-- | This modules contains support for external command execution.
-- @since 0.5.65
module B9.B9Exec
  ( cmd

import           B9.B9Config
import           B9.B9Logging
import           Control.Concurrent.Async       ( Concurrently(..) )
import           Control.Eff
import           Control.Monad
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Control    ( embed_ )
import qualified Data.ByteString               as Strict
import           Data.Conduit                   ( (.|)
                                                , runConduit
import qualified Data.Conduit.List             as CL
import           Data.Conduit.Process
import           Data.Functor                   ( )
import qualified Data.Text                     as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding            as Text
import qualified Data.Text.Encoding.Error      as Text
import           System.Exit
import           Text.Printf

-- | Execute the given shell command.
-- If 'isInteractive' is true, the standard-in will be passed to the external command,
-- and all output of the program will be directed to standard-out.
-- The command and the output is either logged to the logfile with 'traceL' or 'errorL' or
-- written to stdout.
-- If the command exists with non-zero exit code, the current process exists with the same
-- exit code.
-- @since 0.5.65
cmd :: CommandIO e => String -> Eff e ()
cmd str = do
  inheritStdIn <- isInteractive
  if inheritStdIn then interactiveCmd str else nonInteractiveCmd str

interactiveCmd :: forall e . CommandIO e => String -> Eff e ()
interactiveCmd str = void (cmdWithStdIn True str :: Eff e Inherited)

nonInteractiveCmd :: forall e . CommandIO e => String -> Eff e ()
-- TODO if we use 'ClosedStream' we get an error from 'virsh console'
-- complaining about a missing controlling tty. Original source line:
-- nonInteractiveCmd str = void (cmdWithStdIn False str :: B9 ClosedStream)
nonInteractiveCmd str = void (cmdWithStdIn False str :: Eff e Inherited)

  :: (CommandIO e, InputSource stdin) => Bool -> String -> Eff e stdin
cmdWithStdIn toStdOut cmdStr = do
  traceL $ "COMMAND: " ++ cmdStr
  traceLIO <- embed_
    (traceL . Text.unpack . Text.decodeUtf8With Text.lenientDecode)
  errorLIO <- embed_
    (errorL . Text.unpack . Text.decodeUtf8With Text.lenientDecode)
  let errorLC = CL.mapM_ (liftIO . errorLIO)
  let traceLC = if toStdOut
        then CL.mapM_ Strict.putStr
        else CL.mapM_ (liftIO . traceLIO)
  (cpIn, cpOut, cpErr, cph) <- streamingProcess (shell cmdStr)
  e                         <-
    $  runConcurrently
    $  Concurrently (runConduit (cpOut .| traceLC))
    *> Concurrently (runConduit (cpErr .| errorLC))
    *> Concurrently (waitForStreamingProcess cph)
  checkExitCode e
  return cpIn
  checkExitCode ExitSuccess =
    traceL $ printf "COMMAND '%s' exited with exit code: 0" cmdStr
  checkExitCode ec@(ExitFailure e) = do
    errorL $ printf "COMMAND '%s' exited with exit code: %i" cmdStr e
    liftIO $ exitWith ec