api-maker- Package to make APIs
Safe HaskellNone




class (HttpMethod (Method r), HttpBody (Body r), HttpResponse (Response r), HttpBodyAllowed (AllowsBody (Method r)) (ProvidesBody (Body r))) => Request cfg r where Source #

Class definition for a Request. Every request should implement this, the rest is then handled by the library. See mkReq to create a request, the functions mkReqM and runRequests to build a SafeReqM monad that shares the same state, session and configuration, and finally runReqM, runSessReqM, runReqWithParamsM and runSessReqWithParamsM to run the monad.

Minimal complete definition

method, url, body, response, option, process

Associated Types

type Method r :: Type Source #

type Body r :: Type Source #

type Response r :: Type Source #

type Output r :: Type Source #


method :: cfg -> r -> Method r Source #

url :: cfg -> r -> Url 'Https Source #

body :: cfg -> r -> Body r Source #

response :: cfg -> r -> Proxy (Response r) Source #

option :: cfg -> r -> IO (Option 'Https) Source #

requestModifier :: cfg -> r -> Request -> IO Request Source #

process :: (MonadHttp m, MonadError SafeException m, SessionState st) => cfg -> r -> Response r -> StateT st m (Output r) Source #

data Config cfg Source #

Configuration that is passed from request to request to hold the session and default https header options. It also holds a user defined configuration.



class SessionState st where Source #

Session state contract.


Instances details
SessionState Session Source #

Simple session state implemention.

Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.ApiMaker.SessionState

data Session Source #

Simple session state. This probably is sufficient for the day-to-day use.

emptySession :: Session Source #

Empty session state.

runSafeReqM Source #


:: MonadIO m 
=> Config cfg

Config including HttpConfig to use

-> SafeReqM cfg a

Computation to run

-> m (Either SafeException a) 

Safely run the request monad.

type SafeReqSt sessionState cfg a = StateT sessionState (SafeReqM cfg) a Source #

Safe request monad with customized session state sessionState, Config cfg and result a.

type SafeReq cfg a = SafeReqSt Session cfg a Source #

Safe request monad with predetermined Session, config cfg and result a.

newtype SafeReqM cfg a Source #

Safe request, e.g. all errors are caught and tured into exceptions.


SafeReqM (ExceptT SafeException (ReaderT (Config cfg) IO) a) 


Instances details
MonadError SafeException (SafeReqM cfg) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.ApiMaker.Class


throwError :: SafeException -> SafeReqM cfg a #

catchError :: SafeReqM cfg a -> (SafeException -> SafeReqM cfg a) -> SafeReqM cfg a #

MonadBase IO (SafeReqM cfg) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.ApiMaker.Class


liftBase :: IO α -> SafeReqM cfg α #

Monad (SafeReqM cfg) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.ApiMaker.Class


(>>=) :: SafeReqM cfg a -> (a -> SafeReqM cfg b) -> SafeReqM cfg b #

(>>) :: SafeReqM cfg a -> SafeReqM cfg b -> SafeReqM cfg b #

return :: a -> SafeReqM cfg a #

Functor (SafeReqM cfg) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.ApiMaker.Class


fmap :: (a -> b) -> SafeReqM cfg a -> SafeReqM cfg b #

(<$) :: a -> SafeReqM cfg b -> SafeReqM cfg a #

Applicative (SafeReqM cfg) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.ApiMaker.Class


pure :: a -> SafeReqM cfg a #

(<*>) :: SafeReqM cfg (a -> b) -> SafeReqM cfg a -> SafeReqM cfg b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> SafeReqM cfg a -> SafeReqM cfg b -> SafeReqM cfg c #

(*>) :: SafeReqM cfg a -> SafeReqM cfg b -> SafeReqM cfg b #

(<*) :: SafeReqM cfg a -> SafeReqM cfg b -> SafeReqM cfg a #

MonadIO (SafeReqM cfg) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.ApiMaker.Class


liftIO :: IO a -> SafeReqM cfg a #

MonadHttp (SafeReqM cfg) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.HTTP.ApiMaker.Class

throwUserException :: (MonadError SafeException m, Exception e) => e -> m a Source #

Throw an Exception to the SafeReqM Monad.