-- |
-- Module      :  System.AtomicWrite.Internal
-- Copyright   :  © 2015-2019 Stack Builders Inc.
-- License     :  MIT
-- Maintainer  :  Stack Builders <hackage@stackbuilders.com>
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  portable
-- Provides functionality to create a temporary file with correct permissions
-- atomically.

module System.AtomicWrite.Internal where

import           System.Directory         (doesFileExist, renameFile)
import           System.FilePath          (takeDirectory)
import           System.IO                (Handle, hClose, hSetBinaryMode,
import           System.Posix.Types       (FileMode)
import           System.PosixCompat.Files (fileMode, getFileStatus, setFileMode)

-- | Returns a temporary file with permissions correctly set. Chooses
-- either previously-set permissions if the file that we're writing
-- to existed, or permissions following the current umask.
tempFileFor ::
  FilePath -- ^ The target filepath that we will replace atomically.
  -> IO (FilePath, Handle)
tempFileFor targetFilePath =

  doesFileExist targetFilePath >>=
    tmpFile targetFilePath (takeDirectory targetFilePath) "atomic.write"


    tmpFile :: FilePath -> FilePath -> String -> Bool -> IO (FilePath, Handle)
    tmpFile targetPath workingDirectory template previousExisted =

      if previousExisted then
        openTempFile workingDirectory template >>=

          \(tmpPath, handle) ->

            getFileStatus targetPath >>= setFileMode tmpPath . fileMode >>

            return (tmpPath, handle)

        openTempFileWithDefaultPermissions workingDirectory template

closeAndRename :: Handle -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
closeAndRename tmpHandle tempFile destFile =
  hClose tmpHandle >> renameFile tempFile destFile

maybeSetFileMode :: FilePath -> Maybe FileMode -> IO ()
maybeSetFileMode path =
    ( return () )
    ( \mode -> setFileMode path mode )

-- Helper Function
atomicWriteFileMaybeModeText ::
  Maybe FileMode -- ^ The mode to set the file to
  -> FilePath    -- ^ The path where the file will be updated or created
  -> (Handle -> a -> IO ()) -- ^ The function to use to write on the file
  -> a        -- ^ The content to write to the file
  -> IO ()
atomicWriteFileMaybeModeText mmode path hF text =
  tempFileFor path >>= \(tmpPath, h) -> hSetBinaryMode h False
                    >> hF h text
                    >> closeAndRename h tmpPath path
                    >> maybeSetFileMode path mmode
-- Helper Function
atomicWriteFileMaybeModeBinary ::
  Maybe FileMode -- ^ The mode to set the file to
  -> FilePath    -- ^ The path where the file will be updated or created
  -> (Handle -> a -> IO ()) -- ^ The function to use to write on the file
  -> a        -- ^ The content to write to the file
  -> IO ()
atomicWriteFileMaybeModeBinary mmode path hF text =
  tempFileFor path >>= \(tmpPath, h) -> hSetBinaryMode h True
                    >> hF h text
                    >> closeAndRename h tmpPath path
                    >> maybeSetFileMode path mmode