-- |
-- Module:      Math.NumberTheory.Primes.Counting.Impl
-- Copyright:   (c) 2011 Daniel Fischer
-- Licence:     MIT
-- Maintainer:  Daniel Fischer <daniel.is.fischer@googlemail.com>
-- Number of primes not exceeding @n@, @&#960;(n)@, and @n@-th prime.
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns        #-}
{-# LANGUAGE CPP                 #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fspec-constr-count=24 #-}
module Math.NumberTheory.Primes.Counting.Impl
    ( primeCount
    , primeCountMaxArg
    , nthPrime
    ) where

#include "MachDeps.h"

import Math.NumberTheory.Primes.Sieve.Eratosthenes
    (PrimeSieve(..), primeList, primeSieve, psieveFrom, sieveTo, sieveBits, sieveRange)
import Math.NumberTheory.Primes.Sieve.Indexing (toPrim, idxPr)
import Math.NumberTheory.Primes.Counting.Approximate (nthPrimeApprox, approxPrimeCount)
import Math.NumberTheory.Primes.Types
import Math.NumberTheory.Roots

import Control.Monad.ST
import Data.Array.Base
import Data.Array.ST
import Data.Bits
import Data.Int
import Unsafe.Coerce

-- | Maximal allowed argument of 'primeCount'. Currently 8e18.
primeCountMaxArg :: Integer
primeCountMaxArg = 8000000000000000000

-- | @'primeCount' n == &#960;(n)@ is the number of (positive) primes not exceeding @n@.
--   For efficiency, the calculations are done on 64-bit signed integers, therefore @n@ must
--   not exceed 'primeCountMaxArg'.
--   Requires @/O/(n^0.5)@ space, the time complexity is roughly @/O/(n^0.7)@.
--   For small bounds, @'primeCount' n@ simply counts the primes not exceeding @n@,
--   for bounds from @30000@ on, Meissel's algorithm is used in the improved form due to
--   D.H. Lehmer, cf.
--   <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prime_counting_function#Algorithms_for_evaluating_.CF.80.28x.29>.
primeCount :: Integer -> Integer
primeCount n
    | n > primeCountMaxArg = error $ "primeCount: can't handle bound " ++ show n
    | n < 2     = 0
    | n < 1000  = fromIntegral . length . takeWhile (<= n) . map unPrime . primeList . primeSieve $ max 242 n
    | n < 30000 = runST $ do
        ba <- sieveTo n
        (s,e) <- getBounds ba
        ct <- countFromTo s e ba
        return (fromIntegral $ ct+3)
    | otherwise =
        let !ub = cop $ fromInteger n
            !sr = integerSquareRoot ub
            !cr = nxtEnd $ integerCubeRoot ub + 15
            nxtEnd k = k - (k `rem` 30) + 31
            !phn1 = calc ub cr
            !cs = cr+6
            !pdf = sieveCount ub cs sr
        in phn1 - pdf

-- | @'nthPrime' n@ calculates the @n@-th prime. Numbering of primes is
--   @1@-based, so @'nthPrime' 1 == 2@.
--   Requires @/O/((n*log n)^0.5)@ space, the time complexity is roughly @/O/((n*log n)^0.7@.
--   The argument must be strictly positive.
nthPrime :: Int -> Prime Integer
nthPrime 1 = Prime 2
nthPrime 2 = Prime 3
nthPrime 3 = Prime 5
nthPrime 4 = Prime 7
nthPrime 5 = Prime 11
nthPrime 6 = Prime 13
nthPrime n
    | n < 1
    = error "Prime indexing starts at 1"
    | n < 200000
    = Prime $ countToNth (n - 3) [primeSieve (p0 + p0 `quot` 32 + 37)]
    | p0 > toInteger (maxBound :: Int)
    = error $ "nthPrime: index " ++ show n ++ " is too large to handle"
    | miss > 0
    = Prime $ tooLow  n (fromInteger p0) miss
    | otherwise
    = Prime $ tooHigh n (fromInteger p0) (negate miss)
        p0 = nthPrimeApprox (toInteger n)
        miss = n - fromInteger (primeCount p0)

--                                The Works                                   --

-- TODO: do something better in case we guess too high.
-- Not too pressing, since I think a) nthPrimeApprox always underestimates
-- in the range we can handle, and b) it's always "goodEnough"

tooLow :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Integer
tooLow n p0 shortage
  | p1 > toInteger (maxBound :: Int)
  = error $ "nthPrime: index " ++ show n ++ " is too large to handle"
  | goodEnough
  = lowSieve p0 shortage
  | c1 < n
  = lowSieve (fromInteger p1) (n-c1)
  | otherwise
  = lowSieve p0 shortage   -- a third count wouldn't make it faster, I think
    gap = truncate (log (fromIntegral p0 :: Double))
    est = toInteger shortage * gap
    p1  = toInteger p0 + est
    goodEnough = 3*est*est*est < 2*p1*p1    -- a second counting would be more work than sieving
    c1  = fromInteger (primeCount p1)

tooHigh :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Integer
tooHigh n p0 surplus
  | c < n
  = lowSieve b (n-c)
  | otherwise
  = tooHigh n b (c-n)
    gap = truncate (log (fromIntegral p0 :: Double))
    b = p0 - (surplus * gap * 11) `quot` 10
    c = fromInteger (primeCount (toInteger b))

lowSieve :: Int -> Int -> Integer
lowSieve a miss = countToNth (miss+rep) psieves
        strt = a + 1 + (a .&. 1)
        psieves@(PS vO ba:_) = psieveFrom (toInteger strt)
        rep | o0 < 0    = 0
            | otherwise = sum [1 | i <- [0 .. r2], ba `unsafeAt` i]
                o0 = toInteger strt - vO - 9   -- (strt - 2) - v0 - 7
                r0 = fromInteger o0 `rem` 30
                r1 = r0 `quot` 3
                r2 = min 7 (if r1 > 5 then r1-1 else r1)

-- highSieve :: Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer
-- highSieve a surp gap = error "Oh shit"

sieveCount :: Int64 -> Int64 -> Int64 -> Integer
sieveCount ub cr sr = runST (sieveCountST ub cr sr)

sieveCountST :: forall s. Int64 -> Int64 -> Int64 -> ST s Integer
sieveCountST ub cr sr = do
    let psieves = psieveFrom (fromIntegral cr)
        pisr = approxPrimeCount sr
        picr = approxPrimeCount cr
        diff = pisr - picr
        size = fromIntegral (diff + diff `quot` 50) + 30
    store <- unsafeNewArray_ (0,size-1) :: ST s (STUArray s Int Int64)
    let feed :: Int64 -> Int -> Int -> UArray Int Bool -> [PrimeSieve] -> ST s Integer
        feed voff !wi !ri uar sves
          | ri == sieveBits = case sves of
                                (PS vO ba : more) -> feed (fromInteger vO) wi 0 ba more
                                _ -> error "prime stream ended prematurely"
          | pval > sr   = do
              stu <- unsafeThaw uar
              eat 0 0 voff (wi-1) ri stu sves
          | uar `unsafeAt` ri = do
              unsafeWrite store wi (ub `quot` pval)
              feed voff (wi+1) (ri+1) uar sves
          | otherwise = feed voff wi (ri+1) uar sves
              pval = voff + toPrim ri
        eat :: Integer -> Integer -> Int64 -> Int -> Int -> STUArray s Int Bool -> [PrimeSieve] -> ST s Integer
        eat !acc !btw voff !wi !si stu sves
            | si == sieveBits =
                case sves of
                  [] -> error "Premature end of prime stream"
                  (PS vO ba : more) -> do
                      nstu <- unsafeThaw ba
                      eat acc btw (fromInteger vO) wi 0 nstu more
            | wi < 0    = return acc
            | otherwise = do
                qb <- unsafeRead store wi
                let dist = qb - voff - 7
                if dist < fromIntegral sieveRange
                  then do
                      let (b,j) = idxPr (dist+7)
                          !li = (b `shiftL` 3) .|. j
                      new <- if li < si then return 0 else countFromTo si li stu
                      let nbtw = btw + fromIntegral new + 1
                      eat (acc+nbtw) nbtw voff (wi-1) (li+1) stu sves
                  else do
                      let (cpl,fds) = dist `quotRem` fromIntegral sieveRange
                          (b,j) = idxPr (fds+7)
                          !li = (b `shiftL` 3) .|. j
                          ctLoop !lac 0 (PS vO ba : more) = do
                              nstu <- unsafeThaw ba
                              new <- countFromTo 0 li nstu
                              let nbtw = btw + lac + 1 + fromIntegral new
                              eat (acc+nbtw) nbtw (fromIntegral vO) (wi-1) (li+1) nstu more
                          ctLoop lac s (ps : more) = do
                              let !new = countAll ps
                              ctLoop (lac + fromIntegral new) (s-1) more
                          ctLoop _ _ [] = error "Primes ended"
                      new <- countFromTo si (sieveBits-1) stu
                      ctLoop (fromIntegral new) (cpl-1) sves
    case psieves of
      (PS vO ba : more) -> feed (fromInteger vO) 0 0 ba more
      _ -> error "No primes sieved"

calc :: Int64 -> Int64 -> Integer
calc lim plim = runST (calcST lim plim)

calcST :: forall s. Int64 -> Int64 -> ST s Integer
calcST lim plim = do
    !parr <- sieveTo (fromIntegral plim)
    (plo,phi) <- getBounds parr
    !pct <- countFromTo plo phi parr
    !ar1 <- unsafeNewArray_ (0,end-1)
    unsafeWrite ar1 0 lim
    unsafeWrite ar1 1 1
    !ar2 <- unsafeNewArray_ (0,end-1)
    let go :: Int -> Int -> STUArray s Int Int64 -> STUArray s Int Int64 -> ST s Integer
        go cap pix old new
            | pix == 2  =   coll cap old
            | otherwise = do
                isp <- unsafeRead parr pix
                if isp
                    then do
                        let !n = fromInteger (toPrim pix)
                        !ncap <- treat cap n old new
                        go ncap (pix-1) new old
                    else go cap (pix-1) old new
        coll :: Int -> STUArray s Int Int64 -> ST s Integer
        coll stop ar =
            let cgo !acc i
                    | i < stop  = do
                        !k <- unsafeRead ar i
                        !v <- unsafeRead ar (i+1)
                        cgo (acc + fromIntegral v*cp6 k) (i+2)
                    | otherwise = return (acc+fromIntegral pct+2)
            in cgo 0 0
    go 2 start ar1 ar2
    (bt,ri) = idxPr plim
    !start = 8*bt + ri
    !size = fromIntegral $ (integerSquareRoot lim) `quot` 4
    !end = 2*size

treat :: Int -> Int64 -> STUArray s Int Int64 -> STUArray s Int Int64 -> ST s Int
treat end n old new = do
    qi0 <- locate n 0 (end `quot` 2 - 1) old
    let collect stop !acc ix
            | ix < end  = do
                !k <- unsafeRead old ix
                if k < stop
                    then do
                        v <- unsafeRead old (ix+1)
                        collect stop (acc-v) (ix+2)
                    else return (acc,ix)
            | otherwise = return (acc,ix)
        goTreat !wi !ci qi
            | qi < end  = do
                !key <- unsafeRead old qi
                !val <- unsafeRead old (qi+1)
                let !q0 = key `quot` n
                    !r0 = fromIntegral (q0 `rem` 30030)
                    !nkey = q0 - fromIntegral (cpDfAr `unsafeAt` r0)
                    nk0 = q0 + fromIntegral (cpGpAr `unsafeAt` (r0+1) + 1)
                    !nlim = n*nk0
                (wi1,ci1) <- copyTo end nkey old ci new wi
                ckey <- unsafeRead old ci1
                (!acc, !ci2) <- if ckey == nkey
                                  then do
                                    !ov <- unsafeRead old (ci1+1)
                                    return (ov-val,ci1+2)
                                  else return (-val,ci1)
                (!tot, !nqi) <- collect nlim acc (qi+2)
                unsafeWrite new wi1 nkey
                unsafeWrite new (wi1+1) tot
                goTreat (wi1+2) ci2 nqi
            | otherwise = copyRem end old ci new wi
    goTreat 0 0 qi0

--                               Auxiliaries                                  --

locate :: Int64 -> Int -> Int -> STUArray s Int Int64 -> ST s Int
locate p low high arr = do
    let go lo hi
          | lo < hi     = do
            let !md = (lo+hi) `quot` 2
            v <- unsafeRead arr (2*md)
            case compare p v of
                LT -> go lo md
                EQ -> return (2*md)
                GT -> go (md+1) hi
          | otherwise   = return (2*lo)
    go low high

{-# INLINE copyTo #-}
copyTo :: Int -> Int64 -> STUArray s Int Int64 -> Int
       -> STUArray s Int Int64 -> Int -> ST s (Int,Int)
copyTo end lim old oi new ni = do
    let go ri wi
            | ri < end  = do
                ok <- unsafeRead old ri
                if ok < lim
                    then do
                        !ov <- unsafeRead old (ri+1)
                        unsafeWrite new wi ok
                        unsafeWrite new (wi+1) ov
                        go (ri+2) (wi+2)
                    else return (wi,ri)
            | otherwise = return (wi,ri)
    go oi ni

{-# INLINE copyRem #-}
copyRem :: Int -> STUArray s Int Int64 -> Int -> STUArray s Int Int64 -> Int -> ST s Int
copyRem end old oi new ni = do
    let go ri wi
          | ri < end    = do
            unsafeRead old ri >>= unsafeWrite new wi
            go (ri+1) (wi+1)
          | otherwise   = return wi
    go oi ni

{-# INLINE cp6 #-}
cp6 :: Int64 -> Integer
cp6 k =
  case k `quotRem` 30030 of
    (q,r) -> 5760*fromIntegral q +
                fromIntegral (cpCtAr `unsafeAt` fromIntegral r)

cop :: Int64 -> Int64
cop m = m - fromIntegral (cpDfAr `unsafeAt` fromIntegral (m `rem` 30030))

--                           Ugly helper arrays                               --

cpCtAr :: UArray Int Int16
cpCtAr = runSTUArray $ do
    ar <- newArray (0,30029) 1
    let zilch s i
            | i < 30030 = unsafeWrite ar i 0 >> zilch s (i+s)
            | otherwise = return ()
        accumulate ct i
            | i < 30030 = do
                v <- unsafeRead ar i
                let !ct' = ct+v
                unsafeWrite ar i ct'
                accumulate ct' (i+1)
            | otherwise = return ar
    zilch 2 0
    zilch 6 3
    zilch 10 5
    zilch 14 7
    zilch 22 11
    zilch 26 13
    accumulate 1 2

cpDfAr :: UArray Int Int8
cpDfAr = runSTUArray $ do
    ar <- newArray (0,30029) 0
    let note s i
            | i < 30029 = unsafeWrite ar i 1 >> note s (i+s)
            | otherwise = return ()
        accumulate d i
            | i < 30029 = do
                v <- unsafeRead ar i
                if v == 0
                    then accumulate 2 (i+2)
                    else do unsafeWrite ar i d
                            accumulate (d+1) (i+1)
            | otherwise = return ar
    note 2 0
    note 6 3
    note 10 5
    note 14 7
    note 22 11
    note 26 13
    accumulate 2 3

cpGpAr :: UArray Int Int8
cpGpAr = runSTUArray $ do
    ar <- newArray (0,30030) 0
    unsafeWrite ar 30030 1
    let note s i
            | i < 30029 = unsafeWrite ar i 1 >> note s (i+s)
            | otherwise = return ()
        accumulate d i
            | i < 1     = return ar
            | otherwise = do
                v <- unsafeRead ar i
                if v == 0
                    then accumulate 2 (i-2)
                    else do unsafeWrite ar i d
                            accumulate (d+1) (i-1)
            | otherwise = return ar
    note 2 0
    note 6 3
    note 10 5
    note 14 7
    note 22 11
    note 26 13
    accumulate 2 30027

-- Prime counting


#define RMASK 63
#define WSHFT 6
#define TOPB 32


#define RMASK 31
#define WSHFT 5
#define TOPB 16
#define TOPM 0xFFFF


-- find the n-th set bit in a list of PrimeSieves,
-- aka find the (n+3)-rd prime
countToNth :: Int -> [PrimeSieve] -> Integer
countToNth !_ [] = error "countToNth: Prime stream ended prematurely"
countToNth !n (PS v0 bs : more) = go n 0
    wa :: UArray Int Word
    wa = unsafeCoerce bs

    go !k i
      | i == snd (bounds wa)
      = countToNth k more
      | otherwise
      = let w = unsafeAt wa i
            bc = popCount w
        in if bc < k
          then go (k-bc) (i+1)
          else let j = bc - k
                   px = top w j bc
               in v0 + toPrim (px + (i `shiftL` WSHFT))

-- count all set bits in a chunk, do it wordwise for speed.
countAll :: PrimeSieve -> Int
countAll (PS _ bs) = go 0 0
    wa :: UArray Int Word
    wa = unsafeCoerce bs

    go !ct i
      | i == snd (bounds wa)
      = ct
      | otherwise
      = go (ct + popCount (unsafeAt wa i)) (i+1)

-- Find the j-th highest of bc set bits in the Word w.
top :: Word -> Int -> Int -> Int
top w j bc = go 0 TOPB TOPM bn w
      !bn = bc-j
      go !_ _ !_ !_ 0 = error "Too few bits set"
      go bs 0 _ _ wd = if wd .&. 1 == 0 then error "Too few bits, shift 0" else bs
      go bs a msk ix wd =
        case popCount (wd .&. msk) of
          lc | lc < ix  -> go (bs+a) a msk (ix-lc) (wd `unsafeShiftR` a)
             | otherwise ->
               let !na = a `shiftR` 1
               in go bs na (msk `unsafeShiftR` na) ix wd

-- count set bits between two indices (inclusive)
-- start and end must both be valid indices and start <= end
countFromTo :: Int -> Int -> STUArray s Int Bool -> ST s Int
countFromTo start end ba = do
    wa <- (castSTUArray :: STUArray s Int Bool -> ST s (STUArray s Int Word)) ba
    let !sb = start `shiftR` WSHFT
        !si = start .&. RMASK
        !eb = end `shiftR` WSHFT
        !ei = end .&. RMASK
        count !acc i
            | i == eb = do
                w <- unsafeRead wa i
                return (acc + popCount (w `shiftL` (RMASK - ei)))
            | otherwise = do
                w <- unsafeRead wa i
                count (acc + popCount w) (i+1)
    if sb < eb
      then do
          w <- unsafeRead wa sb
          count (popCount (w `shiftR` si)) (sb+1)
      else do
          w <- unsafeRead wa sb
          let !w1 = w `shiftR` si
          return (popCount (w1 `shiftL` (RMASK - ei + si)))