) Int [BatchJobExecutionSummary]
- newListBatchJobExecutionsResponse :: Int -> ListBatchJobExecutionsResponse
- data ListDataSetImportHistory = ListDataSetImportHistory' (Maybe Natural) (Maybe Text) Text
- newListDataSetImportHistory :: Text -> ListDataSetImportHistory
- data ListDataSetImportHistoryResponse = ListDataSetImportHistoryResponse' (Maybe Text) Int [DataSetImportTask]
- newListDataSetImportHistoryResponse :: Int -> ListDataSetImportHistoryResponse
- data ListDataSets = ListDataSets' (Maybe Natural) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) Text
- newListDataSets :: Text -> ListDataSets
- data ListDataSetsResponse = ListDataSetsResponse' (Maybe Text) Int [DataSetSummary]
- newListDataSetsResponse :: Int -> ListDataSetsResponse
- data ListDeployments = ListDeployments' (Maybe Natural) (Maybe Text) Text
- newListDeployments :: Text -> ListDeployments
- data ListDeploymentsResponse = ListDeploymentsResponse' (Maybe Text) Int [DeploymentSummary]
- newListDeploymentsResponse :: Int -> ListDeploymentsResponse
- data ListEngineVersions = ListEngineVersions' (Maybe EngineType) (Maybe Natural) (Maybe Text)
- newListEngineVersions :: ListEngineVersions
- data ListEngineVersionsResponse = ListEngineVersionsResponse' (Maybe Text) Int [EngineVersionsSummary]
- newListEngineVersionsResponse :: Int -> ListEngineVersionsResponse
- data ListEnvironments = ListEnvironments' (Maybe EngineType) (Maybe Natural) (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) (Maybe Text)
- newListEnvironments :: ListEnvironments
- data ListEnvironmentsResponse = ListEnvironmentsResponse' (Maybe Text) Int [EnvironmentSummary]
- newListEnvironmentsResponse :: Int -> ListEnvironmentsResponse
- data ListTagsForResource = ListTagsForResource' Text
- newListTagsForResource :: Text -> ListTagsForResource
- data ListTagsForResourceResponse = ListTagsForResourceResponse' Int (HashMap Text Text)
- newListTagsForResourceResponse :: Int -> ListTagsForResourceResponse
- data StartApplication = StartApplication' Text
- newStartApplication :: Text -> StartApplication
- data StartApplicationResponse = StartApplicationResponse' Int
- newStartApplicationResponse :: Int -> StartApplicationResponse
- data StartBatchJob = StartBatchJob' (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Text BatchJobIdentifier
- newStartBatchJob :: Text -> BatchJobIdentifier -> StartBatchJob
- data StartBatchJobResponse = StartBatchJobResponse' Int Text
- newStartBatchJobResponse :: Int -> Text -> StartBatchJobResponse
- data StopApplication = StopApplication' (Maybe Bool) Text
- newStopApplication :: Text -> StopApplication
- data StopApplicationResponse = StopApplicationResponse' Int
- newStopApplicationResponse :: Int -> StopApplicationResponse
- data TagResource = TagResource' Text (HashMap Text Text)
- newTagResource :: Text -> TagResource
- data TagResourceResponse = TagResourceResponse' Int
- newTagResourceResponse :: Int -> TagResourceResponse
- data UntagResource = UntagResource' Text [Text]
- newUntagResource :: Text -> UntagResource
- data UntagResourceResponse = UntagResourceResponse' Int
- newUntagResourceResponse :: Int -> UntagResourceResponse
- data UpdateApplication = UpdateApplication' (Maybe Definition) (Maybe Text) Text Natural
- newUpdateApplication :: Text -> Natural -> UpdateApplication
- data UpdateApplicationResponse = UpdateApplicationResponse' Int Natural
- newUpdateApplicationResponse :: Int -> Natural -> UpdateApplicationResponse
- data UpdateEnvironment = UpdateEnvironment' (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Natural) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) Text
- newUpdateEnvironment :: Text -> UpdateEnvironment
- data UpdateEnvironmentResponse = UpdateEnvironmentResponse' Int Text
- newUpdateEnvironmentResponse :: Int -> Text -> UpdateEnvironmentResponse
- newtype ApplicationDeploymentLifecycle where
- newtype ApplicationLifecycle where
- ApplicationLifecycle' { }
- pattern ApplicationLifecycle_Available :: ApplicationLifecycle
- pattern ApplicationLifecycle_Created :: ApplicationLifecycle
- pattern ApplicationLifecycle_Creating :: ApplicationLifecycle
- pattern ApplicationLifecycle_Deleting :: ApplicationLifecycle
- pattern ApplicationLifecycle_Deleting_From_Environment :: ApplicationLifecycle
- pattern ApplicationLifecycle_Failed :: ApplicationLifecycle
- pattern ApplicationLifecycle_Ready :: ApplicationLifecycle
- pattern ApplicationLifecycle_Running :: ApplicationLifecycle
- pattern ApplicationLifecycle_Starting :: ApplicationLifecycle
- pattern ApplicationLifecycle_Stopped :: ApplicationLifecycle
- pattern ApplicationLifecycle_Stopping :: ApplicationLifecycle
- newtype ApplicationVersionLifecycle where
- newtype BatchJobExecutionStatus where
- BatchJobExecutionStatus' { }
- pattern BatchJobExecutionStatus_Cancelled :: BatchJobExecutionStatus
- pattern BatchJobExecutionStatus_Cancelling :: BatchJobExecutionStatus
- pattern BatchJobExecutionStatus_Dispatching :: BatchJobExecutionStatus
- pattern BatchJobExecutionStatus_Failed :: BatchJobExecutionStatus
- pattern BatchJobExecutionStatus_Holding :: BatchJobExecutionStatus
- pattern BatchJobExecutionStatus_Running :: BatchJobExecutionStatus
- pattern BatchJobExecutionStatus_Submitting :: BatchJobExecutionStatus
- pattern BatchJobExecutionStatus_Succeeded :: BatchJobExecutionStatus
- pattern BatchJobExecutionStatus_Succeeded_With_Warning :: BatchJobExecutionStatus
- newtype BatchJobType where
- BatchJobType' { }
- pattern BatchJobType_JES2 :: BatchJobType
- pattern BatchJobType_JES3 :: BatchJobType
- pattern BatchJobType_VSE :: BatchJobType
- newtype DataSetTaskLifecycle where
- newtype DeploymentLifecycle where
- newtype EngineType where
- EngineType' { }
- pattern EngineType_Bluage :: EngineType
- pattern EngineType_Microfocus :: EngineType
- newtype EnvironmentLifecycle where
- EnvironmentLifecycle' { }
- pattern EnvironmentLifecycle_Available :: EnvironmentLifecycle
- pattern EnvironmentLifecycle_Creating :: EnvironmentLifecycle
- pattern EnvironmentLifecycle_Deleting :: EnvironmentLifecycle
- pattern EnvironmentLifecycle_Failed :: EnvironmentLifecycle
- pattern EnvironmentLifecycle_Updating :: EnvironmentLifecycle
- data AlternateKey = AlternateKey' (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Text) Int Int
- newAlternateKey :: Int -> Int -> AlternateKey
- data ApplicationSummary = ApplicationSummary' (Maybe ApplicationDeploymentLifecycle) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe ApplicationVersionLifecycle) Text Text Natural POSIX EngineType Text ApplicationLifecycle
- newApplicationSummary :: Text -> Text -> Natural -> UTCTime -> EngineType -> Text -> ApplicationLifecycle -> ApplicationSummary
- data ApplicationVersionSummary = ApplicationVersionSummary' (Maybe Text) Natural POSIX ApplicationVersionLifecycle
- newApplicationVersionSummary :: Natural -> UTCTime -> ApplicationVersionLifecycle -> ApplicationVersionSummary
- data BatchJobDefinition = BatchJobDefinition' (Maybe FileBatchJobDefinition) (Maybe ScriptBatchJobDefinition)
- newBatchJobDefinition :: BatchJobDefinition
- data BatchJobExecutionSummary = BatchJobExecutionSummary' (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe BatchJobType) Text Text POSIX BatchJobExecutionStatus
- newBatchJobExecutionSummary :: Text -> Text -> UTCTime -> BatchJobExecutionStatus -> BatchJobExecutionSummary
- data BatchJobIdentifier = BatchJobIdentifier' (Maybe FileBatchJobIdentifier) (Maybe ScriptBatchJobIdentifier)
- newBatchJobIdentifier :: BatchJobIdentifier
- data DataSet = DataSet' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) Text DatasetOrgAttributes RecordLength
- newDataSet :: Text -> DatasetOrgAttributes -> RecordLength -> DataSet
- data DataSetImportConfig = DataSetImportConfig' (Maybe (NonEmpty DataSetImportItem)) (Maybe Text)
- newDataSetImportConfig :: DataSetImportConfig
- data DataSetImportItem = DataSetImportItem' DataSet ExternalLocation
- newDataSetImportItem :: DataSet -> ExternalLocation -> DataSetImportItem
- data DataSetImportSummary = DataSetImportSummary' Int Int Int Int Int
- newDataSetImportSummary :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Int -> DataSetImportSummary
- data DataSetImportTask = DataSetImportTask' DataSetTaskLifecycle DataSetImportSummary Text
- newDataSetImportTask :: DataSetTaskLifecycle -> DataSetImportSummary -> Text -> DataSetImportTask
- data DataSetSummary = DataSetSummary' (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe POSIX) Text
- newDataSetSummary :: Text -> DataSetSummary
- data DatasetDetailOrgAttributes = DatasetDetailOrgAttributes' (Maybe GdgDetailAttributes) (Maybe VsamDetailAttributes)
- newDatasetDetailOrgAttributes :: DatasetDetailOrgAttributes
- data DatasetOrgAttributes = DatasetOrgAttributes' (Maybe GdgAttributes) (Maybe VsamAttributes)
- newDatasetOrgAttributes :: DatasetOrgAttributes
- data Definition = Definition' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text)
- newDefinition :: Definition
- data DeployedVersionSummary = DeployedVersionSummary' (Maybe Text) Natural DeploymentLifecycle
- newDeployedVersionSummary :: Natural -> DeploymentLifecycle -> DeployedVersionSummary
- data DeploymentSummary = DeploymentSummary' (Maybe Text) Text Natural POSIX Text Text DeploymentLifecycle
- newDeploymentSummary :: Text -> Natural -> UTCTime -> Text -> Text -> DeploymentLifecycle -> DeploymentSummary
- data EfsStorageConfiguration = EfsStorageConfiguration' Text Text
- newEfsStorageConfiguration :: Text -> Text -> EfsStorageConfiguration
- data EngineVersionsSummary = EngineVersionsSummary' Text Text
- newEngineVersionsSummary :: Text -> Text -> EngineVersionsSummary
- data EnvironmentSummary = EnvironmentSummary' POSIX EngineType Text Text Text Text Text EnvironmentLifecycle
- newEnvironmentSummary :: UTCTime -> EngineType -> Text -> Text -> Text -> Text -> Text -> EnvironmentLifecycle -> EnvironmentSummary
- data ExternalLocation = ExternalLocation' (Maybe Text)
- newExternalLocation :: ExternalLocation
- data FileBatchJobDefinition = FileBatchJobDefinition' (Maybe Text) Text
- newFileBatchJobDefinition :: Text -> FileBatchJobDefinition
- data FileBatchJobIdentifier = FileBatchJobIdentifier' (Maybe Text) Text
- newFileBatchJobIdentifier :: Text -> FileBatchJobIdentifier
- data FsxStorageConfiguration = FsxStorageConfiguration' Text Text
- newFsxStorageConfiguration :: Text -> Text -> FsxStorageConfiguration
- data GdgAttributes = GdgAttributes' (Maybe Int) (Maybe Text)
- newGdgAttributes :: GdgAttributes
- data GdgDetailAttributes = GdgDetailAttributes' (Maybe Int) (Maybe Text)
- newGdgDetailAttributes :: GdgDetailAttributes
- data HighAvailabilityConfig = HighAvailabilityConfig' Natural
- newHighAvailabilityConfig :: Natural -> HighAvailabilityConfig
- data LogGroupSummary = LogGroupSummary' Text Text
- newLogGroupSummary :: Text -> Text -> LogGroupSummary
- data MaintenanceSchedule = MaintenanceSchedule' (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe POSIX)
- newMaintenanceSchedule :: MaintenanceSchedule
- data PendingMaintenance = PendingMaintenance' (Maybe Text) (Maybe MaintenanceSchedule)
- newPendingMaintenance :: PendingMaintenance
- data PrimaryKey = PrimaryKey' (Maybe Text) Int Int
- newPrimaryKey :: Int -> Int -> PrimaryKey
- data RecordLength = RecordLength' Int Int
- newRecordLength :: Int -> Int -> RecordLength
- data ScriptBatchJobDefinition = ScriptBatchJobDefinition' Text
- newScriptBatchJobDefinition :: Text -> ScriptBatchJobDefinition
- data ScriptBatchJobIdentifier = ScriptBatchJobIdentifier' Text
- newScriptBatchJobIdentifier :: Text -> ScriptBatchJobIdentifier
- data StorageConfiguration = StorageConfiguration' (Maybe EfsStorageConfiguration) (Maybe FsxStorageConfiguration)
- newStorageConfiguration :: StorageConfiguration
- data VsamAttributes = VsamAttributes' (Maybe [AlternateKey]) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Text) (Maybe PrimaryKey) Text
- newVsamAttributes :: Text -> VsamAttributes
- data VsamDetailAttributes = VsamDetailAttributes' (Maybe [AlternateKey]) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Text) (Maybe PrimaryKey) (Maybe Text)
- newVsamDetailAttributes :: VsamDetailAttributes
Service Configuration
defaultService :: Service Source #
API version 2021-04-28
of the Amazon MainframeModernization SDK configuration.
Error matchers are designed for use with the functions provided by
This allows catching (and rethrowing) service specific errors returned
by M2
_AccessDeniedException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
The account or role doesn't have the right permissions to make the request.
_ConflictException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
The parameters provided in the request conflict with existing resources.
_InternalServerException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
An unexpected error occurred during the processing of the request.
_ResourceNotFoundException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
The specified resource was not found.
_ServiceQuotaExceededException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
One or more quotas for Amazon Web Services Mainframe Modernization exceeds the limit.
_ThrottlingException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
The number of requests made exceeds the limit.
_ValidationException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
One or more parameters provided in the request is not valid.
Waiters poll by repeatedly sending a request until some remote success condition
configured by the Wait
specification is fulfilled. The Wait
determines how many attempts should be made, in addition to delay and retry strategies.
Some AWS operations return results that are incomplete and require subsequent
requests in order to obtain the entire result set. The process of sending
subsequent requests to continue where a previous request left off is called
pagination. For example, the ListObjects
operation of Amazon S3 returns up to
1000 objects at a time, and you must send subsequent requests with the
appropriate Marker in order to retrieve the next page of results.
Operations that have an AWSPager
instance can transparently perform subsequent
requests, correctly setting Markers and other request facets to iterate through
the entire result set of a truncated API operation. Operations which support
this have an additional note in the documentation.
Many operations have the ability to filter results on the server side. See the individual operation parameters for details.
data CancelBatchJobExecution Source #
See: newCancelBatchJobExecution
smart constructor.
CancelBatchJobExecution' Text Text |
newCancelBatchJobExecution Source #
Create a value of CancelBatchJobExecution
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, cancelBatchJobExecution_applicationId
- The unique identifier of the application.
, cancelBatchJobExecution_executionId
- The unique identifier of the batch job execution.
data CancelBatchJobExecutionResponse Source #
See: newCancelBatchJobExecutionResponse
smart constructor.
CancelBatchJobExecutionResponse' Int |
newCancelBatchJobExecutionResponse Source #
Create a value of CancelBatchJobExecutionResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, cancelBatchJobExecutionResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data CreateApplication Source #
See: newCreateApplication
smart constructor.
CreateApplication' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Definition EngineType Text |
:: Definition | |
-> EngineType | |
-> Text | |
-> CreateApplication |
Create a value of CreateApplication
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createApplication_clientToken
- Unique, case-sensitive identifier the service generates to ensure the
idempotency of the request to create an application. The service
generates the clientToken when the API call is triggered. The token
expires after one hour, so if you retry the API within this timeframe
with the same clientToken, you will get the same response. The service
also handles deleting the clientToken after it expires.
, createApplication_description
- The description of the application.
, createApplication_kmsKeyId
- The identifier of a customer managed key.
, createApplication_tags
- A list of tags to apply to the application.
, createApplication_definition
- The application definition for this application. You can specify either
inline JSON or an S3 bucket location.
, createApplication_engineType
- The type of the target platform for this application.
, createApplication_name
- The unique identifier of the application.
data CreateApplicationResponse Source #
See: newCreateApplicationResponse
smart constructor.
CreateApplicationResponse' Int Text Text Natural |
newCreateApplicationResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> Natural | |
-> CreateApplicationResponse |
Create a value of CreateApplicationResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createApplicationResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, createApplicationResponse_applicationArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application.
, createApplicationResponse_applicationId
- The unique application identifier.
, createApplicationResponse_applicationVersion
- The version number of the application.
data CreateDataSetImportTask Source #
See: newCreateDataSetImportTask
smart constructor.
CreateDataSetImportTask' (Maybe Text) Text DataSetImportConfig |
newCreateDataSetImportTask Source #
:: Text | |
-> DataSetImportConfig | |
-> CreateDataSetImportTask |
Create a value of CreateDataSetImportTask
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createDataSetImportTask_clientToken
- Unique, case-sensitive identifier you provide to ensure the idempotency
of the request to create a data set import. The service generates the
clientToken when the API call is triggered. The token expires after one
hour, so if you retry the API within this timeframe with the same
clientToken, you will get the same response. The service also handles
deleting the clientToken after it expires.
, createDataSetImportTask_applicationId
- The unique identifier of the application for which you want to import
data sets.
, createDataSetImportTask_importConfig
- The data set import task configuration.
data CreateDataSetImportTaskResponse Source #
See: newCreateDataSetImportTaskResponse
smart constructor.
CreateDataSetImportTaskResponse' Int Text |
newCreateDataSetImportTaskResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> Text | |
-> CreateDataSetImportTaskResponse |
Create a value of CreateDataSetImportTaskResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createDataSetImportTaskResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, createDataSetImportTaskResponse_taskId
- The task identifier. This operation is asynchronous. Use this identifier
with the GetDataSetImportTask operation to obtain the status of this
data CreateDeployment Source #
See: newCreateDeployment
smart constructor.
:: Text | |
-> Natural | |
-> Text | |
-> CreateDeployment |
Create a value of CreateDeployment
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createDeployment_clientToken
- Unique, case-sensitive identifier you provide to ensure the idempotency
of the request to create a deployment. The service generates the
clientToken when the API call is triggered. The token expires after one
hour, so if you retry the API within this timeframe with the same
clientToken, you will get the same response. The service also handles
deleting the clientToken after it expires.
, createDeployment_applicationId
- The application identifier.
, createDeployment_applicationVersion
- The version of the application to deploy.
, createDeployment_environmentId
- The identifier of the runtime environment where you want to deploy this
data CreateDeploymentResponse Source #
See: newCreateDeploymentResponse
smart constructor.
CreateDeploymentResponse' Int Text |
newCreateDeploymentResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> Text | |
-> CreateDeploymentResponse |
Create a value of CreateDeploymentResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createDeploymentResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, createDeploymentResponse_deploymentId
- The unique identifier of the deployment.
data CreateEnvironment Source #
See: newCreateEnvironment
smart constructor.
CreateEnvironment' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe HighAvailabilityConfig) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe [Text]) (Maybe [StorageConfiguration]) (Maybe [Text]) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) EngineType Text Text |
:: EngineType | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> CreateEnvironment |
Create a value of CreateEnvironment
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createEnvironment_clientToken
- Unique, case-sensitive identifier you provide to ensure the idempotency
of the request to create an environment. The service generates the
clientToken when the API call is triggered. The token expires after one
hour, so if you retry the API within this timeframe with the same
clientToken, you will get the same response. The service also handles
deleting the clientToken after it expires.
, createEnvironment_description
- The description of the runtime environment.
, createEnvironment_engineVersion
- The version of the engine type for the runtime environment.
, createEnvironment_highAvailabilityConfig
- The details of a high availability configuration for this runtime
, createEnvironment_kmsKeyId
- The identifier of a customer managed key.
, createEnvironment_preferredMaintenanceWindow
- Configures the maintenance window you want for the runtime environment.
If you do not provide a value, a random system-generated value will be
, createEnvironment_publiclyAccessible
- Specifies whether the runtime environment is publicly accessible.
, createEnvironment_securityGroupIds
- The list of security groups for the VPC associated with this runtime
, createEnvironment_storageConfigurations
- Optional. The storage configurations for this runtime environment.
, createEnvironment_subnetIds
- The list of subnets associated with the VPC for this runtime
, createEnvironment_tags
- The tags for the runtime environment.
, createEnvironment_engineType
- The engine type for the runtime environment.
, createEnvironment_instanceType
- The type of instance for the runtime environment.
, createEnvironment_name
- The name of the runtime environment. Must be unique within the account.
data CreateEnvironmentResponse Source #
See: newCreateEnvironmentResponse
smart constructor.
CreateEnvironmentResponse' Int Text |
newCreateEnvironmentResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> Text | |
-> CreateEnvironmentResponse |
Create a value of CreateEnvironmentResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createEnvironmentResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, createEnvironmentResponse_environmentId
- The unique identifier of the runtime environment.
data DeleteApplication Source #
See: newDeleteApplication
smart constructor.
DeleteApplication' Text |
:: Text | |
-> DeleteApplication |
Create a value of DeleteApplication
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteApplication_applicationId
- The unique identifier of the application you want to delete.
data DeleteApplicationResponse Source #
See: newDeleteApplicationResponse
smart constructor.
DeleteApplicationResponse' Int |
newDeleteApplicationResponse Source #
Create a value of DeleteApplicationResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteApplicationResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data DeleteApplicationFromEnvironment Source #
See: newDeleteApplicationFromEnvironment
smart constructor.
DeleteApplicationFromEnvironment' Text Text |
newDeleteApplicationFromEnvironment Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> DeleteApplicationFromEnvironment |
Create a value of DeleteApplicationFromEnvironment
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteApplicationFromEnvironment_applicationId
- The unique identifier of the application you want to delete.
, deleteApplicationFromEnvironment_environmentId
- The unique identifier of the runtime environment where the application
was previously deployed.
data DeleteApplicationFromEnvironmentResponse Source #
See: newDeleteApplicationFromEnvironmentResponse
smart constructor.
DeleteApplicationFromEnvironmentResponse' Int |
newDeleteApplicationFromEnvironmentResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> DeleteApplicationFromEnvironmentResponse |
Create a value of DeleteApplicationFromEnvironmentResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteApplicationFromEnvironmentResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data DeleteEnvironment Source #
See: newDeleteEnvironment
smart constructor.
DeleteEnvironment' Text |
:: Text | |
-> DeleteEnvironment |
Create a value of DeleteEnvironment
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteEnvironment_environmentId
- The unique identifier of the runtime environment you want to delete.
data DeleteEnvironmentResponse Source #
See: newDeleteEnvironmentResponse
smart constructor.
DeleteEnvironmentResponse' Int |
newDeleteEnvironmentResponse Source #
Create a value of DeleteEnvironmentResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteEnvironmentResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data GetApplication Source #
See: newGetApplication
smart constructor.
GetApplication' Text |
:: Text | |
-> GetApplication |
Create a value of GetApplication
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, getApplication_applicationId
- The identifier of the application.
data GetApplicationResponse Source #
See: newGetApplicationResponse
smart constructor.
GetApplicationResponse' (Maybe DeployedVersionSummary) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) (Maybe (NonEmpty Int)) (Maybe Text) (Maybe [LogGroupSummary]) (Maybe Text) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) Int Text Text POSIX EngineType ApplicationVersionSummary Text ApplicationLifecycle |
newGetApplicationResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> UTCTime | |
-> EngineType | |
-> ApplicationVersionSummary | |
-> Text | |
-> ApplicationLifecycle | |
-> GetApplicationResponse |
Create a value of GetApplicationResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, getApplicationResponse_deployedVersion
- The version of the application that is deployed.
, getApplicationResponse_description
- The description of the application.
, getApplicationResponse_environmentId
- The identifier of the runtime environment where you want to deploy the
, getApplicationResponse_kmsKeyId
- The identifier of a customer managed key.
, getApplicationResponse_lastStartTime
- The timestamp when you last started the application. Null until the
application runs for the first time.
, getApplicationResponse_listenerArns
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the network load balancer listener
created in your Amazon Web Services account. Amazon Web Services
Mainframe Modernization creates this listener for you the first time you
deploy an application.
, getApplicationResponse_listenerPorts
- The port associated with the network load balancer listener created in
your Amazon Web Services account.
, getApplicationResponse_loadBalancerDnsName
- The public DNS name of the load balancer created in your Amazon Web
Services account.
, getApplicationResponse_logGroups
- The list of log summaries. Each log summary includes the log type as
well as the log group identifier. These are CloudWatch logs. Amazon Web
Services Mainframe Modernization pushes the application log to
CloudWatch under the customer's account.
, getApplicationResponse_statusReason
- The reason for the reported status.
, getApplicationResponse_tags
- A list of tags associated with the application.
, getApplicationResponse_targetGroupArns
- Returns the Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) of the target groups that are
attached to the network load balancer.
, getApplicationResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, getApplicationResponse_applicationArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application.
, getApplicationResponse_applicationId
- The identifier of the application.
, getApplicationResponse_creationTime
- The timestamp when this application was created.
, getApplicationResponse_engineType
- The type of the target platform for the application.
, getApplicationResponse_latestVersion
- The latest version of the application.
, getApplicationResponse_name
- The unique identifier of the application.
, getApplicationResponse_status
- The status of the application.
data GetApplicationVersion Source #
See: newGetApplicationVersion
smart constructor.
GetApplicationVersion' Text Natural |
newGetApplicationVersion Source #
Create a value of GetApplicationVersion
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, getApplicationVersion_applicationId
- The unique identifier of the application.
, getApplicationVersion_applicationVersion
- The specific version of the application.
data GetApplicationVersionResponse Source #
See: newGetApplicationVersionResponse
smart constructor.
GetApplicationVersionResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) Int Natural POSIX Text Text ApplicationVersionLifecycle |
newGetApplicationVersionResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> Natural | |
-> UTCTime | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> ApplicationVersionLifecycle | |
-> GetApplicationVersionResponse |
Create a value of GetApplicationVersionResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, getApplicationVersionResponse_description
- The application description.
, getApplicationVersionResponse_statusReason
- The reason for the reported status.
, getApplicationVersionResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, getApplicationVersionResponse_applicationVersion
- The specific version of the application.
, getApplicationVersionResponse_creationTime
- The timestamp when the application version was created.
, getApplicationVersionResponse_definitionContent
- The content of the application definition. This is a JSON object that
contains the resource configuration and definitions that identify an
, getApplicationVersionResponse_name
- The name of the application version.
, getApplicationVersionResponse_status
- The status of the application version.
data GetBatchJobExecution Source #
See: newGetBatchJobExecution
smart constructor.
GetBatchJobExecution' Text Text |
newGetBatchJobExecution Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> GetBatchJobExecution |
Create a value of GetBatchJobExecution
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, getBatchJobExecution_applicationId
- The identifier of the application.
, getBatchJobExecution_executionId
- The unique identifier of the batch job execution.
data GetBatchJobExecutionResponse Source #
See: newGetBatchJobExecutionResponse
smart constructor.
GetBatchJobExecutionResponse' (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe BatchJobType) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) Int Text Text POSIX BatchJobExecutionStatus |
newGetBatchJobExecutionResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> UTCTime | |
-> BatchJobExecutionStatus | |
-> GetBatchJobExecutionResponse |
Create a value of GetBatchJobExecutionResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, getBatchJobExecutionResponse_endTime
- The timestamp when the batch job execution ended.
, getBatchJobExecutionResponse_jobId
- The unique identifier for this batch job.
, getBatchJobExecutionResponse_jobName
- The name of this batch job.
, getBatchJobExecutionResponse_jobType
- The type of job.
, getBatchJobExecutionResponse_jobUser
- The user for the job.
, getBatchJobExecutionResponse_statusReason
- The reason for the reported status.
, getBatchJobExecutionResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, getBatchJobExecutionResponse_applicationId
- The identifier of the application.
, getBatchJobExecutionResponse_executionId
- The unique identifier for this batch job execution.
, getBatchJobExecutionResponse_startTime
- The timestamp when the batch job execution started.
, getBatchJobExecutionResponse_status
- The status of the batch job execution.
data GetDataSetDetails Source #
See: newGetDataSetDetails
smart constructor.
GetDataSetDetails' Text Text |
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> GetDataSetDetails |
Create a value of GetDataSetDetails
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, getDataSetDetails_applicationId
- The unique identifier of the application that this data set is
associated with.
, getDataSetDetails_dataSetName
- The name of the data set.
data GetDataSetDetailsResponse Source #
See: newGetDataSetDetailsResponse
smart constructor.
GetDataSetDetailsResponse' (Maybe Int) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe DatasetDetailOrgAttributes) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Int) Int Text |
newGetDataSetDetailsResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> Text | |
-> GetDataSetDetailsResponse |
Create a value of GetDataSetDetailsResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, getDataSetDetailsResponse_blocksize
- The size of the block on disk.
, getDataSetDetailsResponse_creationTime
- The timestamp when the data set was created.
, getDataSetDetailsResponse_dataSetOrg
- The type of data set. The only supported value is VSAM.
, getDataSetDetailsResponse_lastReferencedTime
- The last time the data set was referenced.
, getDataSetDetailsResponse_lastUpdatedTime
- The last time the data set was updated.
, getDataSetDetailsResponse_location
- The location where the data set is stored.
, getDataSetDetailsResponse_recordLength
- The length of records in the data set.
, getDataSetDetailsResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, getDataSetDetailsResponse_dataSetName
- The name of the data set.
data GetDataSetImportTask Source #
See: newGetDataSetImportTask
smart constructor.
GetDataSetImportTask' Text Text |
newGetDataSetImportTask Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> GetDataSetImportTask |
Create a value of GetDataSetImportTask
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, getDataSetImportTask_applicationId
- The application identifier.
, getDataSetImportTask_taskId
- The task identifier returned by the CreateDataSetImportTask operation.
data GetDataSetImportTaskResponse Source #
See: newGetDataSetImportTaskResponse
smart constructor.
GetDataSetImportTaskResponse' (Maybe DataSetImportSummary) Int DataSetTaskLifecycle Text |
newGetDataSetImportTaskResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> DataSetTaskLifecycle | |
-> Text | |
-> GetDataSetImportTaskResponse |
Create a value of GetDataSetImportTaskResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, getDataSetImportTaskResponse_summary
- A summary of the status of the task.
, getDataSetImportTaskResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, getDataSetImportTaskResponse_status
- The status of the task.
, getDataSetImportTaskResponse_taskId
- The task identifier.
data GetDeployment Source #
See: newGetDeployment
smart constructor.
GetDeployment' Text Text |
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> GetDeployment |
Create a value of GetDeployment
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, getDeployment_applicationId
- The unique identifier of the application.
, getDeployment_deploymentId
- The unique identifier for the deployment.
data GetDeploymentResponse Source #
See: newGetDeploymentResponse
smart constructor.
GetDeploymentResponse' (Maybe Text) Int Text Natural POSIX Text Text DeploymentLifecycle |
newGetDeploymentResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> Text | |
-> Natural | |
-> UTCTime | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> DeploymentLifecycle | |
-> GetDeploymentResponse |
Create a value of GetDeploymentResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, getDeploymentResponse_statusReason
- The reason for the reported status.
, getDeploymentResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, getDeploymentResponse_applicationId
- The unique identifier of the application.
, getDeploymentResponse_applicationVersion
- The application version.
, getDeploymentResponse_creationTime
- The timestamp when the deployment was created.
, getDeploymentResponse_deploymentId
- The unique identifier of the deployment.
, getDeploymentResponse_environmentId
- The unique identifier of the runtime environment.
, getDeploymentResponse_status
- The status of the deployment.
data GetEnvironment Source #
See: newGetEnvironment
smart constructor.
GetEnvironment' Text |
:: Text | |
-> GetEnvironment |
Create a value of GetEnvironment
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, getEnvironment_environmentId
- The unique identifier of the runtime environment.
data GetEnvironmentResponse Source #
See: newGetEnvironmentResponse
smart constructor.
GetEnvironmentResponse' (Maybe Natural) (Maybe Text) (Maybe HighAvailabilityConfig) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe PendingMaintenance) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Text) (Maybe [StorageConfiguration]) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Int POSIX EngineType Text Text Text Text Text [Text] EnvironmentLifecycle [Text] Text |
newGetEnvironmentResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> UTCTime | |
-> EngineType | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> EnvironmentLifecycle | |
-> Text | |
-> GetEnvironmentResponse |
Create a value of GetEnvironmentResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, getEnvironmentResponse_actualCapacity
- The number of instances included in the runtime environment. A
standalone runtime environment has a maxiumum of one instance.
Currently, a high availability runtime environment has a maximum of two
, getEnvironmentResponse_description
- The description of the runtime environment.
, getEnvironmentResponse_highAvailabilityConfig
- The desired capacity of the high availability configuration for the
runtime environment.
, getEnvironmentResponse_kmsKeyId
- The identifier of a customer managed key.
, getEnvironmentResponse_loadBalancerArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the load balancer used with the
runtime environment.
, getEnvironmentResponse_pendingMaintenance
- Indicates the pending maintenance scheduled on this environment.
, getEnvironmentResponse_preferredMaintenanceWindow
- Configures the maintenance window you want for the runtime environment.
If you do not provide a value, a random system-generated value will be
, getEnvironmentResponse_publiclyAccessible
- Whether applications running in this runtime environment are publicly
, getEnvironmentResponse_statusReason
- The reason for the reported status.
, getEnvironmentResponse_storageConfigurations
- The storage configurations defined for the runtime environment.
, getEnvironmentResponse_tags
- The tags defined for this runtime environment.
, getEnvironmentResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, getEnvironmentResponse_creationTime
- The timestamp when the runtime environment was created.
, getEnvironmentResponse_engineType
- The target platform for the runtime environment.
, getEnvironmentResponse_engineVersion
- The version of the runtime engine.
, getEnvironmentResponse_environmentArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the runtime environment.
, getEnvironmentResponse_environmentId
- The unique identifier of the runtime environment.
, getEnvironmentResponse_instanceType
- The type of instance underlying the runtime environment.
, getEnvironmentResponse_name
- The name of the runtime environment. Must be unique within the account.
, getEnvironmentResponse_securityGroupIds
- The unique identifiers of the security groups assigned to this runtime
, getEnvironmentResponse_status
- The status of the runtime environment.
, getEnvironmentResponse_subnetIds
- The unique identifiers of the subnets assigned to this runtime
, getEnvironmentResponse_vpcId
- The unique identifier for the VPC used with this runtime environment.
ListApplicationVersions (Paginated)
data ListApplicationVersions Source #
See: newListApplicationVersions
smart constructor.
newListApplicationVersions Source #
:: Text | |
-> ListApplicationVersions |
Create a value of ListApplicationVersions
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listApplicationVersions_maxResults
- The maximum number of application versions to return.
, listApplicationVersions_nextToken
- A pagination token returned from a previous call to this operation. This
specifies the next item to return. To return to the beginning of the
list, exclude this parameter.
, listApplicationVersions_applicationId
- The unique identifier of the application.
data ListApplicationVersionsResponse Source #
See: newListApplicationVersionsResponse
smart constructor.
ListApplicationVersionsResponse' (Maybe Text) Int [ApplicationVersionSummary] |
newListApplicationVersionsResponse Source #
Create a value of ListApplicationVersionsResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listApplicationVersionsResponse_nextToken
- If there are more items to return, this contains a token that is passed
to a subsequent call to this operation to retrieve the next set of
, listApplicationVersionsResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, listApplicationVersionsResponse_applicationVersions
- The list of application versions.
ListApplications (Paginated)
data ListApplications Source #
See: newListApplications
smart constructor.
newListApplications :: ListApplications Source #
Create a value of ListApplications
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listApplications_environmentId
- The unique identifier of the runtime environment where the applications
are deployed.
, listApplications_maxResults
- The maximum number of applications to return.
, listApplications_names
- The names of the applications.
, listApplications_nextToken
- A pagination token to control the number of applications displayed in
the list.
data ListApplicationsResponse Source #
See: newListApplicationsResponse
smart constructor.
ListApplicationsResponse' (Maybe Text) Int [ApplicationSummary] |
newListApplicationsResponse Source #
Create a value of ListApplicationsResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listApplicationsResponse_nextToken
- A pagination token that's returned when the response doesn't contain
all applications.
, listApplicationsResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, listApplicationsResponse_applications
- Returns a list of summary details for all the applications in a runtime
ListBatchJobDefinitions (Paginated)
data ListBatchJobDefinitions Source #
See: newListBatchJobDefinitions
smart constructor.
newListBatchJobDefinitions Source #
:: Text | |
-> ListBatchJobDefinitions |
Create a value of ListBatchJobDefinitions
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listBatchJobDefinitions_maxResults
- The maximum number of batch job definitions to return.
, listBatchJobDefinitions_nextToken
- A pagination token returned from a previous call to this operation. This
specifies the next item to return. To return to the beginning of the
list, exclude this parameter.
, listBatchJobDefinitions_prefix
- If the batch job definition is a FileBatchJobDefinition, the prefix
allows you to search on the file names of FileBatchJobDefinitions.
, listBatchJobDefinitions_applicationId
- The identifier of the application.
data ListBatchJobDefinitionsResponse Source #
See: newListBatchJobDefinitionsResponse
smart constructor.
ListBatchJobDefinitionsResponse' (Maybe Text) Int [BatchJobDefinition] |
newListBatchJobDefinitionsResponse Source #
Create a value of ListBatchJobDefinitionsResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listBatchJobDefinitionsResponse_nextToken
- If there are more items to return, this contains a token that is passed
to a subsequent call to this operation to retrieve the next set of
, listBatchJobDefinitionsResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, listBatchJobDefinitionsResponse_batchJobDefinitions
- The list of batch job definitions.
ListBatchJobExecutions (Paginated)
data ListBatchJobExecutions Source #
See: newListBatchJobExecutions
smart constructor.
ListBatchJobExecutions' (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Natural) (Maybe Text) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe BatchJobExecutionStatus) Text |
newListBatchJobExecutions Source #
:: Text | |
-> ListBatchJobExecutions |
Create a value of ListBatchJobExecutions
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listBatchJobExecutions_executionIds
- The unique identifier of each batch job execution.
, listBatchJobExecutions_jobName
- The name of each batch job execution.
, listBatchJobExecutions_maxResults
- The maximum number of batch job executions to return.
, listBatchJobExecutions_nextToken
- A pagination token to control the number of batch job executions
displayed in the list.
, listBatchJobExecutions_startedAfter
- The time after which the batch job executions started.
, listBatchJobExecutions_startedBefore
- The time before the batch job executions started.
, listBatchJobExecutions_status
- The status of the batch job executions.
, listBatchJobExecutions_applicationId
- The unique identifier of the application.
data ListBatchJobExecutionsResponse Source #
See: newListBatchJobExecutionsResponse
smart constructor.
ListBatchJobExecutionsResponse' (Maybe Text) Int [BatchJobExecutionSummary] |
newListBatchJobExecutionsResponse Source #
Create a value of ListBatchJobExecutionsResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listBatchJobExecutionsResponse_nextToken
- A pagination token that's returned when the response doesn't contain
all batch job executions.
, listBatchJobExecutionsResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, listBatchJobExecutionsResponse_batchJobExecutions
- Returns a list of batch job executions for an application.
ListDataSetImportHistory (Paginated)
data ListDataSetImportHistory Source #
See: newListDataSetImportHistory
smart constructor.
newListDataSetImportHistory Source #
:: Text | |
-> ListDataSetImportHistory |
Create a value of ListDataSetImportHistory
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listDataSetImportHistory_maxResults
- The maximum number of objects to return.
, listDataSetImportHistory_nextToken
- A pagination token returned from a previous call to this operation. This
specifies the next item to return. To return to the beginning of the
list, exclude this parameter.
, listDataSetImportHistory_applicationId
- The unique identifier of the application.
data ListDataSetImportHistoryResponse Source #
See: newListDataSetImportHistoryResponse
smart constructor.
ListDataSetImportHistoryResponse' (Maybe Text) Int [DataSetImportTask] |
newListDataSetImportHistoryResponse Source #
Create a value of ListDataSetImportHistoryResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listDataSetImportHistoryResponse_nextToken
- If there are more items to return, this contains a token that is passed
to a subsequent call to this operation to retrieve the next set of
, listDataSetImportHistoryResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, listDataSetImportHistoryResponse_dataSetImportTasks
- The data set import tasks.
ListDataSets (Paginated)
data ListDataSets Source #
See: newListDataSets
smart constructor.
:: Text | |
-> ListDataSets |
Create a value of ListDataSets
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listDataSets_maxResults
- The maximum number of objects to return.
, listDataSets_nextToken
- A pagination token returned from a previous call to this operation. This
specifies the next item to return. To return to the beginning of the
list, exclude this parameter.
, listDataSets_prefix
- The prefix of the data set name, which you can use to filter the list of
data sets.
, listDataSets_applicationId
- The unique identifier of the application for which you want to list the
associated data sets.
data ListDataSetsResponse Source #
See: newListDataSetsResponse
smart constructor.
ListDataSetsResponse' (Maybe Text) Int [DataSetSummary] |
newListDataSetsResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> ListDataSetsResponse |
Create a value of ListDataSetsResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listDataSetsResponse_nextToken
- If there are more items to return, this contains a token that is passed
to a subsequent call to this operation to retrieve the next set of
, listDataSetsResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, listDataSetsResponse_dataSets
- The list of data sets, containing information including the creation
time, the data set name, the data set organization, the data set format,
and the last time the data set was referenced or updated.
ListDeployments (Paginated)
data ListDeployments Source #
See: newListDeployments
smart constructor.
:: Text | |
-> ListDeployments |
Create a value of ListDeployments
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listDeployments_maxResults
- The maximum number of objects to return.
, listDeployments_nextToken
- A pagination token returned from a previous call to this operation. This
specifies the next item to return. To return to the beginning of the
list, exclude this parameter.
, listDeployments_applicationId
- The application identifier.
data ListDeploymentsResponse Source #
See: newListDeploymentsResponse
smart constructor.
ListDeploymentsResponse' (Maybe Text) Int [DeploymentSummary] |
newListDeploymentsResponse Source #
Create a value of ListDeploymentsResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listDeploymentsResponse_nextToken
- If there are more items to return, this contains a token that is passed
to a subsequent call to this operation to retrieve the next set of
, listDeploymentsResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, listDeploymentsResponse_deployments
- The list of deployments that is returned.
ListEngineVersions (Paginated)
data ListEngineVersions Source #
See: newListEngineVersions
smart constructor.
ListEngineVersions' (Maybe EngineType) (Maybe Natural) (Maybe Text) |
newListEngineVersions :: ListEngineVersions Source #
Create a value of ListEngineVersions
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listEngineVersions_engineType
- The type of target platform.
, listEngineVersions_maxResults
- The maximum number of objects to return.
, listEngineVersions_nextToken
- A pagination token returned from a previous call to this operation. This
specifies the next item to return. To return to the beginning of the
list, exclude this parameter.
data ListEngineVersionsResponse Source #
See: newListEngineVersionsResponse
smart constructor.
ListEngineVersionsResponse' (Maybe Text) Int [EngineVersionsSummary] |
newListEngineVersionsResponse Source #
Create a value of ListEngineVersionsResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listEngineVersionsResponse_nextToken
- If there are more items to return, this contains a token that is passed
to a subsequent call to this operation to retrieve the next set of
, listEngineVersionsResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, listEngineVersionsResponse_engineVersions
- Returns the engine versions.
ListEnvironments (Paginated)
data ListEnvironments Source #
See: newListEnvironments
smart constructor.
ListEnvironments' (Maybe EngineType) (Maybe Natural) (Maybe (NonEmpty Text)) (Maybe Text) |
newListEnvironments :: ListEnvironments Source #
Create a value of ListEnvironments
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listEnvironments_engineType
- The engine type for the runtime environment.
, listEnvironments_maxResults
- The maximum number of runtime environments to return.
, listEnvironments_names
- The names of the runtime environments. Must be unique within the
, listEnvironments_nextToken
- A pagination token to control the number of runtime environments
displayed in the list.
data ListEnvironmentsResponse Source #
See: newListEnvironmentsResponse
smart constructor.
ListEnvironmentsResponse' (Maybe Text) Int [EnvironmentSummary] |
newListEnvironmentsResponse Source #
Create a value of ListEnvironmentsResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listEnvironmentsResponse_nextToken
- A pagination token that's returned when the response doesn't contain
all the runtime environments.
, listEnvironmentsResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, listEnvironmentsResponse_environments
- Returns a list of summary details for all the runtime environments in
your account.
data ListTagsForResource Source #
See: newListTagsForResource
smart constructor.
ListTagsForResource' Text |
newListTagsForResource Source #
:: Text | |
-> ListTagsForResource |
Create a value of ListTagsForResource
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listTagsForResource_resourceArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.
data ListTagsForResourceResponse Source #
See: newListTagsForResourceResponse
smart constructor.
ListTagsForResourceResponse' Int (HashMap Text Text) |
newListTagsForResourceResponse Source #
Create a value of ListTagsForResourceResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listTagsForResourceResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, listTagsForResourceResponse_tags
- The tags for the resource.
data StartApplication Source #
See: newStartApplication
smart constructor.
StartApplication' Text |
:: Text | |
-> StartApplication |
Create a value of StartApplication
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, startApplication_applicationId
- The unique identifier of the application you want to start.
data StartApplicationResponse Source #
See: newStartApplicationResponse
smart constructor.
StartApplicationResponse' Int |
newStartApplicationResponse Source #
Create a value of StartApplicationResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, startApplicationResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data StartBatchJob Source #
See: newStartBatchJob
smart constructor.
StartBatchJob' (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) Text BatchJobIdentifier |
:: Text | |
-> BatchJobIdentifier | |
-> StartBatchJob |
Create a value of StartBatchJob
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, startBatchJob_jobParams
- The collection of batch job parameters. For details about limits for
keys and values, see
Coding variables in JCL.
, startBatchJob_applicationId
- The unique identifier of the application associated with this batch job.
, startBatchJob_batchJobIdentifier
- The unique identifier of the batch job.
data StartBatchJobResponse Source #
See: newStartBatchJobResponse
smart constructor.
StartBatchJobResponse' Int Text |
newStartBatchJobResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> Text | |
-> StartBatchJobResponse |
Create a value of StartBatchJobResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, startBatchJobResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, startBatchJobResponse_executionId
- The unique identifier of this execution of the batch job.
data StopApplication Source #
See: newStopApplication
smart constructor.
StopApplication' (Maybe Bool) Text |
:: Text | |
-> StopApplication |
Create a value of StopApplication
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, stopApplication_forceStop
- Stopping an application process can take a long time. Setting this
parameter to true lets you force stop the application so you don't need
to wait until the process finishes to apply another action on the
application. The default value is false.
, stopApplication_applicationId
- The unique identifier of the application you want to stop.
data StopApplicationResponse Source #
See: newStopApplicationResponse
smart constructor.
StopApplicationResponse' Int |
newStopApplicationResponse Source #
Create a value of StopApplicationResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, stopApplicationResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data TagResource Source #
See: newTagResource
smart constructor.
TagResource' Text (HashMap Text Text) |
:: Text | |
-> TagResource |
Create a value of TagResource
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, tagResource_resourceArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.
, tagResource_tags
- The tags to add to the resource.
data TagResourceResponse Source #
See: newTagResourceResponse
smart constructor.
TagResourceResponse' Int |
newTagResourceResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> TagResourceResponse |
Create a value of TagResourceResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, tagResourceResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data UntagResource Source #
See: newUntagResource
smart constructor.
UntagResource' Text [Text] |
:: Text | |
-> UntagResource |
Create a value of UntagResource
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, untagResource_resourceArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the resource.
, untagResource_tagKeys
- The keys of the tags to remove.
data UntagResourceResponse Source #
See: newUntagResourceResponse
smart constructor.
UntagResourceResponse' Int |
newUntagResourceResponse Source #
Create a value of UntagResourceResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, untagResourceResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data UpdateApplication Source #
See: newUpdateApplication
smart constructor.
UpdateApplication' (Maybe Definition) (Maybe Text) Text Natural |
:: Text | |
-> Natural | |
-> UpdateApplication |
Create a value of UpdateApplication
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateApplication_definition
- The application definition for this application. You can specify either
inline JSON or an S3 bucket location.
, updateApplication_description
- The description of the application to update.
, updateApplication_applicationId
- The unique identifier of the application you want to update.
, updateApplication_currentApplicationVersion
- The current version of the application to update.
data UpdateApplicationResponse Source #
See: newUpdateApplicationResponse
smart constructor.
UpdateApplicationResponse' Int Natural |
newUpdateApplicationResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> Natural | |
-> UpdateApplicationResponse |
Create a value of UpdateApplicationResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateApplicationResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, updateApplicationResponse_applicationVersion
- The new version of the application.
data UpdateEnvironment Source #
See: newUpdateEnvironment
smart constructor.
UpdateEnvironment' (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Natural) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) Text |
:: Text | |
-> UpdateEnvironment |
Create a value of UpdateEnvironment
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateEnvironment_applyDuringMaintenanceWindow
- Indicates whether to update the runtime environment during the
maintenance window. The default is false. Currently, Amazon Web Services
Mainframe Modernization accepts the engineVersion
parameter only if
is true. If any parameter other than
is provided in UpdateEnvironmentRequest
, it will fail
if applyDuringMaintenanceWindow
is set to true.
, updateEnvironment_desiredCapacity
- The desired capacity for the runtime environment to update.
, updateEnvironment_engineVersion
- The version of the runtime engine for the runtime environment.
, updateEnvironment_instanceType
- The instance type for the runtime environment to update.
, updateEnvironment_preferredMaintenanceWindow
- Configures the maintenance window you want for the runtime environment.
If you do not provide a value, a random system-generated value will be
, updateEnvironment_environmentId
- The unique identifier of the runtime environment that you want to
data UpdateEnvironmentResponse Source #
See: newUpdateEnvironmentResponse
smart constructor.
UpdateEnvironmentResponse' Int Text |
newUpdateEnvironmentResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> Text | |
-> UpdateEnvironmentResponse |
Create a value of UpdateEnvironmentResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateEnvironmentResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, updateEnvironmentResponse_environmentId
- The unique identifier of the runtime environment that was updated.
newtype ApplicationDeploymentLifecycle Source #
ApplicationDeploymentLifecycle' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ApplicationDeploymentLifecycle_Deployed :: ApplicationDeploymentLifecycle | |
pattern ApplicationDeploymentLifecycle_Deploying :: ApplicationDeploymentLifecycle |
newtype ApplicationLifecycle Source #
ApplicationLifecycle' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern ApplicationLifecycle_Available :: ApplicationLifecycle | |
pattern ApplicationLifecycle_Created :: ApplicationLifecycle | |
pattern ApplicationLifecycle_Creating :: ApplicationLifecycle | |
pattern ApplicationLifecycle_Deleting :: ApplicationLifecycle | |
pattern ApplicationLifecycle_Deleting_From_Environment :: ApplicationLifecycle | |
pattern ApplicationLifecycle_Failed :: ApplicationLifecycle | |
pattern ApplicationLifecycle_Ready :: ApplicationLifecycle | |
pattern ApplicationLifecycle_Running :: ApplicationLifecycle | |
pattern ApplicationLifecycle_Starting :: ApplicationLifecycle | |
pattern ApplicationLifecycle_Stopped :: ApplicationLifecycle | |
pattern ApplicationLifecycle_Stopping :: ApplicationLifecycle |
newtype ApplicationVersionLifecycle Source #
ApplicationVersionLifecycle' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
newtype BatchJobExecutionStatus Source #
BatchJobExecutionStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
newtype BatchJobType Source #
BatchJobType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern BatchJobType_JES2 :: BatchJobType | |
pattern BatchJobType_JES3 :: BatchJobType | |
pattern BatchJobType_VSE :: BatchJobType |
newtype DataSetTaskLifecycle Source #
DataSetTaskLifecycle' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern DataSetTaskLifecycle_Completed :: DataSetTaskLifecycle | |
pattern DataSetTaskLifecycle_Creating :: DataSetTaskLifecycle | |
pattern DataSetTaskLifecycle_Running :: DataSetTaskLifecycle |
newtype DeploymentLifecycle Source #
DeploymentLifecycle' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern DeploymentLifecycle_Deploying :: DeploymentLifecycle | |
pattern DeploymentLifecycle_Failed :: DeploymentLifecycle | |
pattern DeploymentLifecycle_Succeeded :: DeploymentLifecycle |
newtype EngineType Source #
EngineType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern EngineType_Bluage :: EngineType | |
pattern EngineType_Microfocus :: EngineType |
newtype EnvironmentLifecycle Source #
EnvironmentLifecycle' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern EnvironmentLifecycle_Available :: EnvironmentLifecycle | |
pattern EnvironmentLifecycle_Creating :: EnvironmentLifecycle | |
pattern EnvironmentLifecycle_Deleting :: EnvironmentLifecycle | |
pattern EnvironmentLifecycle_Failed :: EnvironmentLifecycle | |
pattern EnvironmentLifecycle_Updating :: EnvironmentLifecycle |
data AlternateKey Source #
Defines an alternate key. This value is optional. A legacy data set might not have any alternate key defined but if those alternate keys definitions exist, provide them, as some applications will make use of them.
See: newAlternateKey
smart constructor.
:: Int | |
-> Int | |
-> AlternateKey |
Create a value of AlternateKey
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, alternateKey_allowDuplicates
- Indicates whether the alternate key values are supposed to be unique for
the given data set.
, alternateKey_name
- The name of the alternate key.
, alternateKey_length
- A strictly positive integer value representing the length of the
alternate key.
, alternateKey_offset
- A positive integer value representing the offset to mark the start of
the alternate key part in the record byte array.
data ApplicationSummary Source #
A subset of the possible application attributes. Used in the application list.
See: newApplicationSummary
smart constructor.
ApplicationSummary' (Maybe ApplicationDeploymentLifecycle) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe ApplicationVersionLifecycle) Text Text Natural POSIX EngineType Text ApplicationLifecycle |
newApplicationSummary Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> Natural | |
-> UTCTime | |
-> EngineType | |
-> Text | |
-> ApplicationLifecycle | |
-> ApplicationSummary |
Create a value of ApplicationSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, applicationSummary_deploymentStatus
- Indicates either an ongoing deployment or if the application has ever
deployed successfully.
, applicationSummary_description
- The description of the application.
, applicationSummary_environmentId
- The unique identifier of the runtime environment that hosts this
, applicationSummary_lastStartTime
- The timestamp when you last started the application. Null until the
application runs for the first time.
, applicationSummary_versionStatus
- Indicates the status of the latest version of the application.
, applicationSummary_applicationArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the application.
, applicationSummary_applicationId
- The unique identifier of the application.
, applicationSummary_applicationVersion
- The version of the application.
, applicationSummary_creationTime
- The timestamp when the application was created.
, applicationSummary_engineType
- The type of the target platform for this application.
, applicationSummary_name
- The name of the application.
, applicationSummary_status
- The status of the application.
data ApplicationVersionSummary Source #
Defines an application version summary.
See: newApplicationVersionSummary
smart constructor.
ApplicationVersionSummary' (Maybe Text) Natural POSIX ApplicationVersionLifecycle |
newApplicationVersionSummary Source #
:: Natural | |
-> UTCTime | |
-> ApplicationVersionLifecycle | |
-> ApplicationVersionSummary |
Create a value of ApplicationVersionSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, applicationVersionSummary_statusReason
- The reason for the reported status.
, applicationVersionSummary_applicationVersion
- The application version.
, applicationVersionSummary_creationTime
- The timestamp when the application version was created.
, applicationVersionSummary_status
- The status of the application.
data BatchJobDefinition Source #
Defines the details of a batch job.
See: newBatchJobDefinition
smart constructor.
BatchJobDefinition' (Maybe FileBatchJobDefinition) (Maybe ScriptBatchJobDefinition) |
newBatchJobDefinition :: BatchJobDefinition Source #
Create a value of BatchJobDefinition
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, batchJobDefinition_fileBatchJobDefinition
- Specifies a file containing a batch job definition.
, batchJobDefinition_scriptBatchJobDefinition
- A script containing a batch job definition.
data BatchJobExecutionSummary Source #
A subset of the possible batch job attributes. Used in the batch job list.
See: newBatchJobExecutionSummary
smart constructor.
BatchJobExecutionSummary' (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe BatchJobType) Text Text POSIX BatchJobExecutionStatus |
newBatchJobExecutionSummary Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> UTCTime | |
-> BatchJobExecutionStatus | |
-> BatchJobExecutionSummary |
Create a value of BatchJobExecutionSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, batchJobExecutionSummary_endTime
- The timestamp when this batch job execution ended.
, batchJobExecutionSummary_jobId
- The unique identifier of a particular batch job.
, batchJobExecutionSummary_jobName
- The name of a particular batch job.
, batchJobExecutionSummary_jobType
- The type of a particular batch job execution.
, batchJobExecutionSummary_applicationId
- The unique identifier of the application that hosts this batch job.
, batchJobExecutionSummary_executionId
- The unique identifier of this execution of the batch job.
, batchJobExecutionSummary_startTime
- The timestamp when a particular batch job execution started.
, batchJobExecutionSummary_status
- The status of a particular batch job execution.
data BatchJobIdentifier Source #
Identifies a specific batch job.
See: newBatchJobIdentifier
smart constructor.
BatchJobIdentifier' (Maybe FileBatchJobIdentifier) (Maybe ScriptBatchJobIdentifier) |
newBatchJobIdentifier :: BatchJobIdentifier Source #
Create a value of BatchJobIdentifier
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, batchJobIdentifier_fileBatchJobIdentifier
- Specifies a file associated with a specific batch job.
, batchJobIdentifier_scriptBatchJobIdentifier
- A batch job identifier in which the batch job to run is identified by
the script name.
Defines a data set.
See: newDataSet
smart constructor.
DataSet' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) Text DatasetOrgAttributes RecordLength |
:: Text | |
-> DatasetOrgAttributes | |
-> RecordLength | |
-> DataSet |
Create a value of DataSet
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, dataSet_relativePath
- The relative location of the data set in the database or file system.
, dataSet_storageType
- The storage type of the data set: database or file system. For Micro
Focus, database corresponds to datastore and file system corresponds to
EFS/FSX. For Blu Age, there is no support of file system and database
corresponds to Blusam.
, dataSet_datasetName
- The logical identifier for a specific data set (in mainframe format).
, dataSet_datasetOrg
- The type of dataset. The only supported value is VSAM.
, dataSet_recordLength
- The length of a record.
data DataSetImportConfig Source #
Identifies one or more data sets you want to import with the CreateDataSetImportTask operation.
See: newDataSetImportConfig
smart constructor.
DataSetImportConfig' (Maybe (NonEmpty DataSetImportItem)) (Maybe Text) |
newDataSetImportConfig :: DataSetImportConfig Source #
Create a value of DataSetImportConfig
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, dataSetImportConfig_dataSets
- The data sets.
, dataSetImportConfig_s3Location
- The Amazon S3 location of the data sets.
data DataSetImportItem Source #
Identifies a specific data set to import from an external location.
See: newDataSetImportItem
smart constructor.
DataSetImportItem' DataSet ExternalLocation |
:: DataSet | |
-> ExternalLocation | |
-> DataSetImportItem |
Create a value of DataSetImportItem
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, dataSetImportItem_dataSet
- The data set.
, dataSetImportItem_externalLocation
- The location of the data set.
data DataSetImportSummary Source #
Represents a summary of data set imports.
See: newDataSetImportSummary
smart constructor.
newDataSetImportSummary Source #
Create a value of DataSetImportSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, dataSetImportSummary_failed
- The number of data set imports that have failed.
, dataSetImportSummary_inProgress
- The number of data set imports that are in progress.
, dataSetImportSummary_pending
- The number of data set imports that are pending.
, dataSetImportSummary_succeeded
- The number of data set imports that have succeeded.
, dataSetImportSummary_total
- The total number of data set imports.
data DataSetImportTask Source #
Contains information about a data set import task.
See: newDataSetImportTask
smart constructor.
:: DataSetTaskLifecycle | |
-> DataSetImportSummary | |
-> Text | |
-> DataSetImportTask |
Create a value of DataSetImportTask
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, dataSetImportTask_status
- The status of the data set import task.
, dataSetImportTask_summary
- A summary of the data set import task.
, dataSetImportTask_taskId
- The identifier of the data set import task.
data DataSetSummary Source #
A subset of the possible data set attributes.
See: newDataSetSummary
smart constructor.
DataSetSummary' (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe POSIX) Text |
:: Text | |
-> DataSetSummary |
Create a value of DataSetSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, dataSetSummary_creationTime
- The timestamp when the data set was created.
, dataSetSummary_dataSetOrg
- The type of data set. The only supported value is VSAM.
, dataSetSummary_format
- The format of the data set.
, dataSetSummary_lastReferencedTime
- The last time the data set was referenced.
, dataSetSummary_lastUpdatedTime
- The last time the data set was updated.
, dataSetSummary_dataSetName
- The name of the data set.
data DatasetDetailOrgAttributes Source #
Additional details about the data set. Different attributes correspond to different data set organizations. The values are populated based on datasetOrg, storageType and backend (Blu Age or Micro Focus).
See: newDatasetDetailOrgAttributes
smart constructor.
DatasetDetailOrgAttributes' (Maybe GdgDetailAttributes) (Maybe VsamDetailAttributes) |
newDatasetDetailOrgAttributes :: DatasetDetailOrgAttributes Source #
Create a value of DatasetDetailOrgAttributes
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, datasetDetailOrgAttributes_gdg
- The generation data group of the data set.
, datasetDetailOrgAttributes_vsam
- The details of a VSAM data set.
data DatasetOrgAttributes Source #
Additional details about the data set. Different attributes correspond to different data set organizations. The values are populated based on datasetOrg, storageType and backend (Blu Age or Micro Focus).
See: newDatasetOrgAttributes
smart constructor.
DatasetOrgAttributes' (Maybe GdgAttributes) (Maybe VsamAttributes) |
newDatasetOrgAttributes :: DatasetOrgAttributes Source #
Create a value of DatasetOrgAttributes
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, datasetOrgAttributes_gdg
- The generation data group of the data set.
, datasetOrgAttributes_vsam
- The details of a VSAM data set.
data Definition Source #
The application definition for a particular application.
See: newDefinition
smart constructor.
Definition' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) |
newDefinition :: Definition Source #
Create a value of Definition
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, definition_content
- The content of the application definition. This is a JSON object that
contains the resource configuration/definitions that identify an
, definition_s3Location
- The S3 bucket that contains the application definition.
data DeployedVersionSummary Source #
Contains a summary of a deployed application.
See: newDeployedVersionSummary
smart constructor.
DeployedVersionSummary' (Maybe Text) Natural DeploymentLifecycle |
newDeployedVersionSummary Source #
:: Natural | |
-> DeploymentLifecycle | |
-> DeployedVersionSummary |
Create a value of DeployedVersionSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deployedVersionSummary_statusReason
- The reason for the reported status.
, deployedVersionSummary_applicationVersion
- The version of the deployed application.
, deployedVersionSummary_status
- The status of the deployment.
data DeploymentSummary Source #
A subset of information about a specific deployment.
See: newDeploymentSummary
smart constructor.
DeploymentSummary' (Maybe Text) Text Natural POSIX Text Text DeploymentLifecycle |
:: Text | |
-> Natural | |
-> UTCTime | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> DeploymentLifecycle | |
-> DeploymentSummary |
Create a value of DeploymentSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deploymentSummary_statusReason
- The reason for the reported status.
, deploymentSummary_applicationId
- The unique identifier of the application.
, deploymentSummary_applicationVersion
- The version of the application.
, deploymentSummary_creationTime
- The timestamp when the deployment was created.
, deploymentSummary_deploymentId
- The unique identifier of the deployment.
, deploymentSummary_environmentId
- The unique identifier of the runtime environment.
, deploymentSummary_status
- The current status of the deployment.
data EfsStorageConfiguration Source #
Defines the storage configuration for an Amazon EFS file system.
See: newEfsStorageConfiguration
smart constructor.
EfsStorageConfiguration' Text Text |
newEfsStorageConfiguration Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> EfsStorageConfiguration |
Create a value of EfsStorageConfiguration
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, efsStorageConfiguration_fileSystemId
- The file system identifier.
, efsStorageConfiguration_mountPoint
- The mount point for the file system.
data EngineVersionsSummary Source #
A subset of information about the engine version for a specific application.
See: newEngineVersionsSummary
smart constructor.
EngineVersionsSummary' Text Text |
newEngineVersionsSummary Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> EngineVersionsSummary |
Create a value of EngineVersionsSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, engineVersionsSummary_engineType
- The type of target platform for the application.
, engineVersionsSummary_engineVersion
- The version of the engine type used by the application.
data EnvironmentSummary Source #
Contains a subset of the possible runtime environment attributes. Used in the environment list.
See: newEnvironmentSummary
smart constructor.
EnvironmentSummary' POSIX EngineType Text Text Text Text Text EnvironmentLifecycle |
newEnvironmentSummary Source #
:: UTCTime | |
-> EngineType | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> EnvironmentLifecycle | |
-> EnvironmentSummary |
Create a value of EnvironmentSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, environmentSummary_creationTime
- The timestamp when the runtime environment was created.
, environmentSummary_engineType
- The target platform for the runtime environment.
, environmentSummary_engineVersion
- The version of the runtime engine.
, environmentSummary_environmentArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a particular runtime environment.
, environmentSummary_environmentId
- The unique identifier of a particular runtime environment.
, environmentSummary_instanceType
- The instance type of the runtime environment.
, environmentSummary_name
- The name of the runtime environment.
, environmentSummary_status
- The status of the runtime environment
data ExternalLocation Source #
Defines an external storage location.
See: newExternalLocation
smart constructor.
ExternalLocation' (Maybe Text) |
newExternalLocation :: ExternalLocation Source #
Create a value of ExternalLocation
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, externalLocation_s3Location
- The URI of the Amazon S3 bucket.
data FileBatchJobDefinition Source #
A file containing a batch job definition.
See: newFileBatchJobDefinition
smart constructor.
FileBatchJobDefinition' (Maybe Text) Text |
newFileBatchJobDefinition Source #
Create a value of FileBatchJobDefinition
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, fileBatchJobDefinition_folderPath
- The path to the file containing the batch job definition.
, fileBatchJobDefinition_fileName
- The name of the file containing the batch job definition.
data FileBatchJobIdentifier Source #
A batch job identifier in which the batch job to run is identified by the file name and the relative path to the file name.
See: newFileBatchJobIdentifier
smart constructor.
FileBatchJobIdentifier' (Maybe Text) Text |
newFileBatchJobIdentifier Source #
Create a value of FileBatchJobIdentifier
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, fileBatchJobIdentifier_folderPath
- The relative path to the file name for the batch job identifier.
, fileBatchJobIdentifier_fileName
- The file name for the batch job identifier.
data FsxStorageConfiguration Source #
Defines the storage configuration for an Amazon FSx file system.
See: newFsxStorageConfiguration
smart constructor.
FsxStorageConfiguration' Text Text |
newFsxStorageConfiguration Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> FsxStorageConfiguration |
Create a value of FsxStorageConfiguration
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, fsxStorageConfiguration_fileSystemId
- The file system identifier.
, fsxStorageConfiguration_mountPoint
- The mount point for the file system.
data GdgAttributes Source #
The required attributes for a generation data group data set. A generation data set is one of a collection of successive, historically related, catalogued data sets that together are known as a generation data group (GDG). Use this structure when you want to import a GDG. For more information on GDG, see Generation data sets.
See: newGdgAttributes
smart constructor.
GdgAttributes' (Maybe Int) (Maybe Text) |
newGdgAttributes :: GdgAttributes Source #
Create a value of GdgAttributes
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, gdgAttributes_limit
- The maximum number of generation data sets, up to 255, in a GDG.
, gdgAttributes_rollDisposition
- The disposition of the data set in the catalog.
data GdgDetailAttributes Source #
The required attributes for a generation data group data set. A generation data set is one of a collection of successive, historically related, catalogued data sets that together are known as a generation data group (GDG). Use this structure when you want to import a GDG. For more information on GDG, see Generation data sets.
See: newGdgDetailAttributes
smart constructor.
GdgDetailAttributes' (Maybe Int) (Maybe Text) |
newGdgDetailAttributes :: GdgDetailAttributes Source #
Create a value of GdgDetailAttributes
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, gdgDetailAttributes_limit
- The maximum number of generation data sets, up to 255, in a GDG.
, gdgDetailAttributes_rollDisposition
- The disposition of the data set in the catalog.
data HighAvailabilityConfig Source #
Defines the details of a high availability configuration.
See: newHighAvailabilityConfig
smart constructor.
HighAvailabilityConfig' Natural |
newHighAvailabilityConfig Source #
Create a value of HighAvailabilityConfig
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, highAvailabilityConfig_desiredCapacity
- The number of instances in a high availability configuration.
data LogGroupSummary Source #
A subset of the attributes that describe a log group. In CloudWatch a log group is a group of log streams that share the same retention, monitoring, and access control settings.
See: newLogGroupSummary
smart constructor.
LogGroupSummary' Text Text |
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> LogGroupSummary |
Create a value of LogGroupSummary
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, logGroupSummary_logGroupName
- The name of the log group.
, logGroupSummary_logType
- The type of log.
data MaintenanceSchedule Source #
The information about the maintenance schedule.
See: newMaintenanceSchedule
smart constructor.
MaintenanceSchedule' (Maybe POSIX) (Maybe POSIX) |
newMaintenanceSchedule :: MaintenanceSchedule Source #
Create a value of MaintenanceSchedule
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, maintenanceSchedule_endTime
- The time the scheduled maintenance is to end.
, maintenanceSchedule_startTime
- The time the scheduled maintenance is to start.
data PendingMaintenance Source #
The scheduled maintenance for a runtime engine.
See: newPendingMaintenance
smart constructor.
PendingMaintenance' (Maybe Text) (Maybe MaintenanceSchedule) |
newPendingMaintenance :: PendingMaintenance Source #
Create a value of PendingMaintenance
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, pendingMaintenance_engineVersion
- The specific runtime engine that the maintenance schedule applies to.
, pendingMaintenance_schedule
- The maintenance schedule for the runtime engine version.
data PrimaryKey Source #
The primary key for a KSDS data set.
See: newPrimaryKey
smart constructor.
PrimaryKey' (Maybe Text) Int Int |
:: Int | |
-> Int | |
-> PrimaryKey |
Create a value of PrimaryKey
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, primaryKey_name
- A name for the Primary Key.
, primaryKey_length
- A strictly positive integer value representing the length of the primary
, primaryKey_offset
- A positive integer value representing the offset to mark the start of
the primary key in the record byte array.
data RecordLength Source #
The length of the records in the data set.
See: newRecordLength
smart constructor.
RecordLength' Int Int |
:: Int | |
-> Int | |
-> RecordLength |
Create a value of RecordLength
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, recordLength_max
- The maximum record length. In case of fixed, both minimum and maximum
are the same.
, recordLength_min
- The minimum record length of a record.
data ScriptBatchJobDefinition Source #
A batch job definition contained in a script.
See: newScriptBatchJobDefinition
smart constructor.
ScriptBatchJobDefinition' Text |
newScriptBatchJobDefinition Source #
Create a value of ScriptBatchJobDefinition
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, scriptBatchJobDefinition_scriptName
- The name of the script containing the batch job definition.
data ScriptBatchJobIdentifier Source #
A batch job identifier in which the batch job to run is identified by the script name.
See: newScriptBatchJobIdentifier
smart constructor.
ScriptBatchJobIdentifier' Text |
newScriptBatchJobIdentifier Source #
Create a value of ScriptBatchJobIdentifier
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, scriptBatchJobIdentifier_scriptName
- The name of the script containing the batch job definition.
data StorageConfiguration Source #
Defines the storage configuration for a runtime environment.
See: newStorageConfiguration
smart constructor.
StorageConfiguration' (Maybe EfsStorageConfiguration) (Maybe FsxStorageConfiguration) |
newStorageConfiguration :: StorageConfiguration Source #
Create a value of StorageConfiguration
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, storageConfiguration_efs
- Defines the storage configuration for an Amazon EFS file system.
, storageConfiguration_fsx
- Defines the storage configuration for an Amazon FSx file system.
data VsamAttributes Source #
The attributes of a VSAM type data set.
See: newVsamAttributes
smart constructor.
VsamAttributes' (Maybe [AlternateKey]) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Text) (Maybe PrimaryKey) Text |
:: Text | |
-> VsamAttributes |
Create a value of VsamAttributes
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, vsamAttributes_alternateKeys
- The alternate key definitions, if any. A legacy dataset might not have
any alternate key defined, but if those alternate keys definitions
exist, provide them as some applications will make use of them.
, vsamAttributes_compressed
- Indicates whether indexes for this dataset are stored as compressed
values. If you have a large data set (typically > 100 Mb), consider
setting this flag to True.
, vsamAttributes_encoding
- The character set used by the data set. Can be ASCII, EBCDIC, or
, vsamAttributes_primaryKey
- The primary key of the data set.
, vsamAttributes_format
- The record format of the data set.
data VsamDetailAttributes Source #
The attributes of a VSAM type data set.
See: newVsamDetailAttributes
smart constructor.
VsamDetailAttributes' (Maybe [AlternateKey]) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Text) (Maybe PrimaryKey) (Maybe Text) |
newVsamDetailAttributes :: VsamDetailAttributes Source #
Create a value of VsamDetailAttributes
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, vsamDetailAttributes_alternateKeys
- The alternate key definitions, if any. A legacy dataset might not have
any alternate key defined, but if those alternate keys definitions
exist, provide them as some applications will make use of them.
, vsamDetailAttributes_cacheAtStartup
- If set to True, enforces loading the data set into cache before it’s
used by the application.
, vsamDetailAttributes_compressed
- Indicates whether indexes for this dataset are stored as compressed
values. If you have a large data set (typically > 100 Mb), consider
setting this flag to True.
, vsamDetailAttributes_encoding
- The character set used by the data set. Can be ASCII, EBCDIC, or
, vsamDetailAttributes_primaryKey
- The primary key of the data set.
, vsamDetailAttributes_recordFormat
- The record format of the data set.