{-| An 'Environment' contains textual key value pairs, relavant for string template

The variables are passed to the B9 build either via command line, OS environment
variables or configuration file.

@since 0.5.62
module B9.Environment
  ( Environment()
  , fromStringPairs
  , addStringBinding
  , insertPositionalArguments
  , EnvironmentReaderT
  , MonadEnvironment
  , runEnvironmentReaderT
  , askEnvironment
  , localEnvironment
  , lookupOrThrow
  , lookupEither
  , KeyNotFound(..)
  , DuplicateKey(..)
  ) where

import           Control.Arrow               ((***))
import           Control.Exception           (Exception)
import           Control.Monad.Catch         (MonadThrow, throwM)
import           Control.Monad.Reader
import           Control.Parallel.Strategies
import           Data.Data
import           Data.HashMap.Strict         (HashMap)
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict         as HashMap
import           Data.Maybe                  (maybe)
import           Data.Text.Lazy              (Text)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy              as Text
import           GHC.Generics                (Generic)

-- | A map of textual keys to textual values.
-- @since 0.5.62
data Environment = MkEnvironment
  { nextPosition    :: Int
  , fromEnvironment :: HashMap Text Text
  } deriving (Show, Typeable, Data, Eq, Generic)

instance NFData Environment

instance Semigroup Environment where
  e1 <> e2 =
      { nextPosition =
          case (nextPosition e1, nextPosition e2) of
            (0, 0) -> 0
            (0, p2) -> p2
            (p1, 0) -> p1
            _ -> error ("Overlapping positional arguments (<>): (" ++ show e1 ++ ") <> (" ++ show e2 ++ ")")
      , fromEnvironment =
          let i = HashMap.intersection (fromEnvironment e1) (fromEnvironment e2)
           in if HashMap.null i
                then fromEnvironment e1 <> fromEnvironment e2
                else error ("Overlapping entries (<>): (" ++ show e1 ++ ") <> (" ++ show e2 ++ "): (" ++ show i ++ ")")

instance Monoid Environment where
  mempty = MkEnvironment 0 HashMap.empty

-- | If environment variables @arg_1 .. arg_n@ are bound
-- and a list of @k@ additional values are passed to this function,
-- store them with keys @arg_(n+1) .. arg_(n+k)@.
-- Note that the Environment contains an index of the next position.
-- @since 0.5.62
insertPositionalArguments :: [Text] -> Environment -> Environment
insertPositionalArguments =
  flip (foldr (\arg (MkEnvironment i e) -> MkEnvironment (i + 1) (HashMap.insert (Text.pack ("arg_" ++ show i)) arg e)))

-- | Create an 'Environment' from a list of pairs ('String's)
-- @since 0.5.62
fromStringPairs :: [(String, String)] -> Environment
fromStringPairs = MkEnvironment 0 . HashMap.fromList . fmap (Text.pack *** Text.pack)

-- | Insert a value into an 'Environment'.
-- @since 0.5.62
addStringBinding :: MonadThrow m => (String, String) -> Environment -> m Environment
addStringBinding (k, vNew) env =
  case HashMap.lookup (Text.pack k) (fromEnvironment env) of
    Just vOld -> throwM (MkDuplicateKey (Text.pack k) vOld (Text.pack vNew))
    Nothing ->
      pure (MkEnvironment (nextPosition env) (HashMap.insert (Text.pack k) (Text.pack vNew) (fromEnvironment env)))

-- | A monad transformer providing a 'MonadReader' instance for 'Environment'
-- @since 0.5.62
type EnvironmentReaderT m a = ReaderT Environment m a

-- | A constraint on a monad @m@ ensuring (read-only) access to an 'Environment'
-- @since 0.5.62
type MonadEnvironment m = MonadReader Environment m

-- | Run a 'ReaderT' of 'Environment'.
-- @since 0.5.62
runEnvironmentReaderT :: Environment -> EnvironmentReaderT m a -> m a
runEnvironmentReaderT = flip runReaderT

-- | Get the current 'Environment'
-- @since 0.5.62
askEnvironment :: MonadEnvironment m => m Environment
askEnvironment = ask

-- | Run a computation with a modified 'Environment'
-- @since 0.5.62
localEnvironment :: MonadEnvironment m => (Environment -> Environment) -> m a -> m a
localEnvironment = local

-- | Lookup a key for a value.
-- 'throwM' a 'KeyNotFound' 'Exception' if no value with the given key exists
-- in the 'Environment'.
-- @Since 0.5.62
lookupOrThrow :: (MonadThrow m, MonadEnvironment m) => Text -> m Text
lookupOrThrow key = do
  env <- askEnvironment
  maybe (throwM (MkKeyNotFound key env)) return (HashMap.lookup key (fromEnvironment env))

-- | Lookup a key for a value.
-- Return 'Either' 'Left' 'KeyNotFound', if no value with the given key exists
-- in the 'Environment', or 'Right' the value.
-- @Since 0.5.62
lookupEither :: MonadEnvironment m => Text -> m (Either KeyNotFound Text)
lookupEither key = do
  env <- askEnvironment
  (return . maybe (Left (MkKeyNotFound key env)) Right) (HashMap.lookup key (fromEnvironment env))

-- | An 'Exception' thrown by 'addBinding' indicating that a key already exists.
-- @Since 0.5.62
data DuplicateKey = MkDuplicateKey
  { duplicateKey         :: Text
  , duplicateKeyOldValue :: Text
  , duplicateKeyNewValue :: Text
  } deriving (Typeable, Show)

instance Exception DuplicateKey

-- | An 'Exception' thrown by 'lookupOrThrow' indicating that a key does not exist.
-- @Since 0.5.62
data KeyNotFound =
  MkKeyNotFound Text
  deriving (Typeable)

instance Exception KeyNotFound

instance Show KeyNotFound where
  showsPrec _ (MkKeyNotFound key env) =
    let keys = unlines (Text.unpack <$> HashMap.keys (fromEnvironment env))
     in showString "Invalid template parameter: \"" .
        showString (Text.unpack key) . showString "\".\nValid variables:\n" . showString keys