array-utils-0.1: Primitive functions for updating many elements in mutable arrays at once





This module contains some primitive operations for working with mutable Arrays. They all try to avoid bounds checking as much as possible, and should be quite fast.

Some functions throw IndexOutOfBounds exceptions. If an exception is thrown, the array will be left untouched.

This library relies on some of the primitives in GHC.Arr, so is probably not portable.

Updating all elements



:: (MArray a e m, Ix i) 
=> (e -> e)

Update function

-> a i e

The array

-> m () 

updateElems mutates every element in an array while avoiding all bounds checks. O(size of arr)

>>> arr <- newArray (1,10) 0 :: IO (IOArray Int Int)
    -- Produces a 1 based array with 10 elements all set to 0.
>>> updateElems arr (+ 10)
    -- Updates all elements to 10

updateElemsIx :: (MArray a e m, Ix i) => (i -> e -> e) -> a i e -> m ()Source

The same as updateElems, but also providing the index to the mapping function. O(size of arr)

Monadic versions

updateElemsM :: (MArray a e m, Ix i) => (e -> m e) -> a i e -> m ()Source

The same as updateElems but taking a monadic function. O(size of arr)

updateElemsIxM :: (MArray a e m, Ix i) => (i -> e -> m e) -> a i e -> m ()Source

The same updateElemsIx but taking a monadic function. O(size of arr)

Updating certain elements



:: (MArray a e m, Ix i) 
=> (e -> e)

Update function

-> [i]

A list of indicies to update

-> a i e

The array

-> m () 

Takes a mapping function, and a list of indicies to mutate.

Throws an IndexOutOfBounds exception if any of the indicies are out of bounds. In this case the array will be left unmutated. O(length xs)

updateElemsIxOn :: (MArray a e m, Ix i) => (i -> e -> e) -> [i] -> a i e -> m ()Source

Takes a mapping function which takes an index, and a list of indicies to mutate. Throws IndexOutOfBounds exception as updateElems' does. O(length xs)

Monadic versions

updateElemsOnM :: (MArray a e m, Ix i) => (e -> m e) -> [i] -> a i e -> m ()Source

Takes a mapping function, and a list of indicies to mutate. Throws an IndexOutOfBounds exception if any of the indicies are out of bounds. In this case the array will be left unmutated. O(length xs)

updateElemsIxOnM :: (MArray a e m, Ix i) => (i -> e -> m e) -> [i] -> a i e -> m ()Source

Takes a mapping function which takes an index, and a list of indicies to mutate. O(length xs)

Throws IndexOutOfBounds exception as updateElems' does.

Updating within a bounded area



:: (MArray a e m, Ix i) 
=> (e -> e)

Update function

-> (i, i)

The bounds within which to apply f.

-> a i e

The array

-> m () 

Takes an update function f and a tuple of indicies '(start, finish)', and applies the function to all elements returned by 'range (start, finish)'.

If this is a 2D array, then the area updated will be the box bounded by these elements, and the rectangular prism area for a 3D array etc.

Throws an IndexOutOfBounds exception if either of the indicies are out of bounds.

updateElemsWithinIx :: (MArray a e m, Ix i, Show i) => (i -> e -> e) -> (i, i) -> a i e -> m ()Source

Takes an update function f and a tuple of indicies '(start, finish)' , and applies the function to all elements returned by range (start, finish).

Throws an IndexOutOfBounds exception if either of the indicies are out of bounds.

Monadic versions

updateElemsWithinM :: (MArray a e m, Ix i) => (e -> m e) -> (i, i) -> a i e -> m ()Source

The same as updateElemsWithin but taking a monadic function.

Throws an IndexOutOfBounds exception if either of the indicies are out of bounds.

updateElemsWithinIxM :: (MArray a e m, Ix i, Show i) => (i -> e -> m e) -> (i, i) -> a i e -> m ()Source

The same as updateElemsWithinIx but taking a monadic function.

Throws an IndexOutOfBounds exception if either of the indicies are out of bounds.

Updating slices

Note the difference between these functions and updateElemsWithin. These functions will update every element whose index holds this property:

 f x = index (start,end) start <= ix && ix <= index (start,end) end
   where ix = index (start, end) x

For example:

>>> arr <- newArray ((1,1),(5,5)) 0 :: IO (IOArray Int Int)
    -- Produces aa 2D array with 25 elements all set to 0.
>>> updateElemsSlice arr ((2,4),(3,5)) (+ 10)
    -- Updates elements at indexes [(2,4),(2,5),(3,1),(3,2),(3,3),(3,4),(3,5)] to 10

*Ix versions are not included, because there's no easy way to map from an Int to an element in a particular bounds.

All of these functions may throw IndexOutOfBounds exceptions.



:: (MArray a e m, Ix i) 
=> (e -> e)

Update function

-> (i, i)

The start and end of the region to update

-> a i e

The array

-> m () 

updateElemsSlice mutates every element in an array between a start index and an end index. O(size of arr)

>>> arr <- newArray (1,10) 0 :: IO (IOArray Int Int)
    -- Produces a 1 based array with 10 elements all set to 0.
>>> updateElemsSlice arr (2,4) (+ 10)
    -- Updates elements at indexes 2, 3 and 4 to 10

Monadic versions

updateElemsSliceM :: (MArray a e m, Ix i) => (e -> m e) -> (i, i) -> a i e -> m ()Source

The same as updateElems but taking a monadic function. O(size of arr)