-- |
-- Module:      Math.NumberTheory.EisensteinIntegers
-- Copyright:   (c) 2018 Alexandre Rodrigues Baldé
-- Licence:     MIT
-- Maintainer:  Alexandre Rodrigues Baldé <alexandrer_b@outlook.com>
-- This module exports functions for manipulating Eisenstein integers, including
-- computing their prime factorisations.

{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric  #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies   #-}

module Math.NumberTheory.Quadratic.EisensteinIntegers
  ( EisensteinInteger(..)
  , ω
  , conjugate
  , norm
  , associates
  , ids

  -- * Primality functions
  , findPrime
  , primes
  ) where

import Control.DeepSeq
import Data.Coerce
import Data.List                                       (mapAccumL, partition)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Ord                                        (comparing)
import qualified Data.Semiring as S
import GHC.Generics                                    (Generic)

import qualified Math.NumberTheory.Euclidean            as ED
import Math.NumberTheory.Moduli.Sqrt
import Math.NumberTheory.Primes.Types
import qualified Math.NumberTheory.Primes as U
import Math.NumberTheory.Utils                          (mergeBy)
import Math.NumberTheory.Utils.FromIntegral

infix 6 :+

-- | An Eisenstein integer is @a + bω@, where @a@ and @b@ are both integers.
data EisensteinInteger = (:+) { real :: !Integer, imag :: !Integer }
    deriving (Eq, Ord, Generic)

instance NFData EisensteinInteger

-- | The imaginary unit for Eisenstein integers, where
-- > ω == (-1/2) + ((sqrt 3)/2)ι == exp(2*pi*ι/3)
-- and @ι@ is the usual imaginary unit with @ι² == -1@.
ω :: EisensteinInteger
ω = 0 :+ 1

instance Show EisensteinInteger where
    show (a :+ b)
        | b == 0     = show a
        | a == 0     = s ++ b'
        | otherwise  = show a ++ op ++ b'
            b' = if abs b == 1 then "ω" else show (abs b) ++ "*ω"
            op = if b > 0 then "+" else "-"
            s  = if b > 0 then "" else "-"

instance Num EisensteinInteger where
    (+) (a :+ b) (c :+ d) = (a + c) :+ (b + d)
    (*) (a :+ b) (c :+ d) = (a * c - b * d) :+ (b * (c - d) + a * d)
    abs = fst . absSignum
    negate (a :+ b) = (-a) :+ (-b)
    fromInteger n = n :+ 0
    signum = snd . absSignum

instance S.Semiring EisensteinInteger where
    plus          = (+)
    times         = (*)
    zero          = 0 :+ 0
    one           = 1 :+ 0
    fromNatural n = fromIntegral n :+ 0

instance S.Ring EisensteinInteger where
    negate = negate

-- | Returns an @EisensteinInteger@'s sign, and its associate in the first
-- sextant.
absSignum :: EisensteinInteger -> (EisensteinInteger, EisensteinInteger)
absSignum z@(a :+ b)
    | a == 0 && b == 0                                  = (z, 0)            -- origin
    | a > b && b >= 0                                   = (z, 1)            -- first sextant: 0 ≤ Arg(η) < π/3
    | b >= a && a > 0                                   = ((-ω) * z, 1 + ω) -- second sextant: π/3 ≤ Arg(η) < 2π/3
    | b > 0 && 0 >= a                                   = ((-1 - ω) * z, ω) -- third sextant: 2π/3 ≤ Arg(η) < π
    | a < b && b <= 0                                   = (- z, -1)         -- fourth sextant: -π < Arg(η) < -2π/3 or Arg(η) = π
    | b <= a && a < 0                                   = (ω * z, -1 - ω)   -- fifth sextant: -2π/3 ≤ Arg(η) < -π/3
    | otherwise                                         = ((1 + ω) * z, -ω) -- sixth sextant: -π/3 ≤ Arg(η) < 0

-- | List of all Eisenstein units, counterclockwise across all sextants,
-- starting with @1@.
ids :: [EisensteinInteger]
ids = take 6 (iterate ((1 + ω) *) 1)

-- | Produce a list of an @EisensteinInteger@'s associates.
associates :: EisensteinInteger -> [EisensteinInteger]
associates e = map (e *) ids

instance ED.GcdDomain EisensteinInteger

instance ED.Euclidean EisensteinInteger where
    degree = fromInteger . norm
    quotRem = divHelper

-- | Function that does most of the underlying work for @divMod@ and
-- @quotRem@, apart from choosing the specific integer division algorithm.
-- This is instead done by the calling function (either @divMod@ which uses
-- @div@, or @quotRem@, which uses @quot@.)
    :: EisensteinInteger
    -> EisensteinInteger
    -> (EisensteinInteger, EisensteinInteger)
divHelper g h = (q, r)
        nr :+ ni = g * conjugate h
        denom = norm h
        q = ((nr + signum nr * denom `quot` 2) `quot` denom) :+   ((ni + signum ni * denom `quot` 2) `quot` denom)
        r = g - h * q

-- | Conjugate a Eisenstein integer.
conjugate :: EisensteinInteger -> EisensteinInteger
conjugate (a :+ b) = (a - b) :+ (-b)

-- | The square of the magnitude of a Eisenstein integer.
norm :: EisensteinInteger -> Integer
norm (a :+ b) = a*a - a * b + b*b

-- | Checks if a given @EisensteinInteger@ is prime. @EisensteinInteger@s
-- whose norm is a prime congruent to @0@ or @1@ modulo 3 are prime.
-- See <http://thekeep.eiu.edu/theses/2467 Bandara, Sarada, "An Exposition of the Eisenstein Integers" (2016)>,
-- page 12.
isPrime :: EisensteinInteger -> Bool
isPrime e | e == 0                     = False
          -- Special case, @1 - ω@ is the only Eisenstein prime with norm @3@,
          --  and @abs (1 - ω) = 2 + ω@.
          | a' == 2 && b' == 1         = True
          | b' == 0 && a' `mod` 3 == 2 = isJust $ U.isPrime a'
          | nE `mod` 3 == 1            = isJust $ U.isPrime nE
          | otherwise = False
  where nE       = norm e
        a' :+ b' = abs e

-- | Remove @1 - ω@ factors from an @EisensteinInteger@, and calculate that
-- prime's multiplicity in the number's factorisation.
divideByThree :: EisensteinInteger -> (Word, EisensteinInteger)
divideByThree = go 0
    go :: Word -> EisensteinInteger -> (Word, EisensteinInteger)
    go !n z@(a :+ b) | r1 == 0 && r2 == 0 = go (n + 1) (q1 :+ q2)
                     | otherwise          = (n, abs z)
        -- @(a + a - b) :+ (a + b)@ is @z * (2 :+ 1)@, and @z * (2 :+ 1)/3@
        -- is the same as @z / (1 :+ (-1))@.
        (q1, r1) = divMod (a + a - b) 3
        (q2, r2) = divMod (a + b) 3

-- | Find an Eisenstein integer whose norm is the given prime number
-- in the form @3k + 1@ using a modification of the
-- <http://www.ams.org/journals/mcom/1972-26-120/S0025-5718-1972-0314745-6/S0025-5718-1972-0314745-6.pdf Hermite-Serret algorithm>.
-- The maintainer <https://github.com/cartazio/arithmoi/pull/121#issuecomment-415010647 Andrew Lelechenko>
-- derived the following:
--     * Each prime of the form @3n + 1@ is actually of the form @6k + 1@.
--     * One has @(z + 3k)^2 ≡ z^2 + 6kz + 9k^2 ≡ z^2 + (6k + 1)z - z + 9k^2 ≡ z^2 - z + 9k^2 (mod 6k + 1)@.
-- The goal is to solve @z^2 - z + 1 ≡ 0 (mod 6k + 1)@. One has:
--     1. @z^2 - z + 1 ≡ 0 (mod 6k + 1)@
--     2. @z^2 - z ≡ -1 (mod 6k + 1)@
--     3. @z^2 - z + 9k^2 ≡ 9k^2 - 1 (mod 6k + 1)@
--     4. @(z + 3k)^2 ≡ 9k^2 - 1 (mod 6k + 1)@
--     5. @z + 3k = sqrtsModPrime(9k^2 - 1) (mod 6k + 1)@
--     6. @z = (sqrtsModPrime(9k^2 - 1) (mod 6k + 1)) - 3k@
-- For example, let @p = 7@, then @k = 1@.
-- Square root of @9*1^2-1 ≡ 1 (mod 7)@, and @z = 1 - 3*1 = -2 ≡ 5 (mod 7)@.
-- Truly, @norm (5 :+ 1) = 25 - 5 + 1 = 21 ≡ 0 (mod 7)@.
findPrime :: Prime Integer -> U.Prime EisensteinInteger
findPrime p = case sqrtsModPrime (9*k*k - 1) p of
    []    -> error "findPrime: argument must be prime p = 6k + 1"
    z : _ -> Prime $ abs $ ED.gcd (unPrime p :+ 0) ((z - 3 * k) :+ 1)
        k :: Integer
        k = unPrime p `div` 6

-- | An infinite list of Eisenstein primes. Uses primes in @Z@ to exhaustively
-- generate all Eisenstein primes in order of ascending norm.
-- * Every prime is in the first sextant, so the list contains no associates.
-- * Eisenstein primes from the whole complex plane can be generated by
-- applying 'associates' to each prime in this list.
primes :: [Prime EisensteinInteger]
primes = coerce $ (2 :+ 1) : mergeBy (comparing norm) l r
    leftPrimes, rightPrimes :: [Prime Integer]
    (leftPrimes, rightPrimes) = partition (\p -> unPrime p `mod` 3 == 2) [U.nextPrime 2 ..]
    rightPrimes' = filter (\prime -> unPrime prime `mod` 3 == 1) $ tail rightPrimes
    l = [unPrime p :+ 0 | p <- leftPrimes]
    r = [g | p <- rightPrimes', let x :+ y = unPrime (findPrime p), g <- [x :+ y, x :+ (x - y)]]

-- | [Implementation notes for factorise function]
-- Compute the prime factorisation of a Eisenstein integer.
--     1. This function works by factorising the norm of an Eisenstein integer
--        and then, for each prime factor, finding the Eisenstein prime whose norm
--        is said prime factor with @findPrime@.
--     2. This is only possible because the norm function of the Euclidean Domain of
--        Eisenstein integers is multiplicative: @norm (e1 * e2) == norm e1 * norm e2@
--        for any two @EisensteinInteger@s @e1, e2@.
--     3. In the previously mentioned work <http://thekeep.eiu.edu/theses/2467 Bandara, Sarada, "An Exposition of the Eisenstein Integers" (2016)>,
--        in Theorem 8.4 in Chapter 8, a way is given to express any Eisenstein
--        integer @μ@ as @(-1)^a * ω^b * (1 - ω)^c * product [π_i^a_i | i <- [1..N]]@
--        where @a, b, c, a_i@ are nonnegative integers, @N > 1@ is an integer and
--        @π_i@ are Eisenstein primes.
-- Aplying @norm@ to both sides of the equation from Theorem 8.4:
-- 1. @norm μ = norm ( (-1)^a * ω^b * (1 - ω)^c * product [ π_i^a_i | i <- [1..N]] ) ==@
-- 2. @norm μ = norm ((-1)^a) * norm (ω^b) * norm ((1 - ω)^c) * norm (product [ π_i^a_i | i <- [1..N]]) ==@
-- 3. @norm μ = (norm (-1))^a * (norm ω)^b * (norm (1 - ω))^c * product [ norm (π_i^a_i) | i <- [1..N]] ==@
-- 4. @norm μ = (norm (-1))^a * (norm ω)^b * (norm (1 - ω))^c * product [ (norm π_i)^a_i) | i <- [1..N]] ==@
-- 5. @norm μ = 1^a * 1^b * 3^c * product [ (norm π_i)^a_i) | i <- [1..N]] ==@
-- 6. @norm μ = 3^c * product [ (norm π_i)^a_i) | i <- [1..N]] ==@
-- where @a, b, c, a_i@ are nonnegative integers, and @N > 1@ is an integer.
-- The remainder of the Eisenstein integer factorisation problem is about
-- finding appropriate Eisenstein primes @[e_i | i <- [1..M]]@ such that
-- @map norm [e_i | i <- [1..M]] == map norm [π_i | i <- [1..N]]@
-- where @ 1 < N <= M@ are integers and @==@ is equality on sets
-- (i.e.duplicates do not matter).
-- NB: The reason @M >= N@ is because the prime factors of an Eisenstein integer
-- may include a prime factor and its conjugate (both have the same norm),
-- meaning the number may have more Eisenstein prime factors than its norm has
-- integer prime factors.
factorise :: EisensteinInteger -> [(Prime EisensteinInteger, Word)]
factorise g = concat $
              snd $
              mapAccumL go (abs g) (U.factorise $ norm g)
    go :: EisensteinInteger -> (Prime Integer, Word) -> (EisensteinInteger, [(Prime EisensteinInteger, Word)])
    go z (Prime 3, e)
      | e == n    = (q, [(Prime (2 :+ 1), e)])
      | otherwise = error $ "3 is a prime factor of the norm of z = " ++ show z
                          ++ " with multiplicity " ++ show e
                          ++ " but (1 - ω) only divides z " ++ show n ++ "times."
        -- Remove all @1 :+ (-1)@ (which is associated to @2 :+ 1@) factors
        -- from the argument.
        (n, q) = divideByThree z
    go z (p, e)
      | unPrime p `mod` 3 == 2
      = let e' = e `quot` 2 in (z `quotI` (unPrime p ^ e'), [(Prime (unPrime p :+ 0), e')])

      -- The @`rem` 3 == 0@ case need not be verified because the
      -- only Eisenstein primes whose norm are a multiple of 3
      -- are @1 - ω@ and its associates, which have already been
      -- removed by the above @go z (3, e)@ pattern match.
      -- This @otherwise@ is mandatorily @`mod` 3 == 1@.
      | otherwise   = (z', filter ((> 0) . snd) [(gp, k), (gp', k')])
        gp = findPrime p
        x :+ y = unPrime gp
        -- @gp'@ is @gp@'s conjugate.
        gp' = Prime (x :+ (x - y))
        (k, k', z') = divideByPrime gp gp' (unPrime p) e z

        quotI (a :+ b) n = (a `quot` n :+ b `quot` n)

-- | Remove @p@ and @conjugate p@ factors from the argument, where
-- @p@ is an Eisenstein prime.
    :: Prime EisensteinInteger -- ^ Eisenstein prime @p@
    -> Prime EisensteinInteger -- ^ Conjugate of @p@
    -> Integer                 -- ^ Precomputed norm of @p@, of form @4k + 1@
    -> Word                    -- ^ Expected number of factors (either @p@ or @conjugate p@)
                               --   in Eisenstein integer @z@
    -> EisensteinInteger       -- ^ Eisenstein integer @z@
    -> ( Word                  -- Multiplicity of factor @p@ in @z@
       , Word                  -- Multiplicity of factor @conjigate p@ in @z@
       , EisensteinInteger     -- Remaining Eisenstein integer
divideByPrime p p' np k = go k 0
        go :: Word -> Word -> EisensteinInteger -> (Word, Word, EisensteinInteger)
        go 0 d z = (d, d, z)
        go c d z | c >= 2, Just z' <- z `quotEvenI` np = go (c - 2) (d + 1) z'
        go c d z = (d + d1, d + d2, z'')
                (d1, z') = go1 c 0 z
                d2 = c - d1
                z'' = head $ drop (wordToInt d2)
                    $ iterate (\g -> fromMaybe err $ (g * unPrime p) `quotEvenI` np) z'

        go1 :: Word -> Word -> EisensteinInteger -> (Word, EisensteinInteger)
        go1 0 d z = (d, z)
        go1 c d z
            | Just z' <- (z * unPrime p') `quotEvenI` np
            = go1 (c - 1) (d + 1) z'
            | otherwise
            = (d, z)

        err = error $ "divideByPrime: malformed arguments" ++ show (p, np, k)

-- | Divide an Eisenstein integer by an even integer.
quotEvenI :: EisensteinInteger -> Integer -> Maybe EisensteinInteger
quotEvenI (x :+ y) n
    | xr == 0 , yr == 0 = Just (xq :+ yq)
    | otherwise         = Nothing
    (xq, xr) = x `quotRem` n
    (yq, yr) = y `quotRem` n


-- | See the source code and Haddock comments for the @factorise@ and @isPrime@
-- functions in this module (they are not exported) for implementation
-- details.
instance U.UniqueFactorisation EisensteinInteger where
  factorise 0 = []
  factorise e = coerce $ factorise e

  isPrime e = if isPrime e then Just (Prime e) else Nothing