applicative-fail-1.1.0: Applicative functor and monad which collects all your fails

Safe HaskellNone





Failing monad transformer, which behaves in general like EitherT but it also supports warnings. In short, it behaves like combination of EitherT and WriterT transformers and built on Fail applicative functor.

>>> runFailT $ do {a <- return 10; b <- return 20; return (a, b)}
Success (10,20)
>>> runFailT $ (,) <$> pure 10 <*> pure 20
Success (10,20)
>>> fmap runDLFail $ runFailT $ do {a <- mfail 10 ; b <- mfail 20; return (a, b)}
>>> fmap runDLFail $ runFailT $ (,) <$> mfail 10 <*> mfail 20

Note, that Applicative instance behaves just like Monad: it fails immediately. FailT also supports warning like Fail does:

>>> fmap runDLFail $ runFailT $ do {a <- mwarn 10 *> return 15; b <- return 20; return (a, b)}
([10],Just (15,20))
>>> fmap runDLFail $ runFailT $ (,) <$> (mwarn 10 *> return 15) <*> return 20
([10],Just (15,20))

You can also combine FailT with Fail using Compose like that:

>>> let check10 = do {liftBase $ print "checking 10"; return 10}
>>> let check20 = do {liftBase $ print "checking 20"; mwarn "oups"; return 20}
>>> fmap runDLFail $ getCompose $ (,) <$> runFailC check10 <*> runFailC check20
"checking 10"
"checking 20"
(["oups"],Just (10,20))

Note how Compose functor is used here.

>>> let fail10 = do {liftBase $ print "failing 10"; mfail "10 is failed"}
>>> fmap runDLFail $ getCompose $ (,) <$> runFailC fail10 <*> runFailC check20
"failing 10"
"checking 20"
(["10 is failed","oups"],Nothing)

Note how second checker was runned even after first checker failed (got "oups" message). This is because internal (monadic) checkers unrolled back to IO (Fail e a) and wrapped to Compose so infered type of runFailC fail10 is Compose IO (Fail (DList String)) a

Example from Control.Applicative.Fail can be also rewritten more convenient:

>>> :{
data Animal = Animal
    { species :: String
    , weight  :: Double
    , age     :: Int
    } deriving (Show)
>>> let spc = "Parastratiosphecomyia stratiosphecomyioides"
>>> let w = 100
>>> let a = 27234
>>> :{
let animal :: Fail [String] Animal
    animal = Animal
             <$> (runFailI $ do
                          when (length spc > 20) $ mwarn "Name is too long"
                          when (spc == "") $ mfail "Name can not be empty"
                          return spc)
             <*> (runFailI $ do
                          when (w < 0) $ mfail "Weight can not be negative"
                          return w)
             <*> (runFailI $ do
                          when (a < 0) $ mfail "Age can not be negative"
                          return a)
>>> animal
Fail ["Name is too long"] (Just (Animal {species = "Parastratiosphecomyia stratiosphecomyioides", weight = 100.0, age = 27234}))

Monadic interface is much more comfortable here

Failing monad

newtype FailT e m a Source




runFailT :: m (Fail e a)


(Monad m, Monoid e) => MonadError e (FailT e m) 
(MonadReader r m, Monoid e) => MonadReader r (FailT e m) 
(MonadState s m, Monoid e) => MonadState s (FailT e m) 
(MonadWriter w m, Monoid e) => MonadWriter w (FailT e m) 
(Monoid e, MonadBase b m) => MonadBase b (FailT e m) 
MonadTrans (FailT e) 
(Monoid e, Monad m) => Monad (FailT e m) 
Functor m => Functor (FailT e m) 
(Monoid e, Functor m, Monad m) => Applicative (FailT e m)

NOTE: This instance behaves not like Applicative for Fail. This applicative does not try to collect all posible fails, it returns fast like EitherT to match the Monad isntance behaviour.

Foldable m => Foldable (FailT e m) 
Traversable m => Traversable (FailT e m) 
Typeable (* -> (* -> *) -> * -> *) FailT 
Eq (m (Fail e a)) => Eq (FailT e m a) 
Ord (m (Fail e a)) => Ord (FailT e m a) 
Show (m (Fail e a)) => Show (FailT e m a) 
Generic (FailT e m a) 
(Applicative m, Monoid a, Monoid e) => Monoid (FailT e m a) 
type Rep (FailT e m a) 

runFailC :: FailT e m a -> Compose m (Fail e) a Source

Unwraps FailT and wraps result into Compose functor. Usable for convenient composition of Fail where FailT works inside.

mapFailTBase :: (forall x. m x -> n x) -> FailT e m a -> FailT e n a Source

mapFailTFail :: Functor m => (e -> e') -> FailT e m a -> FailT e' m a Source

Like first from Bifunctor maps error type

Helper functions

mfail :: (Applicative f, Applicative m) => e -> FailT (f e) m a Source

mwarn :: (Applicative f, Applicative m) => e -> FailT (f e) m () Source