-- |
-- Module      :  Data.Barbie.Internal.Traversable
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies       #-}
module Data.Barbie.Internal.Traversable
  ( TraversableB(..)
  , btraverse_
  , bsequence
  , bsequence'
  , bfoldMap

  , CanDeriveTraversableB
  , GTraversableB(..)
  , gbtraverseDefault


import Data.Barbie.Internal.Functor (FunctorB(..))

import Data.Functor (void)
import Data.Functor.Compose (Compose(..))
import Data.Functor.Const (Const(..))
import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(..))
import Data.Generics.GenericN

-- | Barbie-types that can be traversed from left to right. Instances should
--   satisfy the following laws:
-- @
--  t . 'btraverse' f   = 'btraverse' (t . f)  -- naturality
-- 'btraverse' 'Data.Functor.Identity' = 'Data.Functor.Identity'           -- identity
-- 'btraverse' ('Compose' . 'fmap' g . f) = 'Compose' . 'fmap' ('btraverse' g) . 'btraverse' f -- composition
-- @
-- There is a default 'btraverse' implementation for 'Generic' types, so
-- instances can derived automatically.
class FunctorB b => TraversableB b where
  btraverse :: Applicative t => (forall a . f a -> t (g a)) -> b f -> t (b g)

  default btraverse
    :: ( Applicative t, CanDeriveTraversableB b f g)
    => (forall a . f a -> t (g a)) -> b f -> t (b g)
  btraverse = gbtraverseDefault

-- | Map each element to an action, evaluate these actions from left to right,
--   and ignore the results.
btraverse_ :: (TraversableB b, Applicative t) => (forall a. f a -> t c) -> b f -> t ()
btraverse_ f
  = void . btraverse (fmap (const $ Const ()) . f)

-- | Evaluate each action in the structure from left to right,
--   and collect the results.
bsequence :: (Applicative f, TraversableB b) => b (Compose f g) -> f (b g)
  = btraverse getCompose

-- | A version of 'bsequence' with @g@ specialized to 'Identity'.
bsequence' :: (Applicative f, TraversableB b) => b f -> f (b Identity)
  = btraverse (fmap Identity)

-- | Map each element to a monoid, and combine the results.
bfoldMap :: (TraversableB b, Monoid m) => (forall a. f a -> m) -> b f -> m
bfoldMap f
  = execWr . btraverse_ (tell . f)

-- | @'CanDeriveTraversableB' B f g@ is in practice a predicate about @B@ only.
--   It is analogous to 'Data.Barbie.Internal.Functor.CanDeriveFunctorB', so it
--   essentially requires the following to hold, for any arbitrary @f@:
--     * There is an instance of @'Generic' (B f)@.
--     * @B f@ can contain fields of type @b f@ as long as there exists a
--       @'TraversableB' b@ instance. In particular, recursive usages of @B f@
--       are allowed.
--     * @B f@ can also contain usages of @b f@ under a @'Traversable' h@.
--       For example, one could use @'Maybe' (B f)@ when defining @B f@.
type CanDeriveTraversableB b f g
  = ( GenericN (b f)
    , GenericN (b g)
    , GTraversableB f g (RepN (b f)) (RepN (b g))

-- | Default implementation of 'btraverse' based on 'Generic'.
  :: forall b f g t
  .  (Applicative t, CanDeriveTraversableB b f g)
  => (forall a . f a -> t (g a))
  -> b f -> t (b g)
gbtraverseDefault h
  = fmap toN . gbtraverse h . fromN
{-# INLINE gbtraverseDefault #-}

class GTraversableB f g repbf repbg where
    :: Applicative t => (forall a . f a -> t (g a)) -> repbf x -> t (repbg x)

-- ----------------------------------
-- Trivial cases
-- ----------------------------------

instance GTraversableB f g bf bg => GTraversableB f g (M1 i c bf) (M1 i c bg) where
  gbtraverse h = fmap M1 . gbtraverse h . unM1
  {-# INLINE gbtraverse #-}

instance GTraversableB f g V1 V1 where
  gbtraverse _ _ = undefined
  {-# INLINE gbtraverse #-}

instance GTraversableB f g U1 U1 where
  gbtraverse _ = pure
  {-# INLINE gbtraverse #-}

instance (GTraversableB f g l l', GTraversableB f g r r') => GTraversableB f g (l :*: r) (l' :*: r') where
  gbtraverse h (l :*: r) = (:*:) <$> gbtraverse h l <*> gbtraverse h r
  {-# INLINE gbtraverse #-}

instance (GTraversableB f g l l', GTraversableB f g r r') => GTraversableB f g (l :+: r) (l' :+: r') where
  gbtraverse h = \case
    L1 l -> L1 <$> gbtraverse h l
    R1 r -> R1 <$> gbtraverse h r
  {-# INLINE gbtraverse #-}

-- --------------------------------
-- The interesting cases
-- --------------------------------

type P0 = Param 0

instance GTraversableB f g (Rec (P0 f a) (f a))
                           (Rec (P0 g a) (g a)) where
  gbtraverse h = fmap (Rec . K1) . h . unK1 . unRec
  {-# INLINE gbtraverse #-}

  ( SameOrParam b b'
  , TraversableB b'
  ) => GTraversableB f g (Rec (b (P0 f)) (b' f))
                         (Rec (b (P0 g)) (b' g)) where
  gbtraverse h
    = fmap (Rec . K1) . btraverse h . unK1 . unRec
  {-# INLINE gbtraverse #-}

   ( SameOrParam h h'
   , SameOrParam b b'
   , Traversable h'
   , TraversableB b'
   ) => GTraversableB f g (Rec (h (b (P0 f))) (h' (b' f)))
                          (Rec (h (b (P0 g))) (h' (b' g))) where
  gbtraverse h
    = fmap (Rec . K1) . traverse (btraverse h) . unK1 . unRec
  {-# INLINE gbtraverse #-}

instance GTraversableB f g (Rec a a) (Rec a a) where
  gbtraverse _ = pure
  {-# INLINE gbtraverse #-}

-- We roll our own State/efficient-Writer monad, not to add dependencies

newtype St s a
  = St (s -> (a, s))

runSt :: s -> St s a -> (a, s)
runSt s (St f)
  = f s

instance Functor (St s) where
  fmap f (St g)
    = St $ (\(a, s') -> (f a, s')) . g
  {-# INLINE fmap #-}

instance Applicative (St s) where
    = St . (,)
  {-# INLINE pure #-}

  St l <*> St r
    = St $ \s ->
        let (f, s')  = l s
            (x, s'') = r s'
        in (f x, s'')
  {-# INLINE (<*>) #-}

type Wr = St

execWr :: Monoid w => Wr w a -> w
  = snd . runSt mempty

tell :: Monoid w => w -> Wr w ()
tell w
  = St (\s -> ((), s `mappend` w))