Lower-level parsers, which avoid overriding the native Attoparsec names.
module Attoparsec.Data.Parsers where

import Attoparsec.Data.Prelude hiding (bool)
import Data.Attoparsec.Text
import qualified GHC.Show
import qualified Data.Text as Text

Parse the output of the 'show' function applied to 'String' or 'Text'
into what was used for its input.
show :: Parser Text
show =
  char '"' *> body <* char '"'
    body =
      mconcat <$> many chunk
        chunk =
          escaped <|> nonEscaped
        nonEscaped =
          takeWhile1 (\ a -> a /= '\\' && a /= '"')
        escaped =
          Text.singleton <$> escapedChar

-- https://hackage.haskell.org/package/base-
escapedChar :: Parser Char
escapedChar =
  char '\\' *> escapedCharBody

escapedCharBody :: Parser Char
escapedCharBody =
  char '\\' <|>
  char 'a' $> '\a' <|>
  char 'b' $> '\b' <|>
  char 'f' $> '\f' <|>
  char 'n' $> '\n' <|>
  char 'r' $> '\r' <|>
  char 't' $> '\t' <|>
  char 'v' $> '\v' <|>
  string "DEL" $> '\DEL' <|>
  ordEscapedCharBody <|>

asciiTabEscapedCharBody :: Parser Char
asciiTabEscapedCharBody =
  zipWith asciiTabChar [0..] GHC.Show.asciiTab & asum
    asciiTabChar index chars =
      string (fromString chars) $> chr index

ordEscapedCharBody :: Parser Char
ordEscapedCharBody =
  chr <$> decimal