{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unticked-promoted-constructors #-}

module Database.Beam.AutoMigrate.Generic where

import Data.Bifunctor
import Data.Kind
import qualified Data.List as L
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Data.Proxy
import qualified Data.Set as S
import Database.Beam.AutoMigrate.Annotated
import Database.Beam.AutoMigrate.Compat
import Database.Beam.AutoMigrate.Types
import Database.Beam.AutoMigrate.Util (pkFieldNames)
import Database.Beam.Schema (PrimaryKey, TableEntity)
import qualified Database.Beam.Schema as Beam
import Database.Beam.Schema.Tables (Beamable (..), dbEntityDescriptor, dbEntityName)
import GHC.Generics
import GHC.TypeLits
import Lens.Micro ((^.))

--- Machinery to derive a 'Schema' from a 'DatabaseSettings'.

class GSchema be db (anns :: [Annotation]) (x :: * -> *) where
  gSchema :: AnnotatedDatabaseSettings be db -> Proxy anns -> x p -> Schema

-- Table-specific classes

class GTables be db (anns :: [Annotation]) (x :: * -> *) where
  gTables :: AnnotatedDatabaseSettings be db -> Proxy anns -> x p -> (Tables, Sequences)

class GTableEntry (be :: *) (db :: DatabaseKind) (anns :: [Annotation]) (tableFound :: Bool) (x :: * -> *) where
  gTableEntries ::
    AnnotatedDatabaseSettings be db ->
    Proxy anns ->
    Proxy tableFound ->
    x p ->
    ([(TableName, Table)], Sequences)

class GTable be db (x :: * -> *) where
  gTable :: AnnotatedDatabaseSettings be db -> x p -> Table

-- Enumerations-specific classes

class GEnums be db x where
  gEnums :: AnnotatedDatabaseSettings be db -> x p -> Enumerations

-- Column-specific classes

-- | Type-level witness of whether or not we have to generate an extra \"SEQUENCE\" in case the table
--  field is a 'SqlSerial'.
data GenSequencesForSerial
  = GenSequences
  | NoGenSequences

class GColumns (genSeqs :: GenSequencesForSerial) (x :: * -> *) where
  gColumns :: Proxy genSeqs -> TableName -> x p -> (Columns, Sequences)

class GTableConstraintColumns be db x where
  gTableConstraintsColumns :: AnnotatedDatabaseSettings be db -> TableName -> x p -> S.Set TableConstraint

-- Deriving information about 'Schema's

instance GSchema be db anns x => GSchema be db anns (D1 f x) where
  gSchema db p (M1 x) = gSchema db p x

  ( Constructor f,
    GTables be db anns x,
    GEnums be db x
  ) =>
  GSchema be db anns (C1 f x)
  gSchema db p (M1 x) =
    let (tables, sequences) = gTables db p x
     in Schema
          { schemaTables = tables,
            schemaEnumerations = gEnums db x,
            schemaSequences = sequences

-- Deriving information about 'Enums'.

instance GEnums be db x => GEnums be db (D1 f x) where
  gEnums db (M1 x) = gEnums db x

instance GEnums be db x => GEnums be db (C1 f x) where
  gEnums db (M1 x) = gEnums db x

instance (GEnums be db a, GEnums be db b) => GEnums be db (a :*: b) where
  gEnums db (a :*: b) = gEnums db a <> gEnums db b

  ( IsAnnotatedDatabaseEntity be (TableEntity tbl),
    Beam.Table tbl,
    GEnums be db (Rep (TableSchema tbl)),
    Generic (TableSchema tbl)
  ) =>
  GEnums be db (S1 f (K1 R (AnnotatedDatabaseEntity be db (TableEntity tbl))))
  gEnums db (M1 (K1 annEntity)) =
    gEnums db (from (dbAnnotatedSchema (annEntity ^. annotatedDescriptor)))

  {-# OVERLAPS #-}
  (GEnums be db (Rep (sub f)), Generic (sub f)) =>
  GEnums be db (S1 m (K1 R (sub f)))
  gEnums db (M1 (K1 e)) = gEnums db (from e)

instance HasColumnType ty => GEnums be db (S1 f (K1 R (TableFieldSchema tbl ty))) where
  gEnums _ (M1 (K1 _)) = defaultEnums (Proxy @ty)

-- primary-key-wrapped types do not yield any enumerations.

instance GEnums be db (S1 f (K1 R (PrimaryKey tbl1 (TableFieldSchema tbl2)))) where
  gEnums _ (M1 (K1 _)) = mempty

instance GEnums be db (S1 f (K1 R (PrimaryKey tbl1 (g (TableFieldSchema tbl2))))) where
  gEnums _ (M1 (K1 _)) = mempty

-- Deriving information about 'Table's.

instance GTableEntry be db anns 'False (S1 f x) => GTables be db anns (S1 f x) where
  gTables db p x =
    let (tbls, sqs) = gTableEntries db p (Proxy @ 'False) x
     in (M.fromList tbls, sqs)

instance GTableEntry be db anns tableFound x => GTableEntry be db anns tableFound (S1 f x) where
  gTableEntries db p1 p2 (M1 x) = gTableEntries db p1 p2 x

instance (GTables be db anns a, GTables be db anns b) => GTables be db anns (a :*: b) where
  gTables db p (a :*: b) = gTables db p a <> gTables db p b

mkTableEntryNoFkDiscovery ::
  ( GColumns 'GenSequences (Rep (TableSchema tbl)),
    Generic (TableSchema tbl),
    Beam.Table tbl
  ) =>
  AnnotatedDatabaseEntity be db (TableEntity tbl) ->
  ((TableName, Table), Sequences)
mkTableEntryNoFkDiscovery annEntity =
  let entity = annEntity ^. deannotate
      tName = entity ^. dbEntityDescriptor . dbEntityName
      pks = S.singleton (PrimaryKey (tName <> "_pkey") (S.fromList $ pkFieldNames entity))
      (columns, seqs) = gColumns (Proxy @ 'GenSequences) (TableName tName) . from $ dbAnnotatedSchema (annEntity ^. annotatedDescriptor)
      annotatedCons = dbAnnotatedConstraints (annEntity ^. annotatedDescriptor)
   in ((TableName tName, Table (pks <> annotatedCons) columns), seqs)

mkTableEntryFkDiscovery ::
  ( GColumns 'GenSequences (Rep (TableSchema tbl)),
    Generic (TableSchema tbl),
    Beam.Table tbl,
    GTableConstraintColumns be db (Rep (TableSchema tbl))
  ) =>
  AnnotatedDatabaseSettings be db ->
  AnnotatedDatabaseEntity be db (TableEntity tbl) ->
  ((TableName, Table), Sequences)
mkTableEntryFkDiscovery db annEntity =
  let ((tName, table), seqs) = mkTableEntryNoFkDiscovery annEntity
      discoveredCons =
        gTableConstraintsColumns db tName . from $ dbAnnotatedSchema (annEntity ^. annotatedDescriptor)
   in ((tName, table {tableConstraints = discoveredCons <> tableConstraints table}), seqs)

-- Automatic FK-discovery algorithm starts here
-- The general idea is to carry around a (tableFound :: Bool) type-level witness to be used as we uncons
-- the type-level list. If we find a match, we toggle-off the FK-discovery algorithm, otherwise we don't.

  ( GColumns 'GenSequences (Rep (TableSchema tbl)),
    Generic (TableSchema tbl),
    Beam.Table tbl,
    GTableEntry be db xs (TestTableEqual tbl tbl') (K1 R (AnnotatedDatabaseEntity be db (TableEntity tbl)))
  ) =>
  GTableEntry be db (UserDefinedFk tbl' ': xs) 'False (K1 R (AnnotatedDatabaseEntity be db (TableEntity tbl)))
  gTableEntries _ _ _ (K1 annEntity) = first (: []) (mkTableEntryNoFkDiscovery annEntity)

  ( GColumns 'GenSequences (Rep (TableSchema tbl)),
    Generic (TableSchema tbl),
    Beam.Table tbl
  ) =>
  GTableEntry be db (UserDefinedFk tbl' ': xs) 'True (K1 R (AnnotatedDatabaseEntity be db (TableEntity tbl)))
  gTableEntries _ _ _ (K1 annEntity) = first (: []) (mkTableEntryNoFkDiscovery annEntity)

-- At this point we explored the full list and the previous equality check yielded 'True, which means a
-- match was found. We disable the FK-discovery algorithm.

  ( IsAnnotatedDatabaseEntity be (TableEntity tbl),
    GColumns 'GenSequences (Rep (TableSchema tbl)),
    Generic (TableSchema tbl),
    Beam.Table tbl
  ) =>
  GTableEntry be db '[] 'True (K1 R (AnnotatedDatabaseEntity be db (TableEntity tbl)))
  gTableEntries _ _ _ (K1 annEntity) = first (: []) (mkTableEntryNoFkDiscovery annEntity)

-- At this point we explored the full list and the previous equality check yielded 'False, so we kickoff the
-- automatic FK-discovery algorithm.

  ( IsAnnotatedDatabaseEntity be (TableEntity tbl),
    GColumns 'GenSequences (Rep (TableSchema tbl)),
    Generic (TableSchema tbl),
    Beam.Table tbl,
    GTableConstraintColumns be db (Rep (TableSchema tbl))
  ) =>
  GTableEntry be db '[] 'False (K1 R (AnnotatedDatabaseEntity be db (TableEntity tbl)))
  gTableEntries db Proxy Proxy (K1 annEntity) = first (: []) (mkTableEntryFkDiscovery db annEntity)

-- sub-db support for GTableEntry

  ( Generic (innerDB (AnnotatedDatabaseEntity be outerDB)),
    Beam.Database be innerDB,
    GTableEntry be outerDB xs found (Rep (innerDB (AnnotatedDatabaseEntity be outerDB)))
  ) =>
  GTableEntry be outerDB xs found (K1 R (innerDB (AnnotatedDatabaseEntity be outerDB)))
  gTableEntries outerDB p1 p2 (K1 innerDB) =
    gTableEntries outerDB p1 p2 (from innerDB)

instance GTableEntry be outerDB xs found x => GTableEntry be outerDB xs found (D1 f x) where
  gTableEntries outerDB p1 p2 (M1 x) = gTableEntries outerDB p1 p2 x

instance GTableEntry be outerDB xs found x => GTableEntry be outerDB xs found (C1 f x) where
  gTableEntries outerDB p1 p2 (M1 x) = gTableEntries outerDB p1 p2 x

  (GTableEntry be outerDB xs found a, GTableEntry be outerDB xs found b) =>
  GTableEntry be outerDB xs found (a :*: b)
  gTableEntries outerDB p1 p2 (a :*: b) =
    gTableEntries outerDB p1 p2 a <> gTableEntries outerDB p1 p2 b

-- end of sub-db support for GTableEntry

instance GColumns gseq x => GColumns gseq (D1 f x) where
  gColumns p t (M1 x) = gColumns p t x

instance GTableConstraintColumns be db x => GTableConstraintColumns be db (D1 f x) where
  gTableConstraintsColumns db tbl (M1 x) = gTableConstraintsColumns db tbl x

instance GColumns gseq x => GColumns gseq (C1 f x) where
  gColumns p t (M1 x) = gColumns p t x

instance GTableConstraintColumns be db x => GTableConstraintColumns be db (C1 f x) where
  gTableConstraintsColumns db tbl (M1 x) = gTableConstraintsColumns db tbl x

instance (GColumns p a, GColumns p b) => GColumns p (a :*: b) where
  gColumns p t (a :*: b) = gColumns p t a <> gColumns p t b

instance (GTableConstraintColumns be db a, GTableConstraintColumns be db b) => GTableConstraintColumns be db (a :*: b) where
  gTableConstraintsColumns db tbl (a :*: b) = S.union (gTableConstraintsColumns db tbl a) (gTableConstraintsColumns db tbl b)

-- Column entries

instance HasCompanionSequence ty => GColumns 'GenSequences (S1 m (K1 R (TableFieldSchema tbl ty))) where
  gColumns Proxy t (M1 (K1 (TableFieldSchema name (FieldSchema ty constr)))) =
    case hasCompanionSequence (Proxy @ty) t name of
      Nothing ->
        (M.singleton name (Column ty constr), mempty)
      Just (sq, extraDefault) ->
        (M.singleton name (Column ty (S.insert extraDefault constr)), uncurry M.singleton sq)

instance GColumns 'NoGenSequences (S1 m (K1 R (TableFieldSchema tbl ty))) where
  gColumns Proxy _ (M1 (K1 (TableFieldSchema name (FieldSchema ty constr)))) =
    (M.singleton name (Column ty constr), mempty)

gColumnsPK ::
  TableName ->
  S1 m (K1 R (TableFieldSchema tbl ty)) p ->
  (Columns, Sequences)
gColumnsPK _ (M1 (K1 (TableFieldSchema name (FieldSchema ty constr)))) =
  (M.singleton name (Column ty constr), mempty)

  {-# OVERLAPS #-}
  ( GColumns p (Rep (sub f)),
    Generic (sub f)
  ) =>
  GColumns p (S1 m (K1 R (sub f)))
  gColumns p t (M1 (K1 e)) = gColumns p t (from e)

-- If a PrimaryKey is referenced in another table, we do not want to recreate the \"SEQUENCE\" and
-- \"nextval\" default constraint associated with the original field.
  ( GColumns 'NoGenSequences (Rep (PrimaryKey tbl f)),
    Generic (PrimaryKey tbl f),
    Beamable (PrimaryKey tbl)
  ) =>
  GColumns x (S1 m (K1 R (PrimaryKey tbl f)))
  gColumns _ t (M1 (K1 e)) = gColumns (Proxy @NoGenSequences) t (from e)

instance GTableConstraintColumns be db (S1 m (K1 R (TableFieldSchema tbl ty))) where
  gTableConstraintsColumns _db _tbl (M1 (K1 _)) = S.empty

  {-# OVERLAPS #-}
  ( Generic (AnnotatedDatabaseSettings be db),
    Generic (sub f),
    GColumns 'GenSequences (Rep (sub f)),
    GTableConstraintColumns be db (Rep (sub f))
  ) =>
  GTableConstraintColumns be db (S1 m (K1 R (sub f)))
  gTableConstraintsColumns db tname (M1 (K1 e)) =
    gTableConstraintsColumns db tname (from e)

  ( Generic (AnnotatedDatabaseSettings be db),
    Generic (PrimaryKey tbl f),
    GColumns 'NoGenSequences (Rep (PrimaryKey tbl f)),
    GTableLookupSettings sel tbl (Rep (AnnotatedDatabaseSettings be db)),
    m ~ MetaSel sel su ss ds
  ) =>
  GTableConstraintColumns be db (S1 m (K1 R (PrimaryKey tbl f)))
  gTableConstraintsColumns db (TableName tname) (M1 (K1 e)) =
    case cnames of
      [] -> S.empty -- TODO: if for whatever reason we have no columns in our key, we don't generate a constraint
      ColumnName cname : _ ->
          ( ForeignKey
              (tname <> "_" <> cname <> "_fkey")
              (S.fromList (zip (L.sort cnames) (L.sort refcnames)))
              NoAction -- TODO: what should the default be?
              NoAction -- TODO: what should the default be?
      cnames :: [ColumnName]
      cnames = M.keys $ fst (gColumns (Proxy @NoGenSequences) (TableName tname) (from e))

      reftname :: TableName
      refcnames :: [ColumnName]
      (reftname, refcnames) = gTableLookupSettings (Proxy @sel) (Proxy @tbl) (from db)

-- We want a type class for the table lookup, because we want to return a
-- value-level table name based on the database settings!

-- | Lookup a table by type in the given DB settings.
-- The selector name is only provided for error messages.
-- Only returns if the table type is unique.
-- Returns the table name and the column names of its primary key.
class GTableLookupSettings (sel :: Maybe Symbol) (tbl :: TableKind) x where
  gTableLookupSettings :: Proxy sel -> Proxy tbl -> x p -> (TableName, [ColumnName])

-- | Helper class that takes an additional continuation parameter 'k'.
-- We treat 'k' as a type-level stack with 'U1' being the empty stack and
-- ':*:' used right-associatively to place items onto the stack.
-- The reason we do not use a type-level list here is that we also need
-- a term-level representation of the continuation, and we already have
-- suitable inhabitants for 'U1' and ':*:'.
class GTableLookupTables (sel :: Maybe Symbol) (tbl :: TableKind) (x :: Type -> Type) (k :: Type -> Type) where
  gTableLookupTables :: Proxy sel -> Proxy tbl -> x p -> k p -> (TableName, [ColumnName])

-- | We use this function to continue searching once we've already found
-- a match, and to abort if we find a second match.
class GTableLookupTablesExpectFail (sel :: Maybe Symbol) (tbl :: TableKind) (x :: Type -> Type) (k :: Type -> Type) where
  gTableLookupTablesExpectFail :: Proxy sel -> Proxy tbl -> (TableName, [ColumnName]) -> x p -> k p -> (TableName, [ColumnName])

  (GTableLookupSettings sel tbl x) =>
  GTableLookupSettings sel tbl (D1 f x)
  gTableLookupSettings sel tbl (M1 x) = gTableLookupSettings sel tbl x

  (GTableLookupTables sel tbl x U1) =>
  GTableLookupSettings sel tbl (C1 f x)
  gTableLookupSettings sel tbl (M1 x) = gTableLookupTables sel tbl x U1

  (GTableLookupTables sel tbl x k) =>
  GTableLookupTables sel tbl (S1 f x) k
  gTableLookupTables sel tbl (M1 x) = gTableLookupTables sel tbl x

  ( GTableLookupTables sel tbl a (b :*: k)
  ) =>
  GTableLookupTables sel tbl (a :*: b) k
  gTableLookupTables sel tbl (a :*: b) k = gTableLookupTables sel tbl a (b :*: k)

  (GTableLookupTablesExpectFail sel tbl x k) =>
  GTableLookupTablesExpectFail sel tbl (S1 f x) k
  gTableLookupTablesExpectFail sel tbl r (M1 x) = gTableLookupTablesExpectFail sel tbl r x

  ( GTableLookupTablesExpectFail sel tbl a (b :*: k)
  ) =>
  GTableLookupTablesExpectFail sel tbl (a :*: b) k
  gTableLookupTablesExpectFail sel tbl r (a :*: b) k = gTableLookupTablesExpectFail sel tbl r a (b :*: k)

  ( GTableLookupTable (TestTableEqual tbl tbl') sel tbl k,
    Beamable tbl',
    Beam.Table tbl'
  ) =>
  GTableLookupTables sel tbl (K1 R (AnnotatedDatabaseEntity be db (TableEntity tbl'))) k
  gTableLookupTables sel tbl (K1 annEntity) k =
    let entity = annEntity ^. deannotate
        tname = entity ^. dbEntityDescriptor . dbEntityName
        cnames = pkFieldNames entity
     in gTableLookupTable (Proxy @(TestTableEqual tbl tbl')) sel tbl (TableName tname, cnames) k

-- sub-db support for GTableLookupTables

  ( GTableLookupTables sel tbl (Rep (innerDB (AnnotatedDatabaseEntity be outerDB))) k,
    Beam.Database be innerDB,
    Generic (innerDB (AnnotatedDatabaseEntity be outerDB))
  ) =>
  GTableLookupTables sel tbl (K1 R (innerDB (AnnotatedDatabaseEntity be outerDB))) k
  gTableLookupTables sel tbl (K1 subDB) k =
    gTableLookupTables sel tbl (from subDB) k

instance GTableLookupTables sel tbl x k => GTableLookupTables sel tbl (D1 f x) k where
  gTableLookupTables sel tbl (M1 x) k = gTableLookupTables sel tbl x k

instance GTableLookupTables sel tbl x k => GTableLookupTables sel tbl (C1 f x) k where
  gTableLookupTables sel tbl (M1 x) k = gTableLookupTables sel tbl x k

-- end of sub-db support for GTableLookupTables

  ( GTableLookupTableExpectFail (TestTableEqual tbl tbl') sel tbl k,
    Beamable tbl'
  ) =>
  GTableLookupTablesExpectFail sel tbl (K1 R (AnnotatedDatabaseEntity be db (TableEntity tbl'))) k
  gTableLookupTablesExpectFail sel tbl r (K1 _entity) =
    gTableLookupTableExpectFail (Proxy @(TestTableEqual tbl tbl')) sel tbl r

-- sub-db support for GTableLookupTablesExpectFail

  ( GTableLookupTablesExpectFail sel tbl (Rep (innerDb (AnnotatedDatabaseEntity be outerDb))) k,
    Generic (innerDb (AnnotatedDatabaseEntity be outerDb)),
    Beam.Database be innerDb
  ) =>
  GTableLookupTablesExpectFail sel tbl (K1 R (innerDb (AnnotatedDatabaseEntity be outerDb))) k
  gTableLookupTablesExpectFail sel tbl r (K1 subDB) =
    gTableLookupTablesExpectFail sel tbl r (from subDB)

  ( GTableLookupTablesExpectFail sel tbl x k
  ) =>
  GTableLookupTablesExpectFail sel tbl (D1 f x) k
  gTableLookupTablesExpectFail sel tbl r (M1 x) =
    gTableLookupTablesExpectFail sel tbl r x

  ( GTableLookupTablesExpectFail sel tbl x k
  ) =>
  GTableLookupTablesExpectFail sel tbl (C1 f x) k
  gTableLookupTablesExpectFail sel tbl r (M1 x) =
    gTableLookupTablesExpectFail sel tbl r x

-- end of sub-db support for GTableLookupTablesExpectFail

type family TestTableEqual (tbl1 :: TableKind) (tbl2 :: TableKind) :: Bool where
  TestTableEqual tbl tbl = True
  TestTableEqual _ _ = False

class GTableLookupTable (b :: Bool) (sel :: Maybe Symbol) (tbl :: TableKind) (k :: Type -> Type) where
  gTableLookupTable :: Proxy b -> Proxy sel -> Proxy tbl -> (TableName, [ColumnName]) -> k p -> (TableName, [ColumnName])

class GTableLookupTableExpectFail (b :: Bool) (sel :: Maybe Symbol) (tbl :: TableKind) (k :: Type -> Type) where
  gTableLookupTableExpectFail :: Proxy b -> Proxy sel -> Proxy tbl -> (TableName, [ColumnName]) -> k p -> (TableName, [ColumnName])

instance GTableLookupTable True sel tbl U1 where
  gTableLookupTable _ _ _ r _ = r

type LookupAmbiguous (sel :: Maybe Symbol) (tbl :: TableKind) =
  Text "Could not derive foreign key constraint for " :<>: ShowField sel :<>: Text ","
    :$$: Text "because there are several tables of type `" :<>: ShowType tbl :<>: Text "' in the schema."
    :$$: Text "In this scenario you have to manually disable the FK-discovery algorithm for all the tables "
    :$$: Text "hit by such ambiguity, for example by creating your Schema via: "
    :$$: Text ""
    :$$: Text "fromAnnotatedDbSettings annotatedDB (Proxy @'[ 'UserDefinedFk TBL1, 'UserDefinedFk TBL2, .. ])"
    :$$: Text ""
    :$$: Text "Where `TBL1..n` are types referencing " :<>: ShowType tbl :<>: Text " in the schema."
    :$$: Text "Once done that, you can explicitly provide manual FKs for the tables by using `foreignKeyOnPk` "
    :$$: Text "when annotating your `DatabaseSettings`."

type LookupFailed (sel :: Maybe Symbol) (tbl :: TableKind) =
  Text "Could not derive foreign key constraint for " :<>: ShowField sel :<>: Text ","
    :$$: Text "because there are no tables of type `" :<>: ShowType tbl :<>: Text "' in the schema."
    :$$: Text "This might be because this particular " :<>: ShowField sel :<>: Text " doesn't appear anywhere "
    :$$: Text "in your database, so the FK-discovery mechanism doesn't know how to reach it. Please note that "
    :$$: Text "in presence of nested databases there might be more than one field with the same name referencing "
    :$$: Text "different things. You might want to check you are adding or targeting the correct one."

type family ShowField (sel :: Maybe Symbol) :: ErrorMessage where
  ShowField Nothing = Text "unnamed field"
  ShowField (Just sel) = Text "field `" :<>: Text sel :<>: Text "'"

instance TypeError (LookupAmbiguous sel tbl) => GTableLookupTableExpectFail True sel tbl k where
  gTableLookupTableExpectFail _ _ _ _ _ = error "impossible"

instance (GTableLookupTablesExpectFail sel tbl k ks) => GTableLookupTable True sel tbl (k :*: ks) where
  gTableLookupTable _ sel tbl r (k :*: ks) = gTableLookupTablesExpectFail sel tbl r k ks

instance TypeError (LookupFailed sel tbl) => GTableLookupTable False sel tbl U1 where
  gTableLookupTable _ _ _ _ = error "impossible"

instance GTableLookupTableExpectFail False sel tbl U1 where
  gTableLookupTableExpectFail _ _ _ r _ = r

instance (GTableLookupTablesExpectFail sel tbl k ks) => GTableLookupTableExpectFail False sel tbl (k :*: ks) where
  gTableLookupTableExpectFail _ sel tbl r (k :*: ks) = gTableLookupTablesExpectFail sel tbl r k ks

instance GTableLookupTables sel tbl k ks => GTableLookupTable False sel tbl (k :*: ks) where
  gTableLookupTable _ sel tbl _ (k :*: ks) =
    gTableLookupTables sel tbl k ks