Copyright | (c) 2013-2023 Brendan Hay |
License | Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. |
Maintainer | Brendan Hay |
Stability | auto-generated |
Portability | non-portable (GHC extensions) |
Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- Service Configuration
- Errors
- AccessDeniedException
- AccountNotFoundException
- BucketNotFoundException
- ConcurrentModificationException
- ConflictException
- ConflictSourceNamesException
- ConflictSubscriptionException
- EventBridgeException
- InternalServerException
- InvalidInputException
- ResourceNotFoundException
- S3Exception
- ServiceQuotaExceededException
- ThrottlingException
- ValidationException
- Waiters
- Operations
- CreateAwsLogSource
- CreateCustomLogSource
- CreateDatalake
- CreateDatalakeAutoEnable
- CreateDatalakeDelegatedAdmin
- CreateDatalakeExceptionsSubscription
- CreateSubscriber
- CreateSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration
- DeleteAwsLogSource
- DeleteCustomLogSource
- DeleteDatalake
- DeleteDatalakeAutoEnable
- DeleteDatalakeDelegatedAdmin
- DeleteDatalakeExceptionsSubscription
- DeleteSubscriber
- DeleteSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration
- GetDatalake
- GetDatalakeAutoEnable
- GetDatalakeExceptionsExpiry
- GetDatalakeExceptionsSubscription
- GetDatalakeStatus (Paginated)
- GetSubscriber
- ListDatalakeExceptions (Paginated)
- ListLogSources (Paginated)
- ListSubscribers (Paginated)
- UpdateDatalake
- UpdateDatalakeExceptionsExpiry
- UpdateDatalakeExceptionsSubscription
- UpdateSubscriber
- UpdateSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration
- Types
- AccessType
- AwsLogSourceType
- Dimension
- EndpointProtocol
- HttpsMethod
- OcsfEventClass
- Region
- SettingsStatus
- SourceStatus
- StorageClass
- SubscriptionProtocolType
- SubscriptionStatus
- AccountSources
- AutoEnableNewRegionConfiguration
- Failures
- FailuresResponse
- LakeConfigurationRequest
- LakeConfigurationResponse
- LogsStatus
- ProtocolAndNotificationEndpoint
- RetentionSetting
- SourceType
- SubscriberResource
Derived from API version 2018-05-10
of the AWS service descriptions, licensed under Apache 2.0.
Amazon Security Lake is in preview release. Your use of the Security Lake preview is subject to Section 2 of the Amazon Web Services Service Terms("Betas and Previews").
Amazon Security Lake is a fully managed security data lake service. You can use Security Lake to automatically centralize security data from cloud, on-premises, and custom sources into a data lake that's stored in your Amazon Web Servicesaccount. Amazon Web Services Organizations is an account management service that lets you consolidate multiple Amazon Web Services accounts into an organization that you create and centrally manage. With Organizations, you can create member accounts and invite existing accounts to join your organization. Security Lake helps you analyze security data for a more complete understanding of your security posture across the entire organization. It can also help you improve the protection of your workloads, applications, and data.
The data lake is backed by Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) buckets, and you retain ownership over your data.
Amazon Security Lake integrates with CloudTrail, a service that provides a record of actions taken by a user, role, or an Amazon Web Services service in Security Lake CloudTrail captures API calls for Security Lake as events. The calls captured include calls from the Security Lake console and code calls to the Security Lake API operations. If you create a trail, you can enable continuous delivery of CloudTrail events to an Amazon S3 bucket, including events for Security Lake. If you don't configure a trail, you can still view the most recent events in the CloudTrail console in Event history. Using the information collected by CloudTrail you can determine the request that was made to Security Lake, the IP address from which the request was made, who made the request, when it was made, and additional details. To learn more about Security Lake information in CloudTrail, see the Amazon Security Lake User Guide.
Security Lake automates the collection of security-related log and event data from integrated Amazon Web Services and third-party services. It also helps you manage the lifecycle of data with customizable retention and replication settings. Security Lake converts ingested data into Apache Parquet format and a standard open-source schema called the Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework (OCSF).
Other Amazon Web Services and third-party services can subscribe to the data that's stored in Security Lake for incident response and security data analytics.
- defaultService :: Service
- _AccessDeniedException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _AccountNotFoundException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _BucketNotFoundException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _ConcurrentModificationException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _ConflictException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _ConflictSourceNamesException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _ConflictSubscriptionException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _EventBridgeException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _InternalServerException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _InvalidInputException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _ResourceNotFoundException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _S3Exception :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _ServiceQuotaExceededException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _ThrottlingException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- _ValidationException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError
- data CreateAwsLogSource = CreateAwsLogSource' (Maybe (HashMap Text (HashMap Text [Text]))) (Maybe [Text]) (Maybe (HashMap Text [Text])) [Dimension]
- newCreateAwsLogSource :: CreateAwsLogSource
- data CreateAwsLogSourceResponse = CreateAwsLogSourceResponse' (Maybe [Text]) (Maybe [Text]) Int
- newCreateAwsLogSourceResponse :: Int -> CreateAwsLogSourceResponse
- data CreateCustomLogSource = CreateCustomLogSource' Text OcsfEventClass Text Text
- newCreateCustomLogSource :: Text -> OcsfEventClass -> Text -> Text -> CreateCustomLogSource
- data CreateCustomLogSourceResponse = CreateCustomLogSourceResponse' Int Text Text Text Text Text
- newCreateCustomLogSourceResponse :: Int -> Text -> Text -> Text -> Text -> Text -> CreateCustomLogSourceResponse
- data CreateDatalake = CreateDatalake' (Maybe (HashMap Region LakeConfigurationRequest)) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Text) (Maybe [Region])
- newCreateDatalake :: CreateDatalake
- data CreateDatalakeResponse = CreateDatalakeResponse' Int
- newCreateDatalakeResponse :: Int -> CreateDatalakeResponse
- data CreateDatalakeAutoEnable = CreateDatalakeAutoEnable' [AutoEnableNewRegionConfiguration]
- newCreateDatalakeAutoEnable :: CreateDatalakeAutoEnable
- data CreateDatalakeAutoEnableResponse = CreateDatalakeAutoEnableResponse' Int
- newCreateDatalakeAutoEnableResponse :: Int -> CreateDatalakeAutoEnableResponse
- data CreateDatalakeDelegatedAdmin = CreateDatalakeDelegatedAdmin' Text
- newCreateDatalakeDelegatedAdmin :: Text -> CreateDatalakeDelegatedAdmin
- data CreateDatalakeDelegatedAdminResponse = CreateDatalakeDelegatedAdminResponse' Int
- newCreateDatalakeDelegatedAdminResponse :: Int -> CreateDatalakeDelegatedAdminResponse
- data CreateDatalakeExceptionsSubscription = CreateDatalakeExceptionsSubscription' Text SubscriptionProtocolType
- newCreateDatalakeExceptionsSubscription :: Text -> SubscriptionProtocolType -> CreateDatalakeExceptionsSubscription
- data CreateDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse = CreateDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse' Int
- newCreateDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse :: Int -> CreateDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse
- data CreateSubscriber = CreateSubscriber' (Maybe [AccessType]) (Maybe Text) Text Text [SourceType] Text
- newCreateSubscriber :: Text -> Text -> Text -> CreateSubscriber
- data CreateSubscriberResponse = CreateSubscriberResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) Int Text
- newCreateSubscriberResponse :: Int -> Text -> CreateSubscriberResponse
- data CreateSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration = CreateSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration' (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe HttpsMethod) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) Text
- newCreateSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration :: Text -> CreateSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration
- data CreateSubscriptionNotificationConfigurationResponse = CreateSubscriptionNotificationConfigurationResponse' (Maybe Text) Int
- newCreateSubscriptionNotificationConfigurationResponse :: Int -> CreateSubscriptionNotificationConfigurationResponse
- data DeleteAwsLogSource = DeleteAwsLogSource' (Maybe (HashMap Text (HashMap Text [Text]))) (Maybe [Text]) (Maybe (HashMap Text [Text])) [Dimension]
- newDeleteAwsLogSource :: DeleteAwsLogSource
- data DeleteAwsLogSourceResponse = DeleteAwsLogSourceResponse' (Maybe [Text]) (Maybe [Text]) Int
- newDeleteAwsLogSourceResponse :: Int -> DeleteAwsLogSourceResponse
- data DeleteCustomLogSource = DeleteCustomLogSource' Text
- newDeleteCustomLogSource :: Text -> DeleteCustomLogSource
- data DeleteCustomLogSourceResponse = DeleteCustomLogSourceResponse' Int Text
- newDeleteCustomLogSourceResponse :: Int -> Text -> DeleteCustomLogSourceResponse
- data DeleteDatalake = DeleteDatalake' {
- newDeleteDatalake :: DeleteDatalake
- data DeleteDatalakeResponse = DeleteDatalakeResponse' Int
- newDeleteDatalakeResponse :: Int -> DeleteDatalakeResponse
- data DeleteDatalakeAutoEnable = DeleteDatalakeAutoEnable' [AutoEnableNewRegionConfiguration]
- newDeleteDatalakeAutoEnable :: DeleteDatalakeAutoEnable
- data DeleteDatalakeAutoEnableResponse = DeleteDatalakeAutoEnableResponse' Int
- newDeleteDatalakeAutoEnableResponse :: Int -> DeleteDatalakeAutoEnableResponse
- data DeleteDatalakeDelegatedAdmin = DeleteDatalakeDelegatedAdmin' Text
- newDeleteDatalakeDelegatedAdmin :: Text -> DeleteDatalakeDelegatedAdmin
- data DeleteDatalakeDelegatedAdminResponse = DeleteDatalakeDelegatedAdminResponse' Int
- newDeleteDatalakeDelegatedAdminResponse :: Int -> DeleteDatalakeDelegatedAdminResponse
- data DeleteDatalakeExceptionsSubscription = DeleteDatalakeExceptionsSubscription' {
- newDeleteDatalakeExceptionsSubscription :: DeleteDatalakeExceptionsSubscription
- data DeleteDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse = DeleteDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse' Int Text
- newDeleteDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse :: Int -> Text -> DeleteDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse
- data DeleteSubscriber = DeleteSubscriber' Text
- newDeleteSubscriber :: Text -> DeleteSubscriber
- data DeleteSubscriberResponse = DeleteSubscriberResponse' Int
- newDeleteSubscriberResponse :: Int -> DeleteSubscriberResponse
- data DeleteSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration = DeleteSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration' Text
- newDeleteSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration :: Text -> DeleteSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration
- data DeleteSubscriptionNotificationConfigurationResponse = DeleteSubscriptionNotificationConfigurationResponse' Int
- newDeleteSubscriptionNotificationConfigurationResponse :: Int -> DeleteSubscriptionNotificationConfigurationResponse
- data GetDatalake = GetDatalake' {
- newGetDatalake :: GetDatalake
- data GetDatalakeResponse = GetDatalakeResponse' Int (HashMap Region LakeConfigurationResponse)
- newGetDatalakeResponse :: Int -> GetDatalakeResponse
- data GetDatalakeAutoEnable = GetDatalakeAutoEnable' {
- newGetDatalakeAutoEnable :: GetDatalakeAutoEnable
- data GetDatalakeAutoEnableResponse = GetDatalakeAutoEnableResponse' Int [AutoEnableNewRegionConfiguration]
- newGetDatalakeAutoEnableResponse :: Int -> GetDatalakeAutoEnableResponse
- data GetDatalakeExceptionsExpiry = GetDatalakeExceptionsExpiry' {
- newGetDatalakeExceptionsExpiry :: GetDatalakeExceptionsExpiry
- data GetDatalakeExceptionsExpiryResponse = GetDatalakeExceptionsExpiryResponse' Int Integer
- newGetDatalakeExceptionsExpiryResponse :: Int -> Integer -> GetDatalakeExceptionsExpiryResponse
- data GetDatalakeExceptionsSubscription = GetDatalakeExceptionsSubscription' {
- newGetDatalakeExceptionsSubscription :: GetDatalakeExceptionsSubscription
- data GetDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse = GetDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse' Int ProtocolAndNotificationEndpoint
- newGetDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse :: Int -> ProtocolAndNotificationEndpoint -> GetDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse
- data GetDatalakeStatus = GetDatalakeStatus' (Maybe [Text]) (Maybe Int) (Maybe Text)
- newGetDatalakeStatus :: GetDatalakeStatus
- data GetDatalakeStatusResponse = GetDatalakeStatusResponse' (Maybe Text) Int [AccountSources]
- newGetDatalakeStatusResponse :: Int -> GetDatalakeStatusResponse
- data GetSubscriber = GetSubscriber' Text
- newGetSubscriber :: Text -> GetSubscriber
- data GetSubscriberResponse = GetSubscriberResponse' (Maybe SubscriberResource) Int
- newGetSubscriberResponse :: Int -> GetSubscriberResponse
- data ListDatalakeExceptions = ListDatalakeExceptions' (Maybe Int) (Maybe Text) (Maybe [Region])
- newListDatalakeExceptions :: ListDatalakeExceptions
- data ListDatalakeExceptionsResponse = ListDatalakeExceptionsResponse' (Maybe Text) Int [FailuresResponse]
- newListDatalakeExceptionsResponse :: Int -> ListDatalakeExceptionsResponse
- data ListLogSources = ListLogSources' (Maybe [Dimension]) (Maybe (HashMap Text (HashMap Text [Text]))) (Maybe [Text]) (Maybe (HashMap Text [Text])) (Maybe Int) (Maybe Text)
- newListLogSources :: ListLogSources
- data ListLogSourcesResponse = ListLogSourcesResponse' (Maybe Text) Int [HashMap Text (HashMap Text [Text])]
- newListLogSourcesResponse :: Int -> ListLogSourcesResponse
- data ListSubscribers = ListSubscribers' (Maybe Int) (Maybe Text)
- newListSubscribers :: ListSubscribers
- data ListSubscribersResponse = ListSubscribersResponse' (Maybe Text) Int [SubscriberResource]
- newListSubscribersResponse :: Int -> ListSubscribersResponse
- data UpdateDatalake = UpdateDatalake' (HashMap Region LakeConfigurationRequest)
- newUpdateDatalake :: UpdateDatalake
- data UpdateDatalakeResponse = UpdateDatalakeResponse' Int
- newUpdateDatalakeResponse :: Int -> UpdateDatalakeResponse
- data UpdateDatalakeExceptionsExpiry = UpdateDatalakeExceptionsExpiry' Natural
- newUpdateDatalakeExceptionsExpiry :: Natural -> UpdateDatalakeExceptionsExpiry
- data UpdateDatalakeExceptionsExpiryResponse = UpdateDatalakeExceptionsExpiryResponse' Int
- newUpdateDatalakeExceptionsExpiryResponse :: Int -> UpdateDatalakeExceptionsExpiryResponse
- data UpdateDatalakeExceptionsSubscription = UpdateDatalakeExceptionsSubscription' Text SubscriptionProtocolType
- newUpdateDatalakeExceptionsSubscription :: Text -> SubscriptionProtocolType -> UpdateDatalakeExceptionsSubscription
- data UpdateDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse = UpdateDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse' Int
- newUpdateDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse :: Int -> UpdateDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse
- data UpdateSubscriber = UpdateSubscriber' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) Text [SourceType]
- newUpdateSubscriber :: Text -> UpdateSubscriber
- data UpdateSubscriberResponse = UpdateSubscriberResponse' (Maybe SubscriberResource) Int
- newUpdateSubscriberResponse :: Int -> UpdateSubscriberResponse
- data UpdateSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration = UpdateSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration' (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe HttpsMethod) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) Text
- newUpdateSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration :: Text -> UpdateSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration
- data UpdateSubscriptionNotificationConfigurationResponse = UpdateSubscriptionNotificationConfigurationResponse' (Maybe Text) Int
- newUpdateSubscriptionNotificationConfigurationResponse :: Int -> UpdateSubscriptionNotificationConfigurationResponse
- newtype AccessType where
- AccessType' { }
- pattern AccessType_LAKEFORMATION :: AccessType
- pattern AccessType_S3 :: AccessType
- newtype AwsLogSourceType where
- AwsLogSourceType' { }
- pattern AwsLogSourceType_CLOUD_TRAIL :: AwsLogSourceType
- pattern AwsLogSourceType_ROUTE53 :: AwsLogSourceType
- pattern AwsLogSourceType_SH_FINDINGS :: AwsLogSourceType
- pattern AwsLogSourceType_VPC_FLOW :: AwsLogSourceType
- newtype Dimension where
- Dimension' { }
- pattern Dimension_MEMBER :: Dimension
- pattern Dimension_REGION :: Dimension
- pattern Dimension_SOURCE_TYPE :: Dimension
- newtype EndpointProtocol where
- EndpointProtocol' { }
- pattern EndpointProtocol_HTTPS :: EndpointProtocol
- pattern EndpointProtocol_SQS :: EndpointProtocol
- newtype HttpsMethod where
- HttpsMethod' { }
- pattern HttpsMethod_POST :: HttpsMethod
- pattern HttpsMethod_PUT :: HttpsMethod
- newtype OcsfEventClass where
- OcsfEventClass' { }
- pattern OcsfEventClass_ACCESS_ACTIVITY :: OcsfEventClass
- pattern OcsfEventClass_ACCOUNT_CHANGE :: OcsfEventClass
- pattern OcsfEventClass_AUTHENTICATION :: OcsfEventClass
- pattern OcsfEventClass_AUTHORIZATION :: OcsfEventClass
- pattern OcsfEventClass_CLOUD_API :: OcsfEventClass
- pattern OcsfEventClass_CLOUD_STORAGE :: OcsfEventClass
- pattern OcsfEventClass_CONFIG_STATE :: OcsfEventClass
- pattern OcsfEventClass_CONTAINER_LIFECYCLE :: OcsfEventClass
- pattern OcsfEventClass_DATABASE_LIFECYCLE :: OcsfEventClass
- pattern OcsfEventClass_DHCP_ACTIVITY :: OcsfEventClass
- pattern OcsfEventClass_DNS_ACTIVITY :: OcsfEventClass
- pattern OcsfEventClass_ENTITY_MANAGEMENT_AUDIT :: OcsfEventClass
- pattern OcsfEventClass_FILE_ACTIVITY :: OcsfEventClass
- pattern OcsfEventClass_FTP_ACTIVITY :: OcsfEventClass
- pattern OcsfEventClass_HTTP_ACTIVITY :: OcsfEventClass
- pattern OcsfEventClass_INVENTORY_INFO :: OcsfEventClass
- pattern OcsfEventClass_KERNEL_ACTIVITY :: OcsfEventClass
- pattern OcsfEventClass_KERNEL_EXTENSION :: OcsfEventClass
- pattern OcsfEventClass_MEMORY_ACTIVITY :: OcsfEventClass
- pattern OcsfEventClass_MODULE_ACTIVITY :: OcsfEventClass
- pattern OcsfEventClass_NETWORK_ACTIVITY :: OcsfEventClass
- pattern OcsfEventClass_PROCESS_ACTIVITY :: OcsfEventClass
- pattern OcsfEventClass_RDP_ACTIVITY :: OcsfEventClass
- pattern OcsfEventClass_REGISTRY_KEY_ACTIVITY :: OcsfEventClass
- pattern OcsfEventClass_REGISTRY_VALUE_ACTIVITY :: OcsfEventClass
- pattern OcsfEventClass_RESOURCE_ACTIVITY :: OcsfEventClass
- pattern OcsfEventClass_RFB_ACTIVITY :: OcsfEventClass
- pattern OcsfEventClass_SCHEDULED_JOB_ACTIVITY :: OcsfEventClass
- pattern OcsfEventClass_SECURITY_FINDING :: OcsfEventClass
- pattern OcsfEventClass_SMB_ACTIVITY :: OcsfEventClass
- pattern OcsfEventClass_SMTP_ACTIVITY :: OcsfEventClass
- pattern OcsfEventClass_SSH_ACTIVITY :: OcsfEventClass
- pattern OcsfEventClass_VIRTUAL_MACHINE_ACTIVITY :: OcsfEventClass
- newtype Region where
- Region' {
- fromRegion :: Text
- pattern Region_Ap_northeast_1 :: Region
- pattern Region_Ap_southeast_2 :: Region
- pattern Region_Eu_central_1 :: Region
- pattern Region_Eu_west_1 :: Region
- pattern Region_Us_east_1 :: Region
- pattern Region_Us_east_2 :: Region
- pattern Region_Us_west_2 :: Region
- Region' {
- newtype SettingsStatus where
- SettingsStatus' { }
- pattern SettingsStatus_COMPLETED :: SettingsStatus
- pattern SettingsStatus_FAILED :: SettingsStatus
- pattern SettingsStatus_INITIALIZED :: SettingsStatus
- pattern SettingsStatus_PENDING :: SettingsStatus
- newtype SourceStatus where
- SourceStatus' { }
- pattern SourceStatus_ACTIVE :: SourceStatus
- pattern SourceStatus_DEACTIVATED :: SourceStatus
- pattern SourceStatus_PENDING :: SourceStatus
- newtype StorageClass where
- StorageClass' { }
- pattern StorageClass_DEEP_ARCHIVE :: StorageClass
- pattern StorageClass_EXPIRE :: StorageClass
- pattern StorageClass_GLACIER :: StorageClass
- pattern StorageClass_GLACIER_IR :: StorageClass
- pattern StorageClass_INTELLIGENT_TIERING :: StorageClass
- pattern StorageClass_ONEZONE_IA :: StorageClass
- pattern StorageClass_STANDARD_IA :: StorageClass
- newtype SubscriptionProtocolType where
- SubscriptionProtocolType' { }
- pattern SubscriptionProtocolType_APP :: SubscriptionProtocolType
- pattern SubscriptionProtocolType_EMAIL :: SubscriptionProtocolType
- pattern SubscriptionProtocolType_EMAIL_JSON :: SubscriptionProtocolType
- pattern SubscriptionProtocolType_FIREHOSE :: SubscriptionProtocolType
- pattern SubscriptionProtocolType_HTTP :: SubscriptionProtocolType
- pattern SubscriptionProtocolType_HTTPS :: SubscriptionProtocolType
- pattern SubscriptionProtocolType_LAMBDA :: SubscriptionProtocolType
- pattern SubscriptionProtocolType_SMS :: SubscriptionProtocolType
- pattern SubscriptionProtocolType_SQS :: SubscriptionProtocolType
- newtype SubscriptionStatus where
- SubscriptionStatus' { }
- pattern SubscriptionStatus_ACTIVE :: SubscriptionStatus
- pattern SubscriptionStatus_DEACTIVATED :: SubscriptionStatus
- pattern SubscriptionStatus_PENDING :: SubscriptionStatus
- pattern SubscriptionStatus_READY :: SubscriptionStatus
- data AccountSources = AccountSources' (Maybe OcsfEventClass) (Maybe [LogsStatus]) Text Text
- newAccountSources :: Text -> Text -> AccountSources
- data AutoEnableNewRegionConfiguration = AutoEnableNewRegionConfiguration' Region [AwsLogSourceType]
- newAutoEnableNewRegionConfiguration :: Region -> AutoEnableNewRegionConfiguration
- data Failures = Failures' Text Text ISO8601
- newFailures :: Text -> Text -> UTCTime -> Failures
- data FailuresResponse = FailuresResponse' (Maybe [Failures]) (Maybe Text)
- newFailuresResponse :: FailuresResponse
- data LakeConfigurationRequest = LakeConfigurationRequest' (Maybe Text) (Maybe [Region]) (Maybe Text) (Maybe [RetentionSetting]) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- newLakeConfigurationRequest :: LakeConfigurationRequest
- data LakeConfigurationResponse = LakeConfigurationResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe [Region]) (Maybe Text) (Maybe [RetentionSetting]) (Maybe Text) (Maybe SettingsStatus) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text))
- newLakeConfigurationResponse :: LakeConfigurationResponse
- data LogsStatus = LogsStatus' SourceStatus Text
- newLogsStatus :: SourceStatus -> Text -> LogsStatus
- data ProtocolAndNotificationEndpoint = ProtocolAndNotificationEndpoint' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text)
- newProtocolAndNotificationEndpoint :: ProtocolAndNotificationEndpoint
- data RetentionSetting = RetentionSetting' (Maybe Natural) (Maybe StorageClass)
- newRetentionSetting :: RetentionSetting
- data SourceType = SourceType' (Maybe AwsLogSourceType) (Maybe Text)
- newSourceType :: SourceType
- data SubscriberResource = SubscriberResource' (Maybe [AccessType]) (Maybe ISO8601) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe EndpointProtocol) (Maybe SubscriptionStatus) (Maybe ISO8601) Text [SourceType] Text
- newSubscriberResource :: Text -> Text -> SubscriberResource
Service Configuration
defaultService :: Service Source #
API version 2018-05-10
of the Amazon Security Lake SDK configuration.
Error matchers are designed for use with the functions provided by
This allows catching (and rethrowing) service specific errors returned
by SecurityLake
_AccessDeniedException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
You do not have sufficient access to perform this action. Access denied errors appear when Amazon Security Lake explicitly or implicitly denies an authorization request. An explicit denial occurs when a policy contains a Deny statement for the specific Amazon Web Services action. An implicit denial occurs when there is no applicable Deny statement and also no applicable Allow statement.
_AccountNotFoundException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
Amazon Security Lake cannot find an Amazon Web Services account with the accountID that you specified, or the account whose credentials you used to make this request isn't a member of an organization.
_BucketNotFoundException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
Amazon Security Lake generally returns 404 errors if the requested object is missing from the bucket.
_ConcurrentModificationException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
More than one process tried to modify a resource at the same time.
_ConflictException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
Occurs when a conflict with a previous successful write is detected. This generally occurs when the previous write did not have time to propagate to the host serving the current request. A retry (with appropriate backoff logic) is the recommended response to this exception.
_ConflictSourceNamesException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
There was a conflict when you attempted to modify a Security Lake source name.
_ConflictSubscriptionException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
A conflicting subscription exception operation is in progress.
_EventBridgeException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
Represents an error interacting with the Amazon EventBridge service.
_InternalServerException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
Internal service exceptions are sometimes caused by transient issues. Before you start troubleshooting, perform the operation again.
_InvalidInputException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
The request was rejected because a value that's not valid or is out of range was supplied for an input parameter.
_ResourceNotFoundException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
The resource could not be found.
_S3Exception :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
Provides an extension of the AmazonServiceException for errors reported by Amazon S3 while processing a request. In particular, this class provides access to the Amazon S3 extended request ID. If Amazon S3 is incorrectly handling a request and you need to contact Amazon, this extended request ID may provide useful debugging information.
_ServiceQuotaExceededException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
You have exceeded your service quota. To perform the requested action, remove some of the relevant resources, or use Service Quotas to request a service quota increase.
_ThrottlingException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
The limit on the number of requests per second was exceeded.
_ValidationException :: AsError a => Fold a ServiceError Source #
Your signing certificate could not be validated.
Waiters poll by repeatedly sending a request until some remote success condition
configured by the Wait
specification is fulfilled. The Wait
determines how many attempts should be made, in addition to delay and retry strategies.
Some AWS operations return results that are incomplete and require subsequent
requests in order to obtain the entire result set. The process of sending
subsequent requests to continue where a previous request left off is called
pagination. For example, the ListObjects
operation of Amazon S3 returns up to
1000 objects at a time, and you must send subsequent requests with the
appropriate Marker in order to retrieve the next page of results.
Operations that have an AWSPager
instance can transparently perform subsequent
requests, correctly setting Markers and other request facets to iterate through
the entire result set of a truncated API operation. Operations which support
this have an additional note in the documentation.
Many operations have the ability to filter results on the server side. See the individual operation parameters for details.
data CreateAwsLogSource Source #
See: newCreateAwsLogSource
smart constructor.
CreateAwsLogSource' (Maybe (HashMap Text (HashMap Text [Text]))) (Maybe [Text]) (Maybe (HashMap Text [Text])) [Dimension] |
newCreateAwsLogSource :: CreateAwsLogSource Source #
Create a value of CreateAwsLogSource
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createAwsLogSource_enableAllDimensions
- Enables data collection from specific Amazon Web Services sources in all
specific accounts and specific Regions.
, createAwsLogSource_enableSingleDimension
- Enables data collection from all Amazon Web Services sources in specific
accounts or Regions.
, createAwsLogSource_enableTwoDimensions
- Enables data collection from specific Amazon Web Services sources in
specific accounts or Regions.
, createAwsLogSource_inputOrder
- Specifies the input order to enable dimensions in Security Lake, namely
Region, source type, and member account.
data CreateAwsLogSourceResponse Source #
See: newCreateAwsLogSourceResponse
smart constructor.
newCreateAwsLogSourceResponse Source #
Create a value of CreateAwsLogSourceResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createAwsLogSourceResponse_failed
- Lists all accounts in which enabling a natively supported Amazon Web
Service as a Security Lake source failed. The failure occurred as these
accounts are not part of an organization.
, createAwsLogSourceResponse_processing
- Lists the accounts that are in the process of enabling a natively
supported Amazon Web Service as a Security Lake source.
, createAwsLogSourceResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data CreateCustomLogSource Source #
See: newCreateCustomLogSource
smart constructor.
CreateCustomLogSource' Text OcsfEventClass Text Text |
newCreateCustomLogSource Source #
:: Text | |
-> OcsfEventClass | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> CreateCustomLogSource |
Create a value of CreateCustomLogSource
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createCustomLogSource_customSourceName
- The name for a third-party custom source. This must be a Regionally
unique value.
, createCustomLogSource_eventClass
- The Open Cybersecurity Schema Framework (OCSF) event class which
describes the type of data that the custom source will send to Security
, createCustomLogSource_glueInvocationRoleArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Identity and Access Management
(IAM) role to be used by the Glue crawler. The recommended IAM policies
- The managed policy
- A custom policy granting access to your Amazon S3 Data Lake
, createCustomLogSource_logProviderAccountId
- The Amazon Web Services account ID of the custom source that will write
logs and events into the Amazon S3 Data Lake.
data CreateCustomLogSourceResponse Source #
See: newCreateCustomLogSourceResponse
smart constructor.
newCreateCustomLogSourceResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> Text |
-> CreateCustomLogSourceResponse |
Create a value of CreateCustomLogSourceResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createCustomLogSourceResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, createCustomLogSourceResponse_customDataLocation
- The location of the partition in the Amazon S3 bucket for Security Lake.
, createCustomLogSourceResponse_glueCrawlerName
- The name of the Glue crawler.
, createCustomLogSourceResponse_glueDatabaseName
- The Glue database where results are written, such as:
, createCustomLogSourceResponse_glueTableName
- The table name of the Glue crawler.
, createCustomLogSourceResponse_logProviderAccessRoleArn
- The ARN of the IAM role to be used by the entity putting logs into your
custom source partition. Security Lake will apply the correct access
policies to this role, but you must first manually create the trust
policy for this role. The IAM role name must start with the text
'Security Lake'. The IAM role must trust the logProviderAccountId
assume the role.
data CreateDatalake Source #
See: newCreateDatalake
smart constructor.
CreateDatalake' (Maybe (HashMap Region LakeConfigurationRequest)) (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Text) (Maybe [Region]) |
newCreateDatalake :: CreateDatalake Source #
Create a value of CreateDatalake
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createDatalake_configurations
- Specify the Region or Regions that will contribute data to the rollup
, createDatalake_enableAll
- Enable Security Lake in all Regions.
, createDatalake_metaStoreManagerRoleArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) used to create and update the Glue table.
This table contains partitions generated by the ingestion and
normalization of Amazon Web Services log sources and custom sources.
, createDatalake_regions
- Enable Security Lake in the specified Regions. To enable Security Lake
in specific Amazon Web Services Regions, such as us-east-1 or
ap-northeast-3, provide the Region codes. For a list of Region codes,
Amazon Security Lake endpoints
in the Amazon Web Services General Reference.
data CreateDatalakeResponse Source #
See: newCreateDatalakeResponse
smart constructor.
CreateDatalakeResponse' Int |
newCreateDatalakeResponse Source #
Create a value of CreateDatalakeResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createDatalakeResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data CreateDatalakeAutoEnable Source #
See: newCreateDatalakeAutoEnable
smart constructor.
CreateDatalakeAutoEnable' [AutoEnableNewRegionConfiguration] |
newCreateDatalakeAutoEnable :: CreateDatalakeAutoEnable Source #
Create a value of CreateDatalakeAutoEnable
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createDatalakeAutoEnable_configurationForNewAccounts
- Enable Security Lake with the specified configuration settings to begin
collecting security data for new accounts in your organization.
data CreateDatalakeAutoEnableResponse Source #
See: newCreateDatalakeAutoEnableResponse
smart constructor.
CreateDatalakeAutoEnableResponse' Int |
newCreateDatalakeAutoEnableResponse Source #
Create a value of CreateDatalakeAutoEnableResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createDatalakeAutoEnableResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data CreateDatalakeDelegatedAdmin Source #
See: newCreateDatalakeDelegatedAdmin
smart constructor.
CreateDatalakeDelegatedAdmin' Text |
newCreateDatalakeDelegatedAdmin Source #
:: Text | |
-> CreateDatalakeDelegatedAdmin |
Create a value of CreateDatalakeDelegatedAdmin
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createDatalakeDelegatedAdmin_account
- The Amazon Web Services account ID of the Security Lake delegated
data CreateDatalakeDelegatedAdminResponse Source #
See: newCreateDatalakeDelegatedAdminResponse
smart constructor.
CreateDatalakeDelegatedAdminResponse' Int |
newCreateDatalakeDelegatedAdminResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> CreateDatalakeDelegatedAdminResponse |
Create a value of CreateDatalakeDelegatedAdminResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createDatalakeDelegatedAdminResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data CreateDatalakeExceptionsSubscription Source #
See: newCreateDatalakeExceptionsSubscription
smart constructor.
newCreateDatalakeExceptionsSubscription Source #
:: Text |
-> SubscriptionProtocolType | |
-> CreateDatalakeExceptionsSubscription |
Create a value of CreateDatalakeExceptionsSubscription
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createDatalakeExceptionsSubscription_notificationEndpoint
- The Amazon Web Services account where you want to receive exception
, createDatalakeExceptionsSubscription_subscriptionProtocol
- The subscription protocol to which exception notifications are posted.
data CreateDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse Source #
See: newCreateDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse
smart constructor.
CreateDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse' Int |
newCreateDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse Source #
:: Int |
-> CreateDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse |
Create a value of CreateDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data CreateSubscriber Source #
See: newCreateSubscriber
smart constructor.
CreateSubscriber' (Maybe [AccessType]) (Maybe Text) Text Text [SourceType] Text |
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> Text | |
-> CreateSubscriber |
Create a value of CreateSubscriber
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createSubscriber_accessTypes
- The Amazon S3 or Lake Formation access type.
, createSubscriber_subscriberDescription
- The description for your subscriber account in Security Lake.
, createSubscriber_accountId
- The Amazon Web Services account ID used to access your data.
, createSubscriber_externalId
- The external ID of the subscriber. This lets the user that is assuming
the role assert the circumstances in which they are operating. It also
provides a way for the account owner to permit the role to be assumed
only under specific circumstances.
, createSubscriber_sourceTypes
- The supported Amazon Web Services from which logs and events are
collected. Security Lake supports log and event collection for natively
supported Amazon Web Services.
, createSubscriber_subscriberName
- The name of your Security Lake subscriber account.
data CreateSubscriberResponse Source #
See: newCreateSubscriberResponse
smart constructor.
newCreateSubscriberResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> Text | |
-> CreateSubscriberResponse |
Create a value of CreateSubscriberResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createSubscriberResponse_roleArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) created by you to provide to the
subscriber. For more information about ARNs and how to use them in
policies, see
IAM identifiers in the Identity and Access Management (IAM) User Guide.
, createSubscriberResponse_s3BucketArn
- The ARN for the Amazon S3 bucket.
, createSubscriberResponse_snsArn
- The ARN for the Amazon Simple Notification Service.
, createSubscriberResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, createSubscriberResponse_subscriptionId
- The subscriptionId
created by the CreateSubscriber
API call.
data CreateSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration Source #
See: newCreateSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration
smart constructor.
CreateSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration' (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe HttpsMethod) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) Text |
newCreateSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration Source #
:: Text | |
-> CreateSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration |
Create a value of CreateSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration_createSqs
- Create an Amazon Simple Queue Service queue.
, createSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration_httpsApiKeyName
- The key name for the notification subscription.
, createSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration_httpsApiKeyValue
- The key value for the notification subscription.
, createSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration_httpsMethod
- The HTTPS method used for the notification subscription.
, createSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration_roleArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the EventBridge API destinations IAM
role that you created.
, createSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration_subscriptionEndpoint
- The subscription endpoint in Security Lake. If you prefer notification
with an HTTPs endpoint, populate this field.
, createSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration_subscriptionId
- The subscription ID for the notification subscription/
data CreateSubscriptionNotificationConfigurationResponse Source #
See: newCreateSubscriptionNotificationConfigurationResponse
smart constructor.
CreateSubscriptionNotificationConfigurationResponse' (Maybe Text) Int |
newCreateSubscriptionNotificationConfigurationResponse Source #
:: Int |
-> CreateSubscriptionNotificationConfigurationResponse |
Create a value of CreateSubscriptionNotificationConfigurationResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, createSubscriptionNotificationConfigurationResponse_queueArn
- Returns the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the queue.
, createSubscriptionNotificationConfigurationResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data DeleteAwsLogSource Source #
See: newDeleteAwsLogSource
smart constructor.
DeleteAwsLogSource' (Maybe (HashMap Text (HashMap Text [Text]))) (Maybe [Text]) (Maybe (HashMap Text [Text])) [Dimension] |
newDeleteAwsLogSource :: DeleteAwsLogSource Source #
Create a value of DeleteAwsLogSource
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteAwsLogSource_disableAllDimensions
- Removes the specific Amazon Web Services sources from specific accounts
and specific Regions.
, deleteAwsLogSource_disableSingleDimension
- Removes all Amazon Web Services sources from specific accounts or
, deleteAwsLogSource_disableTwoDimensions
- Remove a specific Amazon Web Services source from specific accounts or
, deleteAwsLogSource_inputOrder
- This is a mandatory input. Specify the input order to disable dimensions
in Security Lake, namely Region (Amazon Web Services Region code, source
type, and member (account ID of a specific Amazon Web Services account).
data DeleteAwsLogSourceResponse Source #
See: newDeleteAwsLogSourceResponse
smart constructor.
newDeleteAwsLogSourceResponse Source #
Create a value of DeleteAwsLogSourceResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteAwsLogSourceResponse_failed
- Deletion of the Amazon Web Services sources failed as the account is not
a part of the organization.
, deleteAwsLogSourceResponse_processing
- Deletion of the Amazon Web Services sources is in progress.
, deleteAwsLogSourceResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data DeleteCustomLogSource Source #
See: newDeleteCustomLogSource
smart constructor.
DeleteCustomLogSource' Text |
newDeleteCustomLogSource Source #
Create a value of DeleteCustomLogSource
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteCustomLogSource_customSourceName
- The custom source name for the custom log source.
data DeleteCustomLogSourceResponse Source #
See: newDeleteCustomLogSourceResponse
smart constructor.
DeleteCustomLogSourceResponse' Int Text |
newDeleteCustomLogSourceResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> Text | |
-> DeleteCustomLogSourceResponse |
Create a value of DeleteCustomLogSourceResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteCustomLogSourceResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, deleteCustomLogSourceResponse_customDataLocation
- The location of the partition in the Amazon S3 bucket for Security Lake.
data DeleteDatalake Source #
See: newDeleteDatalake
smart constructor.
DeleteDatalake' | |
newDeleteDatalake :: DeleteDatalake Source #
Create a value of DeleteDatalake
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
data DeleteDatalakeResponse Source #
See: newDeleteDatalakeResponse
smart constructor.
DeleteDatalakeResponse' Int |
newDeleteDatalakeResponse Source #
Create a value of DeleteDatalakeResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteDatalakeResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data DeleteDatalakeAutoEnable Source #
See: newDeleteDatalakeAutoEnable
smart constructor.
DeleteDatalakeAutoEnable' [AutoEnableNewRegionConfiguration] |
newDeleteDatalakeAutoEnable :: DeleteDatalakeAutoEnable Source #
Create a value of DeleteDatalakeAutoEnable
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteDatalakeAutoEnable_removeFromConfigurationForNewAccounts
- Delete Amazon Security Lake with the specified configuration settings to
stop ingesting security data for new accounts in Security Lake.
data DeleteDatalakeAutoEnableResponse Source #
See: newDeleteDatalakeAutoEnableResponse
smart constructor.
DeleteDatalakeAutoEnableResponse' Int |
newDeleteDatalakeAutoEnableResponse Source #
Create a value of DeleteDatalakeAutoEnableResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteDatalakeAutoEnableResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data DeleteDatalakeDelegatedAdmin Source #
See: newDeleteDatalakeDelegatedAdmin
smart constructor.
DeleteDatalakeDelegatedAdmin' Text |
newDeleteDatalakeDelegatedAdmin Source #
:: Text | |
-> DeleteDatalakeDelegatedAdmin |
Create a value of DeleteDatalakeDelegatedAdmin
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteDatalakeDelegatedAdmin_account
- The account ID the Security Lake delegated administrator.
data DeleteDatalakeDelegatedAdminResponse Source #
See: newDeleteDatalakeDelegatedAdminResponse
smart constructor.
DeleteDatalakeDelegatedAdminResponse' Int |
newDeleteDatalakeDelegatedAdminResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> DeleteDatalakeDelegatedAdminResponse |
Create a value of DeleteDatalakeDelegatedAdminResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteDatalakeDelegatedAdminResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data DeleteDatalakeExceptionsSubscription Source #
See: newDeleteDatalakeExceptionsSubscription
smart constructor.
DeleteDatalakeExceptionsSubscription' | |
newDeleteDatalakeExceptionsSubscription :: DeleteDatalakeExceptionsSubscription Source #
Create a value of DeleteDatalakeExceptionsSubscription
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
data DeleteDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse Source #
See: newDeleteDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse
smart constructor.
DeleteDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse' Int Text |
newDeleteDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse Source #
:: Int |
-> Text | |
-> DeleteDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse |
Create a value of DeleteDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, deleteDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse_status
- Retrieves the status of the delete Security Lake operation for an
data DeleteSubscriber Source #
See: newDeleteSubscriber
smart constructor.
DeleteSubscriber' Text |
:: Text | |
-> DeleteSubscriber |
Create a value of DeleteSubscriber
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteSubscriber_id
- A value created by Security Lake that uniquely identifies your
API request.
data DeleteSubscriberResponse Source #
See: newDeleteSubscriberResponse
smart constructor.
DeleteSubscriberResponse' Int |
newDeleteSubscriberResponse Source #
Create a value of DeleteSubscriberResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteSubscriberResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data DeleteSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration Source #
See: newDeleteSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration
smart constructor.
DeleteSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration' Text |
newDeleteSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration Source #
:: Text | |
-> DeleteSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration |
Create a value of DeleteSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration_subscriptionId
- The ID of the Security Lake subscriber account.
data DeleteSubscriptionNotificationConfigurationResponse Source #
See: newDeleteSubscriptionNotificationConfigurationResponse
smart constructor.
newDeleteSubscriptionNotificationConfigurationResponse Source #
:: Int |
-> DeleteSubscriptionNotificationConfigurationResponse |
Create a value of DeleteSubscriptionNotificationConfigurationResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, deleteSubscriptionNotificationConfigurationResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data GetDatalake Source #
See: newGetDatalake
smart constructor.
GetDatalake' | |
newGetDatalake :: GetDatalake Source #
Create a value of GetDatalake
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
data GetDatalakeResponse Source #
See: newGetDatalakeResponse
smart constructor.
GetDatalakeResponse' Int (HashMap Region LakeConfigurationResponse) |
newGetDatalakeResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> GetDatalakeResponse |
Create a value of GetDatalakeResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, getDatalakeResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, getDatalakeResponse_configurations
- Retrieves the Security Lake configuration object.
data GetDatalakeAutoEnable Source #
See: newGetDatalakeAutoEnable
smart constructor.
GetDatalakeAutoEnable' | |
newGetDatalakeAutoEnable :: GetDatalakeAutoEnable Source #
Create a value of GetDatalakeAutoEnable
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
data GetDatalakeAutoEnableResponse Source #
See: newGetDatalakeAutoEnableResponse
smart constructor.
newGetDatalakeAutoEnableResponse Source #
Create a value of GetDatalakeAutoEnableResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, getDatalakeAutoEnableResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, getDatalakeAutoEnableResponse_autoEnableNewAccounts
- The configuration for new accounts.
data GetDatalakeExceptionsExpiry Source #
See: newGetDatalakeExceptionsExpiry
smart constructor.
GetDatalakeExceptionsExpiry' | |
newGetDatalakeExceptionsExpiry :: GetDatalakeExceptionsExpiry Source #
Create a value of GetDatalakeExceptionsExpiry
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
data GetDatalakeExceptionsExpiryResponse Source #
See: newGetDatalakeExceptionsExpiryResponse
smart constructor.
GetDatalakeExceptionsExpiryResponse' Int Integer |
newGetDatalakeExceptionsExpiryResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> Integer |
-> GetDatalakeExceptionsExpiryResponse |
Create a value of GetDatalakeExceptionsExpiryResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, getDatalakeExceptionsExpiryResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, getDatalakeExceptionsExpiryResponse_exceptionMessageExpiry
- The expiration period and time-to-live (TTL).
data GetDatalakeExceptionsSubscription Source #
See: newGetDatalakeExceptionsSubscription
smart constructor.
GetDatalakeExceptionsSubscription' | |
newGetDatalakeExceptionsSubscription :: GetDatalakeExceptionsSubscription Source #
Create a value of GetDatalakeExceptionsSubscription
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
data GetDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse Source #
See: newGetDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse
smart constructor.
newGetDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> ProtocolAndNotificationEndpoint |
-> GetDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse |
Create a value of GetDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, getDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, getDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse_protocolAndNotificationEndpoint
- Retrieves the exception notification subscription information.
GetDatalakeStatus (Paginated)
data GetDatalakeStatus Source #
See: newGetDatalakeStatus
smart constructor.
newGetDatalakeStatus :: GetDatalakeStatus Source #
Create a value of GetDatalakeStatus
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, getDatalakeStatus_accountSet
- The Amazon Web Services account ID for which a static snapshot of the
current Amazon Web Services Region, including enabled accounts and log
sources, is retrieved.
, getDatalakeStatus_maxAccountResults
- The maximum limit of accounts for which the static snapshot of the
current Region, including enabled accounts and log sources, is
, getDatalakeStatus_nextToken
- Lists if there are more results available. The value of nextToken is a
unique pagination token for each page. Repeat the call using the
returned token to retrieve the next page. Keep all other arguments
Each pagination token expires after 24 hours. Using an expired pagination token will return an HTTP 400 InvalidToken error.
data GetDatalakeStatusResponse Source #
See: newGetDatalakeStatusResponse
smart constructor.
GetDatalakeStatusResponse' (Maybe Text) Int [AccountSources] |
newGetDatalakeStatusResponse Source #
Create a value of GetDatalakeStatusResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, getDatalakeStatusResponse_nextToken
- Lists if there are more results available. The value of nextToken is a
unique pagination token for each page. Repeat the call using the
returned token to retrieve the next page. Keep all other arguments
Each pagination token expires after 24 hours. Using an expired pagination token will return an HTTP 400 InvalidToken error.
, getDatalakeStatusResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, getDatalakeStatusResponse_accountSourcesList
- The list of enabled accounts and enabled sources.
data GetSubscriber Source #
See: newGetSubscriber
smart constructor.
GetSubscriber' Text |
:: Text | |
-> GetSubscriber |
Create a value of GetSubscriber
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, getSubscriber_id
- A value created by Amazon Security Lake that uniquely identifies your
API request.
data GetSubscriberResponse Source #
See: newGetSubscriberResponse
smart constructor.
GetSubscriberResponse' (Maybe SubscriberResource) Int |
newGetSubscriberResponse Source #
Create a value of GetSubscriberResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, getSubscriberResponse_subscriber
- The subscription information for the specified subscription ID.
, getSubscriberResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
ListDatalakeExceptions (Paginated)
data ListDatalakeExceptions Source #
See: newListDatalakeExceptions
smart constructor.
newListDatalakeExceptions :: ListDatalakeExceptions Source #
Create a value of ListDatalakeExceptions
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listDatalakeExceptions_maxFailures
- List the maximum number of failures in Security Lake.
, listDatalakeExceptions_nextToken
- List if there are more results available. The value of nextToken is a
unique pagination token for each page. Repeat the call using the
returned token to retrieve the next page. Keep all other arguments
Each pagination token expires after 24 hours. Using an expired pagination token will return an HTTP 400 InvalidToken error.
, listDatalakeExceptions_regionSet
- List the Amazon Web Services Regions from which exceptions are
data ListDatalakeExceptionsResponse Source #
See: newListDatalakeExceptionsResponse
smart constructor.
ListDatalakeExceptionsResponse' (Maybe Text) Int [FailuresResponse] |
newListDatalakeExceptionsResponse Source #
Create a value of ListDatalakeExceptionsResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listDatalakeExceptionsResponse_nextToken
- List if there are more results available. The value of nextToken is a
unique pagination token for each page. Repeat the call using the
returned token to retrieve the next page. Keep all other arguments
Each pagination token expires after 24 hours. Using an expired pagination token will return an HTTP 400 InvalidToken error.
, listDatalakeExceptionsResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, listDatalakeExceptionsResponse_nonRetryableFailures
- Lists the failures that cannot be retried in the current Region.
ListLogSources (Paginated)
data ListLogSources Source #
See: newListLogSources
smart constructor.
ListLogSources' (Maybe [Dimension]) (Maybe (HashMap Text (HashMap Text [Text]))) (Maybe [Text]) (Maybe (HashMap Text [Text])) (Maybe Int) (Maybe Text) |
newListLogSources :: ListLogSources Source #
Create a value of ListLogSources
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listLogSources_inputOrder
- Lists the log sources in input order, namely Region, source type, and
member account.
, listLogSources_listAllDimensions
- List the view of log sources for enabled Amazon Security Lake accounts
for specific Amazon Web Services sources from specific accounts and
specific Regions.
, listLogSources_listSingleDimension
- List the view of log sources for enabled Security Lake accounts for all
Amazon Web Services sources from specific accounts or specific Regions.
, listLogSources_listTwoDimensions
- Lists the view of log sources for enabled Security Lake accounts for
specific Amazon Web Services sources from specific accounts or specific
, listLogSources_maxResults
- The maximum number of accounts for which the log sources are displayed.
, listLogSources_nextToken
- If nextToken is returned, there are more results available. You can
repeat the call using the returned token to retrieve the next page.
data ListLogSourcesResponse Source #
See: newListLogSourcesResponse
smart constructor.
newListLogSourcesResponse Source #
Create a value of ListLogSourcesResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listLogSourcesResponse_nextToken
- If nextToken is returned, there are more results available. You can
repeat the call using the returned token to retrieve the next page.
, listLogSourcesResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, listLogSourcesResponse_regionSourceTypesAccountsList
- Lists the log sources by Regions for enabled Security Lake accounts.
ListSubscribers (Paginated)
data ListSubscribers Source #
See: newListSubscribers
smart constructor.
ListSubscribers' (Maybe Int) (Maybe Text) |
newListSubscribers :: ListSubscribers Source #
Create a value of ListSubscribers
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listSubscribers_maxResults
- The maximum number of accounts for which the configuration is displayed.
, listSubscribers_nextToken
- If nextToken is returned, there are more results available. You can
repeat the call using the returned token to retrieve the next page.
data ListSubscribersResponse Source #
See: newListSubscribersResponse
smart constructor.
ListSubscribersResponse' (Maybe Text) Int [SubscriberResource] |
newListSubscribersResponse Source #
Create a value of ListSubscribersResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, listSubscribersResponse_nextToken
- If nextToken is returned, there are more results available. You can
repeat the call using the returned token to retrieve the next page.
, listSubscribersResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
, listSubscribersResponse_subscribers
- The subscribers available for the specified Security Lake account ID.
data UpdateDatalake Source #
See: newUpdateDatalake
smart constructor.
UpdateDatalake' (HashMap Region LakeConfigurationRequest) |
newUpdateDatalake :: UpdateDatalake Source #
Create a value of UpdateDatalake
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateDatalake_configurations
- Specify the Region or Regions that will contribute data to the rollup
data UpdateDatalakeResponse Source #
See: newUpdateDatalakeResponse
smart constructor.
UpdateDatalakeResponse' Int |
newUpdateDatalakeResponse Source #
Create a value of UpdateDatalakeResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateDatalakeResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data UpdateDatalakeExceptionsExpiry Source #
See: newUpdateDatalakeExceptionsExpiry
smart constructor.
UpdateDatalakeExceptionsExpiry' Natural |
newUpdateDatalakeExceptionsExpiry Source #
:: Natural | |
-> UpdateDatalakeExceptionsExpiry |
Create a value of UpdateDatalakeExceptionsExpiry
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateDatalakeExceptionsExpiry_exceptionMessageExpiry
- The time-to-live (TTL) for the exception message to remain.
data UpdateDatalakeExceptionsExpiryResponse Source #
See: newUpdateDatalakeExceptionsExpiryResponse
smart constructor.
UpdateDatalakeExceptionsExpiryResponse' Int |
newUpdateDatalakeExceptionsExpiryResponse Source #
:: Int | |
-> UpdateDatalakeExceptionsExpiryResponse |
Create a value of UpdateDatalakeExceptionsExpiryResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateDatalakeExceptionsExpiryResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data UpdateDatalakeExceptionsSubscription Source #
See: newUpdateDatalakeExceptionsSubscription
smart constructor.
newUpdateDatalakeExceptionsSubscription Source #
:: Text |
-> SubscriptionProtocolType | |
-> UpdateDatalakeExceptionsSubscription |
Create a value of UpdateDatalakeExceptionsSubscription
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateDatalakeExceptionsSubscription_notificationEndpoint
- The account that is subscribed to receive exception notifications.
, updateDatalakeExceptionsSubscription_subscriptionProtocol
- The subscription protocol to which exception messages are posted.
data UpdateDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse Source #
See: newUpdateDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse
smart constructor.
UpdateDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse' Int |
newUpdateDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse Source #
:: Int |
-> UpdateDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse |
Create a value of UpdateDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateDatalakeExceptionsSubscriptionResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data UpdateSubscriber Source #
See: newUpdateSubscriber
smart constructor.
UpdateSubscriber' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) Text [SourceType] |
:: Text | |
-> UpdateSubscriber |
Create a value of UpdateSubscriber
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateSubscriber_externalId
- The external ID of the Security Lake account.
, updateSubscriber_subscriberDescription
- The description of the Security Lake account subscriber.
, updateSubscriber_subscriberName
- The name of the Security Lake account subscriber.
, updateSubscriber_id
- A value created by Security Lake that uniquely identifies your
, updateSubscriber_sourceTypes
- The supported Amazon Web Services from which logs and events are
collected. For the list of supported Amazon Web Services, see the
Amazon Security Lake User Guide.
data UpdateSubscriberResponse Source #
See: newUpdateSubscriberResponse
smart constructor.
UpdateSubscriberResponse' (Maybe SubscriberResource) Int |
newUpdateSubscriberResponse Source #
Create a value of UpdateSubscriberResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateSubscriberResponse_subscriber
- The account of the subscriber.
, updateSubscriberResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
data UpdateSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration Source #
See: newUpdateSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration
smart constructor.
UpdateSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration' (Maybe Bool) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe HttpsMethod) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) Text |
newUpdateSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration Source #
:: Text | |
-> UpdateSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration |
Create a value of UpdateSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration_createSqs
- Create a new subscription notification for the specified subscription ID
in Amazon Security Lake.
, updateSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration_httpsApiKeyName
- The key name for the subscription notification.
, updateSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration_httpsApiKeyValue
- The key value for the subscription notification.
, updateSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration_httpsMethod
- The HTTPS method used for the subscription notification.
, updateSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration_roleArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) specifying the role of the subscriber.
, updateSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration_subscriptionEndpoint
- The subscription endpoint in Security Lake.
, updateSubscriptionNotificationConfiguration_subscriptionId
- The subscription ID for which the subscription notification is
data UpdateSubscriptionNotificationConfigurationResponse Source #
See: newUpdateSubscriptionNotificationConfigurationResponse
smart constructor.
UpdateSubscriptionNotificationConfigurationResponse' (Maybe Text) Int |
newUpdateSubscriptionNotificationConfigurationResponse Source #
:: Int |
-> UpdateSubscriptionNotificationConfigurationResponse |
Create a value of UpdateSubscriptionNotificationConfigurationResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, updateSubscriptionNotificationConfigurationResponse_queueArn
- Returns the ARN of the queue.
, updateSubscriptionNotificationConfigurationResponse_httpStatus
- The response's http status code.
newtype AccessType Source #
AccessType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern AccessType_LAKEFORMATION :: AccessType | |
pattern AccessType_S3 :: AccessType |
newtype AwsLogSourceType Source #
AwsLogSourceType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern AwsLogSourceType_CLOUD_TRAIL :: AwsLogSourceType | |
pattern AwsLogSourceType_ROUTE53 :: AwsLogSourceType | |
pattern AwsLogSourceType_SH_FINDINGS :: AwsLogSourceType | |
pattern AwsLogSourceType_VPC_FLOW :: AwsLogSourceType |
Dimension' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern Dimension_MEMBER :: Dimension | |
pattern Dimension_REGION :: Dimension | |
pattern Dimension_SOURCE_TYPE :: Dimension |
newtype EndpointProtocol Source #
EndpointProtocol' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern EndpointProtocol_HTTPS :: EndpointProtocol | |
pattern EndpointProtocol_SQS :: EndpointProtocol |
newtype HttpsMethod Source #
HttpsMethod' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern HttpsMethod_POST :: HttpsMethod | |
pattern HttpsMethod_PUT :: HttpsMethod |
newtype OcsfEventClass Source #
OcsfEventClass' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
Region' | |
Bundled Patterns
pattern Region_Ap_northeast_1 :: Region | |
pattern Region_Ap_southeast_2 :: Region | |
pattern Region_Eu_central_1 :: Region | |
pattern Region_Eu_west_1 :: Region | |
pattern Region_Us_east_1 :: Region | |
pattern Region_Us_east_2 :: Region | |
pattern Region_Us_west_2 :: Region |
newtype SettingsStatus Source #
SettingsStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern SettingsStatus_COMPLETED :: SettingsStatus | |
pattern SettingsStatus_FAILED :: SettingsStatus | |
pattern SettingsStatus_INITIALIZED :: SettingsStatus | |
pattern SettingsStatus_PENDING :: SettingsStatus |
newtype SourceStatus Source #
SourceStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern SourceStatus_ACTIVE :: SourceStatus | |
pattern SourceStatus_DEACTIVATED :: SourceStatus | |
pattern SourceStatus_PENDING :: SourceStatus |
newtype StorageClass Source #
StorageClass' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern StorageClass_DEEP_ARCHIVE :: StorageClass | |
pattern StorageClass_EXPIRE :: StorageClass | |
pattern StorageClass_GLACIER :: StorageClass | |
pattern StorageClass_GLACIER_IR :: StorageClass | |
pattern StorageClass_INTELLIGENT_TIERING :: StorageClass | |
pattern StorageClass_ONEZONE_IA :: StorageClass | |
pattern StorageClass_STANDARD_IA :: StorageClass |
newtype SubscriptionProtocolType Source #
SubscriptionProtocolType' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
newtype SubscriptionStatus Source #
SubscriptionStatus' | |
Fields |
Bundled Patterns
pattern SubscriptionStatus_ACTIVE :: SubscriptionStatus | |
pattern SubscriptionStatus_DEACTIVATED :: SubscriptionStatus | |
pattern SubscriptionStatus_PENDING :: SubscriptionStatus | |
pattern SubscriptionStatus_READY :: SubscriptionStatus |
data AccountSources Source #
Amazon Security Lake collects logs and events from supported Amazon Web Services and custom sources. For the list of supported Amazon Web Services, see the Amazon Security Lake User Guide.
See: newAccountSources
smart constructor.
AccountSources' (Maybe OcsfEventClass) (Maybe [LogsStatus]) Text Text |
Create a value of AccountSources
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, accountSources_eventClass
- Initializes a new instance of the Event class.
, accountSources_logsStatus
- The log status for the Security Lake account.
, accountSources_account
- The ID of the Security Lake account for which logs are collected.
, accountSources_sourceType
- The supported Amazon Web Services from which logs and events are
collected. Amazon Security Lake supports log and event collection for
natively supported Amazon Web Services.
data AutoEnableNewRegionConfiguration Source #
Automatically enable new organization accounts as member accounts from an Amazon Security Lake administrator account.
See: newAutoEnableNewRegionConfiguration
smart constructor.
AutoEnableNewRegionConfiguration' Region [AwsLogSourceType] |
newAutoEnableNewRegionConfiguration Source #
Create a value of AutoEnableNewRegionConfiguration
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, autoEnableNewRegionConfiguration_region
- The Amazon Web Services Regions where Security Lake is automatically
, autoEnableNewRegionConfiguration_sources
- The Amazon Web Services sources that are automatically enabled in
Security Lake.
List of all failures.
See: newFailures
smart constructor.
FromJSON Failures Source # | |
Generic Failures Source # | |
Read Failures Source # | |
Show Failures Source # | |
NFData Failures Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.SecurityLake.Types.Failures | |
Eq Failures Source # | |
Hashable Failures Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.SecurityLake.Types.Failures | |
type Rep Failures Source # | |
Defined in Amazonka.SecurityLake.Types.Failures type Rep Failures = D1 ('MetaData "Failures" "Amazonka.SecurityLake.Types.Failures" "amazonka-securitylake-2.0-4WRm07ESU278sNrKhxoCOb" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "Failures'" 'PrefixI 'True) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "exceptionMessage") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Text) :*: (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "remediation") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 Text) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "timestamp") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedStrict) (Rec0 ISO8601)))) |
Create a value of Failures
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, failures_exceptionMessage
- List of all exception messages.
, failures_remediation
- List of all remediation steps for failures.
, failures_timestamp
- This error can occur if you configure the wrong timestamp format, or if
the subset of entries used for validation had errors or missing values.
data FailuresResponse Source #
Response element for actions that make changes, namely create, update, or delete actions.
See: newFailuresResponse
smart constructor.
FailuresResponse' (Maybe [Failures]) (Maybe Text) |
newFailuresResponse :: FailuresResponse Source #
Create a value of FailuresResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, failuresResponse_failures
- List of all failures.
, failuresResponse_region
- List of Amazon Web Services Regions where the failure occurred.
data LakeConfigurationRequest Source #
Provides details of Amazon Security Lake configuration object.
See: newLakeConfigurationRequest
smart constructor.
LakeConfigurationRequest' (Maybe Text) (Maybe [Region]) (Maybe Text) (Maybe [RetentionSetting]) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) |
newLakeConfigurationRequest :: LakeConfigurationRequest Source #
Create a value of LakeConfigurationRequest
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, lakeConfigurationRequest_encryptionKey
- The type of encryption key used by Amazon Security Lake to encrypt the
Security Lake configuration object.
, lakeConfigurationRequest_replicationDestinationRegions
- Replication enables automatic, asynchronous copying of objects across
Amazon S3 buckets. Amazon S3 buckets that are configured for object
replication can be owned by the same Amazon Web Services account or by
different accounts. You can replicate objects to a single destination
bucket or to multiple destination buckets. The destination buckets can
be in different Amazon Web Services Regions or within the same Region as
the source bucket.
Set up one or more rollup Regions by providing the Region or Regions that should contribute to the central rollup Region.
, lakeConfigurationRequest_replicationRoleArn
- Replication settings for the Amazon S3 buckets. This parameter uses the
Identity and Access Management (IAM) role you created that is managed by
Security Lake, to ensure the replication setting is correct.
, lakeConfigurationRequest_retentionSettings
- Retention settings for the destination Amazon S3 buckets.
, lakeConfigurationRequest_tagsMap
- A tag is a label that you assign to an Amazon Web Services resource.
Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you
data LakeConfigurationResponse Source #
Provides details of Amazon Security Lake lake configuration object.
See: newLakeConfigurationResponse
smart constructor.
LakeConfigurationResponse' (Maybe Text) (Maybe [Region]) (Maybe Text) (Maybe [RetentionSetting]) (Maybe Text) (Maybe SettingsStatus) (Maybe (HashMap Text Text)) |
newLakeConfigurationResponse :: LakeConfigurationResponse Source #
Create a value of LakeConfigurationResponse
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, lakeConfigurationResponse_encryptionKey
- The type of encryption key used by secure the Security Lake
configuration object.
, lakeConfigurationResponse_replicationDestinationRegions
- Replication enables automatic, asynchronous copying of objects across
Amazon S3 buckets. Amazon S3 buckets that are configured for object
replication can be owned by the same Amazon Web Services account or by
different accounts. You can replicate objects to a single destination
bucket or to multiple destination buckets. The destination buckets can
be in different Amazon Web Services Regions or within the same Region as
the source bucket.
Set up one or more rollup Regions by providing the Region or Regions that should contribute to the central rollup Region.
, lakeConfigurationResponse_replicationRoleArn
- Replication settings for the Amazon S3 buckets. This parameter uses the
IAM role you created that is managed by Security Lake, to ensure the
replication setting is correct.
, lakeConfigurationResponse_retentionSettings
- Retention settings for the destination Amazon S3 buckets.
, lakeConfigurationResponse_s3BucketArn
- Amazon Resource Names (ARNs) uniquely identify Amazon Web Services
resources. Security Lake requires an ARN when you need to specify a
resource unambiguously across all of Amazon Web Services, such as in IAM
policies, Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) tags, and API
, lakeConfigurationResponse_status
- Retrieves the status of the configuration operation for an account in
Amazon Security Lake.
, lakeConfigurationResponse_tagsMap
- A tag is a label that you assign to an Amazon Web Services resource.
Each tag consists of a key and an optional value, both of which you
data LogsStatus Source #
Retrieves the Logs status for the Amazon Security Lake account.
See: newLogsStatus
smart constructor.
LogsStatus' SourceStatus Text |
:: SourceStatus | |
-> Text | |
-> LogsStatus |
Create a value of LogsStatus
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, logsStatus_healthStatus
- The health status of services, including error codes and patterns.
, logsStatus_pathToLogs
- Defines path the stored logs are available which has information on your
systems, applications, and services.
data ProtocolAndNotificationEndpoint Source #
Protocol used in Amazon Security Lake that dictates how notifications are posted at the endpoint.
See: newProtocolAndNotificationEndpoint
smart constructor.
ProtocolAndNotificationEndpoint' (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) |
newProtocolAndNotificationEndpoint :: ProtocolAndNotificationEndpoint Source #
Create a value of ProtocolAndNotificationEndpoint
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, protocolAndNotificationEndpoint_endpoint
- The account that is subscribed to receive exception notifications.
, protocolAndNotificationEndpoint_protocol
- The protocol to which notification messages are posted.
data RetentionSetting Source #
Retention settings for the destination Amazon S3 buckets in Amazon Security Lake.
See: newRetentionSetting
smart constructor.
RetentionSetting' (Maybe Natural) (Maybe StorageClass) |
newRetentionSetting :: RetentionSetting Source #
Create a value of RetentionSetting
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, retentionSetting_retentionPeriod
- The retention period specifies a fixed period of time during which the
Security Lake object remains locked. You can specify the retention
period in days for one or more sources.
, retentionSetting_storageClass
- The range of storage classes that you can choose from based on the data
access, resiliency, and cost requirements of your workloads.
data SourceType Source #
The supported source types from which logs and events are collected in Amazon Security Lake. For the list of supported Amazon Web Services, see the Amazon Security Lake User Guide.
See: newSourceType
smart constructor.
SourceType' (Maybe AwsLogSourceType) (Maybe Text) |
newSourceType :: SourceType Source #
Create a value of SourceType
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, sourceType_awsSourceType
- Amazon Security Lake supports log and event collection for natively
supported Amazon Web Services.
, sourceType_customSourceType
- Amazon Security Lake supports custom source types. For a detailed list,
see the Amazon Security Lake User Guide.
data SubscriberResource Source #
Provides details about the Amazon Security Lake account subscription. Subscribers are notified of new objects for a source as the data is written to your Amazon S3 bucket for Security Lake.
See: newSubscriberResource
smart constructor.
SubscriberResource' (Maybe [AccessType]) (Maybe ISO8601) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe Text) (Maybe EndpointProtocol) (Maybe SubscriptionStatus) (Maybe ISO8601) Text [SourceType] Text |
newSubscriberResource Source #
:: Text | |
-> Text | |
-> SubscriberResource |
Create a value of SubscriberResource
with all optional fields omitted.
Use generic-lens or optics to modify other optional fields.
The following record fields are available, with the corresponding lenses provided for backwards compatibility:
, subscriberResource_accessTypes
- You can choose to notify subscribers of new objects with an Amazon
Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) queue or through messaging to an HTTPS
endpoint provided by the subscriber.
Subscribers can consume data by directly querying Lake Formation tables
in your Amazon S3 bucket through services like Amazon Athena. This
subscription type is defined as LAKEFORMATION
, subscriberResource_createdAt
- The date and time when the subscription was created.
, subscriberResource_externalId
- The external ID of the subscriber. The external ID lets the user that is
assuming the role assert the circumstances in which they are operating.
It also provides a way for the account owner to permit the role to be
assumed only under specific circumstances.
, subscriberResource_roleArn
- The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) specifying the role of the subscriber.
, subscriberResource_s3BucketArn
- The ARN for the Amazon S3 bucket.
, subscriberResource_snsArn
- The ARN for the Amazon Simple Notification Service.
, subscriberResource_subscriberDescription
- The subscriber descriptions for a subscriber account. The description
for a subscriber includes subscriberName
, accountID
, externalID
and subscriptionId
, subscriberResource_subscriberName
- The name of your Amazon Security Lake subscriber account.
, subscriberResource_subscriptionEndpoint
- The subscription endpoint to which exception messages are posted.
, subscriberResource_subscriptionProtocol
- The subscription protocol to which exception messages are posted.
, subscriberResource_subscriptionStatus
- The subscription status of the Amazon Security Lake subscriber account.
, subscriberResource_updatedAt
- The date and time when the subscription was created.
, subscriberResource_accountId
- The Amazon Web Services account ID you are using to create your Amazon
Security Lake account.
, subscriberResource_sourceTypes
- Amazon Security Lake supports log and event collection for natively
supported Amazon Web Services. For more information, see the Amazon
Security Lake User Guide.
, subscriberResource_subscriptionId
- The subscription ID of the Amazon Security Lake subscriber account.