{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}

module Axel.Haskell.Converter where

import Prelude hiding (putStrLn)

import qualified Axel.AST as AST
import Axel.Denormalize (denormalizeStatement)
import Axel.Eff.Console (putStrLn)
import qualified Axel.Eff.Console as Effs (Console)
import qualified Axel.Eff.FileSystem as Effs (FileSystem)
import qualified Axel.Eff.FileSystem as FS (writeFile)
import Axel.Parse.AST (toAxel)
import Axel.Utils.String (replace)

import Control.Lens.Operators ((<&>))
import Control.Monad.Freer (Eff, LastMember, Members, sendM)

import qualified Language.Haskell.Exts as HSE

renderRaw :: (HSE.Pretty a) => a -> String
renderRaw = escapeNewlines . escapeQuotes . HSE.prettyPrintWithMode ppMode
    ppMode = HSE.defaultMode {HSE.layout = HSE.PPNoLayout}
    escapeQuotes = replace "\"" "\\\""
    escapeNewlines = replace "\n" "\\n"

unsupportedExpr :: (HSE.Pretty a) => a -> AST.Expression
unsupportedExpr = AST.ERawExpression . renderRaw

unsupportedStmt :: (HSE.Pretty a) => a -> AST.Statement
unsupportedStmt = AST.SRawStatement . renderRaw

class ToExpr a where
  toExpr :: a b -> AST.Expression

class ToStmts a where
  toStmts :: a b -> [AST.Statement]

toId :: (ToExpr a) => a b -> String
toId x =
  let AST.EIdentifier sym = toExpr x
   in sym

instance ToExpr HSE.Name where
  toExpr (HSE.Ident _ name) = AST.EIdentifier name
  toExpr (HSE.Symbol _ name) = AST.EIdentifier name

instance ToExpr HSE.ModuleName where
  toExpr (HSE.ModuleName _ name) = AST.EIdentifier name

instance ToExpr HSE.CName where
  toExpr (HSE.VarName _ name) = toExpr name
  toExpr (HSE.ConName _ name) = toExpr name

instance ToExpr HSE.SpecialCon where
  toExpr HSE.UnitCon {} = AST.EIdentifier "Unit"
  toExpr HSE.ListCon {} = AST.EIdentifier "List"
  toExpr HSE.FunCon {} = AST.EIdentifier "->"
  toExpr (HSE.TupleCon _ _ arity) = AST.EIdentifier $ replicate arity ','
  toExpr HSE.Cons {} = AST.EIdentifier ":"
  toExpr expr@HSE.UnboxedSingleCon {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr HSE.ExprHole {} = AST.EIdentifier "_"

instance ToExpr HSE.QName where
  toExpr (HSE.Qual _ moduleName name) =
    AST.EIdentifier $ toId moduleName <> "." <> toId name
  toExpr (HSE.UnQual _ name) = toExpr name
  toExpr (HSE.Special _ specialCon) = toExpr specialCon

instance ToExpr HSE.TyVarBind where
  toExpr (HSE.UnkindedVar _ name) = toExpr name
  toExpr expr@HSE.KindedVar {} = unsupportedExpr expr

instance ToExpr HSE.MaybePromotedName where
  toExpr expr@HSE.PromotedName {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr (HSE.UnpromotedName _ name) = toExpr name

instance ToExpr HSE.Promoted where
  toExpr expr@HSE.PromotedInteger {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.PromotedString {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr (HSE.PromotedCon _ _ con) = AST.EIdentifier $ '\'' : toId con
  toExpr (HSE.PromotedList _ _ list) =
    AST.EFunctionApplication $
    AST.FunctionApplication (AST.EIdentifier "list") (map toExpr list)
  toExpr expr@HSE.PromotedTuple {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.PromotedUnit {} = unsupportedExpr expr

instance ToExpr HSE.Type where
  toExpr expr@HSE.TyForall {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr (HSE.TyFun _ tyA tyB) =
    AST.EFunctionApplication $ AST.FunctionApplication (AST.EIdentifier "->") [toExpr tyA, toExpr tyB]
  toExpr (HSE.TyTuple _ _ tys) =
    AST.EFunctionApplication $
    AST.FunctionApplication (AST.EIdentifier ",") (map toExpr tys)
  toExpr expr@HSE.TyUnboxedSum {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr (HSE.TyList _ ty) =
    AST.EFunctionApplication $
    AST.FunctionApplication (AST.EIdentifier "[]") [toExpr ty]
  toExpr expr@HSE.TyParArray {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr (HSE.TyApp _ tyA tyB) =
    AST.EFunctionApplication $ AST.FunctionApplication (toExpr tyA) [toExpr tyB]
  toExpr (HSE.TyVar _ x) = toExpr x
  toExpr (HSE.TyCon _ x) = toExpr x
  toExpr (HSE.TyParen _ x) = toExpr x
  toExpr (HSE.TyInfix _ tyA mpn tyB) =
    AST.EFunctionApplication $
    AST.FunctionApplication (toExpr mpn) [toExpr tyA, toExpr tyB]
  toExpr expr@HSE.TyKind {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr (HSE.TyPromoted _ promoted) = toExpr promoted
  toExpr expr@HSE.TyEquals {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.TySplice {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.TyBang {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr (HSE.TyWildCard _ name) =
    AST.EIdentifier $ "_" <> maybe mempty toId name
  toExpr expr@HSE.TyQuasiQuote {} = unsupportedExpr expr

instance ToExpr HSE.ModuleHead where
  toExpr (HSE.ModuleHead _ name _ _) = toExpr name

instance ToStmts HSE.ModulePragma where
  toStmts (HSE.LanguagePragma _ pragmas) =
      (\pragma -> AST.SPragma . AST.Pragma $ "LANGUAGE " <> toId pragma)
  toStmts stmt@HSE.OptionsPragma {} = [unsupportedStmt stmt]
  toStmts stmt@HSE.AnnModulePragma {} = [unsupportedStmt stmt]

instance ToStmts HSE.ImportDecl where
  toStmts stmt@(HSE.ImportDecl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (Just (HSE.ImportSpecList _ True _))) =
    [unsupportedStmt stmt]
  toStmts stmt@(HSE.ImportDecl _ moduleName isQualified _ _ _ alias spec) =
    [ let moduleId = toId moduleName
       in if isQualified
            then case alias of
                   Just aliasName ->
                     AST.SQualifiedImport $
                       (toId aliasName)
                       (importSpecListToExpr spec)
                   Nothing -> unsupportedStmt stmt
            else case alias of
                   Nothing ->
                     case importSpecListToExpr spec of
                       AST.ImportAll -> AST.SUnrestrictedImport moduleId
                       AST.ImportOnly imports ->
                         AST.SRestrictedImport $
                         AST.RestrictedImport moduleId (AST.ImportOnly imports)
                   Just _ -> unsupportedStmt stmt
      importSpecListToExpr Nothing = AST.ImportAll
      importSpecListToExpr (Just (HSE.ImportSpecList _ False importSpecs)) =
        AST.ImportOnly $
             HSE.IVar _ name -> AST.ImportItem (toId name)
             HSE.IAbs _ _ name -> AST.ImportItem (toId name)
             HSE.IThingAll _ name -> AST.ImportType (toId name) [".."]
             HSE.IThingWith _ name items ->
               AST.ImportType (toId name) (map toId items))

instance ToStmts HSE.Module where
  toStmts (HSE.Module _ moduleHead pragmas imports decls) =
      [ concatMap toStmts pragmas
      , case moduleHead of
          Just moduleId -> [AST.SModuleDeclaration (toId moduleId)]
          Nothing -> []
      , concatMap toStmts imports
      , concatMap toStmts decls

instance ToExpr HSE.QualConDecl where
  toExpr (HSE.QualConDecl _ _ _ conDecl) =
    case conDecl of
      HSE.ConDecl _ name args ->
        AST.EFunctionApplication $
        AST.FunctionApplication (AST.EIdentifier $ toId name) (map toExpr args)
      HSE.InfixConDecl _ argA name argB ->
        AST.EFunctionApplication $
          (AST.EIdentifier $ toId name)
          [toExpr argA, toExpr argB]
      HSE.RecDecl {} -> unsupportedExpr conDecl

instance ToExpr HSE.Literal where
  toExpr (HSE.Char _ char _) = AST.ELiteral $ AST.LChar char
  toExpr (HSE.String _ string _) = AST.ELiteral $ AST.LString string
  toExpr (HSE.Int _ int _) = AST.ELiteral $ AST.LInt (fromInteger int)
  toExpr expr@HSE.Frac {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.PrimInt {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.PrimWord {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.PrimFloat {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.PrimDouble {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.PrimChar {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.PrimString {} = unsupportedExpr expr

instance ToExpr HSE.Pat where
  toExpr (HSE.PVar _ name) = toExpr name
  toExpr (HSE.PLit _ _ literal) = toExpr literal
  toExpr expr@HSE.PNPlusK {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr (HSE.PInfixApp _ patA name patB) =
    AST.EFunctionApplication $
    AST.FunctionApplication (toExpr name) [toExpr patA, toExpr patB]
  toExpr (HSE.PApp _ name pats) =
    AST.EFunctionApplication $
    AST.FunctionApplication (toExpr name) (map toExpr pats)
  toExpr (HSE.PTuple _ _ pats) =
    AST.EFunctionApplication $
    AST.FunctionApplication (AST.EIdentifier ",") (map toExpr pats)
  toExpr expr@HSE.PUnboxedSum {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr (HSE.PList _ pats) =
    AST.EFunctionApplication $
    AST.FunctionApplication (AST.EIdentifier "list") (map toExpr pats)
  toExpr (HSE.PParen _ pat) = toExpr pat
  toExpr expr@HSE.PRec {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.PAsPat {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr HSE.PWildCard {} = AST.EIdentifier "_"
  toExpr expr@HSE.PIrrPat {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.PatTypeSig {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.PViewPat {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.PRPat {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.PXTag {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.PXETag {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.PXPcdata {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.PXPatTag {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.PXRPats {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.PSplice {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.PQuasiQuote {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.PBangPat {} = unsupportedExpr expr

declHeadToTyDef :: HSE.DeclHead a -> AST.TypeDefinition
declHeadToTyDef (HSE.DHead _ name) = AST.ProperType $ toId name
declHeadToTyDef HSE.DHInfix {} =
  error "Postfix type declarations not supported!"
declHeadToTyDef (HSE.DHParen _ dh) = declHeadToTyDef dh
declHeadToTyDef (HSE.DHApp _ dh tvb) =
  AST.TypeConstructor $
  case dh of
    HSE.DHInfix _ tvb' name ->
      AST.FunctionApplication (toExpr name) [toExpr tvb', toExpr tvb]
    _ -> AST.FunctionApplication (tyDefToExpr $ declHeadToTyDef dh) [toExpr tvb]

tyDefToExpr :: AST.TypeDefinition -> AST.Expression
tyDefToExpr (AST.TypeConstructor tyCon) = AST.EFunctionApplication tyCon
tyDefToExpr (AST.ProperType ty) = AST.EIdentifier ty

exprToTyDef :: AST.Expression -> AST.TypeDefinition
exprToTyDef (AST.EIdentifier identifier) = AST.ProperType identifier
exprToTyDef (AST.EFunctionApplication funApp) = AST.TypeConstructor funApp

toFunApp :: AST.Expression -> AST.FunctionApplication
toFunApp (AST.EFunctionApplication funApp) = funApp
toFunApp (AST.EIdentifier sym) =
  AST.FunctionApplication (AST.EIdentifier sym) []

bindsToFunDefs :: Maybe (HSE.Binds a) -> [AST.FunctionDefinition]
bindsToFunDefs Nothing = []
bindsToFunDefs (Just (HSE.BDecls _ decls)) =
    (\decl ->
       case toStmts decl of
         [AST.SFunctionDefinition funDef] -> funDef)
bindsToFunDefs (Just HSE.IPBinds {}) =
  error "Implicit parameters not supported!"

altToClause :: HSE.Alt a -> (AST.Expression, AST.Expression)
altToClause (HSE.Alt _ pat rhs _) = (toExpr pat, toExpr rhs)

instance ToExpr HSE.QOp where
  toExpr (HSE.QVarOp _ name) = toExpr name
  toExpr (HSE.QConOp _ name) = toExpr name

instance ToExpr HSE.Exp where
  toExpr (HSE.Var _ name) = toExpr name
  toExpr expr@HSE.OverloadedLabel {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.IPVar {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr (HSE.Con _ name) = toExpr name
  toExpr (HSE.Lit _ lit) = toExpr lit
  toExpr (HSE.InfixApp _ a op b) =
    AST.EFunctionApplication $
    AST.FunctionApplication (AST.EIdentifier "infixApply") [toExpr a, toExpr op, toExpr b]
  toExpr (HSE.App _ f x) =
    AST.EFunctionApplication $ AST.FunctionApplication (toExpr f) [toExpr x]
  toExpr expr@HSE.NegApp {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr (HSE.Lambda _ args body) =
    AST.ELambda $ AST.Lambda (map toExpr args) (toExpr body)
  toExpr (HSE.Let _ binds body) =
    AST.ELetBlock $ AST.LetBlock (bindsToClauses binds) (toExpr body)
  toExpr (HSE.If _ cond ifTrue ifFalse) =
    AST.EIfBlock $ AST.IfBlock (toExpr cond) (toExpr ifTrue) (toExpr ifFalse)
  toExpr expr@HSE.MultiIf {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr (HSE.Case _ expr matches) =
    AST.ECaseBlock $ AST.CaseBlock (toExpr expr) (map altToClause matches)
  toExpr expr@HSE.Do {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.MDo {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr (HSE.Tuple _ _ exps) =
    AST.EFunctionApplication $
      (AST.EIdentifier $ replicate (length exps) ',')
      (map toExpr exps)
  toExpr expr@HSE.UnboxedSum {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.TupleSection {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr (HSE.List _ items) =
    AST.EFunctionApplication $
    AST.FunctionApplication (AST.EIdentifier "list") (map toExpr items)
  toExpr expr@HSE.ParArray {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr (HSE.Paren _ expr) = toExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.LeftSection {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.RightSection {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.RecConstr {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.RecUpdate {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.EnumFrom {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.EnumFromTo {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.EnumFromThen {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.EnumFromThenTo {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.ListComp {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.ParComp {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.ParArrayComp {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.ParArrayFromTo {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.ParArrayFromThenTo {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.ExpTypeSig {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.VarQuote {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.TypQuote {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.BracketExp {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.SpliceExp {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.QuasiQuote {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.TypeApp {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.XTag {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.XETag {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.XPcdata {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.XExpTag {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.XChildTag {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.CorePragma {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.SCCPragma {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.GenPragma {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.Proc {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.LeftArrApp {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.RightArrApp {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.LeftArrHighApp {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.RightArrHighApp {} = unsupportedExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.LCase {} = unsupportedExpr expr

instance ToExpr HSE.Rhs where
  toExpr (HSE.UnGuardedRhs _ expr) = toExpr expr
  toExpr expr@HSE.GuardedRhss {} = unsupportedExpr expr

bindsToClauses :: HSE.Binds a -> [(AST.Expression, AST.Expression)]
bindsToClauses (HSE.BDecls _ decls) =
  map (\(HSE.PatBind _ pat body _) -> (toExpr pat, toExpr body)) decls

instance ToStmts HSE.Match where
  toStmts (HSE.Match _ fn pats body whereBinds) =
    [ AST.SFunctionDefinition $
        (toId fn)
        (map toExpr pats)
        (toExpr body)
        (bindsToFunDefs whereBinds)
  toStmts (HSE.InfixMatch _ pat fn pats body whereBinds) =
    [ AST.SFunctionDefinition $
        (toId fn)
        (toExpr pat : map toExpr pats)
        (toExpr body)
        (bindsToFunDefs whereBinds)

instance ToExpr HSE.InstHead where
  toExpr (HSE.IHCon _ name) = toExpr name
  toExpr (HSE.IHInfix _ ty name) =
    AST.EFunctionApplication $ AST.FunctionApplication (toExpr ty) [toExpr name]
  toExpr (HSE.IHParen _ instHead) = toExpr instHead
  toExpr (HSE.IHApp _ instHead ty) =
    AST.EFunctionApplication $
    AST.FunctionApplication (toExpr instHead) [toExpr ty]

instance ToExpr HSE.InstRule where
  toExpr (HSE.IRule _ _ Nothing instHead) = toExpr instHead
  toExpr (HSE.IParen _ rule) = toExpr rule

instance ToStmts HSE.Decl where
  toStmts (HSE.TypeDecl _ declHead ty) =
    [ AST.STypeSynonym $
      AST.TypeSynonym (tyDefToExpr $ declHeadToTyDef declHead) (toExpr ty)
  toStmts stmt@HSE.TypeFamDecl {} = [unsupportedStmt stmt]
  toStmts stmt@HSE.ClosedTypeFamDecl {} = [unsupportedStmt stmt]
  toStmts (HSE.DataDecl _ dataOrNew _ declHead cases _) =
    [ case dataOrNew of
        HSE.NewType _ ->
          AST.SNewtypeDeclaration $
            (declHeadToTyDef declHead)
            (toFunApp $ toExpr $ head cases)
        HSE.DataType _ ->
          AST.SDataDeclaration $
            (declHeadToTyDef declHead)
            (map (toFunApp . toExpr) cases)
  toStmts stmt@HSE.GDataDecl {} = [unsupportedStmt stmt]
  toStmts stmt@HSE.DataFamDecl {} = [unsupportedStmt stmt]
  toStmts stmt@HSE.TypeInsDecl {} = [unsupportedStmt stmt]
  toStmts stmt@HSE.DataInsDecl {} = [unsupportedStmt stmt]
  toStmts stmt@HSE.GDataInsDecl {} = [unsupportedStmt stmt]
  toStmts (HSE.ClassDecl _ ctxt declHead _ decls) =
    [ AST.STypeclassDefinition $
        (tyDefToExpr $ declHeadToTyDef declHead)
        (contextToExprs ctxt)
        (maybe [] (map classDeclToTySig) decls)
  toStmts (HSE.InstDecl _ _ rule decls) =
    [ AST.STypeclassInstance $
        (toExpr rule)
        (maybe [] (map instDeclToFunDef) decls)
  toStmts stmt@HSE.DerivDecl {} = [unsupportedStmt stmt]
  toStmts stmt@HSE.InfixDecl {} = [unsupportedStmt stmt]
  toStmts (HSE.TypeSig _ names ty) =
      (\name -> AST.STypeSignature $ AST.TypeSignature (toId name) (toExpr ty))
  toStmts stmt@HSE.PatSynSig {} = [unsupportedStmt stmt]
  toStmts (HSE.FunBind _ cases) = concatMap toStmts cases
  toStmts (HSE.PatBind _ fn body whereBinds) =
    [ AST.SFunctionDefinition $
        (toId fn)
        (toExpr body)
        (bindsToFunDefs whereBinds)
  toStmts stmt@HSE.ForImp {} = [unsupportedStmt stmt]
  toStmts stmt@HSE.ForExp {} = [unsupportedStmt stmt]
  toStmts stmt@HSE.RulePragmaDecl {} = [unsupportedStmt stmt]
  toStmts stmt@HSE.DeprPragmaDecl {} = [unsupportedStmt stmt]
  toStmts stmt@HSE.WarnPragmaDecl {} = [unsupportedStmt stmt]
  toStmts stmt@HSE.InlineSig {} = [unsupportedStmt stmt]
  toStmts stmt@HSE.InlineConlikeSig {} = [unsupportedStmt stmt]
  toStmts stmt@HSE.SpecSig {} = [unsupportedStmt stmt]
  toStmts stmt@HSE.SpecInlineSig {} = [unsupportedStmt stmt]
  toStmts stmt@HSE.InstSig {} = [unsupportedStmt stmt]
  toStmts stmt@HSE.AnnPragma {} = [unsupportedStmt stmt]
  toStmts stmt@HSE.MinimalPragma {} = [unsupportedStmt stmt]
  toStmts stmt@HSE.RoleAnnotDecl {} = [unsupportedStmt stmt]
  toStmts stmt@HSE.CompletePragma {} = [unsupportedStmt stmt]

instDeclToFunDef :: HSE.InstDecl a -> AST.FunctionDefinition
instDeclToFunDef (HSE.InsDecl _ decl) =
  case head $ toStmts decl of
    AST.SFunctionDefinition funDef -> funDef
instDeclToFunDef HSE.InsType {} = error "Type families not supported!"
instDeclToFunDef HSE.InsData {} = error "Type families not supported!"
instDeclToFunDef HSE.InsGData {} = error "Type families not supported!"

classDeclToTySig :: HSE.ClassDecl a -> AST.TypeSignature
classDeclToTySig (HSE.ClsDecl _ decl) =
  case toStmts decl of
    [AST.STypeSignature tySig] -> tySig
classDeclToTySig HSE.ClsDataFam {} = error "Type families not supported!"
classDeclToTySig HSE.ClsTyFam {} = error "Type families not supported!"
classDeclToTySig HSE.ClsTyDef {} = error "Type families not supported!"
classDeclToTySig HSE.ClsDefSig {} = error "Default signatures not supported!"

instance ToExpr HSE.Asst where
  toExpr (HSE.ClassA _ name tys) =
    AST.EFunctionApplication $
    AST.FunctionApplication (toExpr name) (map toExpr tys)
  toExpr (HSE.WildCardA _ _) = AST.EIdentifier "_"

contextToExprs :: Maybe (HSE.Context a) -> [AST.Expression]
contextToExprs Nothing = []
contextToExprs (Just (HSE.CxSingle _ asst)) = [toExpr asst]
contextToExprs (Just (HSE.CxTuple _ assts)) = map toExpr assts
contextToExprs (Just (HSE.CxEmpty _)) = []

convertFile ::
     (LastMember IO effs, Members '[ Effs.Console, Effs.FileSystem] effs)
  => FilePath
  -> FilePath
  -> Eff effs String
convertFile path newPath = do
  newContents <-
    sendM (HSE.parseFile path) <&>
       HSE.ParseOk parsedModule ->
         unlines $ map (toAxel . denormalizeStatement) $ toStmts parsedModule
       HSE.ParseFailed _ err -> error err)
  putStrLn $ "Writing " <> newPath <> "..."
  FS.writeFile newPath newContents
  pure newPath